you mean the enforcer? the enforces is a basic gun, the slugshooterthingie was something else.. i hate it so much... My favorite moment is when you use the secondary fire with the flakkcanon and hits somebody in the torso or head with the smiley-grenade and they fly into pieces! yaaay
I think these mines should have more health. Spider Mines had 20, with Cloak until they charged, but I still found ranged units could gun enough of them down to avoid serious harm. These ones are visible, don't charge, and take time to detonate.
yeah, but these are thrown by reapers that can jump cliffs(w00t) and since they are of larger numbers, you also throw MORE bombs. And since they surprises the opponent from a cliff or such the opponent wont have time enuff to stop the bombs, because they still detonate kinda fast.
why even put timers on them, cant they just make them explode on impact? the reapers have a relatively weak HP anyway so i think they needed some increase in firepower
yeah but if you have a BC or anything that does AoE (ST, Thor, Banshee w/e) you can just shoot one blast at the pack of mines and they're gone.
well that adds to the flavor. Interesting choice. Bomb it up and take some damage, or dont and take another amount. It would all depend on how many bombs are planted.
well, there is ONE unit that you can kill with the bombs. the siege tank in siege mode! wonder if it have time enuff to unsiege and roll away...? And Thors too! A Thors turnratio sucks so much that it only got ONE choice; to run FORWARDS lol! It got no time to both turn around and run... That way you can force em to take heavy bomb-damage or run into your units and still get killed. Atleast i hope
Ah, but if the thor manages to run into your units, you can take damage as well! In another case, the thor may just shoot the mines. Same goes for the siege tank, unless you plant them right next to it, but then that's a bit risky.
I think reapers are just base raiders.... I can't imagine them confronting an enemy unit cuz they really do die too quickly
Well, Reapers, are very flexible, specially when itcomes to a Terrain, with more obstacles, but in some reasons they are still weak when it comes to the blink ability am i rght my fellow friends ???
no, its entirely different, the stalker can only blink where it sees and so it can't jump up cliffs, the reaper walks up cliffs
you sure? in SC1 you could always see one matrix or so up the cliff, and if not the same in SC2; you can always see what fires on you. If something fires on you from a cliff, you can see it, and probably use blink on it, and your stalks will blink right next to the target.