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I Hate WoW, let's talk here

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by VodkaChill, Sep 15, 2008.

I Hate WoW, let's talk here

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by VodkaChill, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Haha, I wouldn't agree with that at all. If you go back to Diablo2 after playing World of WarCraft, it's so much slower. You've only got six quests in each act, basically all of them being compulsory, you've got a very limited range of abilities, and even if you've just been travelling for the past while you're reduce to a walking pace...

    In short, Diablo2 is definitely much more tedious than World of WarCraft.
  2. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    But it's true that most MMORPG are static. Everquest 2 had Teleport unlocks and 1 class unlock before I quitted. That's about it. Same for FFXI. I don't know about WoW.

    I know for a fact that in Ultima Online, your PK guild could buy houses and create a village. Feared by all new players and raided by bands of blues. That's kind of a big impact. I think I heard Starwars Galaxy, that you could build entire cities etc etc. Those are the concept that sounds good to me.
  3. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    WoW is going to have a class unlock when WoTLK comes out.

    Death Knights on any realm require a 55 Character.
  4. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Class unlock? that's more like pre-requirements. To unlock the Frogloc in Everquest2, the community had to complete a series of hard quest. Then the class could be used by that server. That is what I meant by class unlocking, not on personnal base but on server/game base. Like the teleporters kinda of stuff.
  5. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    but that sucks for people in the wrong server, or people who dont like to group up
  6. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    The problem with these kind of changing MMOs is that only the first group to do it on a server gets to enjoy the experience.
  7. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i had this idea while back for HotU: there are many events in game; liek, one every three weeks, you can also do this events later, but then all of the better rewards are restricted
  8. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Well it does not suck. Because people that likes to group up feel they are contributing to the game/server. And you can't be on the "wrong server" because there is so many people that those unlock quest are almost completed the week they are released on every server. I dont't know if, once unlocked, if the quest still remains for other people to complete it. Then again, the first one to complete it can boast with titles ;D.

    It's actually great to see all those quest updates without the need to wait for a new expansion.

    Having an open world like in Ultima Online with almost no rules was awesome. I think the only rule was "You shall not do any evil deeds in cities” or else guards 1 hit kill you. So if you steal, attack, sneak, anything evil that makes you turn grey, someone calls Guard and your dead. If your red (5 player killed by you) then as soon as you walk in town limit, your dead. Everything else is permitted.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2008
  9. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i never liked that idea, it is no fun to new players, i think i would like it more without the red system
  10. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    hehe carebear style, usualy blue guys defend you early on, but you always need to be on your toes. Big red palyers won't slay new guys, the kill is not worth it. Unless you want to refresh your display of heads on your tower top. Scares the crap out of people XD

    Blue(notorious) Gray(outlaw (reverts to blue after 5min per offence)) Red(Infamous(5 people killed, blue npc counts, revert to grey I think after 12 hours per people killed, in game time)) was an awesome system. Once you go red you join a PK guild that lives outside of town and has characters able to sustain themselves, no more npc needed for armour or items everything created by the guild for the guild. That is my personal favourite MMORPG system of all times Ultima Online.

    Problem is that the system got changed and tweaked a lot since the old days and that new rule were added. You can't scam people anymore (in game) that's sad. And the game is very old and lags even with the best connection out there XD
  11. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    I have done that and I highly disagree. D2 is a streamlined hack and slash game. You never sit around in D2 oom or spending hours lfg.

    In WoW you've only got six different kinds of quests.
    1.Kill those guys
    2.Talk to that dude
    3.Get me some stuff
    4.Get me some stuff....by killing those guys
    5.Go there...to talk to that dude or kill him.
    6.Talk to the quest giver again

    LMAO WoW is all grind even when it's thinly veiled grind.

    WoW's skill tree system is a direct float over from D2. Most WoW skills were even first conceptualized in Diablo. Even if the trees in WoW are longer; at the end of the day you're using the same 4-5 skills primarily in either game.

    And how often do you travel in Diablo? You never go along the road just to get to the next town. In D2 if you're moving you're killing. When you're killing there are many moments when you stop running and thus regain stamina. I never had a problem with stamina, in fact I liked it for pvp dueling so one character can't constantly run away while shooting blind. In WoW half the game is just having to get around. Even if you just got your epic mount you're still going down many winding plain roads unable to do anything else but run.

