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Melee Combat Ghost.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 29, 2008.

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Melee Combat Ghost.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 29, 2008.

  1. Hunter

    Hunter New Member

    Aug 21, 2007
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    The ghost is far more powerful than other humans, as we know, but it is not as strong, (or only almost as strong) as the other races. As you said, the ghosts strength is the long range rifle, not the close combat techniques.

    I think the only race the melee attack would be useful against, is the terran, casue as we could se the starcraft ghost videos, Nova is a much better fighter than a Marine.
  2. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Ghosts, lorewise, are really powerful humans. They are not really powerful when compared to all other species in the StarCraft universe. Being both physically and psychically augmented into such a capable special ops trooper does not mean that they compare to the Protoss or Zerg.
    An unarmed Ghost does not have a chance at defeating a Zergling, and seeing as Zerglings come in pairs, the odd of the Ghost winning are even slimmer. It would be like trying to take on two genetically enhanced lions on steroids. Besides, why would the Ghost sacrifice his or her long ranged advantage and choose to start the battle well within the Zerglings' area of expertise? Either one Snipe each or two shots each would have them taken care of before they even had a chance of even getting close to the Ghost.
    This has got to be one of the stupider things I've heard. Ghost may be able to jump high, etc, but it's not as though they're Jedis. Besides, how could a Ghost expect to jump through the middle of four deadly blades, into a small area between the Ultralisk's thorned head and spiked crest, and still be in one piece when they land? Besides, this is all completely irrelevant for StarCraft2 as if Ghosts were able to take down Ultralisks in a single attack in melee combat, not only would the game suck, but Ghosts would be the most expensive unit in existence, so it's not even worth talking about.
    The lore may not be wrong, but it's still irrelevant. In StarCraft:Ghost they had single Ghost taking out armies and completing missions single-handedly. This is not the case for StarCraft2, as they're just another unit in the army.
    To the best of my knowledge, it was cancelled because even before it was released, it was outdated. Besides, Blizzard is not a FPS producing company. They almost exclusively make RTS's. In my opinion they got lucky with World of WarCraft, but there wasn't really an amazing amount of competition for MMORPG's, especially not as much as there was for FPS's, so it would be much easier to stand out in that regard.
    That's still irrelevant to StarCraft2 as StarCraft2 is shown from a very broad perspective. Yes, StarCraft:Ghost showed the Ghost from an much closer perspective, but in order to make that sellable, they'd have to spruce it up a lot, so it isn't an accurate representation of the Ghost to begin with. The same goes for the novels. If they were just of one normal Ghost, it would just be boring, so in order to sell them, they've got to spruce it up, etc, etc, etc.
    You just contradicted yourself here. You said that everything you see in StarCraft:Ghost is just what happens in StarCraft2, just you see how it happens, but then you go on to say that what happens with Battlecruisers in StarCraft:Ghost is not what happens in StarCraft2 as logically Battlecruisers wouldn't be able to be shot out of the skies by Marines or Hydralisks.
    Why not? They're still augmented, both physically and psychically, into stronger beings. They're still the highest ranked special ops of the Terran force. They're still used for both reconnaissance and assassination as well as being extremely useful in open battles. Just because they say that Ghosts are much stronger and faster, etc, it doesn't mean that they're actually up to the standard of StarCraft:Ghost Ghosts. As I said earlier, if the Ghosts in StarCraft:Ghost were genuine, 100% lore-based Ghosts, it would be boring. In order to sell it, they'd have to exaggerate the Ghosts' powers and usefulness.
    Not only does that not work in RTS's, but lorewise, yes, Ghosts would just stand there sniping and shooting. That's their role. It's what they do. Think of almost any movie where you've seen snipers. They're always completely stationary, usually hiding or behind cover. With the precision and power of such an amazing weapon that allows them to be as far away from the battle, and in as least danger, as possible, at their disposal, why on Earth would they ever think of getting into melee combat?
    The Ghosts in StarCraft1 weren't perfect as the entire game was not perfect, and as I've said before, the Ghosts that the novels, etc, speak of have been exaggerated to make them more interesting so that Blizzard will make more sales out of it. I dunno what you're going on about with the UED. The UED are the humans on Earth, while the Terran are the people who were on, or, chances are by now, the people who have descended from the people who were on, the people who were sent out in the ships. They're both 100% human, so they're the same people, only different factions. It's probably kinda like white Australians and the English. White Australians are, basically, the people who descended from the people who arrived on the First Fleet. Obviously there were other fleets and other people who came from other countries, but in essence, it's the same situation. White Australians are not English, just as the English are not white Australians, but, believe it or not, they're both 100% human. The same goes for the Terran and the UED. The Terran are not the UED, just as the UED are not the Terran, but they're both 100% human.
    Either it's true or it's been exaggerated for the story. Think about it logically. Ghosts are most powerful than regular humans, but Zealots are more powerful than all humans. Ergo, Zealots are more powerful than Ghosts. Besides, even if Ghosts were somehow more powerful than Zealots, the relative difference wouldn't be anywhere near as great as the difference between a Ghost and Zealot at range. In other words, the strength of a melee Ghost fighting a Zealot will never be as great as a ranged Ghost shooting a Zealot.
    After StarCraft2 is released and you look at a timeline of things that have occurred from the beginning of StarCraft1 to the end of StarCraft2, you will never see that the Predator and Cobra were ever invented. It's just like if I was writing a book and decided to axe one of the characters half-way though. Has that character actually existed? Of course not.
  3. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Not really powerful compared to other species in starcraft universe? Like what? Zergling? Hydralisk? Are you talking about overall potential and ability? Mentaly and physically? Compare them one on one? Ghost and a hydralisk? Which is more powerful?

