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Patch 1.1.2

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Takaim, Oct 14, 2010.

Patch 1.1.2

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Takaim, Oct 14, 2010.

  1. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    It's a personal oppinion. -_- They're lame. And good. Everyone complains about the things being OP, let's see if they really are and if this really makes a difference in how they are used. Void rays are still beastly regardless of their lil nerf. Fully charged voids can run over practically everything in the game. =/ A tier 2 unit shouldn't be that strong. Perhaps not nerfing it but making it so it takes longer to get would be better. Make it a tier 3 with carriers or something.
  2. Rave

    Rave New Member

    Feb 21, 2010
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    void rays are horrible against mass units, if you had 5 marines to one void ray it has no chance, even fully charged (250 minerals 150 gas for ray, 250 minerals for marine) and this is how it should be, its designed in fights to take out the big units (thors etc, as 1 void ray can solo kill a thor), but they really took the damage down by alot, and it doesn't matter about the uncharged damage buff, it still sucks uncharged, which i thought was the point?
  3. marinefreak

    marinefreak New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Medivac slowing may have actually been a buff to lower end terrans who click and watch as their medivacs speed ahead of armies.

    I agree I dislike the terran changes but as a zerg player this patch is very good. Spires really needed that health buff, too easy to snipe and cripple my unit diversity.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2010
  4. Xern

    Xern New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    What about roach range? I thought it would mostly impact early helion harrassment (and zerg definitely needed that boost), but it seems that protoss forge fast expand is now nearly worthless against zerg as well. And from what i saw, roaches do much better against stalkers now.
  5. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Eh, Zerg needed a good unit vs mass zlots, and marines. The added rank will hopfully help out microing big clumps of early marines. I dunno what the range of marines is though so don't quote me on that. I dunno. Everything eventually will get balanced out though, so I'ma just not worry about it and just play. No matter what they do you can win if you simply outplay them, and no matter what they nerf or buff someone is going to complain about it. Pretty soon everyone is going to complain roaches are OP cus they rape zlots even harder now or something.
  6. marinefreak

    marinefreak New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Easier to fight 4 gate pushes with the roach buff since hydras and spines were the only decent option before since they could fire without being cut apart by zealots or split apart by sentries.

    At the rate we're going the roach will cost 100 min 50 gas have 80 health and attack faster ...at least if you compare it to the original beta.
  7. sc2fan

    sc2fan New Member

    Oct 3, 2010
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    Meh. I have to admit that patch stuff really does not bother me, I just go with the flow. I'm a Terran-only player and the Medivac speed reduction just means that they won't get too far ahead of my troops before I have to bring them back again.
  8. Ste

    Ste New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    Void rays only real use for high level play was for very early game or very late game harassment. (Or to perhaps counter the occasionally bad mass thors, by splitting up the void rays into different groups)

    Im not saying I am high level, but I can do alot of damage with just 2 void rays in under 8 minutes of the game starting then switching to ground forces. Using the void rays just to keep them somewhat off balance trying to defend their base.

    The best use for 2 void rays early in the game is to charge up on an extractor then take out as many workers as possible.

    While I believe the void ray nerf was un-needed they still prove useful if you can get two out in under 6 minutes and micro them extremely well.
  9. DSteezy

    DSteezy Guest

    Aside from the unit & building nerfs/buffs.. i've noticed something else that's bothered me since the release of the patch.

    Everytime my opponent surrenders and leaves the game before i do. I go to the score screen, and it says "you have left the game!" and says "Match in progress".. when before it would say "Victory!" and display the amount of points i had gained from my win and my new/current rank.

    Whats up with this?? Is it an error?
    its so annoying! i have to go to the league and ladder board and check the changes myself.
    how annoying!
  10. DoSrsCa88

    DoSrsCa88 New Member

    May 29, 2010
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    This patch bothers me as well. I seriously don't know why Blizzard released a lot of patches in just a short time frame. Really my interpretation of patches were that they just fixed up bugs and glitches and problems, that's it. Not change things just because they want to that don't need to be changed. I don't like how you have no choice but to download these patches as well, the game will not let you play until you download the patch it wants. This would be Ok if the patch fixed up real issues.
  11. toni

    toni New Member

    Sep 10, 2010
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    i think that you are all whinny bit****s

    reaper not useful?!

    they do 30 damage to buildings!! do a drop in the mineral lines with 4 marines, army goes to defend scvs you go to front door with 5 reapers and bust open the supply barracks wall, then oponent loses time building wall again while you macro up. Also, in mid game no one expects 6 reapers jumping in to the mineral lines, picking up 6-7 scvs/probes/ drones and then leaving, also, great scouting unit.

    Also, protoss is not the worst race, there is no worst or best race, each race has a suitable counter for everything. Protoss have high templars, dark templars, sentries (if you see the replays of the blizzcon invitational, you will see that all protoss players use them and win thanks to them, so they are pretty OP) they also have voids, collosus, MOTHERSHIP and the possibility to send an invisible spy. what more do you want

    Zerg has hat almost no changes and i think that you shouldnt specialize in one race, i believe that we must be all-round players.

    PD: i liked the idea mentioned before of reapers placing mines :D
  12. Zod

    Zod New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    Personally not too happy with the patch. Some of the things were a real surprise to me (Void Ray and Medivac nerfs).

    Zerg depend on expansions because they can then completely take over in the mid-late game with creep spread and the ability to mass-produce a lost army whereas Terran cannot. Therefore, Terran needs to excel at denying expansions to Zerg, and this ability has been seriously impaired with both the Reaper and Medivac nerf.

    Roaches getting a buff was just not necessary according to some very good Zerg players (Psystarcraft for one). Honestly, having weakness/counters enriches the 'strategy' part of this game, and just buffing up where units are weak serves to make it more generic.

    Just my opinion, but honestly, the matches I've seen post 1.1.2 have been terrible. Boxer didn't stand a chance against Fruitdealer, and according to Boxer, Fruitdealer was holding back. And then I heard TLO and Morrow switched to Zerg.

    If I had to bet, I'd say Terran harass potential is getting a buff next patch, but until then, possibly some gloomy days for Terran.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2010