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Joneagle_X's BlizzCon 2008 StarCraft 2 Review

Discussion in 'BlizzCon 2008' started by MeisterX, Oct 14, 2008.

Joneagle_X's BlizzCon 2008 StarCraft 2 Review

Discussion in 'BlizzCon 2008' started by MeisterX, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. AngelLestat

    AngelLestat New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    The infestor design is not mine, Is from another fan who post it in armony-forum. But i loved it.

    What topics? I dint understand. Or you want to said "mind is not set on"

    I just want a fun game, with more strategic options that the first one, with less units useless.
    They need focus in the units and abilities, then may focus in the balance. Is just tier, cost and stat adjustments. But i have the feeling that they are thinking in reverse, the units or abilities to get balance.
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2008
  2. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    I meant that Samwise doesn't want to change the designs of these units. :D
  3. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Those are Samwise's designs?! Jeez, I've been a huge fan of his since the WarCraft2 manual. I'm surprised he came up with these numbers. I mean, the Nydus Wyrm's alright, in my opinion, it's just an odd creature, but the Infester? I mean, if anyone can throw their weight around in regards to unit design it's him, as he's such a great illustrator, but the Infester just doesn't work. I have thought that the concept art for the Infester is better than the in-game model, but that's no reason to keep it. If the design can't be translated into a good in-game model, it should be scrapped. It doesn't mean it's a bad design, though in this case I feel it genuinely is, but it's useless.
  4. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    I agree with OP on most of those points, especially the queen stuff, i cant believe they changed it into same role as that piece of crap in starcraft 1, i want a unique, genuine egg layin nest dwelling mother. Like the one on aliens!
  5. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    @ Itza, while Samwise doesn't necessarily draw every unit, he has input on all of them and as Art Director he has final decision on what goes into the game. So while he may not have come up w/ 100% of the ideas, he's responsible for them all.
  6. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    Mutant larva worthless, zerg queen no longer unique, nydus transport is crap....wth???

    Give me my queen back! She's supposed to be the hive's defender, not a massable ability caster sent into the midst of battle. And what's up woth the nydus worm? What happened to its ability to send units wherever it wanted to on the map? Both the terran and protoss can do this, why does the zerg need creep there first?

    The protoss can not only transport units freely with warp prisms, why can warpin wherever they have power and dont even need pylons if a warp prism is nearby for buildings. Terran can move thier entire base easily and transport. If the whole deal with the worm was because it was cloaked, then make it visible for darn sake, dont constrict its transport effectiveness and usefulness.

    Overall, I'm not satisfied with the zerg race. I really hope they fix things, i mean, comeon, 2 rush zealots killing an entire early zerg army(points to Blizzcon sc2 progame)?
  7. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    Idd, dunno why they decided to de-balance the game like so :S