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Phase Cannon No Longer Phasable

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Psionicz, Apr 17, 2008.

Phase Cannon No Longer Phasable

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Psionicz, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    One of the reasons I suggested a shield battery as opposed to other phase cannons is that a shield battery would be able to provide less shields than a grouping of cannons and also represents a single point of failure so taking out the cannon's shield recharge would be as simple as taking out the one or two shield batteries there.

    I cant remember if batteries were 1:1 energy -->shields or 1:2 but at 1:2 ratio thats only 400 SP whereas if cannons were able to share shields then just having 3 cannons th one being attacked gets 500 shield form the other 2 and the shields can be transfered between all of them. once a connon is not under attack anymore it can transfer its shields elsewhere. With a shield batery it is one way. You give shields to a cannon ad whe its not under atack anymore it keeps those shield points and if the shield battery is dry nothing else gets reinforced. it would give a boost to resilience but not let you make near indestructable cannons lines by sharing a few thousand shields between all of them
  2. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Why is shield the thing for the cannon?? Cant we think of something fresh or something? since the cannons cant more freely lets give them a blink with a very long Cooldown. wouldnt that be good? they can only blink into a zone with pylone energy.
    ALSO i wanna add the move wont be instant you'll have to buy an upgrade so u cant cannon rush some one with this from the start of the game

    What do u guys think
  3. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    At first I was like WTF? but then I thought about it.

    When you start 'building' a structure, you actually open a gate with your probe for the structure to teleport to that location from the homeworld (now Shakuras). Theoretically, it'd be possible to warp in buildings not from the homeworld, but your main 'outpost'.

    Since the 'local' warp in process would take as long as 'distant' warp in, offensive cannoning would need more time to form but cannons would not need to float to the destination (wisps, anyone?) but rather teleport to it. It would also place a huge emphasis on the phase prism because it'd need to serve a longer time near the battlefield when offensive cannoning.

    I like this idea a lot. But the cannon really needs that 1 armour.
  4. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    i was talking about a short rang blink like the stalker but YOU!....you my frined took my idea to a hole new lvl man. I like your better.
  5. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    if we are gonna use kuvasz idea: there should be a time of warping in the cannons, like when you first warped it in, but the time to warp it to a new spot would have to take less time to make it a viable option. how much less time, if blizz put this in, would be up to blizz.
  6. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    @ Darktemplar_L, You are not completely correct, because receiving the same amount of damage is not the same thing as losing the same number of cannons, it could be, but not always.

    The whole point of Psionicz proposing the shield channeling idea is so that you might sometimes be able lost the same amount of shield points but still preserve a greater number of cannons. If all of your defenses are to be run down, then yes, it would not matter. However, if the enemy caught you at a bad time, yet does not have to capability to mow down all your cannons quickly, then it could make a difference. Having all of your cannons or units down to critical HP but still surviving is a huge difference from having a few full HP ones but losing the other half, because of the drop in your total damage output.

    Example: Enemy attacked a spot where there were 8 of your cannons, your units are away. Let's just say the cannons are 100/100 for simplicity's sake. You hurry back to defend but let's say that the enemy was able to deal 1000 damage before you got back. Normally, with focus fire, you'd lose 5 cannons, and left with 3 full HP/shield cannons. With shield channeling, you would channel all 800 of the total shield points on hand to the cannon under focus fire. With that, you would be left with 6 cannons, all with 100 HP and no shield. Sure it's 3 full HP/shield cannons vs 6 halfway damaged cannons, but it's still 3 more cannons in the end that deal damage to the enemy by the time you're back with your units. That's earth shattering, but it's still a significant difference that could be what decides the outcome of particularly close battles.
  7. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    I tend to consider lore very high priority if not top, which is why I suggested having the process take as long as the initial warp in. Of course it could be said that the distance is a lot shorter (intergalactic vs. intraplanetary) and so warping in is easier and so doesn't require as much preparation.

    Another advantage of this 'local' warp in is that although it may seem overpowered, cannons can't be exploited to jump from expansion to expansion, be it used offensively against the enemy or defensively to help protect yours, because of the relatively long time of warp in.
  8. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Well if they added a blink to the connons i think the warp on time should be longer cause its a huge building and not a unit. I think this should cause nost people to warp in the cannon with more stealth then a fast offence. Why would this be better? it would show skill if u can warp cannons into a persons base without them knowing and it would kinda be cool buti think the warp in time needs to be like 5 to 10 seconds. And the dmg they take during this time is increased.

    Why i'm thinking it should be like this is because expanding and defend ur base would be super fast for protoss and camping on the enemy would also be really easy if u can warp cannons in and take over there spot.
  9. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    But you see, blinking a cannon has no drawbacks, its all favour for Protoss. Also if the cooldown is long it isn't convenient. You'd be better off blinking in some Stalkers and microing them. IMO.

