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More talk about Robert Clotworthy not playing Raynor

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by CyberPitz, Aug 26, 2008.

More talk about Robert Clotworthy not playing Raynor

  1. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    I don't really have any preference towards any voice actors but I prefer some consistency and so it irks me when they change actors and the person isn't dead/too old and there were't any contract conflicts.
  2. What if Jim Raynor is a completely different character, though? This seems to be be why Blizzard did this. And, from what I've seen, I agree.
  3. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Completley changing that character is even worse than just changing the actor. Sure the character can change over time but he shouldn't be radically different.
  4. It shows the character is reacting to his situation in a more realistic way. If a character is not changed by the events in StarCraft then that's not a very dynamic character.
  5. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    You should still be able to recognise his personality unless he went through something exceedingly traumatic. If he hasn't been driven bat**** insane he should still have the same basic personality traits. Yes the way they reveal themselves can and should be different but that which made Raynor in SC1 should still hold true for SC2 Raynor.
  6. CyberPitz

    CyberPitz New Member

    Apr 16, 2008
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    I don't know, watching the woman you have feelings for turn into the queen ***** of the universe seems pretty traumatic to me :p
  7. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    So what? What everyone's saying is just their opinion.
    I laughed at that.
    Yeah, I've already talked about his actions and replied to BoP.
    They're still characters, and they've still got personalities. Besides, if you're saying I'm biased against Raynor due to the Protoss being so much greater, you're wrong. There're definitely Terran heroes I like and Protoss heroes I hate, so I'm not just judging them based on how awesome their race is. So, regardless of the Protoss, Raynor was still a **** in my eyes.
    So you're saying he's not a perv? He stands directly in front of Kerrigan, thinking god knows what about her, while he's being addressed, and you reckon that's all right because she's a woman?
    That's not what I meant by 'human'. The Raynor is StarCraft2 actually looks as though he's a person who could physically exist. I don't mean human as in 'well, he's only human', I mean is as he's human, as in, a person, as in, is actually a believable character.
    Referring to himself? Just click on him. 'This is Jimmy' and 'Raynor here', not to mention his blatantly condescending attitude with all that crap like 'Aaaaanny time you're ready'. Then compare this with Tassadar and Fenix, 'Yes, Executor?', 'Executor?', 'Your command?' 'Your will?' 'What would you ask of me?'. All his long winded bull**** is whenever he tries to make a speech like when he's trying to convince Kerrigan to disobey Mengsk. I cringed at that speech. I've already said how he's hypocritical and self righteous. He's obviously just a criminal, yet he acts so high and mighty, and superior.

    Before you start going on about how this's the writer's fault and not the voice actor, I know. I'm aware of that, and I've already responded to that.
  8. Nikzad

    Nikzad New Member

    Jun 11, 2007
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    LOL good point...I should have omitted the "sound like"

    I never said it was alright, I meant that you can have lustful thoughts about someone whose presence you are in and not be a pervert. You've really never been aroused by someone around you? I thought it was a pretty basic experience in a person's life. Unless....you are inhuman?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    It's interesting, I never found those things he said to be condescending. I think it's just in the interpretation of the delivery because I never thought he was condescending when I played the campaigns... it probably just went right over my youthful head....
  9. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Uhm... he's called on the radio and he responds. You might as well say there's no point in saying 'roger' and 'copy', yet, they still do, so there's obviously a reason to it. In this case, he just says he's listening, which is required in radio chatter where there could be consequences for missing (part of) the message, which is exactly the case in a war against aliens and humans and basically everyone. And he's easy-going like that, by character, by not saying his ID number or some other polite or submissive stuff, but his name. I don't see the problem in having him act like that. He's terrified by the aliens and at the same time excited because he's passionate about making his men survive (and he possible likes bloodshed, too). This is a thrill ride to him, which is why - although he takes it seriously - he's kind of relaxed and enjoys it, I think. And I agree with Nik in that Protoss are way more experienced and have a whole different mentality, so it's only logical that their lines and character will be the complete opposite.

