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Melee Combat Ghost.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 29, 2008.

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Melee Combat Ghost.

Discussion in 'Terran' started by zeratul11, May 29, 2008.

  1. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    First Psion I was making the idiot comment in rsponse to your earlier post where said either you were an idiot or I was blind, I said both are every now and then.

    Next those more powerful Zealots that can create psiblades without help are known as High Templar. As for charge there are Ghosts with full on telekinetic abilties just like there is the "some' Zealot that learn how to charge on their own.

    Ghosts can do more than they are allowed to do, Blizzard's own words.

    As for the Dark Templar, I would hope that the "Templar" part of their name is a hint they are more powerful than your average Protoss (which Zealots are).

    Evidence is a moot point at this point unless Blizzard makes a statement directly relating to this disscussion because right now this is just differences in interpretation not evidence.

    Opinion are opinions I guess I am trying to enlighten you as well.

    Ghosts train for less than 30 years and yet have access to the same abilties as Zealots and can do other things on top of that, while Zealots train for hundereds of years. I would say that only proves a Ghosts power. And "Incredible Potential" means (atleast in my book) means someone that has abilties well above the norm even in their own speciality. Considering Zealots and lesser human telepaths are the norm when it comes to psionics and Ghosts have "Incredible Potential" when it comes to psionics I would say that it puts Ghosts atleast a little bit above the norm.

    Ghosts abilties are channeled as much as a Zealots are except Ghosts have neural implants restricting what they can do, while Zealots have psionic amplifieirs. A Ghosts suit is the only a tool to help a Ghost more effectivly focus his energy into augmenting his physical atributes.

    I don't see any contradiction here. Every Post in this thread I have either said an average Ghost is equal to or a little better than an average Zealot when it comes to raw psionic abiltity (aka no technology). Raw psionic is defiently not the only modifier in a melee battle and guess what the Zealot beats the Ghost every other way. At range this is another story entirely, with cloak and range a Ghost will beat the Zealot as often as the Zealot would beat the Ghost in melee without the Ghost cloaking.

    Again I never said the Terrans > Protoss without technology all I ever said was that Ghosts have a little more psionic ability than Zealots, not High Templar, not Dark Templar, not Archons. And have you heard of relativity? Relative to every other (Terran or Protoss) unit High Templar and Archons would be the only truly effective units in a battle without technology. Because they are the only ones that can inflict true damage with there psionic abilities without technological help.

    Finally, @ i2new I have said the same thing the entire time I have been in this thread (with varying support of course), if you think I have been talking in circles I suggest you reread the thread. And if you think I am being looked down on for defending my position then maybe you should think about how you are being looked down upon for just sitting back and making personal jibes instead of debating.
  2. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Well LORDK, its not me trying to sound so defencive here its just you. As me and others have said, with proof you just want to say your opinion but dont want to show anything to support it one bit you look like a very hollow man. And debating is basicly talking in circles but the hole time before Psioniz stepped into it we never once exchanged bad words and i tip my hat to you on that but you didnt have to let his words get to you. If your going to think ghost are psionicly stronger then zealot then let it be. Personal perspective differs from truth and to know the trust one of use would have to call up or E-mail blizzard for a direct answer which i'll guess we won't get a respond, the chances of a respond would be like less then 2%

    I'm more of a Terren love but I play Protoss just the same, Dont think that because you are a Protoss man bashing a Zealot it makes you right. i'm agenst the Ghost right now so dont try and hold your Favor as a fire to anyones feet.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2008
  3. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Why relate the two when a Ghost relies on the suit and could never hope to form its self into pure energy and control it.

    I find it cute that you missed this out:

    All Protoss warriors are refered to as Templars, as they are part of the Templar caste of the Protoss race.

    So they lie on their lore pages?

    In which you provide no evidence.

    You're giving the Ghost way too much credit, they are just stronger strong humans. Thats all. And that gets a boost with their suit which their psionics improve their abilities, and they don't really have many abilities naked. As the Ghosts have never done much or been said to do much except weild sniper rifles and cloak using technology.

    The implants stop the Ghosts from going rampant so they can remain under control as if they wasn't they could easily turn on their masters, and the fact they have masters proves they don't get strong by them selfs, which further hints their need for the suits.
    And yes you said it there your self, the suit is their only way to get strong, simply speaking.

    Are you not forgetting the Zealot can sense where the Ghost is, the Zealot can smell the Ghost, the Zealot can feel the differences in air pressure, the Zealot can see the distoration where the light curves around the Ghost. Cloaking doesn't make you invisible. Only on radar.
    Animals on this planet that live their entire lifes blind, hunt, survive, traval, etc and don't have psionics. So imagine an attuned Zealot.

    Ha and not to mention, Zerglings attacking Nova while cloaked.

    I say the Ghost doesn't have more psionic ability. It just defies logic.
    1. All protoss are born with potent psionic ability.
    2. Zealots already have formiddible psionic ability.
    3. They are tougher than any human, even Ghosts and you have agreed with that.
    4. They can manipulate their actual atoms to turn into pure energy and control it to charge at their enemies super fast, that is an incredible amount of psi.
    5. With the suits their abilities are even further advanced.

