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Melee Combat Ghost.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 29, 2008.

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Melee Combat Ghost.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 29, 2008.

  1. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Your talking apples and oranges here because of the speed and the amount of time it is maintained, along with the drastically different technology powering it. If anytrhing I would say this just helps to support the idea that Ghosts have a little more raw psionic power than Zealots.
  2. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    @ LordKerwyn. I never said that the numbers in-game were the exact amount lore-wise, I said they were relatively accurate. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the Terran were able to field a Battlecruiser for every eighteen Marines, especially now we've truly seen how complex their suits are. They're practically mechs. Battlecruisers on the other hand, are in orbit, so don't need any permanent thrusters holding them up, aren't limited by size, so don't require as intricate wiring, and don't require such an awkward design and variable to cater for movement, size, etc. Granted that the material cost, etc, would still cost a lot, but who knows, eighteen personalised and custom designed powersuits would also cost a heck of a lot, no to mention that there's no real conversion rate between minerals and gas so there's no real definitive ratio.

    About the Zealot and Ghost's and Zealot's psionic powers, it's relative to their race. Compared to the rest of the Terran, the Ghosts have amazing psionic capabilities, but when compared overall with all the other races, they're really only breaking the surface. Also, it says that Ghosts have amazing psionic potential, and that all Protoss, which includes the civilians, have some psionic power. The Zealot's, and all the Protoss, power has already developed, while the Terran only have psionic potential at best, so apart from being relative to their respective races, the Zealots have access to their powers, unlike the Ghost which don't have access to all their powers.

    It also says that Zealots are yet to achieve the uppermost ranks of the Khala, while Ghosts epitomize the height of terran evolution and physical conditioning. It also goes on to state that a typical Ghost is tougher, stronger, and faster than even a well-trained but otherwise average Terran. They're saying they're tougher than even an average but well-trained Terran. Even them. It's as though that's some incredible feet, when on a wider scale, it's really not. Average Terran don't compare to Zealots, Hydralisks and Zerglings, so seeing as they're saying that Ghosts are even tougher than a well-trained Terran soldier, typical Ghosts would not be able to hold their own against a Zealot, Hydralisk or Zerglings.

    @ zeratul11.

    Point 1. What makes you say the player's a noob? What proof or evidence is there? Who's to say that it isn't an uber-pro?

    Point 2. That's based on nothing but your own opinion. Even if Nova could own over ten Zerglings without even getting scratched, that tells us nothing about normal Ghosts. However, since we've seen her, being a sensationalised hero, get owned against Zerglings with a gun as well as Cloak, it's extremely safe to say that normal Ghosts won't be able to at all.

    Point 3. You left this out, probably because there's not much to say in retaliation. If they were as powerful as you're saying, they'd be a higher tier and much more important, but seeing as their not, they're not. You wouldn't see Battlecruisers or anything being made a really low tier but having really powerful lore behind them, and it's the same with the Ghost.

    Point 4. She basically fought two Zerglings at once and a third after them. You're right that what happens in real life is not exactly what happens in game, as games like these are sensationalised and made to look much more epic that it actually would be. About the Halo trailer and game, the game would actually be closer to a real life scenario, the trailer has been sensationalised to capture people's attention and make more sales. In real life, you wouldn't be jumping around in the middle of a battlefield that's filled with Brutes and tanks. That's the sensationalism kicking in. The reason I'm saying that a Ghost can't kill anything in comabt is because that's the realistic approach. Of course there's a slight chance that the Ghost may get lucky and be able to overpower his or her opponent, but that's not even worth mentioning. A melee Ghost would not be able to defeat a Zealot, Hydralisk or Zerglings.

    Point 5. Ghosts may be trained for war, but ranged combat and durability would be first and foremost. I don't know why you're saying that skill is greater than instinct. Are you trying to say that lions or wolves aren't skilful fighters? Their instinct it their skill and it can't just be dismissed as being useless when compared to skill.

    Point 6. Same goes. Also, heroic Ghosts use things like Psyblades. Heroic Ghosts do have the melee skill to be able to survive in such situations, but normal Ghosts don't.

    About your quotes, "Ghosts channeled their psionic energies through their Hostile Environment Suit, a specialized skinsuit laced with psi-sensitive artificial muscle fiber, to augment their physical capabilities." They're more or less useless without their suits.

