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Mobile Bunker

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Gasmaskguy, Oct 29, 2007.

Mobile Bunker

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Gasmaskguy, Oct 29, 2007.

  1. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I'm in the file but I don't see a 'key' option, or anything close to it.

    Maybe because the game was installed with a real disk, but my room mates helped me add a patch so I didn't need the disk in the drive to play it. I don't know why it doesn't have it because I needed a key to start the setup for the game in the first place.

    Computers can be so annoying sometimes.
  2. Larvitar

    Larvitar New Member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    the point is the bunker loses a lot of armour in mobile form, but gains it back after repacking.

    Also, setting up time would probably be as long as a supply depot, since these buildings are not exactly meant to be pure defensive. And if it is attacked on its way towards the base, it can severely damaged as final life is dependent on % of the hp when changing form. Also, this emphasises on the need to make sure you heavily do recon on Terran. They have radar towers, with this, it is important not to fall into any traps.

    Besides, since I mentioned this is at factory tier, the Zerg and Protoss could have got units that can effectively counter a mobile bunker rush. This building is NOT buildable when normal bunkers are buildable yet. Also, you can't put units inside unit it's totally set up.

    And at factory tier, aren't siege tanks sometimes better at walling the opponent in?
  3. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Siege Tanks have a minimum range and a lot less armor and health than a Bunker, so if you run guys up really close to them, they have no way of attacking back, and are easily destroyed. With the Mobile Bunker, when you said they would only take a quarter of the build time to set up, it meant that you could quickly set up a whole lot of Bunkers, thus meaning that you could easily wall your opponent in.
  4. Larvitar

    Larvitar New Member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    And he sieges you back?
  5. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Who siege's you back? If you mean another Terran player using Siege Tanks to counter Mobile Bunkers then it doesn't matter, because the new mechanics and units/buildings or whatever cancel out, because both teams have the same mechanics and units. However, against Protoss and Zerg teams, Terran would get an unfair advantage, because they could quickly wall in their enemies with Bunkers.
  6. Heavyarms2050

    Heavyarms2050 New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    then i have nothing
  7. Larvitar

    Larvitar New Member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    Protoss have stalkers at factory level. And protoss would try to quick tech to phase phism, since the warp in function is very critical for ambushing. Are you sure Protoss would get stuck? And whose fault is it if the Terran manage to get so many bunkers out aroudn the base? At that stage the you should have done some recon already, it's MIDDLE game. Don't deny factory tech is around middle game.

    For Zerg, they should have excellent scouting abilities. Zerglings can burrow, be produced quite quickly and thus the Zerg player can scout quickly and see those bunkers coming. Even if you did not research burrow, which is weird, Zerg Lair level would definately by then allow Zerg players to use overlords to transport units. And at lair level, Zerg should have expansions. Even if the main base is walled in, Zerg can try quick teching to nydus worms to bring units out of the area + guardians (if they are still in in the final version) to smash the blockade.

    Btw, Zerg should be harassing Terran instead of sitting in base. Because Zerg tend to lose out if they try to camp and mass. Zerg should never camp in the base as advanced Terran and Protoss units destroy swarms. A pile of Zerglings is destroyed by colossi and siege tanks (though firebats make a better choice). And if the Terran build bunkers, the Zerg can spam Hydralisks or Guardians/Mutalisk if there are firebats in there. It would be easy to smash down the bunkers in that manner. And mutalisks can harass any bunkers in pack up mode and destroy them quickly with minimal losses. If the bunker attempts to set up, the mutalisk run away and wait for it to pack up again. And if the Terran player concentrates on walling in the opponent, he would quickly find himself not properly managing his base, which is not good. Protoss might just phase phism on him and he might not realise it until it is too late. And if he gets hit by Zerglings due to lack of base defenses at home, then he is going to die.

    If the Terran quick techs to mobile bunkers, the Zerg and Protoss can harass him because he would not be able to have any proper early defenses, instead wasting minerals which he can train 2 marines + and turn the tides of battle. If the Terran does too late mobile bunkers, it would be useless as Guardians and Warp Rays come out to destroy the bunkers. If you try mass bunkering you're wasting too much resources on the building, and if you build too little it's not going to help you at all.

    Just remember that mobile bunkering requires you to have a noob opponent to scout, it will not work against seasoned players.
  8. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Why would the recon or scouting matter at all? All the Terran player would have to do is either bring in these Mobile Bunkers behind an attack, or when they are harassing the opponent with Banshees or something in another location. This would easily distract the opponent giving enough time for these quick-setup Bunkers to be unpacked. It is obvious that the Terran player wouldn't purely send in these packed-up Bunkers, meaning they are easily picked off. They would send them in with an attack force.
    Also, there is nothing to prove that the Terran player wouldn't have defenses at home base, nor that the Terran player wouldn't be able won't be able to manage his base properly. The player could just roll up outside their opponents base, quickly set up a wall of Bunkers filling them with Marines, and then they would pretty much be able to hold their own, because it the same as a Terran's normal base defense, to only difference being that they are positioned just outside an opponents base.
    Making a lot of Bunkers does not cost a lot of minerals, they only cost about 100 mineral, which is the same cost as 2 Marines, and 4 Marines in a Bunker would last a lot longer than 6 Marines on their own, so it wouldn't be a waste of minerals. If these Bunkers were to be made more expensive due to their ability to be packed and unpacked, it would have to end up being a 200+ mineral cost, and if not, close to it. This would discourage Terran players from using them, especially if they are extremely weak while packed up.
  9. serg

    serg New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    very nice idea gasmaskguy. so in which tier would it be in?
  10. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    The third of course. Maybe late tier 2, but I dont really think so.
  11. ShasOkais

    ShasOkais New Member

    Jul 25, 2007
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    I actually have something against this idea. It sounds cool and all, but why doesn't the terran just strap on some extra machine guns on the tank or some other vehicle instead of shoving marines into a walking metal box which [I'm too lazy to quote] some people find it more vulnerable in battle.