Melee Combat Ghost.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 29, 2008.

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Melee Combat Ghost.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 29, 2008.

  1. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Also note that the Protoss are naturally very strong, phsycially and mentally, the Ghosts are genetically enhanced.
    Also, the Zealot has much more psionic power than a Ghost I think, since they can manifest energy into something which interacts with the physcial to an extent which kills. The Ghost's use cloaking suits to cloak right, not psionics?
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  2. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    ok zealots may be more powerful? but the question is, can a ghost average or not, beat a zealot one on one given a melee weapon? is there a chance? answer simply yes or no.

    my answer is yes. itza is saying ghost doesn't have even a .01% chance of beating a zealot, hydralisk and worst against single zergling.

    i talk all about the ghost strengths and different situations that could happen as to how a ghost can actually beat a zealot, hydralisk, or zerling in melee combat.

    itza, just say simply hydralisk, zergling, and zealot are built for melee combat and they are way stronger physically and thats why ghost can never beat them. =\

    ok, i never thought about the average ghost and the top class ghost in the first place. but neither do itza until you lordkerwyn talk about it.

    We were ok, with the debate of zerling battling a ghost (capabale of most abilities mention) in melee combat.

    i was not referring to the average ghost if its the ghost who only knows how to snipe and cloak etc in the first place.

    when i started this thread i was mainly talking about ghost that can do stuffs like nova. in my mind all of the terran ghost more or less can do similar stuffs except for mind killling and other powerful mind powers. but a simple melee combat and tactics? im sure an average knows it too, as well as doing aerobics stunts and performing physical skills and tactics.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  3. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Aerobics won't help you vs a 9 foot, psionic 'beast' with blades that will rip you in two.
    Because everything a Ghost can do, I'm sure the Zealot will be equally able, if not better. They're both pretty much the same build anatomically, so there isn't anything the Ghost could do cept cloak which would help it in battle to gain the favour.
    The only way I could see a Ghost being a Zealot is with cloaking and weilding some energy weapon which can penetrate shields easily, and if such a weapon was around why don't any infantry have it; I'd mention EMP but that obviously requires a lot of energy for a large machine to be firing it. So the Zealot does trump the Ghost in melee, which is why Ghosts are ranged in the first place.

    On the Ghost vs Zergling, I'd say the Ghost has a slight chance in melee but as we all know like many have said they come in pairs and by the time the Ghost has killed one Zergling, cloak or whatever will have run out and the Ghost would be tired meaning the second Zergling rapes him/her.
    Please note that Zerglings are the size of a large dog and have multiple limps to dismember its victims, the Ghost is very limited with just 4 limbs in which it needs 2 to simply move around when the Zergling has those claws on its back, and the Zerglings would be just as strong, pshycially as a Ghost so yet again, not much hope for the Ghost.
    Ever tried out running a dog?

    The Hydralisk is an even worst case scenario since it has the range bonus, where the Ghost does not, not to mention Hydralisks being taller than Zealots, and having a bigger build. The cloak would not help as much since Hydralisks would be able to sense the Ghosts movements and anticipate strikes with air pressure differences; the Ghost can do it too cept how can a fragile human build block spines which are basic to the Hydralisk in a normal strike.
    Then they basically fire shot guns from their shoulders, so what can the Ghost do then?
    It would simply be way to much work for a human to fight off something like a protoss or zerg creature effectivly in actual melee combat.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  4. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    A kind of reverse enginered psiblade maybe?

    I think i ghost would be able to beat a few zerglings if armed with the above, and when cloaked would be able to take out most terran in one hit silently. Against protoss however the ghost would be slaughtered.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  5. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    so everything i said a while back is useless then. All advantageous events and situations doesn't really matter because of what you said.

    dont include the cloak... thats not melee fair fighting anymore. and when i said a ghost have a chance to kill a zealot in melee combat, its without the cloak.

    aerobics wont help? im not even talking about simple realistic human like aerobics here. Kratos uses aerobics and crazy stunts to kill off powerful monsters and such. aerobics and acrobatic stunts are skills, and skills help win you battle not just being 9 foot and with 2 psi blades.

