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October Discussion of the Month: Battle.Net Wishlist

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by BirdofPrey, Oct 1, 2007.

October Discussion of the Month: Battle.Net Wishlist

Discussion in 'Maps and Replays' started by BirdofPrey, Oct 1, 2007.

  1. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    Yeah, that level was pretty awesome. Sorta like a mini-Diablo if you ask me. It would be great to have something like that in multiplayer.
  2. Z-BosoN

    Z-BosoN New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    What features did you like/dislike when using Blizzard's Battle.net system? Why?

    There are a couple of thinks I disliked. The first one is the Long time you had to wait when you joined a high-latency game. The waits took kind of long in SC, and even longer in Warcraft 3. The screen got stuck and it took forever for it to say: "Couldn't join the game". The other thing I disliked is that the squelch system wasn't too efficient. If you log out then log back on, you still hear the person talking and annoying you.

    What features would you like to see in StarCraft IIs Battle.net?

    Ah there are quite a few.
    • Replay Downloads - I was thinking of a cool system that could be used to give emphasis on replays. Friends always want to share replays with each other, but it takes someone to host the game (which not everyone can do) and you to DL. I thought it would be awesome to keep a list of replays on your profile (i.e. Favorites) and people can download them with just a click. That way you could see everyone's favorite games much faster and easier.
    • Latency/Country of Host - Like said above, I think it is essential to show latency levels next to a game. If not, too much time is wasted to join and leave laggy games. It would also be interesting to show the Country the host comes from, enabling you to join much lagless games and speak the same language as other people who join that game.
    • In-built Banlist and Statistics - I think outsider programs such as BWCharts.com and Wc3Banlist should be in-built in SC2. This way it opens up more options for the Host, to ban laggy people and to control the latency of the game, and for the player, to see his apm, how he is doing, comparing it to the last time he played, etc. This makes it easier to see progress in your playing and encourages you to get even better.

    Additional feedback you would like to give

    I'm all in for the new voice ip idea :D
  3. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    New Port Richey, FL
    Another note to self here.....

    On Boson's topic there.... in WC3 players were allowed to chat and function while other players were "lagging." This should be implemented in SC2 as well, with the inclusion of a "vote drop" function that allows for all the players to vote for that person to be dropped immediately. (Unanimous vote needed)

    I hated wasting a minute of my life for someone with a poor internet connection.
  4. longlivefenix

    longlivefenix New Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    there should be something like halos veto map :thumbup:
    i mean like you make a playlist of maps then you just play till everyone quits
  5. MyLifeForAiur

    MyLifeForAiur New Member

    Oct 21, 2007
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    its /r for last person who whispered in WC3 so that feature is in there.

    * What features would you like to see in StarCraft IIs Battle.net?

    I would like to see the quick match making ladder system that WC3 Battle.net runs put into SC2.

    The major reason I could not get into sc1s ladder system is that many users just simply played computer games to boost their ladder rankings for free wins.