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Glynnis Talken and Robert Clotworthy Will Not Be Returning

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by TychusFindlay, Feb 25, 2009.

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Glynnis Talken and Robert Clotworthy Will Not Be Returning

  1. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Either? And I think your definition of 'emo' may need to be fine-tuned. Raynor is far from being emo.

    And what two videos are you comparing? I wasn't aware that his voice had changed that much so far.

    Again, careful what you say here. Kerrigan's actress has already done work for StarCraft2, so there's a good chance you're actually talking about her there.

    The voice is the medium through which the character's being expanded. If they needed a new voice actor to portray this new direction, then they can hardly achieve the change when 'anchoring the character with its old voice'. A change has to take place to portray a change in character or a deeper insight to the character him or herself, and that change can't simply be a new appearance or change in actions. On top of that, the reasons for only having cague physical similarities isn't due to any significant design changes, it's due to the fact that we didn't really get anything to compare it to from StarCraft1, only a portrait, really. And if you compare the StarCraft2 design to the original concept art, it's much closer than the vague glimpse we saw of him in StarCraft1 is, bringing him back to what he's truly supposed to be, or have been.

    Lastly, I don't agree at all with there being nothing to use to relate them to their old characters. To put it simply, the character name and previous characterisation, as well as similar personal traits, which there are bound to be, are more than enough. To demonstrate, let's go back to the parallel of Star Wars. Are you saying that you cannot relate the Anakin of Phantom Menace to the Anakin of Attack of the Clone and Revenge of the Sith to Darth Vader? They're easily relatable, and they've undergone far worse changes than Raynor has in StarCraft, not only having the voice changed between almost every movie, but having the physical actor changed.

    No I haven't.

    Just because she's a female voice actor, it doesn't mean that she's able to do any voice of any female character, depicting any and all emotions desired by the designers. That's the whole reasoning for auditions, etc. Some actors and actresses are better at portraying certain aspects than other actors and actresses are. If a new voice for Kerrigan was chosen, then it's clear that she either does not portray what the designers would want the character to portray, or that they have found someone who can portray it better. It could also simply be that by choosing a new voice, people won't instantly identify to her old voice and would, therefore, pick up on the new subtleties of the character, which would help emphasise the change in character without having to overplay it.

    How about responding to my example of Grom?

    Sorry, but that's got to be one of the worse examples I've ever seen drawn. Firstly, the voice actor in WarCraft3 was dull and droll, which worked great for someone who's been cooped up in a prison for the past ten thousand years, wasn't it? After everything he's gone through, both physically and mentally, which is especially seen at the end of The Frozen Throne, and after fleeing to Draenor, becoming the overly paranoid, xenophobic and power hunger demon that he is, how can you expect him to retain that same voice?

    And I see nothing wrong with that voice. It retains similar qualities to the original voice, while being far more angered, confident and powerful. Sure, the in-game dialog may sound a little scripted or forced, but they did in WarCraft3, and StarCraft, as well. It honestly it hard to get it to fit like that during gameplay due to the fact that it's so different and out of context. Out of both the actors heard there, I'm surprised you didn't comment on Akama. Again, both his appearance and voice have been drastically changed, but it he still relatable to the original character? Of course.

    Arthas had sorta, you know, become the Lich King between WarCraft and WoW, you realise? What with supposedly being a hybrid of Arthas and Nerzhul, how can you expect the same actor?

    I'm honestly surprised that's the same actor. He actually sort of sounds undead in WoW. In WarCraft I used to use that voice for different Archmages, etc. It was just someone talking, really. I'd be far from describing it as amazing. Perhaps for the Necromancer, but not for the Lich.

    He sounds more like a Lich there. Hearing this and the others in such quick succession, it's easy to see the progress and change of the voice. He sounds like a human, nothing more, in WarCraft3, starts to sound more undead in WoW and sounds like a full-blown Lich in Wrath. Yes, I can see that it sounds different, but it's still relatable, and suits a heck of a lot better than his human voice.