    Point 7. Zerglings do have skill, only it's not trained. It's in-built and instinctive. About knights in shining armour and dragons, etc, the knight wins because it's the protagonist, not because it would in real life. Again I don't understand why you're refusing to believe that all Zerg have strong carapaces.

    Point 8. This is just getting ludicrous. A couple of Zealots wouldn't be able to down an Ultralisk. There's no point in talking about slim chances, etc, as that's just nit-picking the specifications of the encounter, taking luck into account, etc, etc. Although there may be an extremely slim chance, a couple of Zealots would not be able to down an Ultralisk. I also don't understand why you think Zerglings and Ultralisks alike would just stand perfectly still and swing blindly at their adversary. If you can understand that Ghosts and Zealots would dodge, etc, Zerglings and Ultralisks would do the same.

    Point 9. The Zergling's carapace isn't there to deflect glancing blows, it's there to be as strong and durable as possible. It's the end result of years upon years of genetic evolution taking the best parts of the existing genetic material, purifying it, added genetic coding from other sources, purifying it, etc, etc. Again, Zerglings aren't just pre-programmed robots either. They wouldn't just blindly run directly for the Ghost swinging their arms in front of them.

    For your summary, you're assuming that Nova is of the same skill level as normal Ghosts. All your quoting is about Nova and then in the last line you say "a Ghost or Nova". Ghosts aren't even mentioned in it apart from Nova, who's a hero and a sensationalised hero at that.
  3. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    I mostly agree with ItzaHexGor, but I don't think the case for melee is so clear-cut.

    There's no real evidence about whether a pair of Zealots could beat an Ultralisk or not. In the Queen of Blades novel, which isn't that well-written, a quartet of Zealots converged on an Ultralisk, each chopping at one of its legs. It was one of the coolest parts of the book, and seemed pretty realistic. Maybe the Ultralisk should have stepped on one, though.

    Getting a handle on the Zealot's power is difficult because, like the Ghost, much of their power is invested in technology. (Without the psionic blade gauntlets, a Zealot probably couldn't maintain those blades for very long, and they're supposed to be powered by Pylons.)

    A Zealot can super speed with training. So can a Ghost... but in StarCraft: Ghost, it was not a generic Ghost ability. Only Nova (and, presumably, some villainous Ghost boss) would have that ability. It looks to me that Zealots have the edge in raw psionics. The Dark Templar Saga suggested the same thing, but maybe it's just Christie Golden really liking Protoss.

    The psyblade was also not a generic Ghost weapon. I believe any generic Ghost who was carrying a psyblade could beat a Zergling (or three!) that just popped out of the ground in front of them but would still not be a match for a Zealot, who already has similar weapons and has undergone literal centuries of melee weapon training. In any event, while any individual Ghost might specialize in melee weapons, the psyblade (and melee in general) is more of an assassination or desperate self-defense technique than a battlefield technique. On the battlefield, Nova could spend time throttling a Marine with her legs, and the whole time any enemy Marine could just shoot her in the back with a pistol while she wastes time with an inefficient method of killing.
  4. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    @LordK how am i talking apples and oranges here? The normal ghost should have an ability that gives them a 10% or 15% chance to avoid dmg but they dont have anything like that? nooooo thats cause the normal ghost psionicly dose not have it like a protoss zealot dose. If you stick a ghost in Zealot armor how long do you think he will be able to maintain the psi blades and shield. The answer?? he might be able to hold it and maintain it for a while but not nearly as long as the average zealot would. The Raw power of the protoss zealot is strickly used to maintain his armorments while a ghost spends most of hit time waiting to use his energy on thinks like his personal cloack. You cant tell me that a ghost is cut out to maintain and train in the psionic powers like a protoss. IT was YOU who said protoss train for hundereds of years on how to handle there gear and the fact is it takes lots of Psionic endurance to maintain zealot armorments they way they do while Ghost you there psionic powers in a turn off/turn on bases.
  5. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    i2new you were talking apples and oranges with your speed example. You were comparing moving substantially faster than your oponents for maybe a dozen or so seconds to moving the speed of light for a few microseconds. Both Ghosts and Zealots are constantly using psionic energy Ghosts use it to increase there physical atributes so they can fight longer in combat while Zealots use it to power there psiblades and help power there shields everything else they have is powered through other means. I would say considering Protoss technology is more advanced it is probably more efficient and thus easier to maintain. So both Ghosts and Zealots are constantly using a simlar amount of energy to make themselves stronger, but Ghosts also have extra energy to to cloak and sense other beings with energy. Ghosts obviously have more energy avaible. So if you stuck a Ghost in Zealot armor (and the Ghost new how to use it) the Ghost would likely be able to power it quite a bit longer than the average Zealot and may even be able to use another ability while in it like detecting other units with energy.

