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Roleplay - Redworld

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Arbiter Thessir, Aug 23, 2010.

Roleplay - Redworld

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Arbiter Thessir, Aug 23, 2010.

  1. Lady Nova

    Lady Nova New Member

    Aug 19, 2010
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    Sorry, just got back from someplace. I'll make the changes, and the Battle Cruiser is only for transport in orbit. I don't plan to bring it to the main field for a primary purpose for battle. I rather use the Battle Cruiser for other rules, like evacuation and such. So it will mainly remain in orbit.


    Finished, edit. Sorry for the mishaps.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
  2. Arbiter Thessir

    Arbiter Thessir New Member

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Lady Nova: No problem; I'm just glad you're still interested. Your changes look good, approved!

    Everyone: Looks like we're ready to start! IC posts only from here on out; use double parentheses for OOC, ((like this)).


    The Melchizedek system, if indeed it could be called a system given that it lacked a star, was far above the galactic plane, putting it well out of the way of all major routes through the Koprulu Sector. Had it not been for the faint transmissions of an aged Terran exploration satellite, launched two hundred years before the Great War, and the follow-up efforts of an intrepid team of Terran scientists, it might never have been found. Had it not been for a drunken boast, the coordinates of the unique system might never have been revealed to anyone outside the scientific team, and had it not been for the flood of formerly classified information that reached all three races through captured data cores, telepathically-stolen memories, and infested prisoners with the fall of the Confederacy, its location would never have reached all three of the sector's races.

    In the end, the events that led to many representatives of Protoss, Zerg, and Terran alike descending on the system to plunder its secrets seemed almost as unlikely as the strange, unknown events that led to the creation of the system itself. But both had occurred, and now the race was on to study and (hopefully) claim the one thing of military value in the barren, isolated system: the source of the insanity-inducing field known as the Phased Disturbance Disk. Another fluke of fate, and many of the exploration forces began to arrive at the same moment, their chance for a slow study stolen not only by the eighteen hour time limit but by the appearance of foes who sought the same power as they.

    One by one they would come, but only time would tell whether any would succeed...

    ((OOC: Go ahead and post the arrival of your character's forces.))
  3. Mattattack96

    Mattattack96 New Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    Marx had fallen out of the warp rift that seemed to only be a few moments but was actually three years into his future. He scanned the crystalized foretell he was in and noticed that he still had control of all the zerglings drones infested and his personel ultralisk. Marx new where he was as soon as he saw the giant planet above, he had reached the disk. With nothing controling him and his own insanity Marx believed ge would destroy the universe. Though he could not control more then he already had Marx had one drone become a hive and gave his others mine the forest like they were minerals. He did not know that as he began to start a new Zerg menace several more beings aproached the two planets.
  4. TheDoctor1911

    TheDoctor1911 New Member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    "Slow down!" Carl screams telepathically at the infested pilot controlling the dropship.
    Why do I bother with this guy.
    The pilot, unfortunately, is the only one in existence capable of flying the dropship. Without his specific implants, the dropship will refuse to take commands.
    That also stopped Carl from killing the pilot himself. Despite generally being kind, Carl does not cope well with frustration. The Zerg part of his mind takes over, and sometimes Carl exceeds even the Queen of Blades in ruthlessness.
    After slowing the ship down, the pilot brings the ship down for a landing. On Carl's orders, he cuts half of the engines to make the dropship land sideways on the ground. He then sets the engines on lowest thrust to scorch the ground beneath the ship. After digging a fake ditch in the ground behind the dropship, and dirtying the hull with ash and dirt, the dropship looks like a genuine crash site.
    Carl observes the landscape around him, before telling the Infested Terrans to hide inside the ship, and the rest of his Zerg to burrow. Mickey and Robert move north to scout the area.
    As he digs out the ground beneath him, Carl hears the hum of a Terran dropship's engines. He wills the scouts to stay low to the ground, to avoid being sighted.
  5. RreaperRandom