    Archimonde didn't have his own voice set in WarCraft3, and was only a minor character, really. His character was more expanded in World of WarCraft, which is further emphasised by his redesign and new-found scale. I definitely wouldn't go as far to say that his voice in WoW was terrible.

    I wouldn't go as far as saying it's a habit. In almost all of those examples, there has either been a radical change or it's merely the heightened progression of the voice, and each and every one of the voices still does reflect on the previous versions, unlike Grom Hellscream, which you're yet to rely to, and is a crystal clear example of how voice changes can be used to develop the character and gain perspective, without being needed to anchor the character for the audience, even with major design changes. And it's got to be noted that they didn't even try to mimic his original voice in WarCraft3, so the little original subtleties of the original voice actors are not essential to the character.

    Blizzard may not always be right, but they know a heck of a lot more about what they're doing than we do. Also, there are things they want to do and express about the characters, as they've told us themselves, so if they want a new actor to portray this, how are they wrong? That's like saying that Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa incorrectly. It's what they're designing, and what they're doing. There's nothing to say we can't disagree, but that doesn't make them 'wrong'.

    Anyway, I spent far too long replying to that than I otherwise would have liked.
  2. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Glynnis voiced the Zeratul/Kerrigan Fight, not the Zerg Reveal Trailer. The Kerrigan from the Zeratul/Kerrigan fight is the only one I've liked so far. The one from the Zerg Reveal Trailer would have been terrible, but others like it for the sole reason that it has already had the voice filters applied to it.

    That's not good enough for some people - a fact that you should accept. :)

    What does that have to do with the conversation? I agree that Blizzard has had good voice acting in the past, but I'm highlighting their new habit of ditching voice actors. Clotworthy wasn't even given a chance to audition. In addition, I haven't played war2.

    I'm not going to stand around and hope that the voice actors don't suck when the game comes out. I've given evidence that Blizzard has been making bad decisions with regard to voice acting lately, even in StarCraft II. However, you disagree with all my Warcraft examples. I'm not sure if you actually do or whether you're just disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing, though I agree with what you said about Arthas. This is clearly a very subjective topic. However, if that's really the way you feel though then our business is done here. Just know that people still have the right to complain. That's why Blizz is such a great company, they listen to feedback from the fans.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2009
  3. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    Like Itza said, Raynor in SC2 is quite different in looks and style, being bitter and depressed, and imagining Clotworthy's voice applied to the SC2 Raynor is a laugh. It doesn't surprise me that the voice casters could make the decision without an audition.
  4. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    And again, he is a voice actor. Voice. Actor. These guys have very wide vocal ranges and are masters at adapting them for certain characters - it's what they do for a living. There is no way of knowing that he couldn't have done what they wanted him to do without an audition.
  5. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    It's also perfectly good for some people... A fact that you should accept.

    But seriously, what do you mean that's not good enough? Are you saying that Blizzard should be forced to stick to their bad design render of Raynor in StarCraft1 and that nothing more than his portrait should ever be seen?

    Well did you accept and play WarCraft3 without a care in the world for the old voice actors? How would that be any different to new players being drawn to StarCraft2 and accepting the voices for who they are?

    On top of that, and GMG pretty much summed it up. Raynor's old voice simply does not fit the current Raynor at all. In response to your reply to him...

    ...That's like saying Danny DeVito's an actor, therefore he could have acted as the Terminator, or, and I've given this example before, Billy West, aka Zoidberg, Fransworth, Fry and Zapp Brannigan, is a voice actor, therefore he should be able to do the voice of Vader. Nancy Cartwright's a voice actor, so maybe she should do the voice of Kerrigan, hmmm?

    As I said before, being a voice actor isn't universal. They do not have unlimited potential and unending ability. Yes, they might be able to act how Blizzard would want Raynor in StarCraft2, but other voice actors can obviously do it far better than him.

    You stood around while they changed up the most memorable voice of WarCraft2 and didn't care, so it seems a bit hypocritical that you're caring so much about this. How is it different other than you joined in on the WarCraft franchise after two titles had already been released?

    And no, I'm not disagreeing with all your WarCraft examples for the same of disagreeing, in fact, you just seem to be saying that any character who's had their voice replaced now sounds terrible, despite the fact they've obviously undergone a heck of a lot of changes, again, both physically and mentally.