    Also I never said it took a lot of power to use Zealot armor in fact I said the oposite and once you add that to the fact it takes a longer period of time for a Zealot to be able to use the armor Ghosts have more psionic energy.

    @Itza Have you watched the cinematics? In some you see dozens of Wraiths going against a Battlecruiser or you look on board a single Battlecruiser and in a single room you can dozens of Marines or Medics in powersuites and that is just 1 Battlecruiser. Or how about the idea of a single Zergling dying from getting hit by a Truck? A single blunt object not even going all that fast killed a Zergling and your saying an advance sword wield by a person with in-human couldn't? Or how about the idea of millions of dead Zerg after playing a single mission were you would be lucky to kill a thousand Zerg? There is so much evidence supporting the idea that a lot of in-game infantry represent a squadron of units instead os a single unit.

    Finally just to drop back to my example of 18 Marines to 1 Battlecruiser example. In the game 12 Marines can destroy a Battlecruiser from the gorund, how the hell can you say that 12 lore Marines can kill a Battlecruiser they can't even reach unless there is something else in play?
  6. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    That's not just one Battlecruiser, that's Duke's or Raynor's personal one. They'd definitely be bigger, etc, than regular Battlecruisers.

    Secondly, no matter how thick and tough your armour is, unless it's absorbent or got its own crumple zones, it's not really going to help when getting hit by a truck, and there's no proof it actually died. It's probably just been knocked out or something. Also, there's the fact that this was like the very first encounter with Zerg ever, so they wouldn't be at the evolutionary standard that they are now.

    About the millions of Zerg, you're not controlling the entirety of the battle, there're probably hundreds of more locations in which the same battle is being fought.

    Who's to say that twelve Marines couldn't down a Battlecruiser? Their rounds travel at hypersonic speeds, the Battlecruiser would hardly be able to target them, and a few breaches of the hull and the Battlecruiser's in a lot of trouble.
  7. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    @LORDK, You said that the zealot spend hundreds of years training to hand there equipment and that there technonolgy gives them a greater boost there for meaning that there psionic power is not all that great but thats is not what there armor is built for. There armor is built to last. if anything There armor reduces the rate at witch they lose psionic energy so they wont burn out on the battle field. They have trained all there lifes to WIn a battle weither that battle is a few seconds or a few weeks. All you her about a ghost is it doing cloack or using his psionic power to make him stronger. First of all for a NORMAL ghost this wouldnt apply normal ghost don't have an ability to speed them up game wise while a zealot dose have some proof of this being possible but if you hold this up to lore there also capable of this too. Moving at super speeds concidered having moving speed equal to the speed of light is only left for the HERO ghost but has yet to be a Major focus on NORMAl ghost. While you refuse to accespt that fact there is solid fact showing The Average Zealot can do this charge with out burning his energy like shown in SC2 and like i said you dont see ghost with a passive dodge or evade ability.

    You want to say that ghost have more Raw Psionic Energy. But if they did they would be able to do Abilitys with a much more destructive force such as a psi storm. Normal ghost either equal out to a Normal Zealot or don't. The chance of them surpassing would put them on a different status. Ghost burn out there little energy they have at a fast rate while the energy a zealot has is spent Powering his armor. Ghost can only do there abilitys for a while but have try to walk in a zealots shoes and its just wouldn't be the same altho it would be a nice job just not as good as a Zealot would. Its a matter of endurance. Ghost use there psionic powers like i said in a turn off/on bases while ALL protoss use them daily for even the most simplest function we take forgrant
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  8. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    It was in fact Dugalle's ship the Alexander. That doesn't change the point though, it was just one room on a massize ship and they had a couple dozen Marines/Medics in powersuits. And even if the fact it was a flagship somehow makes a massive difference that doesn't change my point with the Wraiths.

    The Zerg had been evolving for quite some time before they met the Terrans odds are Zerglings havn't changed much since (besides Banelings...). You are right there is no proof the Zergling died unless you take into account one of the Terrans in that scene said it was dead... Also, the Zergling is the weakest unit in the game, it spawns in pairs and is part of a race that is known for as "the Swarm" how can you say when converting the "in-game" unit into a lore unit that the unit is more likely to to stay a single stronger unit over being a pack of smaller weaker units?