    RreaperRandom New Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    "If you find anything of interest, put it in a dropship and bring it back. Be sure to get off at most 2 hours before you go insane." Tosh says from the transmission. "Affirmative Tosh." Kyle says " T-minus 5,4,3,2,1, landing!" The dropships land and Kyle and his spectres come out. He sees his Mercs come out of the other dropship. Skylancer Squad and his Raven come from the sky and comes near the group. "Dropships, get into orbit. I don't want you getting shot down."says Kyle "Roger, commander. Be safe down there." The dropships than lift off, and along with its escorts, go into orbit. "Alright group, lets search for whatever there is to find." Kyle orders. "Hey, theres a crashed dropship over there!" One of the War pigs says. Kyle decides to ignore it, the dominion might have set it as a trap. Kyle moves his troops a ways before actually beginning his search.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2010
  6. Lady Nova

    Lady Nova New Member

    Aug 19, 2010
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    A purple light flickers for a few moments. Before a warship emerging, a Battle Cruiser known as the Reliant. It starts it's orbital drifting, making it's presence known to the world. Sienna looked to the hanger, the small task force embarking. A count down starting as she walked in to the Spec-ops dropship. Within seconds the blast doors of the hanger opening, the Dropships departing, climbing down the atmosphere at rapid speeds. The airbrakes coming online, slowing down the decent quite quickly. The vessels over passing the crashed Zerg Dropship, landing 3-4 Clicks to the south of them.

    The squad deployed, with there armor support, and the Dropships coming to a soft landing, Sienna barked out her orders, the marines starting to build a small outpost, equipment was starting to be brought out. She smiled, seeing no troubles so far.
  7. IUMA

    IUMA New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    Just outside the reach of the Phased Disturbance Disk, in high orbit of Melchizedek 1. Space was starting to deform. Energy started massing at a single point and a projected warpgate appeared in the blink of an eye.
    The wormhole was a tunnel of blue energy that connected two points in space. This connection only happened very briefly, just long enough for 3 protoss ships to pass through the tunnel and reach their destination. The ones that made this anomaly of time and space.

    Two Phoenix fighters appeared, escorting a Warp Prism. The tunnel collapsed in their wake. To prevent drawing unwanted attention. As space returned to it's normal fabric.
    Without hesitation, the Warp Prism and it's escort setted a course towards the neighbouring planet of the gas giant: Melchizedek 2.

    The three ships dove through the atmosphere of the rocky terrestial world. The powershields protecting them from the heat caused by friction. Seconds later, the three ships were nearing the surface. Finding a suitable landingzone on an elevated cliff that only had 2 ramps providing acces.
    The Phoenix fighters scouted the area before declearing the Warp Prism it was clear to proceed.

    The Warp Prism slowly hovered above the stable, flat and rocky ground on the plateau. It then turned itself hovering straight up as the leaves of the ship started to fold open like a flower. The massive energy beamed down on the surface and energysignals were sended down. This strong power output could be detected for miles.
    On the ground, protoss forces started to materialize in rapid succession. The Zealot Commander Torin was first to set foot on ground on this hazardous place.

    Behind him, his fellow Zealots, Stalkers, Observers, High Templars and Dark Templars also materialised from the Warp Prism's energy matrix.
    Torin raised his head and looked around at this dark and discomforting place. It was as though the landscape itself had fallen victim to the effects of the Phased Disturbance Disk. So far, the protoss youngling did not feel anything of it's effect yet. But that would come soon enough if they lingered here for to long.
    "Aah, the planet that the Terrans call: Melchizedek two. What strange secrets will this place hold? " Torin said to himself as he had walked to the side of the cliff and looked out over the horizon.

    A telepathic signal from the Phoenix then was sended to him:
    "Commander Torin, we have detected the signatures of the Terran due west of our location. It seems their ships landed, dropped some forces and then left the planet again.
    We are also sensing the presence of the vile Zerg on this planet.

    Torin looked up at the hovering Phoenix and though about these disturbing facts for a moment. Then he replied back to the pilot:
    "Yes, I can feel it to. This makes things far more complicated. If the Terrans keep their ships at bay, then we shall do the same, leave the effective area of the Disk. Only return on my command."

