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I Hate WoW, let's talk here

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by VodkaChill, Sep 15, 2008.

I Hate WoW, let's talk here

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by VodkaChill, Sep 15, 2008.

  1. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Quoted for truth. That's what Blizzard does anyway, no? Take stuff from other games and make it into a damn good one.
  2. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    yes, it is basically just a blend of all other MMO's with some other features

    what purpose does teh durability system serve anyways?
  3. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    it made perfect sense in WC3 when the horde was all reformed and trying to become shamanistic and thrall outlawed warlock magics and necromany (which he magically went back to...)
  4. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    no, i meant the tauren ancestors that are gonna join the horde in the new expansion, i mean, are they gonna join çause they're tauren, or have they got a good reason?
  5. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    @ Meee. The Night Elves and Forsaken were already involved, they couldn't just live on the sidelines. Besides, it'd probably even more than just living for the Night Elves, as they've made it their duty to protect the Earth Mother or whatever it is in World of WarCraft. What with the almost total corruption of the northern forests of Kalimdor, which only Ashenvale really survived, they had to continue protecting it and fighting for it. They wouldn't have just been able to live on the sideline and couldn't have fought the battle on their own. A classic example of this is World of WarCraft would be the battle for Warsong Gulch. With the Horde trying to invade and log it, the Night Elves had to defend it. They're now defending it with the full blown force of the Alliance and it's basically just a stalemate. Obviously that's another example of where gameplay does tend to take favour, but it's also an example of where both gameplay and lore can meet and work in favour of each other.

    With the Forsaken, I don't know as much about them but being a small undead faction, and having released themselves from the grips of the Scourge or whatever, they'd have to form some sort of alliance otherwise they'd be enemies to all. What with the Alliance, all the Scarlet Crusades and whatnot, and the Scourge chasing them, they couldn't just live on the side, not to mention that not actually aligning themselves with anyone would lead to them being labelled as either part of the Scourge or just another mindless group of undead, like all the Corrupted Grizzlies and such in Felwood.

    Jiffy's probably hit the nail on the head when it comes to identifying World of WarCraft, but when it's looked back on, it's an unmissable revolutionary game, even if that's purely based on how successful it was and its influence on others.

    @ jiffy. Durability is probably, first and foremost, just a way to get money out of the system. It'd also lessen the impact of bots who are just programmed to sit and grind, as they wouldn't be able to continue once they've run out of durability. It also just keeps you aware of your items and returns you to town at appropriate intervals, I guess, but that wouldn't be why they implemented it. It also opens up some areas of Blacksmithing and Engineering, and there've been a few item choices I've made in regards to durability.

    About the Tauren's ancestors in Northrend, they're not going to join the Horde. They're just another faction. Probably like the Mok'Nathal in Outland.
  6. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    I don't see why the warsong gulch scenarion has to take place at all. Orc tried to log it at first thinking of it as just another forest and they needed a lot of wood. After that they allied with Night Elves, so they might've as well left and stayed in Durotar. That's what they wanted after all - to have a piece of land for themselves.
    And I think that is the only battle NE had to do save for dispatching the remining demons which they could to themselves, or with help of both Alliance and Horde. Speaking of which, there sure is a LOT demons left four years after the war >.>

    So... where'd the box go?
  7. AcE_01

    AcE_01 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    ok i dont know why "hate" is a tag.
    I dont hate WoW. I dont flame it, though i hate how it made some of my friend anti-social. They dont go out much anymore, sitting at their comp all day after school playing WoW.
    Thats why i reackon i might get hooked if i start playing.
    about what you guys are talking about. I dont know the lore, so i cant put my input.......i dont have any input to put.
  8. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    The Orcs are still expanding, and they need the wood. I don't see why they'd stop fighting for such a valuable resource. That'd be like them stopping fighting for food, lumber, gold and other resources in Arathi Basin.

    I don't really see what you're saying in that second part about the Night Elves and the demons, etc, etc. Mind clarifying? But about the demons, well, the war is still ongoing, and they have opened up the portal to Outlands since then, not to mention that demons don't need mummies and daddies who wuv each other vewy, vewy much, but it is an annoying part of what World of WarCraft does to the lore. Not in that regard as much, but with things like escort quests where you 'save' someone and you end up walking past them waiting to be rescued again and again. It just messes with the chronology.

    The box? The box?! Wait, what box?