    Can zergling or hydralisk kill people with their mind? Do they think before they act or attack? Do zergling have common sense or initiatives to dodge or evade attacks? Which one dies faster in battle regardless of physical form? ghost are extremely skillful they dont die easily in battles while zerglings etc just goes running and dies.

    Ghost can do many important things in battle than most of other species your talking about. And given that they are physically and mentally strong, they can easily kill most species in starcraft universe even in melee combat.

    Ghost are not just ordinary human. They have psionic powers, telekenesis, etc…

    Zergling>Ghost in melee combat? I don’t think so specially against a ghost with melee weapon.

    I did not say that the ghost would be preferable to fight zerglings in hand to hand combat. I said if there is a possibility lorewise , then the ghost can also handle it as well.

    Yes, an enhanced berserk fierce dumb lion against a psionic telephatic telekinetic strong fast high leaping mind controlling powerful intelligent unhuman like assassin.

    The Zergling only relies on pure brute berserk strength, speed, and ferocity. But they don’t have true skill in combat situation specially one on one like the ghost have.

    a zegling can't be smarter than a ghost. in figthing you need skills, intelligence, timing, precision, not just spikes and claws.

    Stupider? Well imo that is just being close minded.

    They can leap on tall obstacle as the lore says. Well we don’t exactly know how much… but the thing is they can do aerobics stuffs and jumping and evading in battles would be just second nature to them. They would anticipate incoming slashes from the ultralisk since they are skillful.

    The ultralisk is a huge elephant and will just go on a rampage. The gost however, uses both brains and brawns to fight the huge animal.

    WHY would the ghost jumo through the middle of four deadly blades? We are talking about the ghost here not some real life retarded martial arts master who think he can jump and kick straight the ultralisk head.

    Thorned head and spike crest? Well the ghost is skillful he or she will jump on the safest part and try to hold on.

    how? Maybe the ghost will go look for a tall platform like a huge rock to give her the leap to reach the ultralisk. Maybe the ghost will go jump and hold on first at the ultralisk back legs then continue on towards the top.

    Ghost killing an ultra with a melee weapon one on one is not easy and rare…but its possible.

    Jedi? Maybe they can leap as much as jedi. We will never know… until blizzard shows us. And obviously the ghost in game is not it.

    Irrelevant for starcraft 2? Im not talking about the in game rts starcraft 2 gameplay… but lorewise.

    And yes its worth talking about as much as why blizz created a 3rd person shooter game for the ghost unit.., and for a good reason.

    Just another unit? Well in game they are. So like whats happening in the gameplay is what really is happening in real life or lorewise in starcraft universe? You spam ghost and they get killed easily by enemy carriers and lurkers? That’s how it is lorewise?

    In starcraft ghost, like I said you can get a clear perspective of what really is going on in the universe of starcraft like how a ghost fights etc.

    Ok about the ghost taking out armies and completing mission single-handedly? Its true and possible. But its not like that the ghost will just go and shoot enemies while taking back damage. No. Nova will die in one shot. that is just for gameplay purposes. But in real life the ghost would be very careful and will use all possible skill to accomplish that task.

    Just like solid snake or all games outhere, in game you have health points and you take a lot of beating and still win the game and beat tons of enemies. BUT in reality it did not happen exactly like that, snake defeated all enemy without any bullets hitting him ofcourse. Like in rpgs like FFVII in game you don’t die in one shot, but what happen in real life or in the real life version of it aegis died right a way in one hit but cloud and his friends defeated the enemy (with dragons and monsters!) and save the world and they did it not just by straight shooting or by simply hack and slashing the enemies. Its not like you have unlimited stamina ammo etc, the ghost will rest and take extra safety, and do battle again. If you win the game, then you beat all enemies, lorewise the ghost did it BUT not exactly how you did it ingame. Ahh. You know what I mean.

    ^ correct. And its not because the starcraft ghost lore is wrong or different to the starcraft universe.

    What do you mean by spruce? Like exaggerate the ghost actions(hard to kill, unlimited ammo, just go on with straight shooting without dying, etc). ofcoure that is for gameplay purposes… but like I said above in real life the ghost did it but ofcourse what really happen is a bit different from how you play it.

    ^ you misunderstood me.
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  4. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    100% lore based ghost? So exactly how are they like in real life? Why base it on the rts version of the ghost. Both fps and rts play differently, but lorewise and in real life starcraft the fps ghost makes more sense.

    Starcraft ghost was created to show the ghost lore alone. Blizzard did not exaggerate it, its according to lore and hit points and unlimited stamina and use of skills is just for gameplay purposes.

    Hey they can do it half life style (freeman=more human like ghost) and still make it sell like pancakes.

    But they did not bcoz the ghost is NOT like that. Ghost in starcraft universe are closely or exactly like the Starcraft ghost’s ghost.

