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Mothership is a super unit again.

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Seradin, Jan 31, 2008.

Mothership is a super unit again.

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Seradin, Jan 31, 2008.

  1. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    The way I see it Motherships are expensive so using them form more than just the Executrors' flagships would be cost prohibitive. They have been kikced off their planet and thus have less resources and capitol
  2. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    so how about this... in multplayer games only one mothership per player but in the campaign we should be building and fighting multiple motherships. for lorewise sakes there should be multiple motherships. independence day movie like but 10x better. coz if there is only one mothership in the lore then it would be like the death star in starwars, if the mothership is destroyed the protoss is doomed. =p

    i say give the protoss hundreds of motherships lorewise = hardcore scifi 8)
  3. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    If all you do in the Protoss campaign is to mass MS:s...
    Blizzard are clearly trying their best to make the MS a little stronger again. But everything must be balanced, so the limit should be 1. I think it will be a wee bit weaker than the original MS to not make such a huge impact on the battlefield all alone.
  4. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Zeratul lets take our small victories, anyways this is how I see it a multyplayer game is just a small to medium sized skirmish between forces and since there is already only a very small number of Motherships no more than 1 can be spared for these skirmishes. As for the campaign thats completely up to blizzard.
  5. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    But with that there is no compramize except it will cost a lot, and you will obviously get minerals again.
    I still say its better to increase its supply cost so that players will have this compramize to think about:
    Large army with less management or Potent group with a Mothership.
    But I'd like to know if Blizzard will have some kind of warning message when a Mothership is built. Something like:
    ''A Mothership has entered the battlefield''
  6. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    about the campaign and mass motherships? no, by the time the mothership is available it will be near the end of the protoss campaign so you can't mass them in all parts of the campaign. and dont forget the supply is big.i did not say go all motherships, im sure blizzard is making computer ai specially in the campaign to counter mass units you make(i really hope).. so maybe 1 to 3 motherships will do in the late game campaigns or the final one.

    and i was talking mainly about the lore, mulitple hundreds of motherships is better than a single mothership. o.0
  7. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    @Zergalicious. I don't think so (about the message) . But anyway, all of its abilities costs almost as much as the mothership itself to research. What was the first build we got to know about like? The abilities costed about 300/300 and the MS 400/400? It's also the last unit in the tech tree, so in order to get a MS (with aleast one ability) you have to compromise A LOT.
  8. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Ah, you bring up a nice point there. I didn't acknowledge it's tech upgrades, but that isn't the only thing which makes it dangerous; last I saw the Mothership's basic attack did 80 dmg, whether true or false anything close to that is pretty much better than a planet cracker as it fires multiple shots at a decent fire rate.

    My other reason for letting players create more then 2 is: Lets say it turned into a late game, and after a epic battle the result was both armies got decimated. This gives the Protoss one last chance of coming back with fire and using up all their supply count and cost to produce 2 Motherships, adding more dimension and strategy to the game, instead of having solid set rules such as- one unit at a time... (not a very thought through example but I'm sure you catch my drift.)

    And I'd like to highlight with Blizzard scriping a rule which allows one Mothership at a time it cuts off possibilities for UMS maps greatly which could be based upon the Mothership.
  9. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    You are talking about all those blue homing thingies, right? I doubt they do 80 damage each. More like 80 damage split up in the number of projectiles there is, like 80/4 a missile. (Just like the Zealot's attack in starcraft seemed to be 16, when it actually was 8x2.

    And note how the MS launches them in waves, not with a constant flow. Each wave does a total of 80 damage, I think.

    The editor will be even more flexible than the WC3 editor. Of course you will be able to change the limit if you want.
  10. Unentschieden

    Unentschieden New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    I would be REALLY suprised if something like a unit limit were hardcoded. Thats simply sucky programming. Scrips btw. are not part of the engine and can most likely be changed with the semiofficial Editor. (semi since I doubt it would get support).

    And a protoss winning with a force consistin only of 2 MS would be a worst case scenario. That is exactly what´s NOT supposed to happen.
  11. AcE_01

    AcE_01 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    meh, i didnt mind many mothership or a single super unit...im still happy =D
  12. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    All us players feel that. I've always wanted the MS to be turned back into a 1-at-a-time unit, now the overlap between carriers and MS is pretty much wiped out.

    I'm interested that they have proved that they are working hard on the zerg, not even having enough time to smooth out the problems with the current MS's abilities.
  13. Seradin

    Seradin New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    i think if the mothership is a super unit yes it should have some really powerful abilities, but at high cost.
  14. Indigent

    Indigent New Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    That was what the planet cracker and black hole was for, this was somewhat what I wanted the Mother Ship to be the whole time, thank you Blizard.
  15. Prodigal

    Prodigal New Member

    Nov 9, 2007
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    Dude please, no need to be rude to people, your a moderator and shoud set a better example to the forum community.
    I also think your totally off-base and devoid of good reason when you state that the game should be catered exclusively to the largest "general" population of fans. Should that occur we would see Starcraft II as a money map, BGH and Lost Temple only multiplayer game. Fully eliminating the need of the Starcraft Macro economy the general population of fans will be pleased. In fact with your logic the developers should make certain that the only way to be successful in Starcraft 2 would be to make certain that single unit massing is the best strategy, since thats how most players on money maps are successful, and it should be againt Battle Net policy to award ladder points to players who don't play on money maps.

