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Diablo MMO

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by TheWorker, May 18, 2008.

Diablo MMO

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by TheWorker, May 18, 2008.

  1. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i wish we all worked for blizzard :p
  2. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    What I want in Diablo 3:
    Diablo 2-like Battle.Net. Pick your game, enter, and have a player limit of around 10.
    World of Warcraft graphics or even better.
    All the Diablo 2 classes.
    1 - 3 new classes.
    Two expansion packs.
    Cow levels.
    A level limit on games. I hate being rushed. I'd rather play through and enjoy the game, thank you Mr. Level 99 Paladin.
    Unlockable hero classes for all existing ones.

    What I don't want in Diablo 3:
    A World of Warcraft clone.
  3. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
    amen willy!!!
  4. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    you do reallize were talking about an MMORPG here willy?
    not an ordinary ORPG?
  5. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    it makes sense... a lot of sense.... having put that into thought its quite tiring when you get to be at levels where you almost spend an incalculable time just to at least put that 1 skill point and 5 statpoints in that character of yours which sometimes really is pointless if you are in the level where you have already accomplished all levels of difficulties... so if possible i also would like to have some flavor like that to make things more exiting.. or perhaps even a further broad storyline with numerous quests like WoW.. Im also having conflicts if which genre will D3 be best suited... maybe someone should start a poll for us to see which is the communitys much preferred for this game... RPG or MMO or RTS??? (^_^) why not??
  6. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    What I'd want to return to D3:
    - Single or multiplayer
    - Live action attacking/casting
    - endless swarms of units coming to kick your ass

    What I'd like to see changed:
    - gender and race selection with class.
    - broadening of the Sorcerer/-ess abilities, not just the elements
    - set amount of maps: One thing I like about RPGs is exploring every inch of the terrain for two reasons - so I can admire the scenery, and so I have the map recorded forever. The everchanging landscape of Diablo was a bit annoying. I propose a set number of different layouts for each area.
  7. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Set maps is a big NO for diablo. Not only this was always one of it's distinguishing features, it greatly helps replayability. Also it's not like you can't explore terrain in diablo (I did that ;p).
    I'd like if they somehow changed the monster respawn system though. In 1 if you felt underleveled and couldn't go on, you had to start a new game; in 2 you had to find portals to make any progress (which was extremely annoying if you had limited time for playing), it would be great if they managed something between that, so that you could always grind more if you wanted, but didn't have to plow through the same monsters if you didn't find portal
  8. johnnyxp64

    johnnyxp64 New Member

    Jan 15, 2008
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    Paris will Be Diablo3 Clasic you will see!

    there is no way for blizzard to kill its own WoW incomming source of money right now.no way.

    diablo3 will be like Titan Quest-Immortal throne(amazing game by the way)
    with B.net support, blizzard knows how to handle Networks now Very well. bnet will be peace of cake for them compaired to WOW network demands.

    no way to be mmo. untill for the next 4 years forget it!
  9. TyReaper

    TyReaper New Member

    Jun 21, 2008
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    WoW is the Diablo MMO... The talent trees in WoW were taken almost directly from Diablo and expanded. The gear is VERY similar. All the Diablo classes are represented. WoW is just Diablo +50. It's just more.
    -Bigger bosses
    -Bigger groups
    -Bigger world
    -More spells
    -Just generally MORE

    You get the point.

    Let's face it, we've all been addicted to something that is in essence a cartoony diablo set in the Warcraft universe. Is it slower? Very much so. WoW is a thinking man's game, it's not all about *click click click click* and that is where they differ.

    As for the topic at hand, I'd like to see what Blizzard wants to do with a Diablo MMO. They'vbe never gona wrong on a franchise before, so I'm sure whatever they come up with will be 4000x better than almost anything we can conjure up.
  10. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    I'm sorry, but that just made me laugh.

    You're right, WoW is different. WoW does all the clicking for you. In WoW, you don't even have that *click click click click*, you are just left with pressing the same few hotkeys every now and then based on cooldown. All of that takes a lot of careful thinking, yeah OK. WoW is a slow game for one reason and one reason only: Blizzard made it as big of a time sink as they can get away with to suck up all the subscription money out of you for as long they can.

    It's fine that you want to drown in your own fantasy about how WoW is a deep and thoughtful game, I'm happy for you. But please don't spill nonsense about how WoW is everything Diablo is and then some. Just because Blizzard recycled Diablo game design, doesn't make WoW Diablo, and it most certainly doesn't make WoW better. For one, WoW has very little variations per class that are actually viable. It's usually only about two or three viable builds per class. For instance, for the longest time, the only viable build of Hunters was MM, you couldn't stray away from it because two of three Hunter talent trees sucked ass. I've stayed away from WoW for over a year now, but I still very much doubt that there is such a thing as a viable Survival Hunter build. And that is just one example.