    Immediatly, the two Phoenix Fighters started powering up their engines to prepare to leave the planet. The Warp Prism's bright light dimmed down as it closed itself again. The robotic vessel following the escort fighters back away. With the Warp Prism gone, the protoss were left on their own in the dark.
    Torin turned around and looked back out over the cliffside. Wondering what the future would bring.
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2010
  8. Mattattack96

    Mattattack96 New Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    Marx had detected the Protoss ships but was more interested with the dropship that appeared to be crashed. Marx had seen the Zerg forces land and burrow and he saw what appeared to be the leader. What surprised him most was the way they made the ship appear as if it crashed. Marx was one of the only Zerg commanders who knew that trick. He knew the commander by the amount of forces he had and the way he addresed them with their own names. Carl seemed to be under the queen of blades contol now. Marx believed that he had either found a new ally or his first kill. He then brought his infested squad out of the forest cover and walked towards it ready for an ambush.
  9. Arbiter Thessir

    Arbiter Thessir New Member

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Space was not still in the wake of Torin's Protoss; shortly after the three vessels had glided away toward Melchizedek 2 it had rippled again, split by another blue tunnel that disgorged a larger force of outdated craft. Four scouts came through first, forming a downward-slanted trapezoid into the middle of which two shuttles gracefully slid. It was a position of defensive superiority; enemies moving from any angle in the great three-dimensionality of space would still be within easy reach of a gun and missile barrage, and would be hard-pressed to hit the scouts from their position in the center of their escorts. The little expedition moved forward in this formation with surprising speed, another benefit of advanced Protoss technology.

    Before the blue portal shifted entirely closed, a seventh vessel slid silently out of its confines, a once-elegant ship that had seen too much of the brutal fires of unending conflict. The mess of added armor plates, exposed cables and hoses, and protruding power crystals looked like some sort of maimed general, still proud despite having lost all of its former glory, and in that it was a reflection of the ruined body and fallen status of the pilot within. Thessir, the Dragoon Arbiter, guided his vessel toward the front of the formation; as he drew closer the Protoss vessels winked out of sight one by one until only the battered Arbiter was still visible. The ship seemed alone in the cold vastness of space, its carbon-scored hull lit only by the strange red glow of Melchizedek 1's high levels of carbon dioxide reacting with the tremendous heat given off by its core.

    The portal finally closed just as Thessir's vessel entered the Phased Disturbance Disk. The strange phenomenon hit his extended senses like a hammer to his sensitive psionic appendages; the incredible power of the legendary insanity-inducer might've driven him to his knees if he still had any lower legs beneath them to fall from. He sensed the mental gasps of the High Templar aboard one of the hidden shuttles as they, too, experienced the Disk's overwhelming might, but sent reassurance through the Khala; they would not stay long enough for the Disk's power to drive them mad. Checking his sensor readouts and magnifying them with his own psionics, Thessir tuned out the Disk's interference and concentrated on the task at hand.

    It seemed that a large number of factions had arrived in advance of Thessir's little force; the vile taint of the Zerg was written all over the psionic web that crisscrossed the planet, in some place touched by a madness so absolute and disturbing that the Dragoon Arbiter was forced to quickly turn his senses away. Clearly some of the creatures had already been here too long, or perhaps (even more disturbingly) had been irreversibly mad before they even arrived. The presence of Terrans, too, was easy to detect; several with strong psionic potential were in the area, no doubt already laying plans to despoil all they touched. It wouldn't surprise Thessir if some Terran faction, completely ignorant of the disk, had been sent to strip mine this place just as they had done to so many other once-pristine planets.

    The presence of other Protoss was for an instant cause for a cautious relief, but after that instant Thessir's emotions turned to righteous fury. Dark Templar; their taint, as vile as that of the Zerg, could be clearly sensed on the planet below. There was no force here with which any of his true Protoss would make an alliance; they were all despoilers seeking personal power at any cost, that much was immediately clear. But they were powerful, most assuredly, and even through his fanaticism the Dragoon Arbiter knew he could not fight them all. He would have to exercise caution, focusing on the mission. He would have his chance to eradicate these vile beings and all like them, but only if he was patient.

    A mental flip of a switch and an Observer flew forth from a modified port on the side of the Arbiter, immediately cloaking itself; Thessir would've let it warp in on its own, but long range Observers lacked the stealth capability that was so necessary in combat zones, so he had opted to launch them from his own ship. The little sensor craft flew with a precise course to the center point of the gravity well between the two planets, which also happened to be the center of the Disk; if an artifact was creating it, it was undoubtedly housed on one of the planets, but the strongest point emanated not from the artifact but from the point where gravity was exerting the most force. Slowly, the exploration vessel began taking readings, studying the phenomenon.

