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SCV's repair ability

Discussion in 'Terran' started by SOGEKING, Jun 7, 2008.

SCV's repair ability

Discussion in 'Terran' started by SOGEKING, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Haha, good to see you're committed to your argument. Make an inane comment and then tell everyone you're not going to discuss it. How open minded of you.

    A drill can attack things, cut minerals if required and doesn't need to weld as it can fix a stronger bolted joint, and the clamp can grab a heck of a lot more than the old claw could.

    When repairing a Tank, or anything for that matter, it's simple. They can just bolt a new piece of metal over the top instead of having to weld it on. Also, there are a lot of situations, especially with ships, where having a drill would be much more effective. I remember hearing in the War that if an aircraft had a fracture in its wing, instead of welding it, which would be extremely weak and it would just break again, or repairing over or even replacing the wing, which would be very cost inefficient, they just cut a largish semi circle around the fracture as the semi circle would distribute the stress a lot more evenly and makes repairing them extremely cheap. That's just one specific example though. Regardless, a drill and clamp can do everything that a fusion cutter and claw can do, and it makes the SCV look much more industrious.
  2. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    I don't understand how a drill can repair something with bolts. The drill the current SCV model has is used for boring device. AKA, something that drills holes. I've never seen a SCV swap out for a different bit, but I guess they could.....I still prefer the fusion cutter anyways.
  3. SmoothBore

    SmoothBore New Member

    Oct 31, 2007
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    It was a joke, because I could foresee this argument getting more inane than it was, like talking about what you heard about airplane wings in 'the war', and me not wanting to get into it because I don't care THAT much.

    But if you insist on pointing out my inanity, I might as well be inane:

    We could argue forever about theoretical uses of real world tools on sci fi game models, but it just comes down to preference and aesthetics. Sure a drill and clamp may look more 'industrial', like maybe industrial revolution, industrial, but the fusion cutter makes it look 'starcraft' industrial , 'Ima fry a zergling and build a space platform' industrial. Plus, you get to see that cool spark when SCVs are harvesting minerals and hear that pleasant mining sound. A nice touch.

    As for the clamp, whatever, I'll give you the clamp. Just don't knock the old whatzit. That hand thing was just a three pronged clamp anyway, just smaller, which doesn't make it necessarily weaker when your'e in a power suit.

    Thats the thing right there. The new SCV tools are TOO distinct, how can you honestly imagine these tools getting all the jobs the SCV has done? With the fusion cutter and the whatzit you don't really know anything about them, and because of that, its allowable that they might be able to do anything.
  4. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    lolz maybe we should hear from those members with background on mechanical engineering and perhaps also a diploma on sc engine lolz..

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Remember to discuss about the repair ability. how to auto repair damaged units and structures ? the SCV's arms are another debate. :) Sorry to create an "out-subject" discussion
  6. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    @ BloodHawk. I'm surprised you can't see how a drill can't be used to repair something. Drill a hole and bolt a new piece of metal on. Much easier and more doable than welding a gaping hole in the side of your Bunker shut.

    @ SmoothBore. Perhaps somewhat surprisingly, tone of voice, etc, cannot be expressed over a forum, so to any readers, what you said just appears as a blanket statement.

    About repairing planes in the War, apart from it being an interesting tidbit of information, it's just an example of the ways drills could be used that you could have never even thought possible. About the fusion cutter having such a StarCraftish feel to it, it was barely even visible. About the effect and sound, who's to say that the drill can't have a cool effect and sound?

    I never knocked the old 'whatzit', and I never said the clamp would be stronger, but you've got to admit, the full sized clamp could grab a heck of a lot more than the small claw could. With all the new building mechanics in StarCraft2, yes, I can honestly imagine these tools getting all the SCV's jobs done. There are a few examples where they wouldn't be as efficient, like mining, but it's still possible and is overshadowed by how much more effective they'd be at building and repairing.
  7. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    I thought you meant the drill actually drove the bolt. Now that you clarify, it makes sense.

    But I still like the fusion cutter better. :D
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2008
  8. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Haha, try that and it's bye-bye bolt. Nah, the Clamp could easily act as a wrench/screwdriver. Just clamp onto the bolt and spin the arm.

    The fusion cutter was good, but I prefer the drill for StarCraft2.