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Infestation update. Broodlings?

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by ItzaHexGor, May 14, 2008.

Infestation update. Broodlings?

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by ItzaHexGor, May 14, 2008.

  1. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Nope.. it doesnt make sense... acid spores from guardians are highly corrosive, so hot that it can even meltdown the toughest metallic alloy that the terrans and protoss are able to come up with... so how can you make sure that the egg shells are immune from its acidity???
  2. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    well we can say that they are baby guardian(or mutas whatever you want to call them) and that they are adapted to withstand the acid. besides and for every acid, there is a base that can counter it.
  3. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    if that is so then why wouldnt the zerg evolve each of their carapaces to be as tough as that, so in that way it will be very hard to crack especially against those hard hitting protoss and terran units?? you see, its rather theoretical for that to happen.. and btw broodlings arnt in any relation to zerg flying units either, the closest family that theyll ever get into are the zerglings right?? if the swarm guardians spawn broodling attack is an upgrade then it better work in a mechanic that it also shoots the eggs in an alternate pattern than that of the acid spores... like an alternate munition that automaticall fires perhaps from another part of its body besides from the acid spores extractor.. in that way it can safely be delivered through the enemy by means of egg hatching....
  4. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    If there was such a strong base or acid in the egg attack to counter the acidity or alkalinity of the corrosive spores, then the attack would be neutralised. The attack either has to be acidic or an alkali to be so corrosive, and seeing as though we know that the Swarm Guardian's attacks are corrosive enough to damage other Zerg units, to balance the reaction in such a way that the eggs are unharmed, other Zerg units would also have to be unharmed.

    I'm not opposed to the Spawn Guardians being able to Spawn Broodlings, but to have it in is regular attack is just stupid and pointless. Firstly, the idea doesn't meld with its normal attack, as stated above, and secondly, unless it attacks absolutely jaw-droppingly slow, there would be too many Broodlings summoned over such a short period for them to be any good. Imagine if the normal Guardian of StarCraft1 summoned Broodlings every time it attacked and think how many there would be after such a short time. To instantly create all these units, cost-free, would be they'd have to be crap. Low damage, low health, low everything. It wouldn't be worthwhile and it would just cluster the screen.

    If the Swarn Guardian has to spawn something, I've got no problem with it being the Broodling, but it seriously need to be in an appropriately restricted ability. It will no longer be able to be used on just any organic unit, as it would be incredibly unbalanced against other Zerg players, what with the Queen and the new Ultralisks and everything. Now I know that I usually say that as long as both sides get the ability it cancels out, but that's not the case in this instance. Usually if a team has an ability to counter themselves, like the Protoss having and Anti-Protoss ability, the Terran having and Anti-Terran ability and in this case, the Zerg having an Anti-Zerg ability, they would negate each other as both teams have access to the ability, but with Queens in StarCraft2, a Spawn Broodling ability would be a complete hindrance in Zerg versus Zerg games as either team would not be able to progress to their full potential. It would be ironic though, after spawning so many Broodlings in StarCraft1, the Queens would now be the biggest target for Spawn Broodling. Anyway, the point is that because StarCraft2 has become so epic, there would have to be more restrictions on such an ability, limiting its potential use and after excluding the largest of units, which were the only units worth Broodling'ing in StarCraft1, it would become useless. However if it was restricted to small and medium sized organic units, but cost much less energy, it could be viable, but then again, with it costing so much less energy so it's actually worthwhile to use on smaller units, the Broodlings would have to be useless yet again.

    The reintroduction of the Swarm Guardian's ability to spawn Broodlings has not necessarily resulted in them no longer being produced at Infested Buildings. This would mean that they're able to be acquired through both Swarm Guardians and the Infester's Infestation. It would still make sense for this to be the case, for Broodlings as just units that are created by the Brood, as opposed to other Zerg units which are created by Hatcheries, etc. However, if I had to choose one or the other, I'd definitely go with Infestations as they would be able to be more useful as they wouldn't be able to be created so quickly and in such large numbers.
  5. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Karune said their energy timer runs out very fast. The ability just gives them more use.

    And he also said they spawn when you attack buildings.

    Personally I don't mind it, I mean they could be a bit more innovative with this mechanic which I'm sure they'll fix sooner or later but it makes sense and I can see many uses for it, it also emplifies the Guardians slowness and need to flee when in trouble, so before they die you could micro them to shoot everything to spawn lots of broodlings and rush the mineral line or something. I never used them in Sc1 but I'd definitly use them in in Sc2.

    Also don't forget the Zerg are meant to swarm and large numbers is their specialty. If you spend the time to tech to Guardians you should be allowed to create large armies like that.
    Last edited: May 23, 2008
  6. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    as long as its a puny broodling i wouldnt mind how many will sprout.. since its a late tier unit anyway, im definitely sure other races will have their counters by the time they expect something like this would come of the block...

    Everybody knows that the zerg are supposed to swarm but technically it really isnt possible for a unit to have numerous eggs extracting from their body at an instant.. if spawning mechanic will be clarified perhaps it will be like the guardians carrying pre-labored eggs from the hive so in that process it wouldnt be a miracle of evolution to see some unit with infinite capacity to lay eggs while spitting highly corrosive acids at the same time.... but even with this hypothesis it quite doesnt match the fact that swarm guardians are evolved form of mutalisks, so from that point it goes crazy again, but at least its a more believable theory...

