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New Pylon System

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Pix, Jun 12, 2007.

New Pylon System

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Pix, Jun 12, 2007.

  1. Juggernaught131

    Juggernaught131 New Member

    Apr 2, 2008
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    maybe, multiple pylons could speed up regen and no pylons would weaken it, but one pylon would not regeneraate the shield, so ie. 0 pylons = loses shield 1 pylon = keeps shield steady, no regen 2+ pylons = regenerate exponentially until 4 pylons maximum per building
  2. Crouse

    Crouse New Member

    Jul 14, 2008
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    An increase to building shield regen is an interesting idea. Assuming it functions in the way Juggernaught suggested it would almost force players to target the pylons first, as buildings with multiple pylons would be rather time consuming to destroy. I always assumed that the pylons were meant to be targeted first in the original SC so you could stop the functions of buildings rather then have to out right destroy them. Due to the number of pylons needed for the pop cap there was usually overlap built into protoss bases so it wasn't an effective strategy. Hopefully having shield regen linked to pylon overlap would make the pylon first strategy a better alternative when attacking and let the pylon serve something closer to the role I always imagined was intended for it.
  3. Cotcan

    Cotcan New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    This is a great idea. Blizzard may just do it. But the down side is it would require more proccessing power, could make your game lag easier. Anyways the protoss player alrighty build plyons close together, because everyone targets them. Its a waste of minerals to have to build some many plyons. But the shield idea wouldn't really change much, and is a great idea for the replacement of shield battery.
  4. Boneblade

    Boneblade New Member

    Sep 20, 2008
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    Starcraft is "fun" because it is streamlined strategy.

    Realism, complexity and true depth are all sacrificed for the illusion of realism, complexity and depth through the achievement of fluid and fun gameplay.

    AKA: Keep It Simple, Stupid

    Adding this additional layer of complexity to the Protoss tech tree is both unnecessary (because the context of the game is an RTS, not a war simulation like Total War or Civilizations) and would lead to alot more work than you are seeming to believe. If you added such a layer of complexity to Protoss tech, why not Terrans or Zerg? What if Zerg had to have a certain number of Creep Tumors to support their larger, more blood-hungry organic buildings?

    What if terrans had to have power generators hook up to their factories Total Annihilation style?

    What if my 50 ft. red clown of laserbeameyeflyingpolarbeardeath needed 1 Nexus, 1 Command Center and 1 Hive before it could be built?

    In my personal opinion, Blizzard is aiming along the right tracks to stay true to the original Starcraft - and that means keeping the game lean and playable, focusing strategy more on the manipulation and maneuvering of units rather than extensive base building and empire-minded construction madness best suited for a game like Sim Cities.
  5. Jissé

    Jissé New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    The terrans and the zergs already have layers of complexity: the terrans have to repair the buildings, which means first to check them, then select a worker, click on the building and confirm the resources are ok, and the zerg have first to spawn drones, which mean select larvas, click drone, wait, remember this drone was for this building, move away all the stupid zerglings that are around where you want your building.

    Protoss just have to B / C + building shortcut, and the building is then being built by itself, and then maintaining by itself. The only thing they might have to look after, is to possibly rebuild the destroyed pylons necessary to the buildings around.

    This pylon overlapping idea will not kill them.

    I like this idea.

    I would say some of the tier 2 buildings, and almost most of the tier3 buildings should require a multiple pylon support (more than one, two is enough), and multiple pylon support should improve the building shield regeneration rate. Not the upgrade/training ones, because this would unbalance the game (the possibility to get capital upgrades and units faster than your opponents). Let's say every additionnal pylon brings a +10% of regeneration rate to the buildings around, with a cap to +50% or +100% (this will not make the buildings invinsible during attacks, just a bit tougher in early games). The regen effect will not apply to the pylons themselves of course.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2008
  6. UziSuicide

    UziSuicide New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    I agree, keep it simple! Not to say this wasn't a fun idea, I just prefer the keep it simple approach!
  7. UziSuicide

    UziSuicide New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    at the same time.. this is a good way to look at the idea..
  8. Jissé

    Jissé New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    If the game is too simple, the players will have no more fun after a while, because all the games will be around the same 3-5 recurring tactics. And only the zombies will keep playing it.