    In short you are a fool and I demand satisfaction via fisticuffs.
  12. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    You can still run out of mana in Diablo2, especially as classed like the Barb. It doesn't take too long to recover from it, but it doesn't take long in World of WarCraft anyway, especially seeing as there are specs that are designed for mana efficiency. When looking for a group, you're not just waiting. You're still playing. It's not as though you have to choose between playing and looking for a group.

    Needless to say there are more quests than that, but I get your point. My question is how is Diablo2 any different? All you're asked to do is kill... Or talk. Despite World of WarCraft just having different ways of asking you to grind, its quests would still be much more diverse than Diablo2's.

    World of WarCraft's skill tree system is a fairly generic one that's been complimented by an improved version on Diablo2's system. If you're only using four to five skills, then you're basically just playing as a manned bot or you're playing the wrong class. Try a rogue. :D

    You do still have to travel a fair bit in Diablo2, especially in Act II. There are still circumstances where you have to travel just to get to the next area, the journey to Black Marsh, I think, always comes to mind. Not to mention the Catacombs, all those tombs in Act II to get some lousy staff and amulet that you can't even end up using, the same in Act III all to get the flail you can't end up using, Nihlathak's area and the Worldstone place. If you miss a Waypoint, are just looking for the Waypoint or take a wrong turn, you've got to do a fair bit of backtracking. In Diablo2, they've got ways of slowing you down when you need to travel. In World of WarCraft, they speed you up.

    Fisticuffs, eh?! [​IMG]
  13. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Well his main point was that D2 is the same as WoW. The quest part is the same for all games. Kill / retrieve items (by killing someone most of the time) / save people (by killing someone most of the time), Diablo2 as less quests, that's the main reason why it's more redundant, but not less diversified imo. But why would I need to do anything else in those games, I got them to kill people in awesome ways, I'm not getting Whirlwind skill lvl 30 to find that half the quest are puzzle games and chess matches ;)

    Diablo2 / WoW are different type of game; you don't play it the same way. You could say that most games are aimed toward winning and that are all created using programming. BattleToad is exactly like Starcraft2!... lol
  14. I have yet to play WoW. Now, I prefer W3 than WoW.
  15. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    Here's something I don't like about WOW.

    In D2 you want to hit a creature with a stick, you walk up to it and bonk it on the had. Simple.
    But on no not as simple in WOW. There's no real melee only a close range. And if you're in that range and facing the enemy you swing and hit or miss. Even if your not right next to the enemy. So you can swing and damage the enemy without even even actually hitting it with the stick. That's so wrong.

    Point 2. No point blank shot with a ranged weapon. Um that's what hand guns were invented for. And sure you can try a bow at point blank like in D2. Not all that successful but you can try it. And in WOW you can't. Pretty silly if you ask me.

    Point 3. You can't just do as I did and go "well I love ranged characters in D2, I'll see how they are in WOW. No. The characters in WOW play so different to D2. Not really a complaint. More you have to try a character to see if it's right for you.

    And to mushroom-eater: You should play WOW before you judge it. I've only recently started playing WOW. And sure it's far from perfect. But it is a huge time sink. Hours will go by in an instant. So for a time killer it's really good. it's surely fun at times. And in my eyes D2 is much better. But Warcraft 3 is much worse. I really hate W3 so much. Just don't judge a book by it's cover.
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2008
  16. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    Uh. In Diablo I've had Skeletons, Fallen, whatever else may carry shields block my melee, which can happen in WoW.
    You can also miss in Diablo if your Dexterity isn't up to date.

    And I'd imagine it a bit hard to use a musket at close range.

    Of course ranged characters play differently in seperate games.
  17. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I agree totally. All I was saying is in WOW you can swing and not technically hit the enemy with the stick and still cause damage. Can't be done on D2. I know they can block/dodge it on both games also.
    Mind you as you said they are different games and should be played differently.
  18. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    The answer would be Nox - all aiming, hitting and whatnot is done manually. No numbers to tell you if you hit or not, it's all up to you ;)
  19. the8thark

    the8thark New Member

    Aug 15, 2007
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    I do have to admit it's closer to D&D rules than something like D2/3 is. But in saying that it's still a long way off.
    And lets just agree to disagree ok :).

    Well it is funish. And that's the most important thing I think.
  20. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    I didn't get a thing from what you just said :]