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new idea for Changling and its abilities

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Ballistixz, Jul 10, 2009.

new idea for Changling and its abilities

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Ballistixz, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    Unless they've completly fixed the pathing issues so your units don't start running into the base because they can't attack, a small dot would only mean that oh crap I'll go get that stupid marine later after I kick this guys butt.

    And with what blizz was saying it's completly true, it's going to be a real problem unless your checking every blasted unit all the time, and also I saw it say it turns into that basic unit. So if it lands near a factory it will be the cheapest most basic unit, therefore it could be (Vikings I think that's a basic unit for either the SP or Fac) an SCV or a marine(plus something I forgot)

    Unless I'm missing the point.
  2. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    no, it only morphs into the most basic figher of that race, so it could only become either a Marine, Zealot, or Zergling.
  3. Ballistixz

    Ballistixz New Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    i have no idea why you wouldnt be looking at the minimap... its pretty important to watch the minimap as frequently as possible. and about the green dot alot of ppl seem to keep bringing up, ill answer it with a question. knowing that the zerg race has the ability to spawn a changling what would u do if u spot a single green dot heading towards ur base when a MASS of your green dots is heading in the opposite direction? what would you think it is? would u just ignore it? or will u take like the half a second to click on the mini map where that green dot is heading, take another half a second to click on the unit, and if its a changling take another half a second to atk it with a single unit? it doesnt have much hp so it will die in 1 or 2 hits... and that whole process to actually do that might take 2 or 3 seconds...

    also, another way this problem can be dealt with is all units that YOU spawn you put in a certain area. for example of you spawn alot of zealots or something you can put them all at the entrance to your base or at your natural. or any spot you feel comfortable, you can always put them there. that way you know that your base will be constantly empty or atleast near empty. you may only have stalkers or something there but no zealots. that way if you DO notice a zealot is there you will instantly know its not your own zealot because you put all of YOUR zealots in a certain area.

    and seriously, do you really think manually atking something takes that long? atleast for me it does not. its not a problem for me to manually atk something. especially since i also play alot of ums games that require manually atking something i guess. idk, i just dont feel that its a huge deal.

    about what blizzard said, well it can easily change. in beta, if it does turn out to be undetectable then i really think it wont stay that way but we will see. i dont know how blizzard works because im not all to familiar with them, so im sorry if i cant go by EVERYTHING they say even if they are the devs. for all i know they can be saying that just from promotion of that new unit (which im sure is an insult to all the blizz fans, but again i dont know blizzard that well) if i can see a changling in action in a Battle report or something then maybe ill be set more at ease. but for now i am sticking by to what i say about the whole changling debate.
  4. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    Why do you think the Changeling won't stay undetectable? If Blizzard took away that part of its mechanic, the unit would lose its whole uniqueness (and my approval rating too). Plus, they didn't take away Hallucination in the original Starcraft, which generated an undetectable phantom unit copy.

    You are correct that it would be easier to notice a suspicious lone green dot when all your other units are moving the other way - but all your units aren't always moving the other way! I also think you are vastly underestimating the distractability of the average Starcraft player. And yes, what Blizzard says can change, but it's the best basis for discussion we've got.

    Yes, manually attacking something doesn't take that long. But it takes longer than any other method of attacking.

    Finally, yes there are plenty ways to foolproof your base against the Changeling mechanic - but there are plenty of ways to do that with any other Starcraft mechanic! The whole strategy of Starcraft is about cracking your enemy's strategy - players who use the Changeling will probably come up with new ways of distracting to successfully scout.

    The main point is that unless you are always looking at the mini-map, always grouping your units perfectly, always drag-selecting, AND continuously trying to find a Changeling, a Starcraft II player will probably be able to sneak one in from time to time.
  5. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    And no one answered my thing on pathing, of course they can't get the pathing completly right, especialy the first time. When this comes out I'm sure there will be gliches galore. And if the pathing is slightly like SC1 in that when they can't get to the action they find a different route then if you send a changking in it would just look like a unit that wasn't able to get onto the battle field.
  6. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    you mean like in SC1 the units run around in circles if they all cant run up a chokepoint into a base? they changed it a bit in SC2 i heard, now the units just sit patiently til they can take another step forward.
  7. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    w00t! that enought of a fix for me. now my zergling will wait to have there turn at killing the enemys of the swarm!
  8. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    just take note that it also makes them much more vulnerable to splash attacks.
  9. PsiWarp

    PsiWarp New Member

    Jul 15, 2008
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    Unfortunately for Changeling supporters (myself included), the Changeling appears to be unable to change disguise while moving as its original form, but once it stops moving it can transform. The change is also permanent for that Changeling if someone doesn't know.