    Meanwhile, the Arbiter and its cloaked escorts slowly broke the atmosphere, preparing to descend...
  10. RreaperRandom

    RreaperRandom New Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    "Raven, Activate long range radar." Kyle ordered the raven. "Right away." the raven responded. The raven went into the sky and activated the radar. "Scanners show multiple Terran and protoss Spacecrafts. One of the protoss crafts are shuttles." Tal'darim Kyle thought Only they would use still use shuttles. Well, at least we won't have to deal with too many Dark Templars, if any. Maybe we can befriend the other protoss."Alright, Raven, Stay high in the air. If you spot anything, let us know."Kyle ordered "Roger that" The Raven responded.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2010
  11. Lady Nova

    Lady Nova New Member

    Aug 19, 2010
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    The sensor tower was up, with the marines guarding it. A LZ was made, as supplies were dropped off. Sienna yawned again, sitting with her rifle at the ready, keeping her eyes out on her scanners.

    The reliant became aware of the following ships in space, coming to a red alert, it was obvious they were playing defensive, keeping a fair distance from the Protoss ships, the XO frowned, thudding his cigar. "Argh, party crashers within 'tis sector?" He roared. " g'it red Squadron up! We may be the victims here!" He snapped.
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2010
  12. TheDoctor1911

    TheDoctor1911 New Member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Carl wills Mickey to send him an update of what's going on. He receives a scrambled telekinetic message. Strange. Then Carl remembers. The telepathic method of communication he uses with his Zerg is affected by large amounts of psionic energy being released. This could only mean one thing: Protoss.
    Carl and his ground troops unburrow to find an infested Terran with some Zerg forces approaching in the distance. Trying to speak telepathically to him doesn't work, as if he isn't connected to the rest of the Zerg. He resorts to verbal communication and hopes that the Terran still understands.
    "Why hello there!"
  13. Mattattack96

    Mattattack96 New Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    Marx took Carl's hospatality lightly. "Do you remember me Carl?" Marx said. "If not then that is to bad, but tell me, who do you serve now that the overmind is dead?". If there was any way Marx could rally this group of Zerg to his own cause he would take it. If Carl would not join Marx would be fair and allow him to leave the disk in two hours but if Carl was not gone by then Marx would have to kill him and all of his units. Marx did not care which happened all he wanted was to know who controlled the Zerg now.
  14. TheDoctor1911

    TheDoctor1911 New Member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    Carl pauses for a moment.
    "Ahh, I remember you. You disappeared a long time ago... three years. Well, I serve the Queen of Blades now. The disk... the queen wants to find the source of it's power. With that kind of power, who knows what she will be able to do."
    Carl calls Mickey and Clyde back, just in case. Clyde hovers next to him, and he gently pets him.
    "What are you here for?"
  15. Mattattack96

    Mattattack96 New Member

    Aug 29, 2010
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    "I am here because it was not three years that I was gone and I want the power of the disk for my self" Marx wondered if he would actually rally with him with Kerrigan has his master. "Would you join me on my quest to remake the Zerg and destroy the universe? But if you join the spoils of war would be yours.". Now Marx turned from trying to have Carl join him like he had a split personallity. "If you do not join me I will give you and your forces two hours to leave the disk and never cross my path again. If you are still here when the time limit is up I will hunt you and your units down till you are all dead or under my control. Now make a decision me or your life the lives of these that you care deeply about."
  16. RreaperRandom

    RreaperRandom New Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    "High Psionic energy detected to the north." The raven said. As kyle looked north, he saw Some protoss forces. There were stalkers, so he knew that they were normal protoss, not Tal'darim. "alright. Troops, were going to meet these protoss. Hopefully They'll be friendly." Kyle ordered.
  17. IUMA

    IUMA New Member

    Aug 26, 2010
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    Torin was standing on the edge of the cliff. Looking out over the harsh landscape that laid before him. His zealot armor reflecting in sharp contrast to the barren dark surrounding. The black tendril hair sprouting from his skull was softly billowing in the sneering wind that howled over the cracks and creases. Cutting through the rocky terrain, shaping it into an inhospitable place for any species.

    Another psionic signal was then received by Torin from the departing Phoenix and Warp Prism. Another protoss force was entering the system. Currently underway.
    Torin looked up into the starlit sky. Pondering on the nature of this other unknown tribe that was approaching. Where they from Shakuras? With the threats of both the Terran and the Zerg it would be beneficial if they could join forces. For his own were not prepared well for a long intense combat.

