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Final Fantasy

Discussion in 'Gamer Chat' started by superamazing, Jul 22, 2010.

Final Fantasy

Discussion in 'Gamer Chat' started by superamazing, Jul 22, 2010.

  1. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Corry PA USA
    I can't believe that the people on this forum are actually.. intelligent... I mean.. almost everyone I meet answers the "Best FF game I've ever played question" with FF7,8,or X.

    I gave up on the series after FF8 came out. FF8 was complete garbage and way too easy to play.

    Final Fantasy 6 is still the best game in the series, and SquareEnix will never commit the resources to remake it in 3D. Screw a remake of FF7, because if they remake that, they need to finish the game the way originally intended.

    As for the best FF game to start with, its 4. 1-3 were interesting "experiments," but 4 is the first one with an awesome smooth story. Final Fantasy 5 is "okay" but I didn't really find it memorable. Final Fantasy 6 was perfect, with the best cast of characters outside of Grandia 1 to hit a JRPG.
  2. asdf

    asdf New Member

    Jun 21, 2009
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    if you liked the earlier series then i do suggest you try 9, at least. 8 was a complete downer.

    10 is questionable, the story was actually fairly good but the dialogue was pretty contrived, and of course all the people who liked 7 and 8 called the main character too "gay" for them. 12 is very political, the type of story it tells is completely different from most FF's. much more like FF Tactics.
  3. FEVER Little_T

    FEVER Little_T New Member

    Aug 10, 2010
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    So if I liked 1-4 (American) play 9?
  4. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Corry PA USA
    pfft Good story my ***. I predicted how FFX was going to end after the first 10 mins of gameplay. The game was boring and dull in the story department. I played Final Fantasy 9, but I got stuck in this one area with a ^#$@ing annoying flute soundfont and gave up because I wanted to shoot myself. Music is a huge part of a game experience for me and all of the FF games after 7 have been huge let downs in that department.

    Even though I predicted FFX's end right off the bat, I've put 30 hours into it... then sold my PS2 because I was broke. -_- Mipmaping hurt my eyes in FFX, but I pushed threw it regardless because it was pretty fun gameplay wise.

    As for FFX's main hero being too "gay" for people, it’s a simple thing in Japan where muscular men aren't really role models anymore. (My poor Kamen Rider has falln’ to this trend to, where it only slightly recovered in Kabuto, because the guy who played Tendou is a pretty boy, built, bad ***).

    If I had a choice, I would make a new FF game with an epic story like 6's and 7's battle system. That would be perfect combo.

    Final Fantasy 4 (the hacked hard type English ver) was the first FF game I ever beat. It was okay for its time, and when i replayed the American remake on DS... it felt so dated.
  5. Stirlitz

    Stirlitz Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    FF4 is the only FF i've played(if that's an SNES version we're talking about, cause I'm pretty sure 4 was the number), but never managed to finish cause I was to navigate a river at some point and got lost and wasn't sure what I had to do to move on. Was pretty awsome till that part though. I played it on my gf's old pc(was her brother's pack of emulated games) but only spent little time on it.

    I've downloaded Grandia 1+2 and will give them a shot after exams are finished. Provided I have time then cause I'll use all my spare time ranking up in the sc2 league as I only have lik 8 games under my belt and don't start more cause of the "1 more game" syndrome :p