    And no, I don't see fans having a 'right' to complain. They can give their opinions and a critical response to changes made, but we don't actually have any 'rights' other than that the game won't be riddled with viruses and the like.
  6. Muncie16

    Muncie16 New Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    as long kerrigans voice sounds as sexy as it did befor i wont be to upset about it :)
  7. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    It's mainly common knowledge. Though I can't be bothered to hunt down the original link, here's an article that affirms it: http://www.starcraftwire.net/blog/comments/glynnis-wont-return-as-kerrigan-in-starcraft-ii/

    There are also people who liked the old Infestor and Siege Tank. What's your point?

    There was nothing "bad" about the old Raynor. They could have recreated him in glorious 3d as well. The fact that someone at Blizzard wants to flex his creative muscles at the expense of the StarCraft characters is a problem.

    Uhm...what? Blatant strawman aside, it's obvious that Blizzard plans to cater to new players, and I won't blame any of them for the change in voice acting.

    That's not remotely what it's like, as DeVito can't change his body the same way a voice actor can change his voice.

    You do realize that if that's your reasoning for why they didn't hire Clotworthy then you're basically admitting that the new voices are as radically different from the old StarCraft as the examples you pointed out?

    Except you don't know that, and neither does Blizzard, as Clotworthy wasn't given the chance to audition. Sorry, but a cursory listen to some of Robert's old voice clips isn't an accurate gauge of his voice acting talent and whether he's right for the role. The fact that he knows how he voiced the old Jim Raynor should have automatically qualified him for auditions. But Blizzard is biased towards old VAs, as I've already demonstrated.

    There's no excuse in my mind for the travesty of a voice that is Kel'Thuzad, Archimonde and Illidan. Again, I'm sorry that you're not concerned enough about the future quality of this product, but given the previous examples, I am. Yeah, let's wait until the game actually comes out, THEN we'll be able to make a difference if they hire bad voice actors as they did in their previous game.

    In other words, you don't think people have a right to post their opinions on the internet? Good thing not everyone thinks this way, as we'd still be playing this:

  8. Kerrigan is NOT sexy.

  9. Michael_Liberty

    Michael_Liberty New Member

    Feb 23, 2009
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    Itza you're awesome you are the king of long posts, although I guess I had a few myself heh...

    That's not fair to say at all, there really aren't any facts and no one should be forced to accept anything they don't agree with. That's like saying (and I'm not saying it's true, purely hypothetical) that people don't want to hear what you have to say, that's a fact that you should accept.
    That attitude isn't going to solve anything and it's just going to upset people.

    As far as Raynor, who is to say that he even wanted the job? Voice actors don't always jump through hoops to get a job especially if they already have one tied down, in some cases they could ask the company to hold off for a month or two but I don't see Blizzard being okay with that. I can understand your being upset about Kerrigan, I am too. But with Raynor I'm not going to be too upset by it because it's not an uncommon thing for voice actors to change, that's why it's such a big deal when they say OMG they're coming back!!!11 I was only upset about Kerrigan because I know she had the intention of doing it and I really liked her voice.

    About voice actors changing their style, yes it is quite possible and some changes I do not believe it's warranted to get a new voice actor. Kerrigan is a perfect example, people can say that Jim is going through changes all they want but who went through a bigger change then Sarah? She pulled a complete 180 and her voice was able to adapt just fine and they both sounded fantastic, go her.

    Lastly I don't know where that came from that Clotworthy wasn't even able to audition but I can almost guarantee that it's false. Because if you go to an audition for voice acting, which I have actually. They don't send you a letter in the mail before they have auditions saying "you need not apply" auditions are open to everyone. A bum off the street could get a job voice acting if they liked his voice, the same doesn't apply for Blizzard as I'm sure they'd like to see at least a profile of what work you've done but he obviously had a portfolio of good work. The only way that could have happened is if they had several days or weeks of auditioning (which is not only possible it's almost a given) and they found what they thought of as the perfect voice, thus telling all further applicants that the position was no longer open. In that case hundreds possibly thousands got turned away but no one is upset about them. Itza was right saying that no actors job is guaranteed if you don't show up don't expect a job. If your timing is off and you just didn't make it, tough luck man that's the acting biz.