    Basically my idea allows the Protoss player to maximize the base defense if he is able to and knows how to correctly. Of course this could be used offensivly too.
    While the Zerg are marching in with their Sunkuns, you build 3 cannons next to the Zerg base. Fortunatly their units are elsewhere and you could only build one cannon close to their mineral line as they responded with Sunkuns and of course the Queen is gonna attack.
    Now you tell the back cannons to transfer energy, since you need it fast 2 cannons would increase the transfer speed but not amount if you see what I'm saying. So as the Queen is attacking the now strong cannons, the player thinks he sees a weak point in a cannon so the Queen engaged that weaker cannon, now you can select the strong cannon to transfer to the cannon getting attacked. Then all this time your cannons are recieving some damage, but still not enough to kill them due to your well done micro with the cannons.
    The other scenario would be; you get some cannons into the base and stupidly you set all to charge up one cannons, then Zerglings come and rape the weak ones.
  10. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    no this isnt for micro purpose its for a defencive take over. once the cannons come in you shouldnt lose that spot. using the cannons would be like attacking an enemys expo from the hill side and then warping them on the top side of the hill. once the enemys base has been pushed back. blink them down into his base and walk men down to clear it out, then the base is your and all u need is a nexus. The cannon blink is not for 100% offence its just there so u dont have to build cannons every where and spred out cannons where you'll need them. ALso having a long rang blink for the cannon would help because you could build the cannons far away from danger then blink them in closer. But the when there coming into there new spot there spawn should still take 5 or 10 seconds (cauase its a building which are suppost to be big and would most likely be balanced)
  11. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    How can you tell me what my own idea is for lol. Sorry but I just think blink should stay to the Stalker.
    They are static defense for a reason.
  12. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    what ever dude, i said blinking around to the cannons i dont see how that was ur idea on this thred...lol
  13. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    K. You've offically lost me.
  14. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    u think i was talking about ur idea with the cannons transfuring energy i was not. BUT this idea won't fly simple because if u put cannons at a choke hold point u can keep feeding the first cannon enregy until the rest of the cannons have shot down the enemys armoy.

    And lets not forget this would over power a cannon rush to a hole new lvl. ITs bad enough if a person getas a probe stuck behind you miniral line and starts building why should cannons feeding cannons be placed into the mix. This has no drawbacks because if u put a cannon that cant be reached and feed its energy to a cannons thats getting attacked the enemy is still going to lose his guy and get bo where with his attack.

    I think a cannon warping across the battle field has a better chance of a being put into play then a cannons feeding one another. All feeding another cannons dose is make a choke hold points a living hell for anyone with out long rang bombardment units and u dont get long rang bombardment units early in the game so this idea just cant be used.

    I would rather try to warp cannons from some where else on the map cause the drawbacks from that are would be more balanced then cannons feeding cannons
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2008
  15. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    You are looking at my idea way to wrongly. I've never said at one point it can make a cannon invincible. Focused fire would obviously kill a stronger cannon.
  16. Seradin

    Seradin New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    pheraps give the nexus a ability to warp out cannons in that nexus's connected pylon power and then replace them wherever you want, without cost.

    so lets say when you use the ability you will be able to select cannons that are connected via a pylon power link to the nexus and then those cannons will go threw a warp out animation and then be stored into the nexus's database and then the nexus can choose cannons and then warp them back into there pylon radius in different positions.

    this gives a ability to the nexus which people have asked for and also changes around the dynamics of the protoss defense network.

    this ability could also go to specific pylons but i think it would be kind of pointless for the pylons because chances are the cannons are already close to the pylon and it wouldnt matter.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2008
  17. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    It has to bel ooked at this way. I see the upside to this but u would have to still nerf things about it. I cannot have the abilitys right off the back. If it did they would be over OP from the moment they can be made and would be way to powerful during a simple cannoon rush. Thats not fair. And having there energy transfur slowly later in the game will make no difference. You'll just have an ability that is no use cause i can tell you once a baneling or reapers go after a cannons... there gonna be gone.... period.
  18. Seradin

    Seradin New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    along with my idea, the nexus could also even reposition other buildings such as pylons, gateways, etc

    all this could be a early upgrade for the nexus i say should come with the forge/cybernetics core.
  19. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Saradin, that sounds like a cool idea. The nexus should get an upgrade form that looks like the Xel'Naga Temple from SC1 with the ability you just said altho i think each upgraded nexus should have a hold limit. but i think the warp in timer cant be short. last thing we need to see is building flying around everywhere like a episode of DBZ. what limits and drawback do you think a nexus upgrade would have??
  20. Seradin

    Seradin New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    time is really the key factor and i wasnt really thinking of any visual changes but pheraps the nexus opens up like the gateway does when it activates it psi matrix.