    I know ghost are assign to kill and snipe and assassinate enemy from a far. Why go melee? Because its situational and since they are also good at hand to hand combat they might as well execute in melee combat. For example, 4 zergling comes straight forward and theres no time to reload etc… the ghost would just confront them in melee mode with her psisword or fusion cutter blade for a better chance of survival. Unlike the marines who don’t have actual melee combat skills, they would just rather keep on firing their gun until they are reaped apart.

    And I did not say they would be preferable to use melee weapon in normal battles. I said its possible in some situation and they will use it because they are also skilled with it.

    Ghost in Novels exaggerated? Starcraft 1 lore is not perfect? So what exactly is the true lore of the ghost?

    But anyway novels are not exaggerated, they add up and tell more about the ghost, because in the starcraft 1 (rts) in game ghost does not really represent them. Blizzard can’t show them in movies, etc yet, that’s why we have the novels and the cancelled starcraft ghost game to give a deeper and real perspective of how and what the ghost are like.

    About the UED. Your going out of topic. What I meant was they are similar to the terran (units and buildings) in the game but the lore and blizzard said they should not be the same.

    Yes I know zealots are way powerful than humans. But we don’t know how powerful the ghost really is because in game we only see them snipe and call down nukes.

    We don’t see them run like hell, kill with their mind, jump high, kick and punch huge muscular guys, drive terran vehicles expertly like no one else can, using a melee weapon to kill zerglings, etc… and well maybe even kill a zealot in melee combat.

    I know that a range ghost would easily kill a zealot. But a ghost(no ammo/forgot her gun) skilled in melee combat can also unexpectedly block a near zealot slash with his/her light saber and then just use her speed and precision to cut off the zealots head.

    although the lore did not actually said it, the ghost being exceptionally powerful skilled gifted human etc.... they surely know or master close combats and melee weapons handling as well.

    @ cobra and predator. Another misunderstanding. I don’t know what else to say.
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  5. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    (I did not read the last 3 posts because I have better things to do with a half hour and I doupt there is anything in there that would change my current opinion which is what I am posting)

    Zeratul I don't know whether you are intentionally doing it or not but you seem to be forgeting the fact that Nova is one of the most powerful Ghosts ever and as far as human (or former human) psionics go Kerrigan is one of the only characters that is stronger than Nova.

    You can't use the abilities of a hero Ghost to say what an average Ghost could do.

    I am not sure were I read this but Ghosts about as psionicly powerful as a Zealot. Both Zealots and Ghosts use there psionic ability to enhance there physical characteristics. So an averae Ghost is about as powerful as your average Zealot. The primary difference is Both Ghosts and Zealots have different specialties, Zealots are designed to fight people in a melee contest and they are designed to be fast and strong while still being able to absorb some damage. Ghosts are specialized in ranged combat (which is what Terran technology favors) and in stealth combat. Saying a Ghost can beat a Zealot in melee is like saying a Sniper can beat a Samurai in melee, it is possible but highly unlikely.

    If you want to judge what an average Ghost can do, ask yourself what an average Zealot can but with human technology.

    Now that is an average Ghost, heroic Ghosts like Kerrigan (before becoming Queen *****), Nova, and others from the novels can do potentially do a lot more depending on how overpowered there author was trying to make them, but Nova and Kerrigan should be about the top wrung for Ghost strength.

    All of that means, lorewise an average Ghost is going to be able to kill/beat a lot of units if the Ghost plays to its strengths but if it chooses to go and fight in Melee the only things (non-Terran) it is probably going to beat is a Zergling and maybe a Hydralisk.

    EDIT: After reading the posts it seems like you guys are arguing an average Ghost v. a heroic Ghost (which is what I guessed) . The Ghosts in the books and in Starcraft: Ghost (aka Nova) are all heroic Ghosts so they of course exagerate the power of an average Ghost. Now lorewise the Ghost of course can do more than it does in the game, but the average about as strong in comparrison to other units as the in game Ghost is to other in game units. Zeratul I would say an average Ghost has enhanced physical attributes (expecially in accuracy and stealth related skills) as well as advanced human technology but they don't have the psionic power to actually do anything but enhance their physical attributes and power their cloaking device.

    Just to put in another perspective, the average Ghost in comparrison to other Sc units, is like your average jedi in comparrisson to your Star Wars bad guys, they are powerful but averwage units can still kill them. The Ghosts in the novels and Nova are like Mace Windu and Yoda, badasses by comparrison to the average Jedi.
    Last edited: May 31, 2008
  6. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Let me ask you guys this. i see that Zeratul is old for his age currect? What would a match of his younger age be like agenst a heroic Ghost?
  7. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I would say no heroic Ghost is going to beat Zeratul, the only people who would even have a chance 1v1 would be powerful infested Terrans (aka Kerrigan) or powerful Protoss (aka the now dead Tassadar).
  8. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    thanks. i knew thet i just wanted some one else to make it 100% sure in the mind of others :)
  9. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    When compared to a Zergling (I dunno why you keep on comparing a Ghost to a single Zergling), a Hydralisk, etc, Ghosts are weaker. Zerglings are bred purely for melee combat. They can take enough of a beating to be able to reach and kill a Marine that's shooting at them for the whole time, so I doubt punching it will do much good. Hydralisks are strong enough to hurl dozens of spines at their enemies, just using the muscles in their forehead. All Zerg units are exceptionally strong, and much stronger than an average Ghost.

