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Exactly how OP are Reapers?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Sueco, Feb 18, 2010.

Exactly how OP are Reapers?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Sueco, Feb 18, 2010.

  1. Conkrete

    Conkrete New Member

    May 11, 2010
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    Each race has a reliable early counter to Reapers, so I don't find them OP at all. Terran can just produce 3-4 Marines, as they usually should anyway, and just have them sit on your workers while in your base. Zerg can pump out a Queen faster than a Terran player can get 2 Reapers out and into your base, and the Queen does a good job with them. Protoss does have to go out of their way a bit, and put a cannon or two down to repel the early Reaper rush, but once they get Stalkers it's all gravy.
  2. Positron

    Positron Guest

    Reapers are the ultimate anti-noob unit, but against anyone who's played beta they are practically worthless except in 2v2. They require too much micro to stay alive, so I guess if you are jaedong or flash you can use them effectively but consider how many reapers you need to make an impact once the enemy gets past zealot/ling/marine - you need like 10 or so reapers to do damage fast enough to harass effectively. Thats 500/500 and 400 seconds of production time from your barracks. The time requirement is the biggest thing, imo, spending close to 7 minutes of rax time building a force that will get nullified by 3-4 armored units is just not worth it.
  3. Taerix

    Taerix New Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    Reapers are basically a glass cannon, and even at that only work well against light units. They are really good for harassing your opponent's workers, but it can take a lot of practice to be able to keep them alive since they're so weak.

    I haven't really found a use for them mid to late game yet, though some may arise in the future. They just take so long to train and are pretty gas heavy for a unit that can die so fast.
  4. ArAkNA

    ArAkNA New Member

    Jul 28, 2010
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    i'd give em a flamethrower so they can wipe the mineralline in about 2 seconds and a half.THERE, FIXED.