    My last point is why would the zerg have to waste their effort laying eggs which are actually full of defects since those broodlings are not gonna last long anyway?? right?? would you say that those eggs of the swarm guardians are double edged? defective and effective at the same time....
  7. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Actually it makes sense for them to have this attack since Mutalisks fire small creatures. No one ever complained about the Mutalisk spawning mass creatures, the Guardian simply spawns two with a controlled effect, as opposed to the Mutalisk's attack which hits the closest units. Also note Guardians are supposed to be huge and are big enough to manifest small creatures.

    The mechanic will create confusion and force the enemy to increase his micro efforts, its a similar effect in which the Carriers have where the Interceptors are targetable, only differences are that those didn't really die unless their was a lot of Dragoons firing at them and they were in the air, the Broodlings are ground based and can do a lot more than the Interceptor effect meaning there isno overlap so don't even start lol.
    Imagine theres a big tank wall and the Zerg can't get past since theres Vikings everywhere to stop the Overlord drops (if that ability is retained) and spawning a Nydus Worm right into the mass isn't a good idea since it would get gunned down and way to much fire power for the incoming Zerg units meaning they couldn't handle it.
    Bring on the Swarm Guardian, manually target every sieged tank so it spawns lots of Broodlings meaning they have to siege down which opens the gap for the Roachs and Ultralisks to engage the Terran army.

    Also works well mid-game with a few tanks holding the cliffs, the Swarm Guardian would stop this since you could damage one tank primarily with the Guardian and target the others with the Broodlings.

    The more I look into this mechanic I love it.
  8. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    First of all arent glave wurms a none living thing??? (its a part of a generated spine from their body from what ive read). No one complained coz everybody knew that its not a living thing being used as weapons by the mutalisks.. It makes sense that they can carry tons of eggs so does that mean that all guardians are evolved pregnant??

    Its a good comparison with the carriers mechanic having interceptors and escorts as an art of deception, which is almost comparable to the swarm guardians "supposed task" but in that sense would it be too much to at least set limitations for broodling spawns... at least maybe it can be set to a limit maximum of "X" numbers of broodlings per swarm guardian at a time... then the energy of the broodlings will decide the limit of its life... (isnt it sad for their guardian moms to see their children die so easiliy?? sob sob T_T ) within a few shots of the s.guardians you'll be having an insane amount of countless broodlings which in my point of view is way too imba/weird/unreal......

    And about the siege tank + viking scenario... ive also figured that zerg is gonna have some tough time dealing with that so heres some strats ive came up with...

    * why not sacrifice a nydusworm and let it burrow out near one of the tanks, possibly taking out more of their own
    * have you considered the oh so old Darkswarm tactic??
    * if its just mid-game maybe you can take the vikings out easily with some corruptors since their quite cheap, then finish up with mutas for the win...
    * swarm guardians are probably a last resort for late tiers since by that time terran is also ready (thor cough cough)

    If possible this are my suggestions for the spawn broodling ability...
    1. make it a skill like the SC1 queen taking energy cost
    2. or set a limitation number for broodlings/guardian
    3. or make it a broodling swarm drop like skill (4 perhaps?) with energy cost of course
    4. or make it an energy time spending skill like cloak
    5. or only spawn broodlings against organic ground units... no buildings

    I like seeing the S.guardian in action but judging from its assumed overpowered status, its just too much to handle...
  9. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    The Spawn Broodling ability should not be a skill, it wastes micro when whatever you shoot will die easily anyway since Guardians are very strong with good range.
    The whole point is to force your opponent to micro thus allowing you to gain control over the battle.

    Why make it a set number when you can pretty much make over 200 Zerglings and they are stronger, if you get what I mean.

    For the energy time, do you mean for ever Broodling spawn it takes maybe 2 energy from a pool of 200 or something?
    Thats something I could work with as it makes sense and fits into lore, but that would mean the Broodlings would have to be slightly strnoger meaning you'd have to take a little care when using the Guardians and prioritize when you want to bring them out.

    Against buildings or not, either way its still spawning them from the egg which hits the object, what it hits makes no difference as to whether they spawn or not.

    I say make the Broodling last slightly longer, still a weak attack but have it as a toggle function so you can activate 'Spawn Broodling mode' when its needed and deactivate when you want to conserve some energy to use them later.

    Also how could it be too much to handle, is it hard to move your Marines back when a Guardian is shooting, Guardians will never be massed to the point where they create 10 broodlings per second since in a normal game they have opposition such as Vikings.
    But in the scenario where they have a lot of Guardians and are sadvancing on your position, you simply send the readily available Vikings to attack, if they have Hydralisks protecting the Guardians you bring your full force to attack, and it ends up being just like any other battle. We all know how fast air units can die.

    all in all I don't think its a problem, people are just imagining some huge swarm of Broodlings attacking none-stop which just can't happen as a few shots from some Marines would kill a few easily, so it ends up being the more Marines/Vikings you have, the harder it will be for Broodlings to do much, unless you suddenly get flanked by Zerglings, but thats your fault.
    Lastly, Broodlings can't hurt Marines with Medivacs around.