    No, a Zergling or Hydralisk cannot kill something with their minds, but neither can a Ghost. They do think before they attack, and they do have the instinct to dodge, etc. It's all inbuilt in their natural instincts. What the Ghosts have to learn, train and master, in regard to melee combat, comes as second nature to Zerglings.

    You're going on about how Ghosts are so physically and mentally strong, but the other races are physically and mentally stronger. The Terran will never compete with neither Protoss nor Zerg when it comes to physical strength, and their psychic abilities are only developing. The Ghosts are just the most psychically attuned of a psychically developing race, while even Zealots, who are among the least psychic of a psychically advanced race, would have more psychic capabilities than them. All in all, Ghosts would not be able to most units in melee combat, which is why they stick to long ranged sniping and targeting, etc.

    Ghosts may not be ordinary humans, but that doesn't mean that they're instantly better than Zealots and Ultralisks. They are more physically and psychically fit than other humans, just like how Olympic athletes, etc, would be more physically fit than other humans. This does not mean that Olympic athletes would be able to down elephants in a single swipe, it just means that they're more physically fir than ordinary humans. The same goes for Ghosts.

    About the telekinesis, etc, the site you linked proved this wrong;
    Only exceptional Ghosts would have such physical capabilities, and as we all know, normal Terran Ghosts that are acquired in StarCraft1 and StarCraft2 are not exceptional Ghosts. The telekinesis, etc, are rumours of the easily excitable media, so chances are they don't even exist, or if they do, there are only a couple who have mastered extremely minor telekinetic capabilities.

    A Ghost does not stand a chance against Zerglings. As I said earlier, all the telekinetic, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, capabilities only belong to the exceptional Ghosts, which the Terran wouldn't have access to on the battlefield. Just because Zerglings are Zerg it does not mean that they're dumb, especially when it comes to combat. Zerglings are bred to be one of the most savage Zerg units of all time. If there's one thing where it knows exactly what it's doing, it's fighting. No matter how much that Ghost is parrying, blocking, dodging, evading, jumping, etc, etc, etc, the Zergling is going to keep on coming at it time and time again. Not only would the Ghost barely have any time to retaliate while its constantly trying to avoid so many attacks in quick succession, but there will always be more than one Zergling. Why would the Ghost even want to fight in melee if it can down them so much easier with a single shot through each of their skulls? Why would it fight in the Zerglings' area of expertise?

    Zerglings don't just rely on strength, speed and ferocity. As I said before, they're bred for combat. It's second nature to them. If they see a massive blade coming towards them, they'd use their natural speed to avoid it. If they see a drop in the Ghost's defences, they'd use their speed and strength to exploit that opportunity. If they opponent is starting to tire, they'd use their endless ferocity to overpower it.

    Trust me. That example of a Ghost jumping onto a Ultralisks head and killing it is just stupid. Firstly, no matter how well the Ghost can anticipate the Ultralisk's attacks, once it's jumped, it's jumped. There's no way to just suddenly completely change your trajectory when in mid-air. The Ultralisk would have its target travelling in a designated path, and there's no way it could miss that. Not to mention that the Ultralisk could easily move, completely changing the area in which the Ghost is going to land, and then there's also the fact that an ordinary melee weapon would hardly be able to penetrate the Ultralisk's thick hide. Not even in StarCraft:Ghost were there situations as ridiculous as this.

    As I said before, the perspective of a Ghost is StarCraft:Ghost is not the same as StarCraft2. You've also contradicted yourself here. You're saying that StarCraft:Ghost is 'just and upclose perspective of a regular Ghost', but then you go on about how things in StarCraft:Ghost have been changed for gameplay purposes. Choose a side and stick with it. Don't just flip-flop over which will suit your argument better.

    'Spruce up' is just an expression. It just means to make more fancy or to improve it, etc, etc. No-one's going to buy a story about a regular Ghost in a regular game of StarCraft, so they have to spruce it up, make it more interesting, etc, etc. The same goes for StarCraft:Ghost.

    If I misunderstood you, explain what you were trying to say. As far as I'm concerned, you completely contradicted yourself there and just saying 'you misunderstood me' won't change anything.

    Why base the lore on the RTS as opposed to the FPS? Because not only is StarCraft a RTS , but the FPS Ghosts are exaggerated, so that it would be more interesting to play. No-one's going to buy a game where you run around, shoot a couple of things, call in a Nuke but get Scanner Swept and killed before it drops. It would be the stupidest and lamest game ever. To accommodate for this, if they were going to create a FPS, which they were, they'd have to make it more exciting and bend the lore in their favour. However, that game has been cancelled so all that lore-bending is irrelevant as it no longer applies to the game because it's no longer a FPS.

    Just because they're capable at melee combat it means that they should fight like that? You've seriously got to start thinking before you type. Ghosts excel at long ranged sniping. They may also be capable melee fighters, but they excel at long ranged sniping. There is no reason to sacrifice their area of expertise just to exercise some other skills, especially if that results in entering their adversary's area of expertise. Zerglings excel in combat and have no long ranged way of attacking. Why would a Ghost sacrifice his or her own area of expertise, to fight in the Zerglings' area of expertise? If the Ghost truly was faced with four Zerglings, then it'd Cloak and retreat to a safe distance. This distance would allow the Ghost to remain in his or her area of expertise while still being safe for in case any Zerg detectors happened to pass by. All in all, if a Ghost was faced with four Zerglings and didn't run, range or no range, it's dead.

