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New TVT gameplay. with banshee portrait and sound.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 27, 2008.

New TVT gameplay. with banshee portrait and sound.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 27, 2008.

  1. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    I don't think Archons were the greatest defense against them, its only because they managed to get those few lucky hits and because the Mutalisk were stacked they all got damaged.
    Mutalisk can easily go from base to base or even catch units by suprise and as you can see in Sc2 things seem a lot larger, base-wise.
    But that doesn't need to be debated, what needs to be debated is what can be done with the Thor since the majority dislike it.
  2. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    OMG I haven seen this before now! TY Zeratul.
    How could so much be leaked? Im beginning to think that Blizzard let people leak!?
  3. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    The Archons might not have been the absolute greatest defence against Mutalisks, but they were still a great counter and it's not just because they managed to get those few lucky hits, but stacking did also have a bit to do with it. It looks as though the Thor has, and will have, a larger area of effect attack anyway, so the fact that Mutalisks won't stack won't be too much of an issue for them.

    I think it does need to be debated. I think that people who are still so adamant in their beliefs that it should be reverted to its original self are mainly being stubborn. Just look at the Thor in the video, especially its Anti-Air attack. It looks like a very capable unit now. Its still got a strong Ground-to-Ground attack but now its extremely potent against Air targets. It definitely doesn't look as bad as I imagined it to be when they originally told us about its Anti-Air attack, and as a matter of fact I was impressed when I saw it! It's still big, it's still got a strong Ground-to-Ground attack, it's still got large reservoirs of health at its disposal, only now its got a great Anti-Air attack as well. As I said earlier, I'd prefer it if there weren't as many clustering the map, so having them a bit more powerful but a bit more expensive would be great in my opinion. Perhaps, and just putting this out there, after a certain amount have been built, the price could start to increase, making it harder to produce more after that 'limit'.

    All in all, the only thing that the current Thor has really lost is its Bombardment ability, and all that means is that Siege Tanks will be able to be made stronger as there won't be as much long range artillery as there was before.
  4. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    I think I must agree in the Mutalisk against Archon part. Archons are perhaps not the best kind of defense, but they are at the right tech tree. HT´s are alpha and omega in PvZ, and Archons are at that same tech-tree. There were some months a year back where it wa a standard pro build to do a fast expo on Katrina, and then go Zealots + Archons + HT´s. And those few times when Zerg did Mutalisks, Archons and HT´s pawned them.
    Archons + 2 cannons, and the base is very save, because if the mutalisks attacks the cannons and try to take tham out, then the archons will be ready with their splash attack.
  5. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    sure no problem. ^^

    i dont like the banshee. xp