    How many times i already said that i agree that the ghost should be range in the first place. im just debating about the fact that you and itza are saying that ghost doesn't have a chance in melee combat. If a ghost can in fact kill a zealot in melee doesn't mean that they should use melee weapons instead of guns. no! i just want to prove that goes can actually fight and beat zergling, hydra one on one in melee combats if the time comes.

    Is it that really hard to kill a zergling by a ghost with a melee weapon(and im not talking about just a simple short knife here) that the ghost will run out of air after killing one? omg. its not like you need to hit it 100 x times to kill it.

    Why would the hydralsik use spikes? we are talking melee combat here, lets say the hydralisk is a bully and wants to kill the ghsot by using only its claws. there. Im talking about random situations here not usual situations. One on one melee combat encounters lorewise! hydralisk being taller and having a bigger build is not really a big factor in melee situation against a ghost, ofcourse the ghost would anticipate this and she or he would rely on skills instead.

    Yes its way to much if your just human... but a ghost is far different than a human.

    This is going nowhere. Lets just wait and see what blizzard will do. Lets check out the ghost story wise, meaning in starcraft 2 story, in novels, in manga etc. not in game.

    I'll start reading staracraft 2 novels now that includes ghost... to know more.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  6. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    you seem to forget that a zealot could predict most of a ghosts moves (its somewhere on a blizzard page...)
    and think about it, no amount of special conditioning could really compensate for 400 years of battle experience (and thats farely young for a protoss warrior). not to mention the tougher build of a zealot.
  7. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    99% of the time the answer is no. The Zealot has as much if not more physical ability and skill than an average Ghost has. The Protoss also have much better melee technology than what the Terrans have (stronger armor, shields, pisblades). An average Ghost just wouldn't stand a chance in an open melee against a Zealot. 1v1 against a Zergling I would say 95% of the time the average Ghost is going to be the victor. Against 2-3 Zerglings I would say that is closer to about 60% and against a Hydralisk I would say the average Ghost has probably a 50% chance of success in an open melee. The Ghosts primary weakness in open melee isn't in fact physical ability, its technology.

    @Psion I am pretty sure average Zealots and average Ghosts are equals in Psionic ability, Protoss shields and psiblades are as much dependent on technology as psionic ability.
  8. Ursawarrior

    Ursawarrior New Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    wait wait, the zealots are 9 feet tall? then what about the dragoons?
  9. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    @lordkerwyn. ok... at least ghost>zergling. and against a hydralisk 60%. ok, im happy with that for now.

    zealot? hhmm.

    i think dragoons are 12-15 feet tall and wide.
  10. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    There's a chance, but StarCraft2 isn't about chances. If melee Ghosts were to be implemented into StarCraft2, then they would always lose, just like how a Zealot would always lose to an Ultralisk. Although there's a slim chance that the Zealot might be able to gain the upper hand, it will always lose in the game.
    Where is all this 'single Zergling' crap coming from? Zerglings always come in pairs. Besides, Terran melee weaponry is no match for that of the Protoss or Zerg, and that's not even taking the shields, armour and carapace into account. A while ago you mentioned giving it a fusion cutter or something, well that's what SCV's had in StarCraft1, and as you can see, they're useless when used offensively, especially when compared to the Terran's ranged attacks. Besides, this is all about normal Ghosts. Only exceptional Ghosts would have a chance at surviving melee combat.
    All you talked about where the Ghosts strengths and the others' weaknesses. Taking the relative strengths and weaknesses of each, the Ghost would clearly be the underdog. Also, again with the single Zergling? Why do you keep on mentioning single Zerglings? It's like comparing a Ghost to half a Hydralisk. The Zerglings' numbers are one of their strengths, so completely excluding it is like completely excluding the Ghosts psionic capabilities.
    That's why ordinary Ghosts would never be able to beat them. Ordinary Ghosts do not have the same level of physical or mental capabilities as exceptional Ghosts, which is why, after taking away their primary weapon which would be the first and foremost thing they've been taught and mastered, they wouldn't be able to compete in melee combat with Zealots, etc.
    I did start talking about it before LordKerwyn, right after you linked where you were getting your infomation, but LordKerwyn summed it all up and hit the nail on the head by talking about heroic Ghosts, which is something that we all know about and can easily relate to seeing as we've all done the campiagns, etc. It's much easier to think about it in terms of similar RTS heroes than completely altered FPS ones.
    Why would you exclusively talk about exceptional Ghosts? That's like assuming that all Zerglings are as powerful as the Devouring One or that all High Templar have the same capabilities as Tassadar. Average Ghosts would know all about melee combat, but they wouldn't be masters of it. They're primarily snipers and spotters, so that would be their first and foremost training. Comparing that to Zealots, who are naturally stronger, who have spent their entire training on melee combat and psionics while not needing to worry about stealth suits, new weaponry and the training associated with that, and who also have personal defensive shields, Zealots would easily come out on top in a melee fight. The same goes for Zerglings. They're bred exclusively for melee combat and their genetic material would ahve been altered and purified a countless number of times, and are not just completely mindless beings that won't dodge or evade attacks, so when up against a melee Ghost, the odds are strongly in favour of the Zerglings. However, at range, the Ghost is greater than them all by a long, long way. From a distance, there's nothing that the Zealot or Zerglings could do in order to survive, yet alone defeat, the Ghost. Ghosts are the Terran's most potent long ranged fighters, so why would they be a match for the Zealots and Zerglings, who are one of the Protoss and Zerg's most potent melee fighters?
  11. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    The Protoss machines only amplify and channel their ''[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]formidable Psionic abilities''.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    But see you noting that makes no difference as they still have the power suits and the ghost still have the stealth suits.

