posts and minerals

Discussion in 'Forum Information, Questions and Feedback' started by BnechbReaker, Sep 14, 2007.

posts and minerals

  1. moobox

    moobox Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    Wow, just wow. That thought is exactly the opposite of what is not only needed on message boards and
    communities on the internet, but also the opposite of the attitude that our society on a global scale is lacking.

    Any exchange of information is a contribution.
  2. moobox

    moobox Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    I agree 100% with what you are saying how the platform or medium is very important and vastly helps people communicate and express themselves. Even on a personal level though in terms of societies general attitude towards different ways people communicate and their attitude towards those people.
  3. moobox

    moobox Member

    Jul 6, 2007
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    The mineral system is pretty messed though. I've made an effort to make 9/10 of my posts thoughtful, coherent and contributing to the discussion since I've started posting. A newer member who shall remain nameless has never played the game, has no idea what he/she is talking about, and spams threads and already has multiple pets/frames, etc and somehow has a power level of above 0. He/she did receive some donations (which is up to the donater, they can do what they want with their minerals), but that's just messed.

    Note to mods: I wasn't sure if I should have posted new reply or just edited my above post since they were a day apart. If you'd rather me edit this addition into my last post, just PM me and I'll make the edit ;).
  4. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    That's kinda true Mr.lich :D
    I'm 14 as well... :p
  5. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    Ugh, my last post got deleted before so here is a summary.

    I made 1000 minerals in the hunt. I put those mienrals in the bank. i now earn about 1 mineral a day. However, with teh 15 mineral withdrawal fee, I have to wait 2 weeks before I can even start making money.
    But what about those that didn't get that sweet bonus. Let's say I'm a new member and I post till i get 40 and now have power up privileges. 40 posts x 7 minerals max + 100 start mineral = 380. So with .1% interest and a 15 mineral withdrawl fee, I have to wait over a year to actually gain minerals.
    I find this system unfair to the new members. Sure there are members out there with 1% intrest and over 10000 minerals in the bank that actually find this useful. They get 100 minerals a day. 100 minerals a day is a lot. However, they earned this for a reason. All i'm saying is, some of us are trying hard to be able to afford simpel stuff, while otehrs a chain winning contests and pet prizes and get rich. However, these people are the people that already had a decent amount of minerals and could easily make that with post. People jsut find it unfair when someone gets more mienrals they get in a week from intrest of 1 day. This, along with the Hyperion club creates a sense of a few forum elite.
    However, all I want is a bank that I feel my money is actually being put to good use being in. Just sitting there doing nothing. It's not like the bank uses this money or anything. The admin can just make money when he feels like it. Technically, theres no reason for a bank at all, other than the small mineral boost, and even that is questionable.

    edit- guess its not so much of a summary any more
  6. Unentschieden

    Unentschieden New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    Minerals are not supposed to be earned with the bank, they are supposed to be earned by thoughtfull contributions, the arcade and competitions. The Trick is to be active.
  7. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    And I mean, seriously....They're play money. It's purely cosmetic, aside from the ability to buy a blog (Which I want to do, but it's bloody expensive)
  8. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    Exactly, minerals are earned through posts, so why do we have the bank? All I'm saying is, if I'm going to pay a fee and make it that I can't spend my minerals, then I want something out of it. All I'm saying is that unless you one of those people with crazy minerals or a nice interest bank, which they got from posting, then the bank is useless. I'm just trying to brain storm ideas for something better. Minerals become useless after a while. There are some users with 32000+ minerals in eh bank? What are they gonna buy? 6 motehrships?
    This post here earned me one week of interest, so why even use the bank? I'm just suggesting we replace it with something new person friendly that makes it more fun. When it comes down to it, I don't see why we need a bank for fake money.
  9. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    There was another reason for the bank. Way back when, when we were starting the shop, there was a theft item that could steal from people, but only their pockets, not the bank.
  10. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    Well there ya go, that makes alot of sense. I would definitly want a bank to prevent stealing. I feel stupid now. However, the bank really isnt that useful anymore.