    Okay if there were 100 other battles going on around your battle that might make some sense, but given the in-game dialogue and the fact that the team on offense was only foccused on one objective and the map dealt with that entire objective it is unlike that even 2 other battles were going on around you.

    Come on man, I have seen you argue and know your good but that is a thin argument right there. Even if the bullets started moving at hypersonic speeds air resistance alone would probably cut there speed in half before they reach the Battlecruiser and then add in gravity and the bullet probably will only barely hit the ship. Also those bullets are so much smaller than the ship it is nearly impossible that they would have the necessary mass to breach the ships hull. Fianlly the Battlecruiser doesn't have to target the marines specificly it just has to target their general vicinity and bombard it.

    EDIT@ i2new The charge upgrade is a technological upgrade not a psionic one, unless you beliewv all of your Zealots suddenly gain some psionic enegry right in the middle of the battle? Also I never said normal Ghosts have the dodging bullets upgrade I just said all Ghosts are constantly using psionic energy to boost there physical attributes with there suit.

    Ghosts do have more raw psionic energy than Zealots, Ghosts don't have more than High Templar (which is what casts Psionic Storm in case you didn't know). The Protoss of perfected the technology of using normal energy to power psionic devices also the Protoss have way more advanced devices to amplify psionic energy than what the Terrans or Zerg have access to. With that massive technology gap the Protoss can have units with lesser psionic ability do more than units of the other races who have more advanced psioniuc ability. Here is a crude example of what I am trying to say. First lets say we can measure psionic energy in joules. Next lets say the Protoss are 4 times more efficient than the Terrans with psionic energy. Now the Ghost puts in 100 j of raw psionic energy and gets out 5 j of useful energy. The Zealot puts in 50 j of raw psionic energy and gets out 10 j of useful energy. Becuse of his technology even though the Zealot had a lesser amount of raw psionic energy he weas able to get more useful energy out.

    Also just as a side note but atleast 1 Ghost was able to use psi storm after she broke her mental conditioning all Ghosts go through. She may have been a hero but that conditioning is why Ghosts can't do certain things with their psionic powers.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  9. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    The Battlecruiser would simply fly so high the Marines couldn't hit it.

    StarCraft is not a realistic game.
  10. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    it took me long enough but i fond what i was looking for. This is to anyone who would argue that a Normal Ghost has more psionic power then a Zealot.

    it dose not state at which rank in the protoss armory dose the ghost beat a protoss in psionic power it just says protoss in general. Here you can further rate Ghost vs Protoss

    This is an index of the to grade Psionic power, and here is a requote on protoss ability which falls under a rank ten which is beyond normal GHOST

    Yeah, when your mind starts to break, mean or change things thats a RANK 10 on the PI scale. most ghost stop at a PI of 8. I'll also give a very good example. Psionic energy when show in a raw state looks like thunder or lightning, Streaky and moves Wildly. Yes a melee weapon held by a ghost like the one in SC:ghost looks like a metal blade but has Psionic energy along the side of it limiting the use of the mind to shape the weapon it self. Why is this relavent? Cause a protoss dose not use a sword as a base to have shape for there weapon. They use there powers to have RAW psionic energy form into a shape of a blade, Forming matter shuch as Psionic power falls under PI of 10. The blade held by some ghost dose not look like this and has a base to its form.

    As i have been saying all along Ghost do not have the Psionic powers of protoss. You and others my want to refuse this but here it is for you and here are the links as well.

    Last edited: Jun 11, 2008
  11. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    i wish we could get an early hand to an editor to put an end to this undying debates of whats what..
  12. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    i2new you really need to reread your own information. First, your first quote only really states that the best psionic Protoss beat the best psionic humans (Ghosts in this case), I said that awhile ago. Next the only abilitty that is guranteed to all Protoss is telepathy which is the Ghosts are at. Zealots are not rank 10, in fact they are no where close or they would be able to create a psionic storm.

    Read and think about that again only a small minority (aka High Templar) can wield psionic power in a substantial way without technological assistance. Congradualtions you just proved High Templar are more powerful than Ghosts, something that I have been saying this entire time.

