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NEW TERRAN GAMEPLAY. w/ new sound and unit portrait.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 20, 2008.

NEW TERRAN GAMEPLAY. w/ new sound and unit portrait.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 20, 2008.

  1. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    i kinda dont like the siege tank portrait. i like the old one better.

    the new siege tank portrait looks like a trying hard junk yard repair bully guy.

    dont you think it would be better if most terran unit should look military like and still looking badass and tough. the siege tank guy needs some armor, helmets, a better looking terran military theme outfit etc, not just a plain orange dirty shirt(looks like engineer swans brother), not that i can see it cleary. but it lacks professional military feel.

    anyway, from the start of the the vid, you can see the thor is included in the factory. jackal, siege tank, thor. crap. the thor is just a beef up goliath. the thor scv build was one of the coolest mechanic, they just wasted it. and come on, return the viking back to the factory coz it looks more of mech than a basic star fighter.
    Last edited: May 20, 2008
  2. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    nope, i wouldnt want most of the terran units inside the mech units all geared up in uniforms... the thing is, arent they already uniformed superficially?? its not that i disagree that much but come to think of it, it doesnt even matter what those people inside those vehicles will wear since uniform will serve less military purpose in war against aliens...

    basically, one military personnel wears uniform either for rank recognition or terrain camouflage, but since theres almost no unit besides the ghost going naked out there, there shouldnt be a point with regards to the terran military with their own preferences of clothes.... the way i see it, i rather only see the ghost, "starport guys" in uniform coz they will be the ones with higher ranks that will also be a possible hero units... Hence tycus findlay was just wearing a ragged prisoners clothes ^_^
  3. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    The tank is his armor, you could say. The fact that he dress a lil' more casually gives him personality.
  4. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    well the siege tank guy in starcraft is dressed with armor and helmet, etc. and it gives him a more preferred personality too. military personality that is.

    only the scv should be casually dressed.
  5. 10-Neon

    10-Neon New Member

    May 23, 2007
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    I would think being dressed in a tank would be enough armor for anyone....
  6. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    no. the driver would like to get out from the tank once in a while and he wants to be like military like too you know.
  7. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Why would the driver get out if he's only trained to operate Siege Tanks? He's neither trained nor equipped to be in such a situation, so why would he? It's not like a Viking where he can have a Soldier Form and a Tank Form, he's a Tank driver. i.e. He drives Tanks.
  8. Baal

    Baal New Member

    Jan 19, 2008
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    In the Woods...
    I also imagine it would get quite hot sitting in those stuffy tanks all day.
  9. marinefreak

    marinefreak New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    If i was in a tightly packed tank with shells, bullets and claws (Plus psychic energies, lasers, missles, spit, goo etc etc) raining down on me all day i'd appreciate being supplied with a helmet!
    Last edited: May 21, 2008
  10. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    If said psychic energies, lasers, missiles, spit and/or goo is breaking through your Tank's hull, I doubt a helmet would provide much protection.
  11. marinefreak

    marinefreak New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    It would give a bit of a psychological boost, and of course it would stop you bumping your head when your trying to get out to run like hell from the incoming swarms !

    On a more serious note, flying shrapnel while inside the tank would have a much lower chance of instantly killing the driver if he was wearing a helmet, theres also less chance of head wounds if the tank came to an abrupt stop if it hit a mine and or an ultralisk. The recoil of the arclight cannon (If its still called that?) i imagine has a nasty kick which would also be a hazard inside a small cockpit.

    Sounds more dangerous to be a tank driver than a marine after that description....
  12. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    It would also hinder your vision and be cumbersome.
    If you get out to flee, you'd be shot by your fellow soldiers.
    I dunno why there would be shrapnel flying around inside the Siege Tank to begin with. If it's been hit that hard, chances are the rest of your Tank has been blown up so a bit of flying shrapnel would be the least of your concerns.
    What would the driver be hitting his head on exactly? He's all strapped in and is even angled backwards, so the chances of hitting hit head are really small. Besides, what if he did hit his head, was wearing a helmet and the visor shattered? Not only would he be hurt by the impact, but he'd not have shattered glass all over his face.
    All, or at least the vast majority of, the recoil of the cannon is absorbed by the shock absorbers, like how the recoil of the Battlecruiser's Yamato Cannon is absorbed by the Battlecruiser's Yamato Cannon, and you don't see all the Battlecruiser's crew members wearing helmets. At least the Siege Tank has the ground to push against.
    More dangerous to be in a sturdy and thick armoured fortress than to be out in the open in a light-armoured suit? Not only does anything that has a chance at killing the driver have a chance at killing a Marine as well, but to get to the driver it has to penetrate layers of thick armour.
  13. marinefreak

    marinefreak New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Oh dear here i go into another losing battle because i just can't be bothered to write 3-4 essays about sillythings in every thread !

    I'm fairly sure tanks would be at a stage where the drivers vision does not matter too much, really just pushing a button when the computer beeps.