    I'm gonna take a wild guess that many others would have played or is currently playing WoW, like me, have also played Diablo. Even though WoW has a huge subscription base atm, it says nothing about the quality of game content. Most of that is just casual users would've had very little prior experience in online gaming, rest are all hardcore end-game raiders who's gotten too deep to snap out of it. For every one person I've seen praising WoW, I've seen a few more who've played it and hate it. I seriously doubt that WoW being a "thinking man's game" is the reason why people like me walked away from WoW with a foul taste left in our mouths. Even my non-hardcore-gaming wife thinks Diablo is a much better than WoW, and she played WoW first. I don't know about anyone else, but that really tells me something.
  11. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i have to agree with remy here, diable is much tougher than WOW(i played WOW for over a year), you must rmember how big the difference in enemy numbers is between the two
  12. TyReaper

    TyReaper New Member

    Jun 21, 2008
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    I suppose WoW is only tough for those that get to the end game content. Which as was previously mention, is a very minimal amount of people. Sunwell is the hardest raid ever. I've NEVER seen boss encounters like them in my MMO days. You really have to be the best of the best to defeat Kil'Jaeden. And as for Diablo being harder? Depends on how you judge difficulty. If it's by sheer volume of mobs, then yeah; Diablo 2 will eat WoW for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But keep in mind, if you pull four mobs, there is a 75% chance you will die in WoW, so you kind of have to weight things accordingly. In Diablo, four mobs is laughable.

    I'm just saying don't call WoW a no-brainer. Look up the strategies to the Kael'thas fight, or Mother Sharazz. Or M'uru. These fights are the most complex things I've done in any game. Hands down.

    But this is neither here nor there when it comes to the topic at hand so I'll drop it.
  13. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    could be, i only reached lvl 57,
    but i dont judge by the sheer number of mobs, i judge by the difference between a mob and the player and their numbers.
    if a group of mobs in WoW hit you all at the same time(with the small groups) you survive, if the same happens in diablo(with a larger group) than you are screwed
    ( i dont know if this applies to high levels in WoW and Diablo though)
  14. TyReaper

    TyReaper New Member

    Jun 21, 2008
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    It does apply in WoW.
    For example, if you pull aggro on a trash mob in even an instance like Gruul's Lair, considered a cake walk by most standards, you will die. That's one mob. They hit for around 8k on clothies, which is almost certain death for priests. There is a lot more to WoW than I care to explain to make a meaningless point. Suffice to say, WoW is a beast with many faces, you saw the softer side of it. Honestly, the boring side of it.
    Wow is a beautiful game at 70 and if you're in a peaceful guild that is very talented at PvE...good luck finding that though lol.
  15. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    The opening topic of this thread wasn't "WoW sucks because..." No one was really saying anything(at least in this thread) about how WoW is a bad game. It was just slightly insulting to have someone go "you silly people discussing about a possible next-gen Diablo, it's already been out for the longest time." Omg, we've never realized WoW recycled stuff from Diablo, silly us. I think if it was more or less a similar game, some of us would've noticed.

    I played WoW since beta up to I think about the end of 2006 or beginning of 2007. And in my personal experience, WoW is in no way Diablo. WoW recycled stuff from Diablo, yet it's still not a better game, that's why there is still heavy interest in another Diablo game. You see a similar situation where SC fans laugh at WC3 after playing it, even though it was the next RTS game from Blizzard that recycled some stuff from SC.

    Difficulty also doesn't translate into depth. If that was the case then Diablo would be one of the deepest games playing untwinked in Hell on Hardcore running into Multishot Lightning Enchated with multiple immunities and having Conviction or Curses around. Truth is, difficulty doesn't mean depth. Most games back in the day(80s and early 90s) were loads harder than games today, but they often had very little depth. Difficulty is also an easly adjustable factor, game developers can simply boost or cut enemy stats by X% and instantly tweak difficulty. Playing the same game on a higher difficulty setting doesn't make it a deeper game. Difficulty hardly ever means squat.

    If Blizzard with most of its employees working on WoW couldn't even tweak some numbers so some of the elite mobs could deal some high enough damage to kill players once in a while, then they would really need to shoot themselves in the head. Like I said before, there is very little freedom in WoW. Even end-game content is about going textbook specs and executing the same strategies specific to each instance. There is very little freedom in how you spec(build) your toon and have it be still viable, and there is also very little freedom in how you tackle each instance. Go spec a Survival Hunter in WoW and get accepted in a lvl 70 raid as one, then I'll eat my own words.

    Not only that, there isn't even any party or group mechanic. In WoW, it's all about everyone having the "correct" spec(talent points spent based on the public standard), having reasonably up-to-date gear, and everyone just doing their own damn thing based on their class/spec/type. Tank specs just spam out skills with aggro bonus, healers spam heal and HoTs, DDs just spam their highest damage skill every cooldown cycle, sometimes easing off a bit if the MT has trouble holding aggro, and then there is buffing every now and then. By comparison, in FFXI, without reasonably coordinated efforts skill chains and magic bursts can't be pulled off, and without SCs and MBs, you can't even really level past the 20s(lvl cap at 75). Meaning, you can't just do your own thing, you need to do things based on what other party members do and when. There are also experience chains that reward parties that put a bit of thought and planning into their hunting and have the skills to pull it off. FFXI is also 40x harder than WoW, but that isn't a big deal since it is widely accepted that WoW is one of the easiest MMORPGs ever.