    Yes Ghost in novels are exaggerated. If you can't get your head around that, then there's hardly any point in continuing this conversation. The normal Ghosts that you see in games, they're the normal Ghosts. The exceptional Ghosts with much more developed physical and mental capabilities, they're the ones who have been exaggerated in order to make more sales. I never said StarCraft1 lore wasn't perfect, I said StarCraft1 (the game) wasn't, which is why the Ghosts in it weren't.

    About the UED, I haven't gone off topic, I've explained what the UED are. They're the humans who govern Earth, hence being called the United Earth Directorate, while the Terran are the descendants of the criminals, etc, who were sent out into space. They are similar to the Terran because they are humans, but Blizzard says that they're not the same because they're a completely different faction.

    We do know how powerful Ghosts really are. Have you seen the most recent stats on the Ghost and Zealot? That's how powerful ordinary Ghosts really are, and without their rifles, they're much weaker than Zealots.

    Ghosts do not run heaps fast, jump really high, punch through walls, etc, etc, etc, because as your source stated, only exceptional Ghosts are capable of that, and players will not have access to exceptional Ghosts outside missions, etc. Also, no Ghost can kill someone with their mind. Even High Templar can't do that outside of Psionic Storm, which Ghosts haven't the faintest chance of being able to conjure.

    There's no point in talking about if a Ghost forgot their gun, etc, because that situation will never arise. If the Ghost is stupid enough to forgot his or her primary weapon, I doubt that they've remember to learn the necessary combat skills. Also, you're definitely getting confused with Star Wars, as Ghosts would not have a light saber to block Zealot Psi Blades with.

    Again, if there's another misunderstanding, don't just say 'that's a misunderstanding'. Repeat what you meant. Otherwise, you're basically just trying to avoid that point.

    LordKerwyn has basically stuck the nail on the head with his post. The stories in the novels and Ghosts in StarCraft:Ghost are all heroes and not the regular Ghosts that players would have access to on the field of battle, so there's no chance that those ordinary Ghosts would be able to compare to any other melee units in the game.
  10. Ursawarrior

    Ursawarrior New Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    somewhere....not sure
    actually, its better if the ghost has a melee instant kill attack for lings and hydras but in cloaked mode so it will be more stealthy and deadly
  11. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    So what you're basically saying that you want it to be half Ghost, half Dark Templar? Why not just have the Ghost shoot the Zerglings and Hydralisks from a distance? A single Snipe will take both out instantly, so why would the Ghost even need to get so close in the first place? It's just putting itself in a more dangerous situation for no good reason.
  12. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    ok first of all,lets just forget about the ghost using melee attacks in game. i agree they are way better in range.

    Yes, if a ghost is facing a lot of enemies you use gun obviously…. But in some circumstances like you don’t have an ammo and cloak but you have a melee weapon in hand and there is only one hydralisk engaging you then im sure the ghost is going to take the chance and fight the hydralisk in melee combat. It would be lame to see her just stand there hopelessly and wait for the hydralisk tear her apart just like what a marine without a gun would usually do. That is not what the ghost is like as far as I see it lorewise.

    so lets just talk about lorewise about ghost engaging in melee combat. In certain sitautions the ghost will be force to use hand to hand combat obviously. the question is will the ghost be victorious? Can he/she beat zerling, hydra, or zealot
    in melee combat?

    Forget about my idea of an in game melee ghost for sc2 for now.

    Another issue right know is about what kind of ghost are we talking about.

    Ok. The terran ghost have level and ranking/class, like from 1-5. I know it cause I read back then, try to search for it. Nova and Kerrigan are the top class. And were not even talking about the spectre ghost here.

    Anyway lets say nova is class 5. the average ghost is the one in game is 1.

    To be fair lets just all go with the a bit above ghost which is 3. Lets say he/she knows physical combat and melee weapon mastery since obviousy shes above average.

    I though it’s a one on one fight.

    Ghost are not weaker than a zergling or even a hydralisk in terms of overall melee combat skills like flexibility, balance, intellect etc, yes in physical form the ghost are weaker but that is not the only thing needed in melee combat just like in real life like even a muscled bound guy can be easily submitted by a much smaller and less physically built guy, it just happen that the smaller guy have just enough strength and more importantly an exceptional submission skills. But still the muscular guy(zerling) could one punch kill the other guy(ghost) if he was careless. But then again ghost are rarely careless considering their background unlike the zergling who just go on a rampage.

    Yes hydralisk are exceptionally strong with their internal and external physical form than the ghost, but like I said in an actual melee battle the ghost will come up with more tactics etc.. and considering that ghost have enough unhuman like strength and abilities they can obviously kill a hydralisk one on one.

    Just because zergling are purely breed for melee combat it doesn’t mean the ghost have no chance to beat or kill it in melee combat. Its not like the ghost will go wrestle head on the zergling with its spikes and claws. Physical skills and intelligence plays a big factor in hand to hand combat regarding what your opponent is like. And that’s what the ghost is going to do against a zerling.

    And are we talking about a ghost with a melee weapon here or not? If it is, then im sure the ghost will handle it less hard… or maybe easier.