    If your getting out of your seige tank to flee theres a good chance everything has turnt to hell and everyone else around you is doing the same thing. Such as if the BC fleet overhead sees thousands of mutalisks swarming towards you and decide to take off leaving everyone on the ground to fend for themselves.

    Seige tanks can survive a fair bit of pounding so i assume they are built well enough not to explode but if fire was focused on one part then the inner structure may splinter slightly resulting in shrapnel (It would only take a cm peice of metal flying towards your skull to disable your tank =P.

    I don't think they even use glass in visors nowadays (perspex and the like) and i'm sure they could make a helmet which didn't shatter on impact. These aren't exactly highly disciplined soldiers if people don't wear seatbelts in small cars travelling at 80 mp/h i doubt a tank driver would bother to wear one at 30-40 mp/h. But a crash would still result in nasty injury.

    Even if they are strapped in if your tank rolls due on bad terrain or a nydus worm breaches nearby the damage to the inner cabin would probally result in the driver getting bumped around alot.

    I doubt the terran build their tanks for maximum comfort for the crew inside. The shock absorbers would take out alot of the recoil but i don't think it would take out all of it. The Cannons as big as the tank! Also the yamato gun is alot smaller than the rest of BC compared with the seige tank and its cannon.

    Seige tanks would be the first thing everyone would aim for. If you think tanks are safer look at the casualty rates for tank drivers in various battles in WW2. Marines can take cover the best thing a seige tank can do is fire as fast as it can.
    Last edited: May 21, 2008
  14. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I meant it as being a hindrance to seeing what you're doing, being operating the controls, but you're right, it would also hinder vision of the battlefield as well. Vision obviously does matter. Using exaggeration for the sake of clarity, someone with unobstructed twenty-twenty vision would be a better driver than a blind man.
    If you're getting out of your Tank and everything around you has been killed, destroyed and burnt, I doubt a helmet would do much. There's a huge difference between an orbital capital ship taking off and a single man jumping out of his Tank and sprinting in the opposite direction.
    With all the funding and development that has gone into the Siege Tanks over the past four years, I doubt they'd has such an exploitable design flaw, not to mention that seeing as such helmets aren't bulletproof, the centimetre long piece of metal would probably kill the driver anyway. Besides, the cockpit would probably be contained seeing as it's almost completely surrounded by tracks, turret and barrel.
    Glass isn't the only thing that's able to be shattered. Either way you'd most likely have large, sharp pieces of something jammed in or around your face.

    Your seatbelt argument basically works in the opposite way. No-one would bother wearing a seatbelt when going at 5km/h, but they might at 50km/h. Someone who doesn't wear it at 50km/h might at 100km/h. Someone who doesn't at 100km/h might at 200km/h. Someone who doesn't at 200km/h would probably be wearing one when they're in the middle of a bumpy, explosion-filled warzone. The more dangerous it is, the less likely it is that someone is going to not wear a seatbelt.

    Besides, give the Siege Tank portrait a seatbelt and voilà! Instantly all of the SIege Tank drivers wear seatbelts. It's the same with Marines and smoking cigars.
    You're right about that, but it's unlikely that wearing a helmet is going to that damage. Most of it would probably be whiplash anyway.
    True, but the Battlecruiser is also airborn. To be able to absorb all the recoil from such a massive attack on such a large ship that's practically in space would be a lot harder than absorbing the recoil of a sturdy, reinforced and braced artillery platform's regular attack. The Siege Tank is designed for the purpose of its cannon, so it would have to be able to absorb recoil a lot more efficiently than a ship that's designed purpose isn't the reason for its shock absorbers.
    I'm sure that in gross numbers, there would have been more infantry deaths than tank deaths. Besides, the tanks would have, ideally, proven their worth before they were blown up, otherwise why would either side be using tanks in the first place? Besides, Siege Tanks are not used for the same purpose as tanks in World War 2. They're designed to be used more as long ranged artillery and they are also fewer but more powerful, unlike World War 2 tanks which often relied on numbers.
  15. marinefreak

    marinefreak New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    A properally designed helmet would not limit vision enough to restrict vision. Especially if goggles are worked into them like seen in the Starcraft 1 siege tank portrait.

    If it means your able to make it to that last dropship before it takes off or if your able to pick up a gun off a nearby splattered marine and blast a zergling before your eaten .... it was worth the effort.

    Exploitable design flaws may have been taken off but the engineers in charge would definately prefer to reduce the armour protecting the driver (From giant heavy chunk to fortified slab) if it meant they could stuff another few layers of metal on to the main chassis of the tank. Since an armoured driver would be safe from junks of metal but the shell which ends up killing him would have blasted the tank to peices anyway.

    This made me laugh since those "sharp peices of something" if you weren't wearing a helmet would probally be peices of your control panel and/or junks of metal from the surronding interior. The force to shatter parts of your helmet would easily kill you instantly if you weren't wearing one.

    But you could look at it from the opposite way, in a war zone "buckle up" is not the first thought which goes through your head when baneling's are ripping a hole through your factory to get at you.