    If the game is too complicated, you will have to perform 54684 actions to move one unit from A to B, and the games will require so much management that players will need to rest after each game, and only people with at least degrees will be able to play it properly. And almost nobody will have fun.

    A balance has to be found.

    I think the SC1 basis is good, but turns out to be a bit too simple nowadays.

    The Protoss have the toughest units, which means they require the least micromanagement (in my opinion), and as in addition their buildings are being built and are maintened by themselves, some extra steps to their tech trees might not hurt. And in addition their turrets are the weakest of the game, so some possible upgrades, beyond the shield one (does it still apply to the buildings in this new version by the way?), might help too to enable them to have decent defenses as well (assuming additionnal pylons bring something to basic buildings).
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2008
  9. Smokiehunter

    Smokiehunter New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    I like the idea of changing a pylon to a dark form so it can cloak near bye buildings and units. This gives the toss a original defense that separates them from the other races.
  10. Cotcan

    Cotcan New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    That is some what cheep. I mean then you would have to bring in cloak detectors. Even before you can start attacking. The cloak detectors are dead, because of all the fire power aimed at it. If they do the idea of a plyon having a dark form. When it attacks, or uses a ability, it should become visible. Like in Warcraft 3. Or it becomes way too easy for protoss, and everyone goes protoss. It kills the fun of the game.

    Edit: Your post isn't related to this topic. Go and post it in "dark plyons". This has to do with more than 1 plyon for a building.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2008
  11. Crouse

    Crouse New Member

    Jul 14, 2008
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    You better get yourself some Dark Archon then. ;)

    That being said I don't think an increase in shield regeneration isn't really that complicated of a concept. What it comes down to is you'll stick some extra pylons by your cannons and important buildings. I think most people can handle that. Yes, you could take the planning and layout of your base to extremes trying to maximize efficiency or what not, but you wouldn't have to. It makes the game more complex for those that are looking for it, but is simple to use in general for those that don't care as much, which is how a feature should work. Giving the greatest benefit to those who take the most time to master it.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008
  12. Cotcan

    Cotcan New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    I'm sorry, but there is no more dark archon in sc2. Instead you make a Twlight Archon. It would be a great idea. But with the shield reg, if there is no plyons near-by, then the shields should drop.
  13. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    twilight archon doesn't have mind control.

    i don't liek it, overcomplicates the protoss bases.
  14. Jissé

    Jissé New Member

    May 27, 2008
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    slowly, but they should drop yes, kind of negative shield regeneration. In addition of the usual disabling of any activity within the building (upgrade searching or unit warping).


    the game must remain accessible for the new players, but offer in the same time deeper mechanics for the more experienced ones. Once a player understood the system, he/she has the choice to invest minerals to get +% shield regeneration. It might worth it or be a totally stupid idea, depending on the circumstances.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2008
  15. Cotcan

    Cotcan New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    I like the shield reg. part, but the 2 plyons for a building, would make things very complex for new players.
  16. ZeR[g]LiNg

    ZeR[g]LiNg New Member

    Sep 29, 2007
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    It's another strategy. DS and the devourer really didn't fly with new players, but people who knew how to use them could really do damage with either of them. Same thing here. It's not essential at all, it's just another strategy.

    It's like, you could just go Mutas and Gaurds and wreak havoc, or you could throw in a couple of devourers and destroy air while you'rea at it.

    You could go for an offensive approahc and just go the least amount of pylons, or you could be teching and need good building resistance. Plus, you need to build more pylons to contain the large unit supplies, so even more efficiency. It may or may not prove to be crucial to someone's strategy.