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Sins of a Solar Empire

Discussion in 'Gamer Chat' started by 10-Neon, Jun 2, 2007.

Sins of a Solar Empire

Discussion in 'Gamer Chat' started by 10-Neon, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. Unentschieden

    Unentschieden New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    It is certainly good but initially the huge fleets will slay you. But eventually you will get used to the great UI (hint hint) that made the game possible like it is now. The Autoadd to fleet is especially nice . I still have trouble figuring out when to use what (why use fighters?).

    Unlike SC to have the factions unique they had to pigeonhole them into certain overall strategies unfortunately. TEC is obviously the economic giant, Advent the mind controlers and Vasari the warmongers.
    There IS a interesting backstory but no Campaign wich is a shame, especially since that could have doubled as extended tutoriual.
  2. Inpox

    Inpox New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    i love this game, it looks very nice, has a wonderful interface but its a shame that they didn't make any campaign, well its not really such a big problem cause the big maps takes a really long time to complete.

    one thing i have noticed though that in the end youl use the same tactic to defeat the enemy, you attack their fleet, beat it up good, they retreat and comes back later with the same fleet but weakened, you do this several times and after a while they are so weak that they cant fight back anymore

    And tec all the way btw, after a while you get so much money that youl easily get the strongest upgrades and you can defeat the enemy by overwhelming them with units cause you can build so many

    and for those who wonders about carriers, you can choose to build 2 types of ships on carriers, fighters (good vs other carriers fighters and bombers, they take them out quickly so make sure to attack the enemys bombers with your fighters) and bombers (good against big ships)
    when you built them the appear next to your carrier and follows it, when a enemy comes up they auto attack (but you can manually control them)

    and btw the supply limit is at 2000, so if you only build simple ships that take 5 in supply you can have 400 at most(and yes i have done it :p)

    (( okay I'm shit tired right now so yes i know theres a load of spelling errors here but don't mind them))

    (((btw the Marza Dreadnought is the best capital ship in the game)))

    here's a trailer to the game (personally i love this trailer, its so cool)


    and this video kinda shows how big a normal big map is, you can make customs who are much bigger if your comp can handle it(well this is already a huge custom map but strangly enough my comp seems to be able to handle pretty much anything)


    btw i just remembered,if you wanna download the game its just a 0,9 GB download (the game isn't bigger then that

    just remembered something else, the music in the game is AWESOME

    i recommend you gyz to get this game, it will enjoy you gyz good until sc2 comes out :)
  3. Unentschieden

    Unentschieden New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    For thouse confused the Marza Dreadnought is the TECs (Traders Emergency Coalition, the "normal" Humans) Planet Siege Specialized Capital Ship. Best is debateble but it shurely is the most impressive looking. I have better experiences with the KOR Battleship, Planet sieges are a secondary issue imho.
    In this game Capital Ships are a lot like Heroes in WC3, with active and passive abilities.
  4. Inpox

    Inpox New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    well the KOR is undoubtedly a good ship but i prefer the Marza cause with a little micro you can use the radiation bomb to make huge damage to several ships, i just feel its easier to blow things up with the marza :p

    and btw the Marza Dreadnought is the Tec's planetary bombardment and long range combat specialized capital ship

    and about planet sieges i just send in some krosov siege frigates (the ships tec use to bomb planets) after i crushed all the defenses around the planet.

    and btw here's the unofficial wikipedia with lots of information about Sins of a solar empire
  5. Unentschieden

    Unentschieden New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    Ah thanks for the wiki link.

    Well the KOR has extreme staying power, the experimental shield, Flak and especially "Finest Hour" make it propably the most durable ship in the game.
    For AoEs I prefer the Cluster attacks, while the oneshotting and anti capital capabilites from the Railgun make it preferable for the capital ship.
  6. Inpox

    Inpox New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    arghh i would just have post a long text but then i got logged out :(

    and btw np
    anyway il write it shorter this time

    Indeed KOR has great survivability but Marza can output alot more damage, with all the upgrades it can get through tech tree and using Incendiary Shells to increase the attacks of its auto cannons and missiles greatly, thus it can use missile barrage to deal good damage to all enemies in a area

    i would say Merza has better direct damage though i have to agree that KOR prob has better abilities

    but that doesent really matter cause you can after all have many capital ships :p