    Also not true, the old Raynor is simply a misinterpretation of the correct Raynor which they have now, if you look at the old concepts of what they wanted (key is wanted) him to look like you'll see it. They just didn't have the capability to create it, same with Kerrigan look at how drastically different she looks from her profile in SC1 to the cinematics or wallpapers from SC2 a very, very different character. It's not because they wanted to change her, it's because they wanted to show her in a better light.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2009
  10. Haha! I thought I was. Good to know I'm not the only one that does that :D
  11. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Uhm, Itza is the one telling us that we shouldn't voice our opinions on the voice acting situation. Furthermore, there are plenty of facts, which I've outlined in my previous posts.

    This blizzplanet interview: http://www.blizzplanet.com/blog/comments/starcraft_-_robert_clotworthy_jim_raynor_interview/

    I don't really care about Raynor's new voice, as previously stated, as long as they don't overdo the southern accent that was present in BC '08.

    It's not false. He definitely wasn't given the chance to audition: http://www.starcraftwire.net/forums/showpost.php?p=7856&postcount=4

    (the blizzplanet link doesn't work due to the server move, but the post quoted what was in the link)

    Here's the problem with this: nobody can relate to the Raynor as "the way they originally envisioned him". Also, what I said IS true, because since Raynor "the way he was originally envisoned" has not been defined yet, they're basically making a new character. They have some obligations to represent the Raynor that WAS present in StarCraft - there is no denying this.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2009
  12. Michael_Liberty

    Michael_Liberty New Member

    Feb 23, 2009
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    So your first source:
    A)Is over a year old thereby making it just about worthless.
    B)Says nothing about him being denied a job.
    C)Says Blizzard hasn't contacted him yet meaning two things, they didn't deny him and he didn't call them. Every actor knows that you don't get a job you don't show up to...

    Your second source:
    I'd like to know this too, so far all I've been able to scrap up is (NOT OFFICIAL BLIZZARD COMMENTS):

    "Blizzard Entertainment did not give him the chance to audition to reprise his former role."

    And like I said before 'not allowing him to audition' is a very vague thing to say. We have no idea on what terms or why. Like I said it may be that they just found someone else first before he got the chance to audition and said sorry Rob but we've already got someone to fill the part. Or maybe he didn't show up period. Just because he says he'd like to do it doesn't mean that he showed up. Given that his track record is pretty impressive and he has inside friends being Michael Gough and Paul Eiding who would have quite a bit of pull with Blizz considering who they have portrayed. I highly doubt that Blizzard kicked him out the door of the audition center. There is simply too much information missing and you aren't giving Blizzard the benefit of the doubt. Sorry if you don't like their recent voice acting choices but unfortunately that isn't our job either. If you could make a better decision then try getting hired as a Voice Talent Caster with Blizzard because without any cold hard facts your just putting your opinion out there with force. This is a forum and a place for everyone's voice to be heard obviously, and you stated your opinion, until we get the whole picture it's a waiting game.

    Sure they can, people that did more then just play the game (also read the lore, maybe even a book) relate to him perfectly. These are the fans that Blizzard is trying to please, the ones that went the extra mile for the rest of the story. If you haven't then you shouldn't be the one to call them out saying that they messed up a good thing because you don't have a full grasp on what the 'good thing' truly was.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2009
  13. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    That only talks about the voice of Kerrigan specifically. It doesn't say anything about the original Zerg trailer. And common knowledge has to be based off of something to have any merit. Otherwise it's just a false assumption.

    My point was that your point was irrelevant, which you have elaborated on here.

    Dude, the point is that there was no design to the original Raynor, so he's obviously got to be created in one way or another. Seriously, this is like the first proper viewing we're getting of him outside of primitive concept art. We only saw a face in StarCraft1.

    And again, on what grounds are you saying that it's at the expense of the StarCraft characters? Was Grom in WarCraft3 a compromised character?

