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Shadowangel, heroes of the universe MMO

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Sep 18, 2008.

Shadowangel, heroes of the universe MMO

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    fine, they'll get to choose between bribing you and bribing Nikzad
  2. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Like with combat, you've mentioned variety, but everything in actual examples have been done to death.
  3. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    yes it has. Not in the same MMO though, and that is why it is varied. ( really, i am not kidding.)

    I never said an original quest system did I? just varied
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2008
  4. darkone

    darkone Moderator

    Jun 29, 2007
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    No, they can pay me drie, I just don't want it to be reffered to as taking bribes.
  5. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    oh and Meee, i will add one kind of more unique quest

    to learn an ability you actually need to complete a quest(except for death knights) where you learn to control them

    like when you want to learn fel fire disc spell, you get a special quest in a hole simulation where you need to destroy all targets with only 5 cel fire discs.

    or when you want to learn terrorize brain as experimental subject you enter a battlecruiser and need to terrorize everyone into running towards a room without oxygen, and not to the gaurdians (terrorize mind is like fear from WoW with the only difference that the running is always away from the caster, not in a random direction)
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
  6. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    sorry for the lack of updates, i will update tomorrow if i feel like it

    i will give you a preview of the cooking proffesion though; a couple of things you can make: Several kinds of animal meat, a lot of fishes, pie, cake, luxury seafoods(shrimps, crab, well fishsticks arent a luxury, but stil special, tropical fishes) tortilla's, stew, wine's, cookies, icecream, diary products, luxe drinks(no alchohol), beer and pizza

    each of these products will give different kinds of bonusses(except the luxury ones, which are just for training your cooking skill and quests)
  7. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    spirit conclave(several subspecies connected to each other by a hive mind)
    top leftt=transport, thats what he uses those pieces of reality for
    top right= heavy work
    middle left= soldier
    middle= officer
    down right= farming
  8. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    lol down right

    anyways, due to overwhelming comments since the last Post(sob) i will give you MTF'ers another update

    what is the background history of shadowangel(lore)?
    **** you mister reporter, you know that you are ruining my day.


    In the beggining there was nothing, but nothing cant exist so there was a giant explosion of all kinds of energy, including kind thats had patterns that resembled intelligence. These patterns evolved untill they reached the level of a hive mind, known as the primordial energy being. since all patterns evolved into a single being, it grew lonely. After creating time, it decided to create matter, experimenting with different kinds of universes, creating laws of nature, sacrificing parts of his self. After experimenting for a long time, it decided to fill this universes with life. it started out easy, with energy beings like himself, filling the dimension later called netheria with these beings. Then it started out with his first material being; Fenix, giving it a metalic replacable body, a nearly indestructible mind, containing an energy pattern, later called a soul. he then continued to make thousands of these metallic beings, led by a being known as King, with his two lieutenants Fenix and Remy. Then, using the last of his energy he created organic beings that would evolve on their own and spread DNA accross the universe

    (yay i have an original story)

    Over time life evolved into billions of variations, developing intelligence, spreading accross the universe, eventually coming across the energy beings, now calling themselves either spirits or elemental lords, but these spirits (or lords) attacked the organic beings privacy's, driving out their souls, and capturing their bodies. Using those bodies to impersonate gods, and enslaving billions with their awesome powers, using their slaves to build an awesome empire.

    (im awesome)

    Over time two large organic factions grew. The Nes'çlonoians and the Demon Hive, the Nes'çlonoians advertising the importance of the group and the Demon Hive that of the individual. They both sent emmisaries at each other and their cultures slowly adapted to each other, but a small portion of the Demon Hive, 150 demon lords, wanted total supremacy and escaped from the Oblitorate network, a psychic communication network that connects all demons. These Demons attacked The armies of the Simbob, stealing bodies, killing all but a hundred Simbob's, even killing King. They transferred their souls to the stolen bodies, forming a faction known as the Prime evils.

    Done for today, ill star workin gon the last 10 million years of existence tomorrow
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2008
  9. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    some constructive criticism would be nice guys
  10. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    You have to bump it when I have time to read it
  11. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Poor toast people :(
  12. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    next section coming thursday or later, introducing; birdofprey, IHG, Kuvasz, MC, Lenga, Eonmaster
  13. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    The remaining simbob's fled from the prime evil onslaught, and sought refuge among the demon hives, making a pact with the mighty lords MarineCorp, a dragon lord, BirdofPrey, a half demon, half gaurdian angel, and ItzaHexGor, master of the plane of the seven cities. Fenix, Remy, MarineCorp and BirdofPrey launched an all out attack against this new faction, expecting the Prime Evils to mainly be a ground force, with nill support, they sent the fleet, led by admiral Kuvasz, a mighty werewolf, to bombard them from space, the Simbobs themselves preparing the ground troops to hunt down any survivors.

