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Infested Samir Duran

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Protosscommander, Aug 20, 2007.


Would you like to see Samir Duran as an Infested in Starcraft 2?

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Infested Samir Duran

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Protosscommander, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. GrahamTastic

    GrahamTastic Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    Uh...hehe...he is already infested. If you are asking if I want to see him at all in SC2, my answer would be yes. And he would be infested, because he IS infested. That description about him is a little outdated...
  2. string_me_along

    string_me_along New Member

    Aug 4, 2007
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    if he is infested, how was he able to disobey kerrigan and leave?
  3. Drafter

    Drafter New Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    cause he is a Xel'naga?creator of the Zerg,perhaps?
  4. string_me_along

    string_me_along New Member

    Aug 4, 2007
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    /\ meh, no one really knows. He's a mystery... and there for mysterious! Oh how mysterious is he. He is at least linked to the Xel'Naga, but said he worked for "a higher power". Therefore he is their b*tch.
  5. GrahamTastic

    GrahamTastic Member

    Jul 31, 2007
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    He must have severed his control somehow. Kerrigan was able to sever the Overmind's control over some of the cerabrates, so something similar could be happening here. There are still a lot of unanswered questions, I admit.
  6. Protosscommander

    Protosscommander New Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    But for me much better if Duran will back :)
  7. string_me_along

    string_me_along New Member

    Aug 4, 2007
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    Uh... he was dead and then she got control over herself. She convinces Jim to help kill the second overmind because she would revert to the control of the second overmind if it got to its full power.
  8. SuccaMC

    SuccaMC New Member

    Aug 22, 2007
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    Just because blizzard isn't making a new playable race, doesn't mean they wont incorporate a new race into the campaign mode(ie. warcraft 3 the frozen throne, Illidans Naga) sooooo Protoss/Zerg/Human hybrid or whatever other things he might be.
  9. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    Ok, for once i am going to look at this from the perspective that Duran was in fact infested.

    I'd like to point out that in SC1, neither of the factions really had an "advisor" which relayed plans to the player through the faction leader. Now, in the very first mission of the UED campaign, this advisor concept steps into play, and manifests in the form of Duran. Duran gives crucial advice to DuGalle, who relays it to you in order to aid you in your missions.

    After his betrayal, this is repeated in the Zerg campaign, where he relays plans and advice to the player through Kerrigan. I don't know about you, but to me that's a pretty good indicative that he's independent, and more importantly, intelligent.

    Which brings me to this fact - Duran share a vital trait with Kerrigan - being an "intelligent" Infested life-form. The Overmind chose to retain a part of Kerrigan's humanity in order to preserve her "spirit", which was explained to be her intelligence. I'm not sure Kerrigan would have the power or cunning to reproduce such results, and even if she could i don't know why she'd bother (she being all "Oh, look at me, i am the Queen Bicht of the Universe *prances around* i kill Protoss commanders now and then just because i can't stand killing Jim for whom i still got slimy, mucus-ridden hots -.-").
    So, it's pretty safe for me to assume that she "inherited" Duran from the Overmind.

    Now, this is a bit contradictory. If Kerrigan did not create Duran, and Duran probably preceded her, why was it not Duran that became the "great creation" the Overmind was boasting over in the latter half of the campaign? With that in consideration, what role does Duran hold within the Swarm? (note that the Duran=Great Creation argument could be due faulty psionics, genetics, etc etc, but imho that's highly unlikely)

    Bringing back the subject to the Zerg campaign in SC:BW - Duran revealed himself to have an extensive knowledge regarding Protoss constructions (destruction of Talematros (Drawing of the Web??)). The first contact between Terrans and Protoss was made presumably around the time when the Zerg went rampant on Mar/Chau Sara. Now, Jim Raynor has been spending a helluva long time with the Protoss, but i don't think he understands or holds the knowledge of how to replicate Protoss technology. (could be due pure sloth, but i don't like to take that into my considerations :))

    So, that leaves us with the fact that if Duran was truly human once, and became subsequently infested, he would not have the years nor the cunning to replicate Protoss technology (of which both he has proven himself to have).

    If Duran was truly human once, and became subsequently infested (very likely a long time *before* Kerrigan was infested), it would have been likely that he, and not Kerrigan, was slated to become the "great creation of the Overmind". (which as you know isn't the case).

    If Duran was truly human once, and became subsequently infested, but wasn't slated to become the "great creation", it is likely that he would not have kept his intelligence intact. (which he obviously has)

    So, without going all too far into the subject, i think - entirely in my own humble opinion - that it is quite safe to assume that Duran isn't infested and probably never were. And regarding the possibility of him being an Infested Xel'Naga - if that was the case, wouldn't it render Kerrigan quite pointless?
  10. ShdwyTemplar

    ShdwyTemplar New Member

    Jul 26, 2007
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    This is very true SirBaron. With Duran though as we both already know for are own opinions is that he as you already said is not most likely even infested and never was. From the stance that ya he is infested doesn't quite fit his platform of I'm older than Zeratul, which, would effectively nullify him being Human to the extent we already presume. Now, if that were to be true and him come off as an infested Terran then it would be easy to assume that he is as we think an adviser role. As I will touch up on Duran a bit with this. From what it seems with him. He always is put in the Knowledgeable, Cunning, Swift, and Mysterious adviser position. Once we remember that it is easy to see him as being some ancient being. On a side note, with all the knowledge Duran allegedly has about all three races would it not be simple for him to change his appearance from say Zerg-> Protoss->Terran->Infested Terran->??? It seems that he would have a very easy time doing this.

    *Btw SirBaron I'm looking into Duran with a link to Adun for the other thread. ;D

    SOGEKING New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    Samir Duran seems to be special. He has always the human body, but got the "infested" voice. And he can change his voice by his own will. Remember in the Zerg campaign of Brood War, he got the "infested" voice, and then when he met Zeratul at the Bonus stage he was with the Terran, in a Terran base, with a human voice. After that, he disappeared .....
  12. pajamasalad

    pajamasalad New Member

    Aug 12, 2007
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    This is some interesting stuff. The last time I played the starcraft campaign I was 8 and used cheat codes to beat all the levels. I vaguely remember Duran as a unit and I didn't know any of this cool stuff about him. Not that I am older and care about the story I think I am gonna go back and play the campaign again. :D
  13. Unentschieden

    Unentschieden New Member

    Aug 19, 2007
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    Duran was the first "succsessfull" infestation of a Human (suicide bombers are not intended-zerglings can be adapted to do that). Thats why she trusts him-and repeats the foolishness of the overmind who trusted Kerrigan. But I think Duran faked being under control to influence her just like he influenced DuGalle.

    The biggest mystery to me are Durans objectives. Why does he make a effort to manipulate around even if he could just ignore the whole mess? What did he acomplish in the end if he isn´t allied with Kerrigan?

    Messing with DuGalle might be explained that he was under orders from Kerrigan...
  14. Protosscommander

    Protosscommander New Member

    Aug 11, 2007
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    But freinds, if ever Duran will be back in SC2 hope, he will never become a Infested... just a real Duran :)