    And the fact that a Zealot can turn its body into pure energy simply suggests they are way above the Ghosts level.

  12. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    You sure it's the Zealots that transform their own bodies into pure energy? Wouldn't it be the Warping devices, like the Warp Gate or their in-built emergency 'teleporters' that do that? The Zealots equipment may amplify their psionic capabilities, but I doubt it's the Zealot that warps themselves in and the likes. Still, I may be wrong though.
  13. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    As you can see they clearly state they developed the ability, meaning they have learned to use the psionic power in that way.
  14. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Cheers. That probably also backs up the lore behind Charge as well. It's obviously not as potent as those Zealots, but it shows that they can use their psionic abilities in other ways to increase their movement speed, and possibly attack speed and strength as well, other than just making themselves run faster, which all Zealots would be doing anyway.

    All in all, you're definitely right in that this proves beyond doubt that Zealots have greater psionic capabilities than Ghosts, seeing as Ghosts, even when equipped with their psi-sensitive stealth suits, aren't able to get even remotely close to this.
  15. Hadean

    Hadean New Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    You think too much of the ghost mate. A ghost un armed against either a Zealot or Zergling would be slaughtered. They are good in stealth situations, that's not debatable, but in all out combat, they're not as good as the enemy.

    Any special forces operator, we can only assume a Ghost can be considered as such, would prefer to take things at as far a distance as allowed, especially if they have a sniper rifle.
  16. CannonFodder

    CannonFodder New Member

    Feb 18, 2008
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    I argee with haden on your expetations of the ghost. It would be unreasonable for a special ops attack an enemy up close where his his position could be given away, and the niose of combat would be fairly loud. Unlike when attacking a 1000 meters away with a sniper rifle, where the enemy as a most a vague idea where you are.
    Also no matter what genetic modifications the ghost undergoes it still human which means it will always have a waker psionic abilities.
  17. Redlazer

    Redlazer New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    Melee Ghost wouldn't have a role in actual gameplay, unless it became tanky... then it's not really a Ghost eitherway. If the intended role for the Ghost would remain the same even with a melee weapon, wouldn't it just be a nerf?

    As for the idea, anything fighting in melee range has to have some kind of formitable defense, in one way or another. Ghosts do not. Also, Terran technology really doesn't give a melee Ghost many useful options; they don't have pionic technology like the Protoss, and if they did, they wouldn't know to manipulate such technology to actually form the desired psi-weapons. The Terran's only chance in melee range in through heavy armor or machinery.
  18. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    @ the last 3 post.

    Please read all my post. i was not talking about in game melee ghost anymore.. and im not saying ghost should go melee instead.
  19. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Then what was the aim of this thread lol. Now I am confused.
  20. CannonFodder

    CannonFodder New Member

    Feb 18, 2008
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    As am I, if this thread is not even talking about what it says in the title then I think it should be closed, especially as most if not all people do not want the ghost to have a melee attack. With the exception of zeratul of course.
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