    @ AcE. I don't find it addictive, and a lot of the people I know who play it don't/didn't find it addictive, but admittedly there are people who do/did. I just find it weird. To me, it's no different to any other game. You don't find people getting addicted to Diablo, WarCraft and all those funky FPS's, so why World of WarCraft? I know there are still people who get addicted to other games, but it always seems to be an issue with World of WarCraft and not with other games. How come?!
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2008
  9. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Yarr :D

    No major problem. It had greater liability, better image quality, and (not sure about this one) longer recording. VHS Still won from popularity : /

    My new Action RPG is Titan Quest, that was bringed from the old employes at Blizzar North. They did an awesome job, Expansion was really great. You should try it out, it's about 20-30$ for both Original and Expansion.
    I don't mind people comparing games with other games of same genre. I mind about people that did a quick review of Dawn of War 1 and compared to WoW.... I hope you understand what I mean now :)

    *Edit I think this was answered earlier. Blizzard did like every other MMORPG and made a melting pot of everything that was already on the market and gave the Blizzard touch to it. So I don't see anything revolutionary in that. I'm not saying the game is a complete failure, they did a good melting pot of other MMOs, but I personaly think that some other MMO did a better melting pot than WoW. Sadly they did not stand out, maybe accessibility had something to do in it...

    Like I said in another thread, I hope that you guys enjoy the next expansion and that Blizzard will fix what is wrong with WoW.

    But even this won't make me love WoW, since making the game better is only one small part of the problem, but sadly the MMO communities are already corrupted beyond repairs.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2008
  10. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    EDIT: this is at Hex Gore's post ofcourse

    How about getting wood elsewhere? I warcraft 3 barrens/needles had plenty of trees and now they're suddenly gone? Most of the fighting is WoW thing and imo not likely to have happened if Warcraft just went one. Arathi Basin? Isn't that in Eastern Kingdoms which Orcs were supposed to have abbandoned?

    You said that Elves needed alliance's help for their own battles. Save for the supposed Horde invasion the only fighting they do is with the remains of Legion and maybe Scourge along with that, which they could handle without help.

    WTF? What about mummies and daddies? I'm just saying that I'd expect them to wipe out most, if not all, of the demons within the four years of "peace", what does demonic procreation have to do with that? Besides, imo for new demons to be there they'd have to be summoned, they don't just pop out of no where. And while this might have been happening (I'd put demons' intelligence into question if it did), I don't think it would on such a scale that all the demon hunters in the world wouldn't handle it.

    You said WoW was some out-of-the-box thing, so is it or is it not?
  11. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    I agree that the WoW lore is really screwed up, i mean, in durotar there are 2 demon bases, a centaur clan(they even wanted to attack orgrimmar), a harpy clan, a swineman and under Orgrimmar is a friggin Dungeon!!!!!!!
    i mean, ,why would hte horde even want to venture beyond the barrens and part of ashenvale, and even worse, attack places like the sunken temple, and outland itself, when they could use that army more efficiently to y'know, secure their capital
  12. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Not to mention all the warlocks roaming the very capital! Seriously warlock should be a class like Death Knight, the way it is now is yet again compromising lore for game purposes
  13. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    what im my opinion is the most wrong with the game, is that the races are almost unique
  14. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    @ VodkaChill. That chart'd already been posted. It's only referring to subscribers of MMO's. That excludes Guild Wars, which is the next major contender, and a heck of a lot of Asian MMO's. Admittedly it doesn't include the people who play World of WarCraft with gamecards, which would be a rather large group, but I'd still be surprised if it outweighed all the other MMO's. I mean, it's only got sixty-two percent of subscribers, so once games that don't use subscribers are factored in, then I'd still doubt World of WarCraft would lead.

    You sure about Betamax? I thought there was some major issue which tipped everything in favour of VHS, which was why it won due to popularity. I didn't just think is was as plain and simple as VHS being more popular.

    About Dawn of War getting compared to World of WarCraft, if it's gameplay-wise, then that is weird, but if it's in relation to the popularity of the game, then I reckon it's reasonable.

    Yeah, I guess revolutionary wasn't the word to use. ijffdrie summed it up nicely.

    @ Meee. They do get wood elsewhere, but where's a better place to get wood than a pine forest? Almost everywhere surrounding Durotar and the Barrens are... Well... Barren. The only other noteworthy place would be Feralas or Un'Goro Crater, but they'd need heroes to log there, not to mention that it's all rainforest. Ashenvale's extremely close, they've already set up logging camps there, so it's a valuable resource for them. Arathi Basin is in the Eastern Kingdoms, it's basically the Forsaken's battleground. It's still a valuable resource for the Horde. Serves other purposes though, so it can't supply them with all their wood.

    Ah, I see. I wouldn't count on that though. They'd struggle, especially in Felwood, where not only everything's completely corrupted and possessed, but where both the Horde and the Alliance, who would also be enemies if they did not ally, would be trekking through to Winterspring, etc.