    According to your information the average Ghost is as strong psionically as the average Protoss. Zealots are average Protoss in psionic terms maybe even less than average because they spend there entire time learnign martial combat and pain endurance while Ghosts learn to wield there psionic powers to strengthen their body and cloak themselves while sensing other psionic beings.
  13. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    You must of missed my example about how Zealot not even the lowest lvl of protoss secioty control there Psionic powers

    I did read my own post and Changing the form of matter and/or tools falls under telekinesis. And i'll take back that cause i put it up really fast in a rush of pride i had fining the information i needed. But most Normal ghost dont go past a PI of 8, But what i just explained in my example shows that the control they have over there Psionic power would all at a PI of 8.5 and maybe a 9. But something like Psi storm is at the highest of the PI chart which is a 10. also on the speed factor i mention earlyer i did also find proof on that that sugest that there Psionic bonds are greater then that of a Ghost

    No when Nova did this she Drained her energy dramaticle but zealot in SC2 find them selfs doing this just like her. Not seeing normal ghost do this but seeing the average zealot do this is truly saying something.

    You need to stop kidding your self now. The Protoss Require psionic energy to Enhance there Phyical attributes and you some how refuse to accept that much of them. Zealot are NOT the lesser half of the protoss race. There are protoss who dont contribute to there army forces so you really need to stop putting you foot in your mouth. Thats like saying you can pick up an 18year old kid off the street and put him in the middle of Iraq with a gun an American flag. We wouldn't do that nor would the protoss. Dont say Zealot dont get trained in Psionic cause they do. I wouldn't train some one in one thing when theres a millon other things he needs to know before he becomes prepared for combat. They train Protoss to wield Psionic energy cause there going to need it to help run there gear. Terrans wear armor to only Enhance there Psionic powers and so do Zealot. But if you gave and trained Zealot the same way you would a ghost he would be a very effective ghost him/her self. You take off all that armor and check back at the sights i posed you would learn Ghost can read another ghost mind easy cause there powers dont even block out one another and many times they would require technology to help do that. while protoss back Block the ability to read minds even at there lowest lvl.
  14. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I didn't miss your example I said that it isn't because of a Zealot's psionic power but Protoss technology. You are greatly overestimating how much Zealots use their psionic powers and you are greatly underestimating their use of advanced technology. Using the information form your own post only the minority of Protoss have the ability to use psiblades or create shields without the assistance of technology. The only power that every Protoss has is telepathy which puts them in the same range as the Ghost. Zealots rely on technology to do anything other than communicate with psionic powers. I would guess your avergae Zealot has a PI rating of 5-6. Ghosts on the other hand noticed from birth to have extraordinary psionic abilities (by human standards) and are generally put through rigorous mental training ot ensure the only thing they use those powers for is to power there suit. Without the trainging it is likely Ghosts could do more with there power (not on the scale of a High Templar except in a few rare cases but more than just augmenting their physical atributes and cloaking). Remember we are talking about mental blocks that even one of the powerful psionic wielder ever had to get to help to over come (you may know her as Kerrigan). With that in mind I would say your average Ghost has somwhere from a 6 to an 8 on the PI scale.

    The Protoss are very powerful but Zealots are the bottom wrung when it comes to fighting and little more than average when it comes to anything else.

    Finally you basicly posted wikipedia as a reference give me about 20 minutes and they can reflect my opinion as well. I have been basing my opinion on information from the Blizzard site the entire time.
  15. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    @ LordKerwyn. Dugalle's Battlecruiser wasn't the only one shown in the cinematics. Either way, those Battlecruisers would be much larger than regular ones. The fact that it's his ship would also be why there were suited up Marines, etc, on board as he would have his own personal security. Regular Battlecruisers would not.

    Zerglings are the weakest units in the game. It doesn't mean they're weak. When fighting a Ghost, the Zergling would still be at its strongest while the Ghost would be much weaker and in its least comfortable and least trained situation. About the Terran saying it's dead, not only did they not, but he was just some uneducated hillbilly, who looked at it and thought it was a dog.

    About the Marines attacking a Battlecruiser, a speed of only eleven kilometres per second is required and it's already been stated that Guass Rifles fire bullets at intense speeds and that they can cover enormous distances. Air resistance would still be a factor but once it gets high enough, which it would do extremely quickly, there would hardly be any resistance at all. The effects of gravity would be minimal. The mass or size of the Battlecruiser has little to do with the penetration of the round.

    I'm not saying that eighteen or so Marines are greater than a Battlecruiser but they would be able to take one down. The Terran would have put tonnes of funding into Guass Rifles to make them as effective as possible and they've obviously reached the stage where they're able to take down enemy Air units.
  16. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    The Alexander isn't the only one shown in the conematics but it is the one I was referncing, just so you knew I was using a hero Battlecruiser as an example.