    All this raced through his head as Torin gazed at the black abyss above himself. With no sun in this system, the planets were covered by eternal darkness and everlasting nightfall. Perhaps this was a sign that the origin of the disk could be related to the dark templars and their powers of the void? There were to many questions that needed to be answered.

    Torin turned around and overlooked his forces. All awaiting his command. With a determent voice he spoke to them all. Handing out his first orders since they were landed.
    "Isorachoo, take heed and stand tall. We can not stay long on this cursed place so we must make the most of the precious time that is given to us. Enzal, take your Dark Templars to investigate the nature and strength of the intruders. Take along an observer so that their secrets be revealed to you. Only scouting, do not engage. Discover if they are here for the Phased Disturbance Disk or other reasons."

    The three Dark Templars bowed their head as the oldest of them, Enzal acknowledge his order with: "So be it." Immediately they left, being followed by a loyal observer as they dashed off down one of the two ramps.
    Torin then turned to the High Templars. The oldest and wisest of that group was the female High Templar Zorya. She came from Aiur after they were driven out by the Zerg. But instead of fleeing to Shakuras like the bulk of the protoss, she and her followers arrived at the planet of the Keepers. She was at first shocked to discover that Dark Templars were also present there. But with the news of the great sacrifices of Tassadar that destroyed the overmind. She had come to tolerate the presence of the Dark Templars and the Stalkers amongst their forces. But from her point of view, she was following Torin and not the dark ones.

    "High Templar Zorya..." Torin spoke:"... I need your assistance in making contact and reaching out to the arriving protoss tribe. With luck, they will be on our side."
    Zorya answered:" You think as I do, young one. I shall assist you."
    Zorya saw a great future for Torin as a High Templar. So helping him develop and grow his psionic powers was no request she would ever refuse.
    But before the preparations could be started. The leaving Dark Templars were already sending in a warning of approaching Terrans from the south.

    "Battle calls!" Torin shouted to all. "Take defensive positions on the high ground. Enzal, return and position your templars at the flank. For Tassadar!"
    Torin then went to the southern ramp that leaded down from the elevated plateau. Positioning Stalkers at both sides while the zealots formed a line at the top. Torin standing in the middle of this defensive line.
    Zorya and her High Templars were right behind the first line of zealots. The Observer hovered above their heads to reveal any hidden enemy that would draw near. The psionic blades erupted from the zealots arms as they stood ready for the Terrans currently marching on their position.
  18. Lady Nova

    Lady Nova New Member

    Aug 19, 2010
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    Sienna looked up, disturbed for a second, flicking the long stand of hair away from her face, her eyes narrowing, before she sighed. Jumping off from the crate, inspecting her own defenses, The spider marines were inplace, as well as the marines, the Siege tank was in position, as well as the Sensor tower was fully operational. She turned to the marine tech. "Scramble Code-Omega/Sigma, i want everything and anything jammed and scrambled." The marine nodded, complying with the order, a burst of energy emerged from the tower, the Scramble code in affect.

    The Battle Cruiser slowly drifted through the voids of space, using the mood as a shadow to conceal itself, Red Squadron was deployed, It floated within the atmosphere, in a arrow formation. They were ready to move in as fire support when the call was on.
  19. RreaperRandom

    RreaperRandom New Member

    Jul 24, 2010
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    "Looks like the protoss are making a defensive position. We should do the same." Kyle said. "Position the Warpigs in a Phalanx. Spectres, Behind them. Hammer Securities, behind the spectres. Raven, hover above the Phalanx. Skylancer Squad, Stay Behind the Phalanx." After his troops did that, he opened a channel with the protoss Commander.""En Taro Tassadar protoss Warriors. We come in peace."
  20. TheDoctor1911

    TheDoctor1911 New Member

    Jul 23, 2010
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    "That's a hard choice to make. But, I will join you. I simply don't have the power to take on two races. You seem to."
    Carl turns around, back to his Zerg, and tries to communicate with them again. This time he receives a reply, implying that the Protoss have finished warping in.
    As he wipes the smudges off of his glasses, Carl says,
    "It is likely we have an entire protoss army near us. We must be cautious."
    Carl starts walking north, his forces following him.
    "Maybe you can use those drones to set up a base, we need some scouts."