    Haha, sorry about that. I just meant that they can practically spawn whenever and whereever, but particularly in places such as the site of Mannoroth's death. You can't expect that to heal over within four years. It's corrupted, and one of the things Blizzard seems to stress about corruption in their games is that it's a long lasting effect. Besides, there are usually demons summoning them in places like these. They're Dreadlords in the case of the site of Mannoroth's death in Ashenvale.

    Oh, right. My bad. I said that jiffy summed it up nicely. I guess revolutionary wasn't really the term to use.

    About Warlocks, I reckon it's legit. The Horde and Alliance have more to worry about than Warlocks within their ranks. Besides, they could probably do with their power in most cases. At least the races who can choose Warlocks make sense.

    @ ijffdrie. Yeah, Ragefire Chasm annoys me as well. How often would it have been cleared out?! Not to mention how weak the demons are. With all the most powerful of the Horde standing above them, how can it still exist? Either one would conquer the other, or the other would conquer the one. :p
  15. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    As I've said, there were lots of trees in Barrens in Warcraft 3. They've suddenly disappeared by WoW (Have not been cut down as there're no stumps). How is Arathi valuable to Horde? They just wanted to live in peace in Durotar, what's an area in EK got to do with that?

    If they didn't ally they could be just neutral due to their Hyjal alliance. What about Winterspring?

    How are warlocks legit? Warlocks are anything but legit. One of Thrall's main concerns was getting rid of demonic influence in Horde. He would NOT use their power for so many reasons. I agree with Orcs as a race for warlocks and I'm sure there would be warlocks even in Orgrimmar, but just like voodoo practitioners among trolls, they would be well hidden and pretending to be shamans or something, NOT out in the open with their official guild and what not.
  16. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    Ah thanks for the clarifications. I did not know that GuildWars was still THAT popular.

    Well I talked about Beta and BlueRay with an employee or Radio-Canada (Which is national television) that is really technical. He might have omitted some details; I can't really be 100%. In that case it'll say that I am not sure. (Well maybe the Beta /VHS was like the Blueray and HD-DVD, wrestling big companies that took the decision for us. Still it's a popularity contest amongst them.

    I think he did a good job as well.

    I can't say that I have all answers, but I'm ready to try and find them out with discussions ;)
  17. Hodl pu

    Hodl pu New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    I just hate dramatic WoW fans. You know, the ones who think all MMO's copy WoW

    Me: WoW was was ok, but i got bored of it.
    Youtube response: You got bored because you are stupid, WoW is #1.

    stupid arm chair warriors...
  18. Triceron

    Triceron New Member

    Sep 24, 2008
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    I'm an avid WoW player, and I both hate and love the game.

    I hate it because it _is_ a timesink, and I've lost countless hours to this game when I could have done something else. I hate the fact that the lore is completely messed up since I've been a lore-nut since Warcraft 2. I hate the fact that the game's PVP system and class balance in general is still messed up. I hate the fact that it's so popular, the 'noobs' and 'uber hardcore' that play the game give it a bad name.

    But despite all its faults, whether direct or indirect, I still love the game because it's a great game to play with friends. Even though things can be a grind at times, and it started out pretty grind-heavy, Blizzard's been making a ton of changes to let things be experienced by everyone, and I like their efforts for doing so. A lot of the new content will be a lot more open to casuals, and that's a very good thing.

    To me, WoW is great because of the social experience. I like showing off new stuff to my guildies. I like dancing in bear form. I like rolling against other people and seeing who gets the item. I like taking on the challenges of hard dungeons with other people. It's all about playing with friends.

    Granted the social experience can be done in any MMO, WoW is probably the easiest and least frustrating of the bunch. Even though WoW is my first and only MMO, I've heard many horror stories from guild mates of other ones. I'm looking forward to the expansion and all the new content.
  19. VodkaChill

    VodkaChill New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    "I've heard many horror stories from guild mates of other ones."

    There’s nothing like trying the other games yourself. Don't let them ruin a beautiful experience that other MMO can give you. You said it yourself that WoW as some issues, all MMO have issues.

    My first MMO was Ultima Online, no MMO as the same spirit, but I loved FFXI and even more Everquest 2. So to all WoW fans that never tried anything else and thinks other MMO sucks because it is not called World of Warcraft, put your account on hold and get yourself a try at another MMO.
  20. BloodHawk

    BloodHawk Member

    Sep 20, 2007
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    The thing I hate the most about WoW and most other MMOs is how static the worlds are. Your actions mean absolutly nothing to the world. Noone cares that you killed the biggest baddest boss; hundreds if not thousands have done it on your server already. Whats the great outcome? Uber loot, maybe.

    WoW is nothing but a tedious version of D2 to me.

    Now this game seems interesting.