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Petition: Bring back the Predator!

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Psionicz, Feb 6, 2008.



  1. Bring it back!

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  2. No way... (why)

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  3. Something new (idea)


Petition: Bring back the Predator!

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Psionicz, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Heh I tried. But yea, BACK ON TOPIC NOW.

    Why do you think they scrapped it in the first place?
    Was it too targeted towards the Terrans as ninerman said?
    What new ability/second mode could it have?
    How do you think the Intercept mode could work against Zerg and Protoss?
  2. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Why do you think they scrapped it in the first place?

    maybe they dont want all races to have basic main ATA units which i think doesn't make sense lorewise.

    maybe the look of the predator looks to sweet for the terran. IMO it looks terran.

    maybe they dont want more lasered weapon units for the terran. again its an ATA unit a laser is the best thing it could have. and terran needs more lasers! really. =p

    maybe they will give it to the UED.

    maybe they are planning to make a new one and that they dont tell us about so that we will keep on discussing about it and give them more time and less effort on making updates. :-\

    What new ability/second mode could it have?

    i like the intercept idea. IMO another reason they scrapped the predator is because of the intercept ability obvoiusly it shoots laser i think they feel that its not terranish in a way specially when it shoots down missile from another terran unit (viking) and building (missile turret). too bad.

    i hope when the predator comes back the intercept ability can make it back too.

    How do you think the Intercept mode could work against Zerg and Protoss?

    it can shoot down phase canon's beam and as well as zerg acid spores from guardian and spore colony. lol

    anyway i wish the zerg has a unit that throws acidic rocks (like my unit concept entry a long time ago) in which the intercept can ability can destroy before they hit the targets.
  3. L89

    L89 New Member

    Jul 8, 2007
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    Include a specialized AtA unit definitely...but imho not necessarily the Predator. The Wraith in the original SC was an iconic unit but somehow, the Predator this time just don't have the same vibes for me. It looks like something out of Star Wars...not that this is a bad thing...but if they want to replace the Sun of Terran air, they better make the Son even better.
  4. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    so its going to look like the wraith? i rather pick the predator anytime. yes it looks kinda starwars but IMO its for the better.
  5. L89

    L89 New Member

    Jul 8, 2007
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    You misunderstood me. No, I don't mean I want the Wraith back. I just want a stylish AtA fighter since the original was really well done and was basically THE unit that got me into Starcraft (back when I was still blinded by ignorance, I was at a friend's house and he opened up the game, told me to type showmethemoney and muck around. After a while, I stumbled across the Starport and the wraiths. Of course it did jack against ground. But this didn't matter as who would mind spamming a cool-looking unit? It was only after this that I saw the light and it spelt StarCraft). As for what abilities the new AtA should have...I don't really care. That'll sort itself out :)
  6. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    We don't need the predator, we have the viking for anti-air. People say that oh but this and that and it can't do this and that . . . well can it not be changed to do these things? Why add another unit that fits the role of anti-air? Instead of a starport unit, we need another factory unit or else the thor will have to lose its uniqueness of being built from an scv and be moved to the factory or just be replaced all together.
  7. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    What stops Terran from filling both spots?

    Also the Viking isn't the greatest at AtA combat, normal fighters would probably take it out on an equal ratio. Thats just my opinion from what I've seen in the videos tho.

    It also lessens uniqueness having just 2 air units to combat air. Viking and Battlecruiser that is.

    Also lore wise any army would have a specialized unit for any role.
  8. Blackskies

    Blackskies New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    They should bring back an improve valkyrie damnit! It was a good concept it just needed some work done to make it better. That and the wraith wasn't all that bad either it just needed maybe a bit faster firing.
  9. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    What was the normal attack of the Predator like?

    Anybody know?

    Plz don't guess either I'm just asking what exactly was it like, if that info was shown or discussed from Blizzard.
  10. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    You don't even know what the viking is capable of though =P When it is in air form it can only attack air, it is specifically made for dealing with air in that case, there for there is no need for another unit to fill the same roll. I think there needs to be a good gta factory unit other then the new thor concept . . . screw the predator, bring back the cobra!
  11. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    It is not made for killing all air... It is only good against capital ships, as it deals around double the damage to them... so yes, we know what it is capable to, which means it sucks vs mutalisks etc.
  12. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    Yeah, but that is in theory, like I said it could always be changed by blizzard. And vikings can have support by a unit other then another unit that can only attack air. Having 2 units that can only attack air in an army is eh. And don't forget, in starcraft 1 the original, the wraith and battle cruiser were the only air units that could attack air for the terrans.
  13. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    If you want to discuss or make a petition on the Cobra do so, but stay on topic in here plz :D

    And no it isn't in theory Blizzard said it them selfs.
    And yes, it COULD be changed but I like the Viking as a heavy armor killer, that way it stays useful late game and early.
    And if having only 2 air units is eh, meaning you'd rather have another right? why not the Predator?
  14. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    Eh meaning I would not want two air units that can only attack air, that is kind of lame. I think the terran airforce is good as it is, adding another air unit that can only attack air seems kind of rash though. Blizzard obviously didn't see the unit fitting in the terran tech, otherwise they wouldn't have removed it so fast. Instead of another ata unit for dealing with smaller aerial attackers why not a unit with a gta attack that is good for dealing with such threats. It could be the cobra or a brand new factory unit, it would save the thor from losing its uniqueness of being built by an scv and going to the factory. Speaking of thor, as an AA unit I imagine it could be great for supporting your army against smaller and numerous aerial attackers, like mutalisks or pheonixes . . . no need for the predator then.
  15. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    Am I a bad person for forgetting about the Predator until now?
  16. aMp

    aMp New Member

    Feb 16, 2008
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    Yes, yes you are.

    Nah, just kidding.

  17. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Because ground units are not as 'responsive' and mobile as air units.
  18. CannonFodder

    CannonFodder New Member

    Feb 18, 2008
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    Somewhere near you
    also the thor is a massive walking pile of metal
    it can't keep up with some organic falp of skin that weighs less than my pinky
    even if the thor manged to catch a light air unit the unit would juust flee causing the thor to only attack at most three times
  19. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Shogun. You're saying that there is no need for the Terran to get an Air-to-Air fighter, such as the Predator or similar, because they already have one, being the Viking. Vikings are not pure Air-to-Air fighters. They are still able to attack ground, so their Air-to-air abilities have to suffer because of that. Example:
    Say that there are 2 Marines. Say these Marines deal 10 damage against both Ground and Air targets. They're not specialized, just like the Viking, because they can attack any target. Now say there there are two other units. One of them is a dedicated Anti-Ground unit and the other is Anti-Air. If they also dealt 10 damage, then there wouldn't be any point in making them. People would just make Marines instead, because they're the exactly the same except they can attack both Ground and Air targets, instead of being limited to one or the other. For it to be balanced, each of the specialized units would have to deal double damage to compensate for its specialization. The two Marines can attack the same target, giving them an overall damage output of 20. However because only one of the specialized units will be able to attack at a time, but their damage has been increased, they'll still have a total damage output of 20.
    Terran Vikings are versatile, meaning that their pure Air-to-Air damage has to suffer. Terran need a unit that can focus on pure Anti-Air rather than Anti-Air as well as Anti-Ground.
    Also, the Viking is most effective against capital ships, as I have explained in another thread:
    Also, just because the Vikings has an Air-to-Air attack, why can't Terran get another unit with an Air-to-Air attack? That's like saying that they can't get the Siege Tank, because they already have the Marauder as a Ground-to-Ground fighter.
  20. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    I like this idea better.