    What does all this mean? WoW isn't a difficult game, not by a long shot. WoW doesn't deliver as the "next Diablo," not even when only looking at MMORPG genre. Whether WoW is an enjoyable game depends on each individual. Just don't try to say that WoW is Diablo, because it isn't.
  16. TyReaper

    TyReaper New Member

    Jun 21, 2008
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    Sure you can o your own thing in WoW.
    I wasn't going to reply to your comment until you started bashing on it...ignorance.
    You don't just spam your highest damage skill. You don't spam your best heal, at least you got the tanking part right =/.
    Healing is the hardest experience I've had in any game. You HAVE to work together with your other healers in any 25 man raid. I'm not talking about Cake walk Gruul and SSC and TK, which I'm sure almost no one on these boards has seen but me and a select few, I mean Black Temple, Hyjal, and Sunwell. The party mechanics aren't there until you start to think about things. Say a warlock is your main DPS, and he suddenly runs out of mana with the boss at 30%, that's a wipe. The Kael'Thas fight is an excellent example. The tanking and kiting patterns in that fight are VERY complex. If one person misses a tank pattern, a lot of damage will ensue, meaning overheals, and a probable wipe. It's not about how do I interact with my team mates to kill this? in WoW, it's more about what do I do on my own to help as a whole? And as to your whole survival spec challenge, survival is a PvP spec and would be pointless in a raid. Go marks, the gear is the same =/ fail challenge.
    You want to talk about depth? Nine classes. Three specs for each class. Over 3000 quests front to back. I have three characters with over 20 days played time. The thing you get in WoW that Diablo will never replicate and honestly never shoul is the ability to goof around. Don't try to justify that you can do it in Diablo...it's nowhere near as entertaining as in WoW.

    Point made, I'm done hijacking this thread to just glorify WoW. Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2008
  17. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    Why not? Nothing sure has stopped you from busting out the first time bashing Diablo and putting WoW players up on their pedestals playing the "thinking man's game." Ignorance, really? Is that what we call that kind of behavior?

    OMG, really!? Over 3000 quests? Did you really expect only a handful when Blizzard is trying to suck out $15/month from you for as long as they can? Oh, wait, but aren't 1000 of them "go here and talk to so and so" and another 2000 "kill X number of Y mob or collect X number of item Y?" Wow, that's incredibly deep content.

    Ability to goof around, why, that's stellar! Because when I'm not actually playing a game for its content, I love to leave it on and do irrelevant things in it to waste my life away, why yes! People praising WoW talk about it as if it was a life style, not a game. The WoW lovers believe that living WoW is cool and as if WoW was first and best on everything. Why didn't you mention polygonal 3D graphics and fully colored skill icons while you were at it? And you talk as if mana management in group healing was something invented in WoW. Not to mention you pretty much agreed that there is basically no group/party mechanics in WoW, and it's all about memorizing specific sets of strategies for each dungeon.

    Games like FFXI and GW at least have "missions"(different from quests) that tie the player into the overarching story, even with cutscenes to remind you from time to time that there is a story beneath all the gameplay. 95% of WoW lore delivered in-game is pure crap and instantly forgettable. A few chain quests are enjoyable, but still doesn't immerse you into any good story telling. There really isn't much "RP" in WoW's MMORPG, it's just one ginormous time sink.

    In defending WoW's incredible depth, you can at least try more solid arguments like how party roles are flexible in WoW, instead of stating statistical BS like 9 classes 3 talent trees(saying 3 specs in your case is incorrect because 3 trees does not mean 3 specs) or how you can "goof off." In WoW, classes can spec differently to take on different roles in parties. Priests can spec shadow to be DD instead of healer, resto Druids can spec to tank/DD, Warriors can spec arms to DD, etc. The mainly DD classes can still usually choose between a DD or CC focus. Even then pigeon-holing is still significant in WoW, but at least roles can be switched up for people who like that. I can tell you that FFXI has a sub-job system with I think 20 jobs, that's around 400 possible class combinations, but that doesn't really tell anyone if the game is good or bad. Stats like that can just stay on the game boxes.

    BTW, bragging about WoW playtime isn't really anything to be proud of. I see that you put it out to make a "I know WoW better than you" argument, but nonetheless. In fact, most WoW lovers have very little experience in other online games, which is often why they swear by WoW. I think WoW is a very very easy and very very shallow game. But even then, there is one thing I love about it. It is the fact that WoW brought millions of fresh blood into the online gaming scene, tons of whom never played anything close to an MMO or RPG before. That, WoW gets mad props for. Anything else, is your own opinion.

    Like I said, you can drown in your own WoW fantasy all you want, just not how you did it here. Assuming everyone else's ignorance while glorifying the game you like as a "thinking man's game" and saying Diablo is only "click, click, click, click" in a Diablo thread, is nothing more than an insult to everyone else here.
  18. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i disagree with you about the goof-offing, i, fr an exaple, do it a lot, i played for over a year on one character without even reaching lvl 70(i have TBC)

    for teh rest i kinda agree with you, though i will still start playing WoW again soon(even though teh quests suck)