    How many times have I said the Ghosts require suits and everyone knows this.
    And all that suit does is improve their speed, endurance, senses like sight and hearing. It doesn't allow them to do anything amazing like turn invisible or create energy from it. Thats what the Templar do.

    Anyone else gonna join the debate as this is kinda going in circles and I don't like repeating my self.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2008
  4. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    to go along with Psionicz on this i said this before when the psiblade has energy pumped into it the psi energy would come out wildly like lightning or a flame. The Zealot uses a low grade form of Telekanesis to hold that blade still.

    The ghost if any of them are carrying a Psiblade is made of part metal so that the energy has something to be shaped around, there for its a less use of the ghosts energy. This is my favorit exsample cause it is just about as clear as anyone who has been reading this can understand. OTHER than a direct answer from blizzard.
  5. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    The Ghost doesn't rely on the suit anymore than Zealots rely on their own technolgoy. This is one those things I have proved several times and been ignored on. Zealots are just as dependent on their technology as Ghost.

    For my quote did you not notice the ellipses? I left out the part about the media because it was irrelevant because it didn't support or hurt the Ghost it just talked about rumors.

    I never said Blizzard lied I have used there stuff the entire time as suypport you guys are just choosing to ignore it. I have provided plenty of points but you guys are choosing to ignore what I am saying I obviously can't change that.

    I am giving Ghosts no more extra credit than you are giving the Zealot you keep assuming the Zealot if some magificent warrior without its technology, it isn't.

    The impants hinder Ghosts psionic abilties go play the campaign again. Remember the mission where Kerrigan breaks into a Terran installation to discover how to udno to modifications to her brain?

    As for Ghosts v. Zealots in game your saying a Ghost 2 shotting a Zealot isn't owning it?

    The Ghost having more raw psionic power doesn't defy logic it is supported by it. All a Zealot can do without technology is communicate telepathicly. Ghosts on the other hand can communicate telepathicly and augment there physical abilities.

    A Ghost's suit further enhances a Ghost's augmentation of its physical abilties as well as granting the Ghost the ability to cloak.

    Ysay I you are tired of talking in circles and repeating yourself I am the same way. Your not even willing to acknowledge some of the evidence I have provided, you just ignore it because it doesn't suit you.

    @ i2new I am not sure where you thought up that little tidbit of inromation but I have never heard of it and it goes against a lot of whats on the Blizzard sites so its not helping your position really. And saying its a simple thing to understand is like me saying a Zealot is completely dependent on its technoogy is a simple fact and yet I am still ignored.

    On a final note to everyone, if there isn't any ground breaking new information or points made I am going to lock this topic after a couple of people have had a chance to respond.
  6. i2new@aol.com

    i2new@aol.com New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    we may be on two different hill here but i think i see a white flag........lol
  7. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    yes i think its time to lock this thread up. so that itza won't be able to resppond to my post. lol. jk.

    anyway this is going nowhere, just like lordkerwyn most of my important points are being ignored as well.

    lets just all wait for blizzard to tell us more about the ghost in stories, movies, lore, etc.

    just a final look. xp


    nova owned a zealot with a half moon shaped psyblade weapon.. lol
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2008
  8. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    I have ignored nothing. He has yet to provide me with any evidence that proves Ghosts don't 80% rely on technology for their human enhancements.

    Zeratul, all you have done is provide me with more reasons to say that the Ghost absoluntly needs those weapons in combat.
    That is also a game, you cannot base the happenings of a game like that as it is biased to the Ghost since thats the main character and the purpose is to win.
    Like I've said, animals can live their entire life blind and still hunt and stuff and they don't have psionics, the Zealot would obviously anticipate her actions and not make blind strikes like that. The Zealot in that video was comparable to a drunk.

    They can turn their body into raw energy. That is a plain fact. I don't care how you look at it, Zealots can still turn their bodies into pure energy. Also the fact they have enough psi to manifest actual blades shows how they are way stronger than a Ghost.
    There is no evidence of Ghosts communicating telepathically, yes they can read minds and stuff but that is just mild telepathy. Normal people can anticipate what someone is going to say, but average humans don't really look at those things like that.

    The Zealot also enhances his physical abilities. If the Zealot is stronger than the Ghost with the suit, physically, you even said that your self. Imagine a Zealot using his suit for the extra power.

    Do you know what evidence is? My example of evidence I have provided were the quotes from the Blizzard sites.
    Also talking about information which doesn't suit you. I posted the exact same Ghost information as you, infact more. Yet you chose to ignore the part where they said excitable media rumors which explains its self. Then followed to actually use that information to aid your discussion as if that part wasn't there.
  9. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Do to the inablitity for anyone to come to a consensus and the rising level of tension associated with this thread I am locking it. Anyone who believes in some fashion that this is me "giving up" is welcome to continue the disscussion with me in private.

    Topic Locked.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2008
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