    Source from playtester: http://sclegacy.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12861&postcount=125

  10. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    So they've taken out the helpful part by if you want any decent scouting you have to reveal ur overseer? That means it's going to be crap by midgame when you have units everywhere. So now it's just a beginning game scout just like a zergling only way cheaper.

    Come on blizz, ur letting me down. I want more from the Zerg not less!!!
  11. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Stupid unit (Changeling) created by another stupid unit (Overseer). Funny.

    How about instead of nerfing Zerg, then filling up the race's new unit options with units that 'justify' the nerf, give Zerg some truly new and interesting units.

    Good Idea Example: Well, we got rid of the Reaver, but now you can build the Colossus, which can walk up walls, has a powerful AoE attack, a bit tankier, etc. It also looks new and exciting and cool; the perfect replacement!

    Bad Idea Example: Well, racial uniqueness is stupid, so over the years, Zerg Overlords have become old and senile and can no longer detect invisible units. No worries, for Zerg have AN EXCITING NEW UNIT!!!! It's call the Overseer... it's basically just a worse-looking Overlord with detection. Zerg players now have the ability to manually morph their Overlords, giving them the ability to do exactly what they used to, but made much more inconvenient now! And that's not all... the Overseer can produce ANOTHER EXCITING NEW UNIT! It's called the Changeling, and it's designed to determine how oblivious your opponent is! What's this? A Marine I can't control running throughout my base? It's probably nothing... BUT WAIT, IT'S THE CHANGELING!!!! THE CHANGELING, DOING THE PARASITES JOB, BUT WORRRRSE! COMING SOON IN STARCRAFT II!
  12. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    (its been a while)
    but isn;t it a changling until it doesn't move?

    stupid stupid stupid.
    here lets give you another usless mechanic to complain about in online forums...

    stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid...
  13. alex1

    alex1 New Member

    Sep 2, 2009
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    LOL! Funny thing is, I totally agree. I wish Blizz could refrain from nerfing all "non Terran units" btw.
  14. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    I have an idea, what if instead of while it moves it looks like a changling and stuff and it looks like an scv or rine.

    Why not make it kinda a nerfed version of nural parisite, you can take control of a marine or what ever unit but its armor is reduced to 0 and it's damge is .5 of whatever it was when it was taken, and it can be launched from the max distance while moving not while standing still. The HP could also be nerfed even more but it would be auto tageted

    Or a second idea, why if it makes the units pretty much usless but it's a 3x3 matrix area.
    Basicly you spread out goo all over and all of the units mech or bio will act like a changlingl and have 0 att 0 armor and 50% HP, you the player can't move them but the owner that owned them second ago can but the units are not auto attacked and after the effect (just to be more anoying) the Zerg that sprayed the goo can see what that unit sees (well it would act like parisite with the sight part) so you can see what thy see and the original owner has to manually att them and kill them off, you could also do this to break defences (does not effect buildings btw) you would just take over the units now any reenforcements can't get there and you're free to kill of the defence.
  15. Cabbage

    Cabbage New Member

    Apr 20, 2009
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    Double post. GG.

    I like your style, redlazer.

    We could give the overseer the parasite ability, yet give it the ability to explode when triggered (100 hp or so). I mean, infested terrans were pretty cool, yet too hard to be used, so they could merge the 2 ideas together!

    As for changeling, I'm leaning for ball's idea for an initial camouflaged unit, then turning into a visible, transformed unit later on.
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2009
  16. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Lol senile overlords that needs viagra-evolution to turn themselves back to normal.

    At first I had my doubts but finally I alpha-concluded that there is a racial discrimination in SC2 particularly against the zerg. Not only did the zerg devolve some of its units (mutalisk with no mutation, overlord isnt over anymore, and the race with the most retro units active on roster after 4 years). Or maybe it's just me thinking about this.

    Anyways, my changeling idea is kind of an offensive economic based ability.

    I suggest to give the changeling a gooey explosion upon death (which could also be self-detonated) giving a 10-15 sec. ensnare effect on surrounding units therefore giving a possible economic threat bonus on harvest units.
  17. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    I vote making the Changeling into it's own unit and completely reworking it.

    Permanently invisible and have the ability to change into an exact copy of another unit for a short duration; the unit's attack, abilities, speed, etc. Everything, an exact copy.
  18. 1n5an1ty

    1n5an1ty Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    like a probe. or a scv
  19. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    Why not fuse changling parasite and infested terrans back in by making you attack the worker a changling pops out (insta kill like broodlings to any bio unit) and it can explode doing that debuff thing, and maybe it will get rid of any buffs already on the workers (if Zerg get anything it will go away same with proton charge and mules insta die)

    I also agree that Zerg have been debuffed in many ways, that's what they need to do, add some new cool stuff for the Zerg.