    If you'd've answered the questions instead of assuming they were irrelevant youd've allowed me to progress onto the point that you're making such a fuss about the most commonly recognised voices in StarCraft, and WarCraft3, being changed, but you're perfectly fine with the voices that have already been replaced. It's a double standard.

    Do you realise that your logic directly correlates to these examples? That is what I'm saying. I'm not saying that they actually could be replaced by such crazy voice actors, because just being a voice actor doesn't allow you to do any and all voices and portray any and all emotions. The point I am making is that all voice actors are different. Just because the original voices of Raynor and Kerrigan are done by voice actors it doesn't mean those same voice actors can do what's expected of them in StarCraft2.

    Yes, I am aware it's ridiculous. It's exactly what you're saying.

    I think they'd have a fair understanding. If you've worked alongside someone like that I think you'd be able to tell if they're what you're looking for.

    And there could be a multitude of reasons why they chose a new actor. Firstly, the old actors would quite obviously be attached to the old voice, not wanting the character to change from how they originally expressed them. Secondly, the recognition of the old voices could lead to the new subtleties and overtones being overlooked, as the voice is already being heard in the exact same way as it had been for years. Thirdly, if the old voice was deemed too restrictive, if they tried to use the same voices then it may seem really out of place for that character to say it, whereas giving it a new voice may allow it to venture into those new areas. It's like with all the different James Bonds there are. Different actors provide different insights into the character's personality. If you simply replace the newest Bond with another Bond, it may look really out of character, but by having the new actor portray him, it appears natural.

    And you haven't really demonstrated a bias more than you've demonstrated that Blizzard obviously pays close attention to the feel of characters who have undergone massive change. Again, it's all about gaining perspective and a deeper insight into the character. That cannot be achieved by keeping all constants the same.

    Again, Kel'Thuzad actually sounds like a Lich now, and not like the pompous archmage he did in WarCraft3. Archimonde was only a minor character, really, and his grandeur has obviously been elaborated on since WarCraft3. As for Illidan, if you cannot see how his experiences between WarCraft3 and the Burning Crusade would have changed him, then I don't know what to tell you. They've all developed and been expanded on, and we no longer view their characters as we did in WarCraft3. And though I trust your completely objective viewpoint of the skill of the new voice actors without letting anything else taint your judgement, it's purely subjective. I'd honestly be surprised if the majority of WarCraft fans thought the new voices were simply terribel, or even noticed that the actors had been changed at all.

    Oh and nice jab there. Not being concerned about the logical change in voice actors obviously means I'm not concerned with the future quality of this product. Obviously. Well then excuse me for not wanting all character to remain as their same, static, two dimensional selves, being lenient towards change and for not judging something I haven't even experienced.

    You're perfectly aware of what you removed from that quote, so I won't even bother responding to that first question.

    As for StarCraft alpha, I fail to see that fan's input. It was merely originally based of the WarCraft2 engine and layout.

    Quoted for truth. I couldn't have put it better or clearer than this.

    Who's to say that no-one can relate? He was a classic character. If he'd've been portrayed in the first StarCraft as they'd've envisioned him, I may have even liked Raynor, and I'm starting to now that I've seen him in StarCraft2.

    And yes, the original 'envisioning' of Raynor has already been defined, which is what everyone, falsely, knows him as, which is what Mike was saying about the lore and books. They're not making a new character just as each Anakin, James Bond and Terminator aren't making a new character. If the character wasn't expanded or developed, then it would be static and two dimensional, and people would simply lose interest. If Raynor was represented in the same way as StarCraft1, what edge would there be to StarCraft2? The character wouldn't have evolved, and we'd've already have witnessed and experienced his full range of emotions and personality. How is that ideal exactly?
  14. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    It's too bad that auditions took place a long time ago as well. If you're saying that he changed his mind from "It would be a thrill to play Raynor again." to "I don't want to play Raynor" in a period of a few months then you're just kidding yourself.

    That's because it was in answer to him wanting the job in the first place. Him being denied the job is sourced in the second link. Face it, you're just grasping at straws...

    It was an interview with Blizzplanet. So....I'm not sure what you're getting at here.

