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Minerals are back.

Discussion in 'Forum Information, Questions and Feedback' started by ItzaHexGor, Jun 1, 2008.

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Minerals are back.

  1. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Itza, how would you like it if you and your parents were moved out of your house and your car and furniture confiscated with their money equivalent value given to you and were told to "start over... you've got the money so it shouldn't be a problem". Or if you find that an exaggeration, then how about taking your dragon collection away and tell you to get them again.

    Hell no for reset. New rare items will get implemented which can be collected by new members before veteran ones can get them. That will be fair to everyone. The reset wouldn't be.

    And 1st edition pets are keepers as well because they're fun to do business with.

    I just can't see the point in taking away all the fun when this site is supposed to cater for people wanting to discuss SC2 and who want to waste their time somewhere until it's finished.
  2. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    What are you trying to accomplish by suggesting reset anyway? It sounds all fine to say that everyone including new members would have equal chance at buying things they want, but don't forget that the game is still even far from being out, so there will be more and more members coming in future, what about them? Should we rested everything every so often so that everyone has equal chance again? We both know that's not a good idea.
  3. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    @ kuvasz. Both situations aren't really relevant. I think you can see why with the first situation, and with the second, well, let's compare the two.

    • I've bought these dragons from tonnes of different locations all over Australia, while I bought all my items from StarCraft2Forum, one site that I can access anywhere.
    • I've bought most of my dragons with my own money that could have used for anything else, while I bought my all items using a mineral system purely designed for buying items.
    • A few dragons hold significant sentimental value due to the places I've bought them or the people who gave them to me, while none of my items hold any sentimental value and are there for display purposes only.
    • To replace my dragons I'd have to travel for ages and would be taken a long way out of my way to get to those places, but I come here anyway to post about the things that I enjoy posting about and am not taken out of my way at all.

    Anyway, that's just an overview. If my dragons were a side collection of an online game or forum and had to be reset, I'd have no problem with it seeing as I'd have acquired them by doing what I enjoy doing and also seeing as they wouldn't be the reason I was there.

    1st edition pets would still exist, so it's not as though that whole aspect would be completely destroyed.

    I find it surprising that you're describing the reset of less than inanimate items as being all the fun of the site. This site is about StarCraft2. First and foremost. It still does cater for people who want to waste their time until it's released, but items certainly aren't a major aspect of that catering. The actual main aspects of the catering would be chat and the arcade seeing as you're actually doing something there. With items you just buy them and that's about it. Sure, you can sell them and trade them, but that's hardly anything worth occupying your time while you're waiting for StarCraft2.

    What are you holding on to anyway? What is it that you're so... afraid... of losing? A Thor? A Mothership? One of your collectibles? Are you that... Not really sure what word to use here... Desperate? Desperate isn't really right, but it'll do. Anyway, you earnt those items by posting and contributing to the forum, right? You're not likely to stop contributing once you've bought all the items you want, right? So why does it matter if it's reset? You'll be able to buy them back by doing the exact same thing you'd be doing anyway.

    @ Meee.
    I'm not saying that everything should be reset to accommodate new members every time they join, but if there's a appropriate time to, just as a one-off now that the forums have become so popular, why not? It'll save admin a whole lot of time and effort, and, I would have thought, result in as few arguments as possible.
  4. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Yes, it'd probably save the admin time now, but don't forget the time all the mods put into recording every member's items.

    Oh and if it's reset it may not be a problem for you (which you forgot to add), but as you can clearly see, it'd be a problem for many other members.
  5. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    As you can see, saving admin time isn't the only reason supporting the reset. The whole of Hyperion recorded everything, while it would all have to be implemented by the admin. Just because a lot of effort was put in before, it doesn't mean that a lot more effort has to be put in now. I'm not saying that all the effort Hyperion put in was useless, but just because that effort was put in, it doesn't mean that a whole lot more has to be to complete it.

    When I said it's not a problem, I meant it's not a problem. It's not as though every time you post your computer has a chance of crashing or the character limit of each post is fifty characters, it's just that people will temporarily miss their items. They'll still be able to be bought back and will still be able to be traded, etc. Also, I'm not the only one who's not opposed to it, so don't say it as if I'm the only one who doesn't have a problem with it. I'm sure a lot of the newer members would be very pleased to have a shot at some previously unreachable items, and other members such as Wlck742 have also expressed that he'd like the shop to be reset. I'm not actually for the shop being reset, but I'm definitely not against it. Temporarily losing items is not a problem.
  6. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Seeing as how pets and items have made it to the topgamesites.net site description before, I think you're underestimating their value/fun factor, especially with that second sentence. Some like red, some like blue. Some like to play games in the arcade, some like to collect (rare) things and show them to others, sort of boasting, sort of expressing that you're proud to be a contributing member. You can't know and can't decide on what flows people's boats(?).