    Your right being the weakest combat unit in the game doesn't make the Zergling weak it just makes it weaker than every other combat unit. And as far as the cinematic is concerned ill give you that the guy probably just knoocked it out considering his education level. But that is not the only cinematic were Zerglings die relatively easily, look at the Broodwar intro for example, the Zergling couldn't even dodge a slow moving RPG that literally blew the Zergling to pieces. later in that cinematic though we see the guys get ultimately lose because of the Zerglings strength which is overwhelming numbers. I think of Zerglings kind of like base Japanese soldiers on land in WW2 that just kept charging and charging until there oponents ran out of bullets. Zerglings are relatively simple to kill but they rely on overwhelming numbers to drain there oponent. This is partially represented in the game but always getting Zerglings in pairs but its more likely that they would outnumber there oponent 5-10 to 1 instead of just 2-4 to 1.

    As for the Marine v. Bc battle the only way Mariens could possibly kill a Bc would be if its in low orbit, otherwise the Bc would be nearly impossible to target much less hit. And your right the mss of the Bc has little to do with the rounds penetration but the mass of the round relative to the armor it is hitting would. Penetration requires pressure which is dependent on force and area and force id dependent of mass and acceleration. I look at gauss sheel hitting the a Bc's hull like a .45 hitting a couple inches of steel, it doesn't do much.
  17. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Zerglings may be weaker than every other combat unit, but when taking away that unit's weapon, not only is it much weaker, but it hasn't received as much training for such a situation.

    In all honesty, the speed of that RPG was probably just due to their ability to create cinematics at that time, and the same goes for them just standing there. What you can see however are the rounds deflecting off the Zergling's carapace (and that's from near point blank range) and how close Battlecruisers are to the surface.

    Low orbit wouldn't effect the Marine's effectiveness against Battlecruisers as once the round has entered the vacuum, there're no more forces acting upon it so it will remain at that same speed. Only the thickness of the hull would effect the percentage of penetration, and although the Battlecruiser's hull would be relatively thick, it would also only require the slightest breach to cause major concern.
  18. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I am assuming the Ghost has some kind of melee weapon along with appropiate training even if it isn't the Ghosts primary role. (I am definately not saying the Ghost could win without a weapon, I am not nearly as extreme as Zeratul).

    Your probably right here. At the same time though you see a guy pull out this pathetic pistol and kill a Zergling and injure a Hydra.

    Low orbit v. High orbit would make a difference because a Bc would be a much smaller target in higher orbit also gravity would have a longer time to take effect. Also air restinace has an effect until you are basicly in space and no longer in orbit.
  19. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    A Ghost's training is from a distance, there's no denying that, as that's it's primary role. I know you agree with that, I'm just recapping. Seeing they're deployed as snipers, they'd be trained as snipers. Similarly, Marines, etc, whose primary role is also for ranged firepower, would also be trained in that regard. In my opinion, Ghosts would get about as much training in hand-to-hand combat as Marines, etc. All are trained to fight from a distance and none are supposed to be in that situation, so none of them would receive much hand-to-hand combat training. Granted, the Ghost's natural abilities will aid its melee skills to a higher degree so would definitely be able to take out unarmed Marines, etc, but due to the lack of training in melee combat and the priority of training from a distance, Ghosts would not make good melee fighters.

    I'm aware air resistance would have an effect unit it's in a vacuum, but it would decrease the higher the bullet is as the air would be less dense because it's under less pressure. Gravity really wouldn't be too much of a factor in that regard. All the other forces involved would be much, much greater, so the force of gravity would be insignificant.

    Although high orbit would provide a smaller target, I doubt there'd be that much room for human error. We've seen all the scans and imprints of the helmet as well as the robotics of the arms, etc, so the chance or significance of human error would be greatly reduced.
  20. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    regardless of wether a ghost has more raw psionic power than a zealot, the zealot would not only be more attuned they also use their psionic ability purely for fighting, a ghost would not have this control, needs a suit to cloak and has psionic dampeners.

    high orbit would be impossible to hit (someone said earlier about the number of spikes that a marine must hit a zergling with from each burst) but the battlecruisers clearly fly low in game its in the cinematics and, although more imaginable with marines, it would be like impossible for a hyrdra or a spore colony to shoot into 'high orbit' using just mussle pulse's.
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