    You said zerg units are physically strong against an average ghost. But how about a ghost that is a little above average that excels in hand to hand or melee combat as well?

    The ghost can kill with their mind. I read once in a starcraft / ghost site that ghost have ability to kill people just using their mind. That’s why the ghost are being held and trained to limit their telekinetic or whatever mind potential they have so that they will not just go on a killing spree that would result to even deaths of their masters.

    Also if im not mistaken Kerrigan killed her own parents when she was young using only her mind. Nova also been said to kill terran dominion rebel officers by only using her minds. Etc. im not sure if it was in a novel or just a short summary about the ghost lore. But it is officially a ghost lore. Where else can you find more ghost lore? Yes not in starcraft 1, they were just basically just another unit there.

    Zerlings and hydralisk may dodge etc.. but its not like they are going to do that all the time and efficiently. They are breed to just rush and kill, and that’s what they will mainly do when facing a melee ghost. Too bad the ghost is smarter and has plenty of tricks.

    And I believe even a marine with no gun can miraculously kill a sinlge zerling in melee combat? How? In real life things happen differently, its not just stand, try to block and wait. A lucky kick of a marine on a zergling head will surely change the favor of the battle. I can even imagine tychus wresling and killing a zerling with his huge powersuit arm. Yes its unlikely, but its possible. What more if it was a ghost.

    We are not talking about the terran or human here but ghost. They are not just enhance soldiers, they are more than that, they are trained to deal with any kind of enemies (not just snipe and call down nukes) and that includes hand to hand combat in some unfortunate circumstances. They can go on a mission like a one man army just like in starcraft ghost.

    Physical strength? Physical strength can be base on many factors. Like how high can you jump, how much weight can you lift?,..how fast can you run? Etc. Also in a melee combat like I said a million times it also needs skills and tactics not just brute force, strength and speed. The ghost clearly is more clever and highfly skilled than a zergling or hydralisk.. I don’t know about the zealot. Lets just wait and see.

    I don’t know about zealots being more psychic than the ghost. Maybe with the average ghost. But not with the best ghosts the terran have imo.

    Yes they stick to long range attack because its more effective and is more safee. How about when enemy gets near them in real life? Your saying that ghost aren’t prepared and are not skilled to handle up close encouters? And they would just run or hide or just wait to be slash? So the ghost is vulnerable or useless against enemies near them? She will just try to continue shooting and when she reload or run out of ammo then that’s it? Game over? That’s lame.

    ^ I don’t see the ghost to be that way. That’s why lorewise or in starcraft ghost the ghost can engage in hand to hand combat as well. NOT preferably but in some rare case and can win.

    I never said that ghost were better than zealot and ultralisk. When I talk about ghost blocking zealots attack or jumping on ultralisk that’s just for an example that ghost can do crazy things in melee and even have a great chance of defeating a zealot or ultralisk. Because they are not ordinary human.

    And no ghost are not just mere Olympians. If they were athletes, then they will dominate any games and sports in the Olympics EASILY considering that they have well above unhuman potentials and abilities.

    And don’t compare ghost to real life human. Starcraft is sci fi, and the ghost are very hard to explain humans, they are like mutant, its just plain silly that we only see them snipe and call down nukes in game.

    And I think the most powerful human puncher in the world can bring down an elephant in one or few shots if it was hit solid hard and in the right spot(like the eyes?). And that’s how I think the ghost will do against the ultralisk given no melee weapon. If she have a melee weapon, then more great chances and possibilities.

    And you can’t compare a real life Olympian to a “sci fi” ghost. human telekenesis, wall vision, psionic energy etc, doesn’t exist in real life.
  13. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    If a ghost can kill with their mind, have mind control etc. then these are not minor abilities. They have powerful psionic and telekinetic capabilities.

    Zergling cant do this.

    Ok like I said from the beginning we are now talking lorewise and forget about my in game idea about ghost using melee weapons. The ghost im talking about is the ghost with the top most capabilities.

    Zergling are effective killer, but they are not that smart to know that their target actually have some melee skill to counter them. Example a lion will just go charging on a person without thinking all the lion knows is his ferocious and lethal and just keep on going. But the target suddenly slides down as the lion jumps above quickly followed by a sword stab on the jaw of the lion. Well the target was obviously skillful and that’s the ghost will be like against a zergling. If zerling is 50x stronger than that lion, then the ghost is also like 50x more skillful than that human as well.

    The ghost ofcourse will not just dodge all the time. He or she will strike when the perfect moment comes. With a melee weapon it’s a single quick hit.

    Again, I know the ghost would like to fight the zergling at long range, but sometimes you get into a different situation and this is where melee combat comes in.

    Zerling are of expertise? A ghost can kill them in melee just like a ghost expert at long range can get killed by a hydralisk while doing range battles.

    I think the ghost is the one would be doing that. How do you know zerling does all of that? As far I can tell just like in the cinematics they are just mindless raging attacking units. The zergling can’t even dodge slow incoming missiles in the opening broodwar cinmatics how much more fast swipes and slashes. They get easily hit and killed by a terran jeepney. Is that physically and mentally powerful? And just like in games they just go head on the battle mindlessly and die so quickly. Obviously their strength is by their numbers, an single zergling is just a melee practice for a ghost with a melee weapon.