    I'm not desperate about my items, I've been silent about this issue for a very long time, and I'm still patient. But when someone suggests to clear the records without any good reason for doing it, it's obvious that I'll reason against it. There is absolutely nothing to win by reseting them, and there's absolutely no burden for anyone to keep the records until the best solution crops up.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2008
  7. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Isn't that a little bit of a contradiction here? If a new member buys an item that was already sold out before, one of the members that had that item won't be able to buy it back.
  8. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    @ kuvasz. The topgamesites.net description would not have said 'come to this forum to buy and trade items, and you can also talk about StarCraft as well', it would have said something along the lines of this being the best forum for StarCraft2 fans, with added bonuses like the chat, arcade and items. How does selling and trading them occupy your time? You just send a PM or two and you're bored again. It hardly occupies anything, unlike chat and arcade, which are actually decent and fun time fillers. About boasting and being a proud and contributing member, what about all the new proud and contributing members? What if they wanted a collectible Probe or something, where one person owned the lot? They wouldn't even have a chance at hoping to get it. How does resetting the forum stop people from boasting about their items? If they're constantly boasting about them and are then petrified that they're going to be taken away, all it really proves is that they were just lucky to get it to begin with. To be able to reclaim their beloved item when there are even more members trying to get at it as the shop reopens, then that's something to boast about. Besides, if an item that you really wanted is sold out before you have a chance to get one, which is extremely unlikely, then you'll have to negotiate and trade for it, which is what you said was the fun part. If the people who you're asking to buy it from keep refusing, then you would know what it's like to be one of the new members who hardly has a chance at getting anything.

    Also, there are plenty of reasons to reset the shop and if you haven't picked up on them yet, I suggest you go back and read over some old posts. If everything is reset, then everyone starts off on even ground, but if all the old items and everything are restored, then it's only the old members who are winning, which isn't fair to the new members. If anything, that shows that there's more to win by resetting them as it's fairer for everyone, while restoring them will only benefit the old members.

    @ Meee. The number of stock for each item would probably be increased slightly to accommodate for new members, but also, there aren't enough minerals in the system to buy out every item in the store. For example, when Zerg pets were released, were all the items bought out in a single day? Of course they weren't because there wasn't enough minerals to buy them all at once. The same applies here. You'll have enough minerals to buy or enough time to save up for whichever pet you want. It's not as though there'll be a million minerals worth of items in the shop and a million minerals in the system. It'd be more like a million minerals worth of items in the shop and a quarter of a million minerals in the system.
  9. sc2forums

    sc2forums Hyperion

    Apr 5, 2008
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    While everyone argued their points very well, I'm going to have to end the discussion here. Thread is locked.

    The thread is incorrect - I think LordKerwyn guessed correctly at the start of this thread somewhere; minerals are NOT back yet, I was installing the shop system and must have replaced the experience points word with "minerals" by accident.

    I am working hard to get the shop set up, it works a lot differently so is taking a bit longer than I though. When it is complete, you will all know about it as I will announce it, I will not start the mineral system without letting everyone know. Sorry for the confusion.

    Items will eventually be restored, and any items that can't be restored due to the way the shop works now (eg: cannot collect avatar frames anymore..) will be replaced with a mineral value. This will be decided by moderators and decisions will be final.

    I am trying to the best of my ability to implement as many thins as possible from the old system. I have requested the developer to re-code for an inventory system so trading like before is possible. He has said that he will look into it as it seems like a useful idea. This is all I can do right now and until the developer gets around to doing it, we will have to make use of what we have till then.

    When the new shop gets settled in to the forums, I am sure members both new and old will get used to it and find it as fun to use as before. Please give it some time.

    I have suddenly become busy with a few other things over the last 2 days but I am still working a few days a week on the site.

    That's all :) Time to sleep now, I will have some time tomorrow to hopefully finish implementing the shop. The shop page is all done, I just need to recreate all the items. Then it will be time for distribution of items.
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