    Lastly, knowing Blizzard and their ability to create storylines and characters, I can imagine they created Raynor not to be the guy with all the plusses and the usual hero with incredible powers and witty lines, to give him more of a human feel, to emphasise that he's not perfect. This makes him be treated by players differently... just like in real life where the same person can be loved by some and hated by others.
  10. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    In your head
    I agree with that completely. Raynor's not one of those strict military officer types. He's laid-back and relaxed but he still does his job well. He has his shortcomings, but they're "human" shortcomings. This might be the 26th century or whatever, but he's still not perfect. It only makes him that much more believable. Frankly, I prefer the new Raynor exactly because of the mistakes he's made and the situation he's in. He's well suited for the "fallen hero" role, one that seeks revenge and drinks all day.
  11. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    @ Nikzad. Being aroused is completely different. Obviously just being with someone who's attractive or someone you've got feelings for doesn't make you a pervert, but thinking stuff like that when you're with them, not to mention when they're addressing you in a situation like Raynor was in, does. Well, in my opinion it does. Just because he's not saying it doesn't make it all OK, just like how someone who's racist, but doesn't verbalise it, is still a racist.

    @ kuvasz. So are all other Terran heroes, not to mention the Terran units, as well as Protoss heroes and units as well. Raynor's the only character who continuously refers to himself like that. Besides, if this was the only thing I found so vexing about him, it wouldn't be a problem. But it's not, so it is. I've already responded to the Protoss being different, and I've already said that there are Terran heroes I like and Protoss heroes I hate, so I'm not basing any decisions off of their race, not do their races have a general attitude as a whole.

    About his flaws, etc, what you're basically trying to say is he's an anti-hero. Basically, a hero without the usual heroic traits. However, anti-heroes don't lead to being loved by some and hated by others, in fact usually, they're loved more than your standard hero due to them being much more relatable and real. Some simple examples of anti-heroes would be characters like Shrek obviously from 'Shrek' (at least until they milked the franchise for all it was worth), Lister from 'Red Dwarf', and, in my opinion the greatest and easily the most identifiable and real hero/anti-hero in the whole genre, Captain Malcolm Reynolds from the 'Firefly' series and movie 'Serenity'.

    @ Wlck. Again, I don't mean he's not human as in the phrase, 'he's only human', i.e. he has his faults, I mean human as in real. Sure, he may be laid back, but he's a prat. Just being laid back doesn't prevent that.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2008
  12. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    I wouldnt call raynor a pervert , but frankly it doesnt matter, his character was put across well and its gonna be equally put across no matter who does the voice in sc2
  13. QUOTE: "So you're saying he's not a perv? He stands directly in front of Kerrigan, thinking god knows what about her, while he's being addressed, and you reckon that's all right because she's a woman?"

    Are you female?

    QUOTE: "All his long winded bull**** is whenever he tries to make a speech like when he's trying to convince Kerrigan to disobey Mengsk."

    In the unused hidden Terran missions Jim Raynor is even more of an ***, too. So, I completely agree with this.

    (For those that don't know about these check the StarCraft wikia.)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2008
  14. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    What? hes only human!

    Perhaps he really likes her? his mind is obviously going to wonder, its human fcking nature to.

    So you're a pervert if you're incredibly attracted to someone now? Goddamn if a woman did what raynor did would she be called a pervert? NO.
  15. I've gotta say this ...

    89% of males are perverted by that logic.

    (^ A randomly made up, but, in my opinion, fairly accurate, percent. Especially when you consider the "Five-Second Rule" which is supposed to be scientifically backed up that men think about sex every 5 seconds.)
  16. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Haha. No, I'm not. :p

    @ Bamber. I've already responded to that:
  17. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    Then by your logic, majority of men are perverts, as thingy said.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2008
  18. ^^ Well, then I applaud you *claps claps claps*

    I wish I could reach a point that high. I'm pretty tied down to the above mentioned five-second rule.. But, then, again, I am 19 :D
  19. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Urrr... Yes. How is it any different?

    How on Earth did you reach that conclusion? It's the exact same situation.
  20. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    haha you know fully well that in our modern society they wouldnt , they would be called kinky, but definatly not a pervert.

    I have met many women like that, and never are they considered a pervert, by anyone! their friends etc etc.