    No, it's not. The article clearly states he was not allowed to audition when we know he expressed interest in doing so.

    Sorry, but this is all idle speculation to me. Unless you have some real evidence to back up your claims like I did then I'm not interested in this banter. Just saying "I could be right" is not good enough, because I could be right too.

    What cold hard facts? I've given you two links from a reputable source whereas all you have to put forth is idle speculation. It looks like you're butthurt that I shot down your "guarantees", but you don't have to like it, you just have to accept it.

    I've read all the StarCraft novels - I'm a huge Raynor fan.

    I highlighted the relevant part for you. Or are you asking who was in the Zerg Reveal Trailer, not the Kerrigan Reveal Trailer? I have no clue who was in the Zerg Reveal Trailer.

    Their voices will sound terrible from what I've seen of the trailers so far.

    How is it a double standard? What you're saying makes no sense. I already told you that I didn't play war3 and that I won't blame new StarCraft II players.

    Let me break it down then: if they're going to hire a voice actor that is so different from Glynnis or Robert's impressions of their characters then the voice actor is too far removed from the original voices and shouldn't be hired. It's simple. Otherwise they should just have cast Glynnis or Robert. But they didn't even let Robert audition.

    Great, then I'd like to hear those reasons from Blizzard, because where I stand the VA situation doesn't look good.

    And again, I'm not interested in debating subjective topics with you. I think the WoW: WoTLK voice actor replacements sound like crap; you don't. End of story.

    The characters had a tiny amount of lines in StarCraft. If they're 2-dimensional that's the only reason. Otherwise I disagree - the books, novels & their voices have given them dimension.

    People said "this looks like warcraft in space". Blizzard redid the entire engine.

    He didn't exist. The Raynor as we know him is defined by what we played in StarCraft and read in the books. The only vestige of Raynor "as he should have been" is that concept art in the manual.

    I don't care if he gets a new voice actor - I just don't want it to be bad, as I've already stated multiple times.
  15. Michael_Liberty

    Michael_Liberty New Member

    Feb 23, 2009
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    WHAT?! It states in your so called source that voice acting auditions aren't done until late production or post production if they did the auditions almost a year ago why would we just now find out about it?

    What I'm getting at is that it ISN'T a reputable source because BLIZZARD didn't say it a forum member did, check our forums rules as that is not a creditable source. I can go onto Blizzplanet and say the sky is green, doesn't make it true. When Blizzard says it I'll listen to your argument otherwise your just stating hearsay that someone else was 'butthurt' about.
    It's not an article it's a forum post! It states no facts only speculations! I was merely putting out my speculation saying that yours isn't always the case. I don't have to accept any of your sources as the one that matters isn't legit. I'll believe that a year ago the guy wanted the job. Still not believing they closed the door on him for no reason whatsoever. Think about it, what kind of business mindset is that, lets do something with no logical reason and no base of thought. Blizzard isn't full of idiots...
    If you've read all of the starcraft novels then you would know that no where in their description of Raynor does it state the matter of his hair or facial hair. Since that's about all that's changed why are you so adamant about this? Like Itza said you only have a single picture to base your entire persona of James Raynor, in which there are actually a lot more pictures describing him other wise. Where's your response to the way that Kerrigan looks now? She underwent a drastic change as well but I don't see you getting up in arms about her...
  16. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    The article was implying that we're close to release. And it's not the original article, we didn't find out about it "just now".

    Christ.... -____-

    Again, it's not a forum member, it's an official blizzplanet interview. I already told you that I linked to the forum post because the actual news post is lost from blizzplanet's server move, and the forum post is the only one that quotes things from the article. I remember reading this, that's how I know about it. In addition, the forum member did not know I would come by later to use his post.

    If you don't believe me then email the webmaster and ask him to fetch the original article for you. Blizzplanet has exclusives like this all the time.