    Ever been battle.net original for Starcraft? THe general population of Starcraft fans are money map newbs that have no macro skill. So your idea is quite lacking and giving this thread about the mothership its own thread is a contradiction to forum policy stated, and forum policy that you have enforced in the past. Please be more consistent otherwise you will appear unethical to other people in the forum.
  16. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Yup, people need to post more productively by replying to the post before-hand, giving an opinion or whatever on that issue then go on to post whatever he/she was going to say, it helps the topic stay flowing and would keep repitition to a minimum.

    Does anyone know the possible damage stats for Planet cracker? Like, is it an instant amount of x damage (and different damage levels on each beam forexmaple: the middle beam is the most powerful whereas the side ones are weaker) or a successive flow of damage?
  17. Charmed

    Charmed New Member

    Nov 8, 2007
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    I think both LordKerwyn and Zergalicious made good points though.

    I believe Zergalicious made his deduction entirely based on the original starcraft where there are no "super units". So therefore form his pov, starcraft 2 should somehow stick to starcraft 1 in most aspects. Anyway it is quite normal for ppl to fear that this mothership might ruin the entire game. It either could be imbalance or made pretty useless (as in the game usually ends before one could build it & hence the protoss has just wasted one unit)

    LordKerwyn is also right becoz the majority should prevail. Since this game belongs to Blizzard, obviously they are the one can judge what is starcraft. Only I hope he refrains from using rude words becoz it can be harsh for someone else who wanted to express their personal opinion. I have to admit that this "super unit" thing can bring in more excitement to the game.

    Anyhow let's just wait for future updates regarding motherships. I really hope they scrap the black hole since it can be quite cheap in decimating air units.
  18. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Lol, my opinion was not based on sc1 at all. I was pointing out the game would be more dynamic with out a simple rule stating NO. I'd rather not repeat my point as I've already said enough about my main point. Just read my post carefully and you'll see what I mean.
    But to sum it up as it seems you didn't catch what I was saying is:

    Currently the rule surrounding the Mothership is that only one player can have one and only one at any given time.

    Now by doing this, the supply cost is pretty much low, around 8 or something. And since the Mothership is such a powerful unit, players should have to compramize when making the descision on producing a Mothership as it would greatly increase their winning chances, providing they can handle the continuous assults which will come over the time its found out.

    Now what I would rather happen is for that rule of one Mothership per player to be erased, and the supply cost is greatly increased to something like 75. Now having such a high supply cost means you can't create a large army along with the Mothership and your army will now be smaller.
    Having a smaller army means your base could be threatened a lot more since their isn't as many units defending as these would fight alongside the Mothership.

    Now this adds more dynamics as players are given the choice to have a large army with a variety of units, or a small army fighting with the Mothership which would change your tactics of using this combo effectivly. It also changes opponents tactics greatly as to which you have choosen.
    A smaller army would this Mothership would give off a specialized response with the enemy sending in Thors and other units which would work well for this combo. But to do this effectivly the enemy would have to know you have a Mothership which adds another part of dynamics to the game, with players constantly wary of the Protoss player having a Mothership ready to own them.

    The reason I don't want the one Mothership per player rule is becease the Protoss players could pretty much turtle, conserving minerals then Produce a Mothership and at the same time they have this huge force of Protoss units which is already deadly, which then leads to that player greatly owning anything which stands in their way.

    Another thing which I have said is the fact that UMS maps would now lack the capacity to create a number of maps based upon Mothership which could in it's self be never ending. UMS is a huge part of sc as it stops the game from being repetitive and gives an unlimited choice of scenarios and stuff to be created which is what made me continue playing sc.
    Don't you think it would get boring after a while ust playing normal matches and their was no crazy fun UMS maps which explore other aspects of the game.
    Of course there will be an increase tenfold of the UMS maps with the new mechanics and stuff but I don't see why their should be a limit as of what you can do if theres another solution which IMO is better, now this may seem bias but I can now state that Protoss players could be less custom of their forces and focus on getting this great Mothership which IMO reduces play style.

    Of all the points I've made I'm sure you can see what points I am trying to adress and if I'v come across as biased or my points don't seem valid please correct me.
  19. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    If the Protoss turtles, the other player could "boom" as explained in BoP's old article that recently was put on the front page. When the Protoss have his "imba" MS, the other player's economy would be ridiculous and he could just focus fire the MS with 50 Vikings/Warp Rays and Lol.

    And 75 supply?! Whoa! You would need 10 pylons to support that! That's an additional 1000 minerals, along with a lot of space wasted. All that for ONE MS. You would need more supply for all the other units.
  20. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    I think it will be hard for Blizzard to balance it...
    But i think 20 or 24 supply is ok. Thats because i dont want a super super MS. I want a MS that can be a exstra addition to your army, but not needed to win.