Siege Tanks

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zaner123, Jun 6, 2010.

Siege Tanks

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zaner123, Jun 6, 2010.

  1. VampireBob

    VampireBob New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    I did try making just Mutalisks and they all died even though my Terran friend made some Marauders in his ball. I believe that time he lost 4 units.

    That being said, one can't discount Mutalisks right off. If you can delay the Terran for long enough to get enough to kill his marines his army is dead. The problem is stimmed marines are sooooooooooooo good versus mutas.

    That is very true. That's one of the strengths of ling-muta is that they can move so fast to defend or get an advantageous position on the enemy. The problem is that it isn't a huge help if they have a big ball of MM/Tank death moving at you.
  2. CodePhurple

    CodePhurple Guest

    never mind.
  3. CodePhurple

    CodePhurple Guest

  4. CodePhurple

    CodePhurple Guest

    The one problem the terran has with friendly fire seige tank splash damage is when your seige tanks are seiged up right next to your minerial line. If your opponents drop a few units into the minerial stream depending on how many shots you seige tanks take to kill the enemy units its lights out for the S.C.V.'s.
  5. VampireBob

    VampireBob New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    That is a very smart and diabolical idea. I'm gonna steal it. Also, as Protoss, I've set up a warp prism above the tanks and just warped in Zealots one by one. I guess along the same line of thought, if you could get a nice surround on an MM ball with tanks they could be a negative as well.
  6. Scvrush-

    Scvrush- New Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    As a terran player, Look at my name lol!. I feel that tank splash is actually pretty series if you have a lot of weak units like marines and scv while you are pushing. But most of the time, I use a few marines only clumped up with my tank so my tank cannot attack anything in very short range. Therefore my units don't take any splash damage.
    I have a website that features a lot of different Starcraft 2 strategies you can check out. This one is on Terran Siege Tank push strategy
  7. Worm Shoes

    Worm Shoes New Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Siege Tanks are indeed annoying :(

    Such a good anit-ground unit! To be honest i've always thought siege tanks are way to powerful (only because I play as Zerg mostly :laugh:) from day one.

    The problem I find with Zerg vs Terran is, even if you do go AIR with Zerg to cheese off the Siege...Terran have so much anti-air and super powerful Air units anyways your looking at defeat unless you have constantly harassed them from the very beginning of the game.

    If i havent beaten a Terran player within 10-15minutes i pretty much write the game off as a loss.

    But going back to Siege Tanks...the only thing i would actually change about them is that it cost additional Minerals and Vespene gas to put them in and out of siege mode.
  8. snowden0908

    snowden0908 New Member

    May 26, 2010
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    I like how Worm Shoes phrased that.

    How some people expect to be able to beat something without committing to it is beyond me.

    The whole "I cant make that because they make ____" argument really is falling on deaf ears at this point because it screams ineptitude or laziness.

    I think people dont really get the commitment terran players make with teach siege tank built. Getting just 1 siege tank costs the minerals and gas for a barracks, factory, tech lab, research and the tank itself. Plus there is the time cost.

    All of that money spent goes down the drain when 1 single air unit comes into play. Then money needs to be pumped into producing the counter, either mass vikings or marines or ...battlecruisers, Idk. The point is that all of that stuff isnt made instantly, furthermore, its not like the zerg player remains stagnant throughout that whole period.

    So back to the ineptitude or laziness point. If someone sees this situation and is unable to win with the advantages that good scouting (a must in SC) provides, it is ineptitude that prevents these players from winning.

    Those who see this situation and don't want to do all of that to win are fairly lazy and just want to be given wins.

    I dont think people really appreciate the advantages they receive when a terran player commits to a siege tank approach. Once the game is out for a while, the counter to the siege tank will feel so natural and simple that people will wonder why it was such a problem early on for us
  9. VampireBob

    VampireBob New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    Your argument seems to be that tanks are a big investment and they can't shoot air. Therefore getting tanks is risky because all the opponent needs to do is scout, see the tanks and just mass air. Because they are air, all the time and money spent on the tanks is wasted because they can't fight back.

    Here's the flaw I see in your argument. Marines are really good against mutalisks. In my experience it isn't a problem for Terrans to get enough Marines to wreak any Mutas a Zerg can make and have enough tanks to deal with a ground army.

    I agree with this. But I personally think people will find the counter isn't air units but rather mobility.
  10. Worm Shoes

    Worm Shoes New Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Yeah, the problem is...and i see this sooooo many times is that Zerg players will just stay in their base and try and mass units. They get about 20 hyrdralisks and 20 zerglings and then feel the need to push.

    So they go and push...maybe take out a terran expansion and think yup ive got this one :twitcy: then go for the main base and find their army instantly turned into soup, and they are like :eek: seige tanks wtf? :eek:

    And thats because they haven't scouted or harassed.

    If i'm playing a good terran player then i know that i have to mirco well and really put on pressure..take out early expands...and even expand early myself so i can apply the pressure through out the game!

    Zerg are by far the busiest race to play...and dont get me wrong i do feel they are very underpowered....but most people dont actually know how to play zerg...they try to turtle tech with them and thats everything they are not.

    Tech vs Tech they lose to Terran and Protoss everytime ALL the time ;)

    and yes siege is an expensive tech but easily you gotta put on that pressure to make it harder to obtain
  11. Caiaphas

    Caiaphas New Member

    May 15, 2010
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    New Jersey
    The problem is that sometimes people forget that these are the things that win or lose you a game in general, so when a person loses to a Terran player because they just mass an army in their base, don't scout, and then attack (like the example you gave), they end up coming to the forums and complaining because siege tanks are "OP." Even though if they scouted the siege tanks and went for a drop instead of a huge push through the choke point, they would have been much more successful and would have done a lot of damage.

    People may say I'm biased because I'm a Terran player, but I face other Terran players as well. And when I'm dealing with siege tanks that's really all I need to do: pull off a drop at their mineral line causing the siege tanks to go and try to defend, attack from the front afterwards when the siege tanks have left to defend, now you have his immobile army out of position and you are going to do a lot of damage. Yay.