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Infested Terrans are grotesque..

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Spartan, Jul 3, 2008.

Infested Terrans are grotesque..

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Spartan, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. Flamingdts

    Flamingdts New Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    I thought I clarified already that you are not ressurecting a corpse. Like I said, the idea is basically to have different ways of reaching 0 health. Sometimes the Terran would simply die, the others could still be alive after being attacked by a zergling and reaching 0 health, but is basically inactive and cannot be used in battlefield. It's basically dead and cannot be healed, but it's not truly dead, its simply dying. This also adds more realism IMO, not every single soldier dies right away in a real war when they get shot. If a marine is dying and not dead yet, the Infestor should be able to infest the marine, and have it pop out of an egg like Kerrigan.

    It's exactly like the lore as a matter of fact, a few terrans have been wounded and infested as well at the same time. For example. Tassadar saw a terran in the process of infestation. The terran still retained a human mind, but was changing. The Zergs slaughtered the rest of the terrans besides the infesting terran before the arrival of Tassadar, and Tassadar offered a mercy kill to the infesting Terran.
  2. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    0 health with no way of healing or controlling is still dead, the way you described it, it is dead, for all extents and purposes for everyone except zerg, which makes it exactly like a corpse in warcraft 3.

    Yes, your lore is solid but that is not what i am worried about with this idea.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2009
  3. Flamingdts

    Flamingdts New Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    I understand where your concerns are either, but like the infested command center, it's part of the game.

    The infested marines are afterall relatively weak against Protoss, and Blizzard will probably add a skill to make up for it's lost during PvT. I think there are better alternatives than to have Infestors spawn Terrans from it's ass, and the current infested terran probably won't be used all that much either in PvT even if that was the case because they are relatively weak in damage. Although we don't know about their speed yet, I have a feeling they won't be extremely fast like the original Infested marine. In fact, it's probably going to be no faster than a normal marine or even slower considering the lack of motor abilities some demonstrate in the SC lore.
  4. PsiWarp

    PsiWarp New Member

    Jul 15, 2008
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    Infested Terran have states that match a normal marine, except in HP and movement speed, plus they can hit air targets too. So in essence, Infestor spawn 5 Infested Terrans compared to a Nighthawk's 1 Auto-Turret.

    The idea is pretty cool, though I think it should be used before the Marine is "dead". It's never a good thing to introduce longer than normal death animations, certainly not when everyone who's keen on gameplay complains about clutter and CPU occupation; as well as slightly random factors (oh, I killed those Marines! But not one of them left a body >_<).

    Perhaps an ability that matched the target's cost? The ability itself will adjust the proper cost, if you target a Marine it will cost you 50 energy (50 minerals), or a Marauder which costs 125 energy (100 mins 25 gas currently), or a Reaper 75 energy (75 min 50 gas), or Ghost 150 energy (150 mins 150 gas). That way it will cost the Zerg to use this ability, while still favoring them in their stage in game.

  5. Hayden351

    Hayden351 Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Without the Infestor infesting the Marine i think it would be cool to have deffrent death animations for the diffrent weponds like the Cruso Tank's attack and other stuff that explodes leaves a puddle of blood a marine versus a marine and 1 dies it should be dying not dead (or dead but not a puddle of blood).
  6. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    I agree it should be a targetable ability on a living marine, consumes the unit and adds the infested marine that can be released whenever it's needed. Also needs to target all terran infantry and needs protoss and zerg mirrors.

    Also the infestor should be renamed 'Incubator' :D
  7. Hayden351

    Hayden351 Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    That sound kinda of werid but you'd be right if they made it that way it incubates the Marines and puts them into eggs which hatch as infested Marines (they shouldn't have weponds though).