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Hrm, I'm a one trick pony (void rays)

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Odine, May 7, 2010.

Hrm, I'm a one trick pony (void rays)

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Odine, May 7, 2010.

  1. sQueeZe

    sQueeZe Guest

    I`m not a zerg player myself but a few thoughts. Scouting is really crucial. Go with a drone do not use overlords only. When u see an early ASSimilator block his other gas with an Extractor at least u will slow him down a bit and force him to build units faster. Get an Overlord in his base (not at the center of the base because an early stalker or canon can kill u if u dont see them in time). Just enough to see the entrance. If he doesn`t start blocking the entrance make a heavy speedling rush (and i mean a lot of speedlings 20 +, not with just 6 or 8 ). Watch out for sentries and lure them with the overlord out of the entrance. A big loss but it's important not to be blocked. Their shield is bad news for your army so try to surround and kill them immediately. Also keep an eye for proxy stargates with one or two zerglings (they will be close to your location or at least in the same direction for a faster attack).
    The Protoss blocks the entrance and start building towers and/or a few sentries and stalkers to defend. Here is an idea. First most of the times u need a fast lair. Or maybe i should say always. Now that roach supply count increased from 1 to 2 u cant mass them like u did before. More the reason for fast lair. Something that i see rarely is a fast Nydus Network. When the main entrance is blocked create your own. Unleash tons of speedlings and destroy everything. There is no need to counter him every time. If u r so worried take a few queens with the speedlings. Creep tumors, towers go kick his *** the zerg way. I know Nydus Network req 200 gas but for this strategy u need 500 gas (Lair - 100, Speedling upgrade - 100, Nydus 200 + 100 for the worm). One Extractor is more than enough.
    Conns to this strategy :
    1. A smart player will probably watch for that with a pylon and will see your Nydus worm being build (it req only 20 sec to build). So he may notice a little to late.
    2. Nydus Network have 850 HP (50 sec to build). YAY great, but nooo ... The summoned worm in his base have only 250 HP.
    3. GAS - 500 gas to pull this s`it. U wont be using any of your favorite roaches here . They will only slow u and u want to be FAST not slow. So no Papa Roaches this time. Enough said.
    4. If your grand plan is stopped or even worse the base is so well defended that u lose most of your army without destroying anything major u r in trouble. Hydralisk Den only takes 40 sec to build, but another 100 gas. Do not forget to make one when u r attacking him. Even in the middle of the battle find time. Spire is much slower 100 sec 200 / 200.
    5. May turn into a base raze. You are killing him but his Void Rays are rapin your bildings.Do not abandon his base but dont just let him kill u. Start making towers and hydras if have the building. Start training a queen. Run with a drone or 2 and start expanding somewhere. Use everything.
    PS. You may need 2 Extractors after all but i`m still against roaches. If have gas and time use a couple of banelings. If i made some mistakes - correct me, i dont play zerg that much. Also be aware of the fact that Stargates also produce Phoenix not only Void Ray. A few phoenixes are very bad news for your overlords and queens. A flying queen is a dead queen. Burrow and speed upgrade for the overlords are some of the solutions. Also NEVER leave all of your Overlords in the same place, thats pretty bad. I think the firebirds are better than Void Rays vs zerg. Damn these bishes are fast.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2010
  2. Arc

    Arc New Member

    May 13, 2010
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    queens don't fly :D

    overlords can't burrow :D

    I think it might be wise to make an additional queen or two against protoss esp if you scout out 2 assimilators and a quick cybernetics core

    you could also invest on a well placed spore crawler or two a bit mid your base beside buildings, also don't build buildings a bit near cliffs, keep them near mid so that the void rays need to be "in-land" first so that they can hit something, and that makes them vulnerable to queens (transfusing each other)
    Last edited: May 16, 2010
  3. Yorkylol

    Yorkylol New Member

    May 6, 2010
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    Zerg has countered me a couple times when I was rushing void rays as Protoss (which is the first thing I played in the beta, recently switched to Terran). Its actually quite easy but it requires a good defense, of course you are going to scout to see if they are rushing out void rays, obvious signs being a heavy gas build, a mass of cannons in the front, really quick cybernetics core, small amount of gateways, blah blah the list goes on. Anyways once you know they are going to rush void rays or high tier units, all you have to do to win is lock down expansion. As zerg you have the easiest way to do this, and that is burrow some roaches at the mineral line closest to their base (being the obvious choice of secondary expansion) and lock it down, kill the probe and burrow. Without expansion he is pretty much forced to stay with one set of resources and it will not be enough for build void rays fast enough to beat you. Keep in mind FE is necessary, and like I read somewhere in this thread earlier keeping your overlords together is a bad idea, so spread them out where necessary to catch him trying to expand other places as well. Expansion is everything with this build. Beat him in massing units and you win.

    I have never played zerg in my Starcraft career but I think this strategy works pretty well.

    Also I noticed due to the low amount of HP hydrolisks have (however you spell it) they are perfect counters for void rays it take the void rays a lot longer to get the phase 2 attack due to the fact that they are killing off the hydrolisks so fast. Once again if you are locking down Protoss expansion you should have no problem with them.