    My idea is that when you start, you get your choice of Nexus, Command Center, or Hatchery. The others can be bought, but they do not stack. They will show your allegiance to a race and they will take the place of the bank. At 50 posts you receive a probe/ SCV/drone and it gathers 5 minerals for you a day. For each 200 post your building makes you another worker. This way, the more experienced members get more money and workers can still be given out as rewards. Plus, this is alot more starcrafty.
    Compared to the old system, this will give more money( comparatively) to the new people, who need it more to buy pets and customize their stuff. At the same time, the senior members will still get quite a bit since they will have like 10 workers compared to the new guys guys, but not as much as they were before. My system puts a bell curve on the economy. New people get much needed minerals while older members still get a nice chunk, but a bit less than before. Also, no one would loose minerals during the switch over, so the people who are already set for life will still be set.
  11. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Hmm sounds good. Make it happen Admin
  12. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    While that could be a good idea. Most likely all it would encourage is more spamming to increase post count instead of longer, more concise posts. The reason this would cause more spam is your idea is completely based on post count and doesnt take post length into account. The best version would be a system that uses a composite of both post and post length. Which is exactly how the current system works.

    In my opinion the only way you could fix the problem suggested in the opening post would to be either reduce the amount of minerals given by the arcade and competitions or increase the amount of minerals given by a persons posts.
  13. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Maybe if you have to buy the workers the it would belance it out. At 50 posts you are allowed to buy a probe and 250 you may buy another.
  14. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    Hmm, yeah people might spam to up their post count. My system will still use teh bonus minerals for words, but yeah the spam for interest could be a problem, here lemme think....

    ok got an idea. Along with this we could have the Vespene gas system. If you make a post with 20 or more words ( number open to change) you get 1 unit of Vespene Gas. If your post count and Vespene count have a large gap then it is obvious you are spamming. If it is obvious you are spamming then a mod gets to perform a Reaver drop on you and all your workers die. Boom!

    at Bird of Prey: thats another good idea. I still like mine better, your has the costs money to make money attitude. However, I see no reason why you can't purchase additional workers on top of your post workers.
  15. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I feel bad for reapetedly poking holes in your ideas but all that would happen wiht your new idea is the same thing that happened in the past. Some people would huge long posts full of jiberish or a large copy and paste and the edit away all of the extra stuff so they wouldnt be caught.

    I personally think the current system is effective but the workers just need to be given out a little more often with a little lower standards. (This might be already happening and people just havnt noticed)
  16. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Honestly how many people even do that? Besides the mods are vigilant if your minerals and posts do not add up your minerals dissapear.

    One idea would be a "My Base" Section where you get a core building and 4 workers when you sign up from th race of your choice and the workers bring in resources every day that you are only allowed to use for buying "My Base" items. It could be a sort of minigame. You get "My Base" minerals to build units and buildings and when you build a refinery you can task up to 3 workers on it to get gas each day.
  17. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I honestly dont know but i think that is the reason there is a cap on the amount of minerals you can get per post.

    I do like the the idea of the base minigame and it would be interesting to see how it would work you could go as far as having "battles" with other members with the units you build. But something like that would require alot of work from somebody to make work with any real effect.
  18. Shadow Templar

    Shadow Templar New Member

    Aug 24, 2007
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    I like the " my base" idea. Your pets can also hang out there. They could also defend if some sort of battle mode was made. Overall, it would just be fun to have your own mini base.

    As for the spam thing, i don't think there is a full proof thing against spammers. Sure some people may just spam long messages, but as Bird of Prey said, the mods will get him. Plus, the 7 mineral post thing already cuts down on that a bit.

    edit- Stop poking holes in my plan! lol just messing around.
  19. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    As long as there is a limit so you don't wipe the boards with another member. Make it where you can attack once per day and have to buy an attack card in the item shop first. Maybe the attack will be like Axis and Allies where you choose a number of units to send and then it is calculated part by chance part by type of units.  Immortals beat tanks at 3:1 loss ratio while reapers beat immortals with 5:1 ratio.

    Also each building can produce at a certain rate.  Stargate will take 2 days to punch out a carrier but the nexus can make 2 or 3 probes a day  Same for building construction rate.

    Also you can buy upgrades in the item shop.
    If the battles are cut the "My Base"  Would work like a second shop.  Every worker grants x amount of minerals a day that you can spend on buildings and units.

    Also there will be a garrison allotment where a refinery can garrison up to 3 workers and tho amount is what affects the gather rate of gas and bunkers can have marines in it causing the units to be a step higher on the counter card able to defeat something it normally wouldn't
  20. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    Ok, now you're getting to into it. This is a forum, not a strategy battle site.