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If Blizzard made SCII, will there be WCIV?

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by Arvendragon, Jan 31, 2009.

If Blizzard made SCII, will there be WCIV?

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by Arvendragon, Jan 31, 2009.

  1. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    As long as it's nothing like WC3. If it's really similar I will not buy a WC4. Really I think WC3 should be best forgotten about.
  2. perfey

    perfey New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    When, rather then "if" WC4 comes, it will have a new engine and better graphics. + continuing of the storyline and probably some new features. I think it will be fun just as all the other Blizzard games, I just cant see that the WC strategy series ended with WC3. More Blizzard games the better! is my motto : ).
  3. JakeKessler

    JakeKessler New Member

    Jun 3, 2009
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    If you had asked me about WCIV two years ago, I'd have said it would never happen... that was before SC2 was announced, and I had resigned myself to the idea that Blizzard was done making RTS games.

    With SC2 in mind, however, I think it's clear I was mistaken. Blizzard is at least trying one more time to make a successful RTS title, and if (when?) SC2 does well, I think it goes a long way towards another WarCraft RTS title being possible down the line.

    The point I want to make, though, is that it won't be soon.

    WoW is too incredibly popular right now to do anything that would distract from it; but technology keeps advancing, and sooner or later WoW will fall behind the curve. Maybe it will be two years and another expansion from now, maybe in five years after two more expansions. Sure, people will still play it the way people still play SC, DII and WCIII... but in the next five years, I expect the rates of new membership will drop off, and Blizzard will decide that it's a better move to release a new MMO title than a fourth or fifth WoW expansion.

    At that point, though, I don't really expect WoW II. Again, this is something that I've changed my mind on since the announcement of SC2. With the expanding universe we're getting out of SC2, Blizzard now will have enough established lore material to start working on an MMO in the StarCraft 'verse... "StarCraft Online," if you will, or "StarCraft Universe". Blizzard has even said that it plans for all of its franchises to eventually yield MMO titles. With this being the case, and the renewed popularity of the SC franchise once SC2 hits and does well, I think Blizzard would be motivated to make an SC MMO in the next eight years or so, rather than an endless stream of obsolete WoW expansions or a groan-worthy WoW II.

    So where does that leave us? Say I'm right, and eight to ten years from now, you have a new SC MMO and it's been several years since there was new WoW content. At that point, I can definitely see Blizzard deciding the WarCraft universe needs refreshing... the way SC2 has refreshed the SC franchise, the way DIII is supposed to refresh the Diablo franchise, and indeed the way WCIII refreshed the stagnating WC franchise seven years ago.

    To those who point out that WoW keeps killing off lore characters, I say you have a far point. However, I don't see this as being so crippling for the potential for new WC games. Here are a few reasons why not.

    First, yes, many existing lore characters, even ones that used to be central, have been killed off. But many others are still around. Thrall, Jaina, Furian Stormrage and Tyrande... even characters like Rexxar, Maieve Shadowsong and Cairne Bloodhoof are still chilling in their capital cities or out in the world.

    Second, I want to point out that WoW (especially Wrath of the Lich King) has done a decent job of creating new central lore characters as well. WCIV, if they make it, will have access to figures like Tirion Fordring, Darien Mograine, Bolvar Fordragon and Varian Wrynn that never really appeared centrally before.

    Third, in the case of villains, yes it's true that WoW is pushing through potential big bads rather quickly... Illidan, Kael'thas, Kel'thuzad, at least two Old Gods, at least one Dragon Aspect, two of Deathwing's children, and presumably the Lich King himself are as good as dead when WCIV rolls around. That being said, I think it's the burden of every good game to come up with new big bads to threaten the safety of the world. WCIII started from scratch, both with good guys and bad... Where were Arthas, Kel'thuzad, Thrall, Jaina, Kael'thas, Illidan (or any of the other Night Elves), Cairne or Sylvanas in WarCraft II? For that matter, where were the heroes of WarCraft II (aside from Lothar) in WarCraft I?

    My point is, a game sequel can capitalize on existing lore and characters if they're around, but that's not a requirement for the game to succeed. Every game, no matter what it has to work with in terms of existing lore, by necessity has to invent a bunch more. Rest assured, WCIV will have new characters, new settings, new villains and monsters, and new factions, and you will give Blizzard your money for it, and you will think it's a pretty good game.
  4. Atomic

    Atomic New Member

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Yeah isn't the extra franchise called Titan?
  5. MeisterX

    MeisterX Hyperion

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Code-named Titan, not called Titan.
  6. Atomic

    Atomic New Member

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Ok just what I thought.anyhow this topic is kinda old now since Blizzard all ready made SC2.