    For you its stupid, and I don’t know why. Its stupid if the ghost you are visualizing is the not the ghost that im trying to portray. f

    Think of many things that can happen, I did not say just jump straight to the ultralisk head and tries to hit it.

    The ghost will jump at the right moment ofcourse just like heroes jumps in the movies against beast etc., not just jump randomly and get luck. The Ghost is extremely skillful so she can jump and land perfectly. And the ultralisk have a weak spot on its body. A terran ghost with an electric melee weapon, psi blade sword, or a huge sci fi axe would kill the thing.

    So starcraft ghost is ridiculous? Because a single ghost can kill many units and complete missions etc… have you read my metal gear, other games example?

    In starcraft ghost you see the ghost call down nukes, fight hydralsik with a flamethrower, kill a zealot with a psi blade, place a grenade inside a marine and explodes. Well all of this can happen in real life version without the ghost getting injured or dying. And its not like he did all of that without taking a rest, drinking water, or healing some injuries. Like I said what happen in game is actually quite different in reality version (you can see it in the cinematics). In game you kill a zergling with a godlike ghost slash attack, but in reality the ghost may have a trouble doing it and without the extra effects. You fight a zealot with a psi blade, you just hack and slash it and then it dies in the gameplay, but in real life the ghost fought the zealot with just some few lucky dodges and strikes and then be able to kill it.

    Just like in resident evil, you play a single character and you defeat hordes of zombies, trolss, and monsters, while fit happened in real life (cinematics, story, etc) but the way he did is not actually like the way you played it.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  14. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Why are not the same? Nova is included in the story of starcraft 2. if she is in the game, ofcourse the way you play her in the rts is not the real thing happening. She does a lot of thing not just stand straight and shoot down enemies.

    The things that been change for gameplay purpose im talking about are stuff like health points, unlimited use of skills, not getting killed in one shot, etc.. but the fact is nova is still able to beat and win the mission in real life but not necessary like the way you play it in the game. You clearly did not understand me.

    They did not spruce it up, it is according to the lore. The lore says the lore can jump, can use hand to hand combat, and all those things, that’s why we see and play it in starcraft ghost. In the rts, the ghost does not represent the actual ghost lore as said in official info about them as well as in novels.

    Its not exaggerated. It shows what the ghost is capable of. The only exaggeration thing about it are stuffs, like hit points, energy, spam use of skills etc.. all of this can’t be real, but the point is ghost or nova in real life can beat enemies and win missions single-handedly, not like how you played but in much more realistic perspective (in movie or in cinematic like).

    Just like starwars jedi games base on starwars movies, in games a jedi can kill multiple enemies and do crazy skills (but in reality or movie version, they still beat all bad guys and kill enemies but not necessarily like the way you did it when you played it. Ahh. Im repeating everything again.

    They did not bend the lore. Blizzard could make it more realistic like in the first place just like I said in my previous post. Make it Call of Duty modern warfare or half life like and still get lots of fans and good ratings and sells. So that it will be more like the ghost that you, itza wants.

    BUT blizzard did not made it that way simply because the ghost is NOT like at all and it is according to lore. They are capable of doing more things just like in starcraft:ghost since they are indeed powerful and skillful.

    I did not say they should fight in melee combat!

    The thing is thatf you are saying that they will lose in a rare melee combat encounter which I don’t agree.

    I know they excel at long range. They are better suited for that.

    Clearly you don’t like the ghost in starcraft:ghost. you want to keep it more realistic. Like if four zergling attacks a lone ghost and if he does not run his dead. That simple. Like a scared hopeless starcraft 1 like ghost. But im thinking when the 4 zergling comes rushing the ghost would quickly jump and the zerglings will bumped hard with each other, then the ghost quickly kicks the closest zergling and put it to sleep, and then she will try to get to a higher ground and given her skills she will just anticipate whats shes going to do next…etc.

    If you don’t see this happening then I will never understand you but only that you only want a realistic much more human like ghost. Come on, they are skilled, powerful mentally and physically but you only expect them to do is hide, snipe, and call down troops and that’s why you find it ridiculous for them to accomplished a one army mission because that’s the only thing they do. Well that’s not the only thing they can do obviously and that’s why theres a game called starcraft:ghost.

    Why are novels exaggerated? What source or where do you actually find the true lore for the terran ghost? In starcraft 1? In game ghost? Now that is ridiculous.

    I think most ghost even the average ghost can do things like melee combat and athletic stunts not only necessary to the top class ghost like nova.

    Make more sales? Like I said they could make it just like Call of duty 4 modern warfare to make it not look exaggerate and then get more sales. Blizzard did not made it because that’s not the ghost is like in the first place.

    In starcraft 1 lorewise or in the story not in game, the ghost never had a good appearance and story so we still don’t have any idea what were they actually like back then.

    Nah you can’t really base it in game. Just because in game the ghost is already dead meat when 2 zerglings gets near doesn’t mean that is whats going to happen in real life. In real life skill matters, a single zealot could take on 4 hydralisk at once in RL if lucky and a more skilled zealot and depending on the situation, but in game they don’t have a chance.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2008
  15. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    Exceptional ghost or not they are still ghost. The thing is nova and other ghost can do this. And you saying that ghost can’t even beat a single zergling is already completely wrong considering that the above skills can be done by ghost. im sure even an average knows basic stuffs of those skills.

    Ghost can kill with their mind. I read it.

