Seige Tank or (Original Terran Launch) Thor?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by ced, Mar 25, 2008.


With overlapping roles... There can be only one.

  1. Siege Tank - a Classic unit, don't mess with it.

  2. Thor - Newer, Bigger, Cooler.

    0 vote(s)

Seige Tank or (Original Terran Launch) Thor?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by ced, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. Smokiehunter

    Smokiehunter New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    I really don't know which one I would choose if their roles did over lap. but in the end it would have to be the thor just because it can siege with out stopping for an extended period of time. however the thor is more of a replacement for the goliath right know (being terran's main GtA attacker).
  2. DevilsGate

    DevilsGate New Member

    Jan 7, 2008
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    i think thor has changed significantly now that it no longer overlaps with the seige tank. I mean it no longer has bombard ability, has a weak ground attack, and does massive damage to air units.
  3. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Yes the Thor has changed, but that's not the question. Seeing as most people are annoyed that the Thor's role keeps changed and that it keeps getting weaker and smaller, the question is if you had to choose one or the other, because they both overlap each other, would you choose the original Thor or the Siege Tank.
  4. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    I would go with the Siege Tank. It was more or less the bombardment ability that overlapped with Siege Tanks, but what us Terran players need is a unit with constant long range damage, not an occasional, late game one.

    The idea of making the Thor a damage soaker is one I am fond of. The Current design does not fit a GtA unit, or a unit with just 300 hp. The Thor looks like it has at least 500, no matter the size. :p
    They really need to change the design of the Thor if it stays as GtA, but then again, would it really be a Thor then?
    They should just scrap it and replace it or bring it back to it's original form minus the bombardment (adding another cool ability).
  5. leealvin1984

    leealvin1984 New Member

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Even if I'm a Thor fan, I'd still pick siege tank. Even if they switch back the Thor to its original design. Siege tanks is still Terrans primary siege unit. I find the Thors artillery strike a bit hard to use or complicated when it comes to units vs units. Any player who sees a Thor preparing to fire its bombardment attack will just move his army away from the line of fire. So I guess its logical to say that the Thors bombardment ability is very efficient against structures, but a lil hard to use against enemy units. Unlike the siege tank which can easily be used against both. Just need a lot of micro and strategic positioning.

    As for the Thors current development. I do like the anti-air concept. Because if they (Blizzard) cant find a way to have the original Thors function back without overlapping the role of the siege tank. Might as well switch its role to AA because the guns on its back does look like flack cannons to me. So, Ive nothing against its current role as an AA unit.

    As for its current hp. I think its 300 if I'm not mistaken. I'm also cool with it. One of the guys in this thread said that it looks like it should have around 400-500hp due to the nature of the unit (FREAKING MECH). I think 300 is enough. Maybe just give it a very good armor.

    But like most of the Thor fans out there. I did not like the size of the new Thor. It's a bit small to be named after a thunder god.

    Another thing guys, does anyone here have any idea on how reconstruct ability works? Its the Thors ability.
  6. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    you know in real life and lorewise the thor can easily step down and crash a siege tank like an ant.

    lets change for the better no matter how sad and painful it is. thor ftw!

    i like both. im sure both will get in anyway. but i voted for the thor this is sc2 afterall. xp
  7. blindoutlaw

    blindoutlaw New Member

    Mar 31, 2008
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    The Thor needs to be the unit you send in after the siege tanks have smashed the enemy from range. The big battering ram of the Terrans
    The shells fall from the siege tanks and then the Thors move in followed by the marines and evrybody else, so dont give it the bombardment ability, give it some more health, a heavy hitting attack that only targets single untis and has only moderate range but completely ruins there day with big damage.
    And as for anti air, the Viking should cover that pretty well, if they send air units at the thor, transform and shoot them down or send in the marines no real need for another anti air unit
  8. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Thors arn't real.

    Nope. Seen the Thor concept art? That's how big it is in the lore. Compare it to the Marine. Now Imagine how much bigger a Siege Tank is compared to a Marine.
    the Thor is not THAT big.