    I know, it's daunting isn't it? Yet from what I've seen so far it seems to be the case. Are you willing to risk it and hope that it all turns out ok in the end?
    Again, It's all subjective stuff that I have no intent on arguing. You've already admitted that there's a problem when you said:
    As far as I'm concerned you agree with me even if you don't want to admit it.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2009
  17. Michael_Liberty

    Michael_Liberty New Member

    Feb 23, 2009
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    Unfortunately without the original post I cannot determine it valid, it's not my job to dig up and validate your sources, that's your job. If you can't provide the link then you've got nothing. All I saw in that post was Not Official Blizzard Comment, because of this it's worthless. The other member didn't do it for you... He did it for himself, you just happened to agree with him.
    What do you mean from what we've seen so far? All I've seen is Kerrigans old voice, Raynors which I don't mind at all, Tychus's and some random Zerg narrator. Out of the above stated I only dislike the last, which isn't even set in stone, so I have no quarrel with Blizzard at the moment.
    Lets not misunderstand, I do not agree with your complaint on Jim Raynor. I do have a slight issue with dropping Kerrigan, only because she was given the part, had done some work and then she was let go. I do not understand the sudden change of mind but there is no sense throwing out the baby with the bathwater when the tub isn't even half full yet. Once things pan out we will have our chance to state our opinions on everything at the moment it's all up in the air. Just let things settle a bit.
  18. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Are you really that dull? He was quoting the article, which is an official blizzplanet interview. Like I said, ask the webmaster for the article if you don't believe me, that's how you "confirm the post".

    This quote has also been confirmed on N4G:

    Don't want to admit that you've lost or something? I'm tired of digging up links for you while all you do is spout out idle speculation. Sorry, that's not how debates work. Try again.

    Voice acting is usually consolidated during the final stages of development. In fact, they're working on single player right now - if they haven't already finalized voice actors. So uh...no, I'm not going to wait for "things to settle a bit".
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2009
  19. Michael_Liberty

    Michael_Liberty New Member

    Feb 23, 2009
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    Do you know what your arguing anymore cause I don't, you just seem to be arguing on how to argue.
    What exactly are you trying to accomplish? Them to consider Robert as Raynor again? Because I thought you said you were fine with the current voice of Raynor in your previous posts. Is it the ethics behind his lack of hiring? The job is already filled, until you are signed to the roll it isn't yours. You don't know why things happened the way they did and thus you don't have the 'right' to say it's wrong. I'm not saying it's right or wrong I'm saying it's too early for either of us to tell. You said that I'm merely speculating, but that's all anyone can do at this point. That's what I'm doing, and that's what your doing. You don't know that Robert deserved that slot, I don't know that he didn't. The key is that neither of us now the whole truth. Without it there is no point arguing anything.

    I do know that Blizzard isn't full of highschool dropout idiots and they are good businessmen, just look at WoW love it or hate it (personally I don't love it) it's making them tons of money. Therefor I'm willing to entrust that they made a good business decision this time as well. Time will tell though. I may come to regret that they let Robert go, you may regret wanting him to stay.

    Your saying that it's simply too late in the game to wait and see what happens but it's also too early in the game to ***** about it until the cows come home. Your throwing them out before they even stepped up to the plate much in the same way you say Blizz did to Robert. If you hate what they are doing so much then boy cot the damn thing and don't buy it, maybe that will send them the message

    Legit source but it still doesn't say why, which is the cause for this debate. You don't know, I don't know, hell Robert may not even know. I do know however that it's folly to count Blizzard as disrespectful to their voice actors when they have several people that do recurring rolls within their games and go onto other Blizzard games as well. That is a fact. I have a few reasons to justify my speculations as you do as well. Maybe someday we will know why Blizzard chose not to hire Robert maybe we won't, time will tell. Times change characters change, actors change and they can all change really fast.
  20. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Well, you're the one who interjected himself into the conversation, so that's something you should ask yourself. I'm just defending my points.

    It's late and I really don't feel like going over the stuff I addressed in all my previous posts. There are plenty of reasons to be worried, and sitting around twiddling our thumbs hoping for the best isn't going to change anything.

    It's irrelevant. The whole point was to highlight Blizzard's new habit of dropping their old VAs in favor of worse ones.

    I'm going to buy it no matter what, that's why I'm concerned about its quality.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2009
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