    The situation will never arise? Your just too being close minded and not imaginative. Arrghhh. Sorry.

    Yeah, She did not forget her weapon, but someone stole it! Things and events like that! Its not like everything I said is the only thing that could happen.

    I can choose any weapon I want. The point is a ghost fighting a zealot in a melee battle with a melee weapon 9light saber, sci fi knuckles, thors hammer, katana etc. Your saying the ghost will not have a chance and will never win. I say the opposite.

    Im not avoiding the point im getting tired repeating what im saying. yes sometimes that would be fault since I don’t compose good grammar etc. that’s why you don’t understand other things im saying clearly.

    So now we’re talking about hero ghost and regular ghost? ahhh.

    Ok, just deal with the middle level ghost the one that still have all the name abilities mention.

    And lordkerwn believe a ghost can beat a zergling and a hydralisk.

    Zealot…? I’ll take my chances.

    From the looks of it you just want the ghost to be just like an exceptional realistic human assassin master in long range sniping. Just like the in game rts version of it. Why do you like the ghost not be strong and powerful etc? coz you still want the good old starcraft 1 ghost realistic feel? Well fortunately, blizzard never really explored and revealed what the ghost units are really like in starcraft 1. But in the novels and the canceled starcraft ghost fps it seems like itsthe other way around.Yes in starcraft ghost you can use a pis blade for hand to hand combat maybe even against a zealot.. if you think about it and given the ghost lore its possible lorewise or in real life.

    I see it differently, and blizzard made the right choice about what to do about the ghost regarding their lore, and that is to make it more sci fi powerful and skillful that excels in every combat situation. Aka.. starcraft:ghost’s ghost 3rd person shooter and I hope they will finish it soon. lastly since long range is always the best way then they should stick to it but it doesn’t mean they are not prepared for melee combat when it is needed.
  16. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    High Templar are stronger than Zealots, which is the reason they are High templar, lore-wise Zealots can't even compete with High Templar as they have way stronger psionic ability and still have the combat skill of when they were Zealots, just because gameplay-wise they were slow and had no attack doesn't mean lore-wise they are sitting ducks since all weknow them to have is Psionic Storm, that is just gameplay balance which is far from lore in this case.
    Also they are intune with their environment, they'd be able to sense that bullet being fire, they'd be able to sense the difference of pressure in the air, if a mere spider can do such thing as reacting to minute pressure changes in the air I think a High Templar would do x10 more.

    Of and whoever said a High Templar cannot 'fry' a Ghost close range, that statement isn't exactly valid as we have no proof or evidence as to what they can and can't do with psionics, its pretty much beyond our comprehension since we in our current position in time know little of any psionics, whether you believe it to be real or not.
  17. Ursawarrior

    Ursawarrior New Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    somewhere....not sure
    i just realized that melee attack for ghost may not be sensible on an actual game

    maybe for missions yes, it will sound more covert, but for actual 1 on 1, meh

    but hey

    if the ghost is cloaked, and it somehow got passed through defenses and made it to the mining area, instead of the enemy noticing his scv dies one by one with a gunshot, a melee attack would be more stealthy, and if they can add a bonus feature like it wont warn the enemy and say "our forces is under attack", then even more epic..... it has its pros
  18. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    @Psionicz, your 100% right. High templar are zealot whos mental power at a sertant point in there life has surpast there melee type combat skills. the only reason they choose to not attack in SC1 is because there mind has become way more of a destructive force.

    I bet 100 bucks you give them 2 psi blades you'll have a death just a swift as you would to a zealot.
    Ghost vs High Templar thats all high templar. The only unit a Normal ghost has a chance of beating is a zealot and that is still Slim to non...
  19. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    That wouldn't make sense enot having the warning as the other SCV would see the dead one, it would be nice if they did not have a warning for an isolated unit, like a scout.
  20. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Zeratul listen to me for a second. The in-game Ghost is the RTS version of an average Ghost. Starcraft: Ghost is an RTS following around one of the most powerful Ghosts ever, you cannot atribute the abilities of Nova to an average Ghost. When ItzaHexGor says "Ghost" he is talking about an average Ghost not all of the Ghosts that exist in the lore. You have repeated the same mistake now in the 4 smalll essays you have written and that is you think Itza is talking about every Ghost.

    The average Ghost has about the same psionic ability as a Zealot. The difference is the Ghost doesn't have the Technology of the Protoss, meaning 99 times out of a 100 they will lose to a Zealot in melee. I will agree that an average Ghost with a melee weapon, would beat the average Zergling and Hydralisk over 50% of the time, but the Ghost could just as easily die depending on the situation. Against any other Protoss unit the average Ghost will only come out victorious in a very lucky set of events and that is when the Ghost is using its rifle. An average Ghost in melee would get worked over by a High Templar who are more powerful psionicly than Nova and the un-infested Kerrigan.

    A heroic Ghost (which is what is in Starcraft: Ghost and the novels) could do a lot more than an average Ghost maybe even having the ability to kill others with there mind if they are strong enough (read as way more powerful than your average Ghost). The full range of abilities of a heoric Ghost depends on how powerful the author wants to make them, but it is safe to assume that 99% of the time named Blizzard heros of other races (like Zeratul and infested Kerrigan) will still beat a heroic Ghost (In fact they will win 100% of the time unless Blizzard says otherwise).
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