    It doesn't take much of a bang on the head to take you out of action. Siege tank rolling > Falling of your bike.

    Battlecruisers have alot more room for the crew to move around in and few would be in tiny cabins when it fired. Also since the battlecruiser is capable of intergalatic space travel the engines it has for stabiizing would be incredibly powerful

    The thing which makes tanks for deadly for the drivers is that they are very small inside. Richocheting bullets normally = death (I know its not a beacon of realism but have you ever watched that indiana jones scene? =P). Why even put much armour on them if they are just for ranged artillery? Since they are fewer and more powerful i think it is also safe to say that keeping the driver alive is of the most importance therefore helmets should be worn at all times to make sure no accidents occur!

    I'm going to bed..its late >>
  16. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I remember the old Siege Tank portrait wearing a helmet with a visor, not a helmet with goggles. Then again, I may be wrong. Even if the helmet doesn't restrict vision at all, implying the front hemisphere would have to be made of a thin and transparent material which wouldn't nearly be as effective as the usual helmets, it would still be cumbersome. Any helmet would be.
    And then what? Either you fly off in the Dropship only to report that you lot were the guys who abandoned their posts and fled for their lives when their base was attacked, or you end up having a slower and much more painful death, by being eaten by a Zergling, than you would have if you had no helmet where you'd have probably just been shot instead.

    I find it odd how you said that picking up a gun and blasting a single Zergling before dying would make it worthwhile when you could have just as easily remained in your Tank and blasted a whole lot of Zerglings, etc. If anything not having a helmet would keep the driver fighting to the death from inside the Tank, where he'd be dealing optimal damage.
    Engineers would not design the Tank to be more protected than the driver is, as if the driver dies, the Tank's dead, just like you said earlier. They'd much prefer to remove an easily exploitable design flaw than use those materials to reinforce a chassis.
    Well then it's sorted. No matter whether you're wearing a helmet or not, you're dead and have sharp shards of either your skull, your helmet or your surroundings would be lodged in your head. You're dead anyway so at least the death without a helmet would be quicker.
    If you're being jolted around by bumpy terrain, etc, like you said earlier, I'm pretty sure you'd make sure you're secured. I'm also fairly sure that someone of some description at the end of the supply line of the Factory would be ensuring that all the drivers are secured, as if they're not they'd be in much more danger and therefore die quicker, and would also have less control over the Tank.
    But they won't be being thrown around as much and there head certainly wouldn't be dangerously close to anything if they're secured, which they would be. Besides, if your Siege Tank rolls, helmet or no helmet, you, and quite possibly everyone in the vicinity, are goners.
    Having a lot more room wouldn't necessarily be a good thing. Being more heavily secured in a smaller cabin would be much sturdier. Besides, I wasn't talking about the recoil travelling through the sleeping quarters or anything, I was talking about the entire Battlecruiser being violently thrown off course.

    Travelling at a constant speed with zero resistance wouldn't require too much stabilising. Firing a massive Yamato Cannon out of your ship's bow on the other hand, would.
    I don't think ricocheting bullets would be too much of an issue compared to the pummelling that the Tank would be taking from the outside, especially seeing as bullets aren't designed to ricochet, nor are the interior of such cabins designed to have objects ricocheting around in them. Asking why such an important vehicle requires to much armour is kinda mindless. Apart from being long ranged does not stop the Tank from being attacked, it would need to be built solidly to support the absorption of the recoil.

    Why do you say that since it's so important to keep the driver alive they'd obviously give them helmets, when you're saying that the drivers wouldn't be using seatbelts? A seatbelt is more important and more protective than a helmet anyway. Imagine being in an accident where in one situation you're secured but not wearing a helmet and the other time you're not secured but wearing a helmet. I'd tell you right now that I'd rather be secured, as that's why there's a seatbelt law, but not a helmet law when riding in a car. The entire hull of the Tank acts as a helmet anyway so having a helmet as well would be as useful as using an umbrella indoors.
  17. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    so he can wear anything he wants just bcoz his inside a tank? the siege tank in starcraft had a helmet and armor for some military reason.

    lets say the commander wants all soldiers including the tanks driver to get inline for inspection.

    then the tank driver goes out on his dirty pajamas. the commander would kill him.

    another scenario would be if the siege tank is in troubled, then the driver goes out of the tank before it exploded, suddenly a hydralisk appeared and shoot a niddle spike straight to his chest.

    lets see.. driver with his plain prisoner shirt = instant death.

    but driver with light armor on his chest = 50% chance of survival. or instant survival.
    Last edited: May 21, 2008
  18. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Under Your Bed
    Oh wow...
  19. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    A driver stepping out of his Tank would be at about the same location as the tank, right? If something managed to damage a huge tank so severely that it explodes, I doubt the driver would have a chance of survival at the same spot.
  20. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    yes he got out from the tank but the driver was already very far away from the tank when it exploded. then the hydralisk appeared from nowhere shooting an initial spike at him.