    But when the fleet, which encompasses half the ships in the peacefull demon hives, arrived at the new Prime Evil central command, they did not find the unsuspecting ground troops they expected. Instead the space around them was filled with small metalic bean-shaped objects, roughly one meter long, with small metalic paws. These small metallic units bombarded the Demon fleet with electric webs, some of them even kamikazi'ing the ships.

    The remainder of the fleet, 3 ships of the original 50, was able to return to report this dire news to the seven great demons of the hive mind, and the great nesçlonoian council of scientists. These two factions, though unprepared for war, allied themselves with eachother and vowed to defeat or at least contain the prime evils. The remainder of the Demon fleet was sent to gaurd the borders of the Prime Evil new empire. The seven great demons ordered the rest of the hives to build warships in shipyards, while the nesçlonoians thought up new ways to battle the Prime Evils.

    In the next few years the demons had build hundreds of new warships, but even they couldnt match the construction capacity of the prime evils, who not only created 2 billion of their drones, at this point called soul hunters, and carrier ships to carry these around, they also increased their own power by a hundredfold. The nesçlonoians were baffled by this as good as impossible increase in power, and tried to match this increase in power, creating a shipyard with the capacibilities to build a ship that was the size of a small country (like the netherlands), with the firepower to destroy fleets. They also started the avatar project, creating warriors that were part of magic itself. The first test subjects were Fenix and Remy, the third one was a human being brought from the future, using an experimental technique and a rare mineral to look for people with a great magical talent through the whole of time and space, the result of their search ending in Lenga, not the most powerfull being, but the most powerfull being whose mind wasnt damaged by sheer power.

    The project was a failure though, becoming part of magic created a different psychology in the subjects, having a unique efect on all subjects, making them useless for mass production. Remy had a completely unstable personality. Fenix wouldnt listen to people with less power then him and Lenga became unstable.

    done for the day, sorry for the bad grammar and stuff
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
  14. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Sounds pretty good so far. You certainly have a way with stories ijffdrie, that;s for sure.
  15. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    thanks Fenix, i am gonna put up a new part tomorrow

    the death of the Earth spirit, Remy vs Cristallus, IHG and an angel getting in a fistfight, Lenga becoming an honorary Prime Evil
  16. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Sa Hotu

    The war was intensifying with the day, the soul hunters on one side, and the Demon warships and the nesçlonoian Gaurdian Angels on the other side. But the war was going nowhere for either side, as the production capacity of both the demon and Prime evils were equal and if a nesçlonoian batle group ever broke the defence of the prime evil fleet, they were shot out of the sky by the lords themselves. The prime evils were getting tired of these battles and a small elite battle squad, led by Cristallus, Nova, two prime evil lords, and the spirit of earth, who's empire was working as mercenaries for the prime evil lords.

    But this time it were the Prime evils who werent prepared for the defences of the nesçlonoians. As Fenix, Demor(one of the 7 great demons and Lenga's closest friend) and Lenga intercepted the ground assault, Remy and BirdofPrey led the gaurdian angels plus the surviving Simbob's into space(none of these need air), destroying most of the carrier ships before they could launch the soul hunters and sending the remaining 40 into retreat.

    by destroying these spaceships the prime evil lords plus the earth spirit, who were executing a ground assault, became far more vulnerable, and Lenga, Demor, Fenix and their men acted upon this immidiately. attacking the Prime Evil lords. Upon seeing the warriors Cristallus led out a huge blast of energy, oblitorating anything but himself, Nova, the lord of earth, Lenga, Demor and Fenix.

    Lenga goes one on one with Nova and after a battle that lasts one hour he finally manages to beat him, while Demor is keeping Cristallus busy and Fenix is battling the spirit of earth. Fenix manages to beat the spirit of earth and gets the legendary BanHammer of his corpse, then he joins Lenga and Demor in battle Cristallus. But instead of evaporating the warriors, Cristallus congratulates them on their victory and declares them honorary prime evils before fleeing into space

    Meh, i am no good at writing cool battles, so this one kinda sucks
  17. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i also had a little idea that would make this game lore-wise more appeasing, and giving it a story that can be continued upon in other media

    my idea:
    1. the player themselves only plays a minor part in a mission, and mainly serves
    as an accomplish of the more important NPC's
    2. Not a single mission targets the main villains of the ShadowAngel franchise,
    but instead the final raids target the new villians introduced in the game.
  18. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    New Zealand
    purdy title made me click o_O

    1. =good, too many games have like a gazillion heroes in online play
    2. =good, doesn't **** with lore.
  19. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Thanks overmind, i put a lot of time in creating ideas
  20. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    im bumping this a little to remind me that this thread is still here