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Current issues and questions i have for Terran

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Mar 11, 2008.

Current issues and questions i have for Terran

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. AcE_01

    AcE_01 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    @ych9 idea
    maybe have a warning sign for the enemies like the nuke. and just give it some time for the bombs/missiles/wateva to land.
    i think it shouldnt be anywhere. i think the thor should be abit closer. like...say halfway through the map, with the line of sight. and offcourse sending the thor to nuke by itself is not good. it need its backup.

    i have mixed feelings about your idea...i like and dont like.
    i just wish that the thor is like a Power Rangers style thing. like it can be detached to make 5 diff small machine all with diff weapons and when it goes back to the thor. it will have more weapons than the...cannon that they just have right now.

    but my wishlist:
    blizzard!! all you need to do now is kinda play around with the thor, alot!! AND the mothership!! and change the thor back to what it was (maybe a little tweak here and there for balanced) and give the thor 2 ground attacks (eg those cannon and probablty some ground misslies) and give it a normal, not too powerful air attack. as wth the mothership...just change it back to the superunit that was first presented in korea, maybe just tweak the blackhole since it was too powerful in your opinion.

    yeah bring back the medic, reapers are units that are meant to die after going on a ambush mission. your not s'posed to expect that they'll survive and come back. only reason the reapers will come back is:
    1. the defence is heavily guarded and you change your mind.
    2. you start attacking, and the defence come afterwoulds. losing some reapers
    3. you defeat the whole base and your reapers come back.

    and when attacking with your whole army, you'll tell the reapers to come from the side/back yeah? so like...they probably die, but they will help you bring down the base...which is the main purpose of attacking.

    so yeah bring back the medic plz =D

    i like everything else as it is right now for the terrans =] gj blizzard

    EDIT: @zeratul, maybe give the thor the plasme thorpedoes? then BC and thor combination will be killer...probably too OP
  2. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    but giving the thor the plasma torpedo might contribute to the overlapping problem with the siege tanks.

    my suggestion keep all the thor attack passive, high strong damage but NOT splash damage. the arm canons would fire fast and one shot a marine, the yamato charging energy on its artillery would be effective for armored units like the ultra or coloosus, but it will have a long cooldown. and plus the thor can take damage as well then its completely different from the tanks.
  3. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I think Blizzard can bring back this ability and implement it to the Thors.
    This idea was taken from an interview from GameSpy and Dustin Browder talked about what initially, the Infestor art was before.

    Although they scrapped the ability because it wasn't working at that time, I'm sure Blizzard can find a way to make it work. 14 to 15 range is alot and having the ability to intercept artillery piece is a very unique idea. This ability would fit the Thors perfectly.
  4. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    You know what Thor needs?

    This. Red instead of blue, with line of fire AoE against ground units. At first I was laughing when I thought of this, but then I began to wonder.

    On infantry issues - does anyone think that the marine, medic, marauder, reaper and ghost all being produced from the Barracks was bad? Joneagle_X made a comment in the Irvine article about the number of units that "plague the Barracks." The Starport made 5 different unit types in SC1, and it didn't really seem like a bad thing to me. They (infantry) all have their uses, right?
  5. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I dont like that idea for the Thor.

    I would like to see him in short range high damage, high hp, high armor, passive walking thrashing and bashing robot kind of style.
  6. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    ^ likewise.

    flamethrower for mechs are mediocre unless its for a low class looking mech uhm like the goliath. xp
  7. Quanta

    Quanta New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Quick wish list

    Give banshee back their AoE
    Give use a AtA unit with splash
    Make Thor direct damage base cracker/anti armor

    I like the Jackal but I wonder if it is really needed if the banshee has aoe again. I think it is but I'm not 100% sure. They would have a similar role but I think they could be different enough for it to work. Banshees also has a role as a raider and exploiter of stealth, I think so long as the Jackal also has a unique secondary role they can coexist.

    If reaper out, bring it back
    I think I like the medic more than the medevac dropshit.
  8. myrcutio

    myrcutio New Member

    Jan 9, 2008
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    I don know why everyone hates the medivac so much, i think a dropship with AoE heal is a great idea, just drop in some units and leave it where it is to support them. I'm sure blizz will make it a low enough tier to be worthwhile, maybe it'll be made from the factory instead of the starport.

    As for the Thor, it does feel a bit emasculated right now. It really should be a super unit, probably with a single bombard that hits air AND land. Possibly, also give it a bunker buster, like a tactical nuke or something. Better than ghost since it's harder to be destroyed, but cheaper than the full on ICBM nukes the ghost uses.
  9. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    How fast does the marauder shoot? And can he be stimpacked and what about hp,armor and cost, supply and is it at the same spot as the medic in the tech tree?

    As for the Thor, there are a lot of directions blizz can take him. Terran have a few roles that currently dont have a very secure representative.

    Ground to Air attack.

    Non-siege tank ground AoE - the jackal has yet to pass the test. I would rather see the Thor replace it in some shape or form.

    Tanker unit(one that soaks up damage)
  10. WuHT

    WuHT New Member

    May 29, 2007
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    So basically you want to give Terrans an "archon" class unit ? These wonderous do-it-all Attack-ground type units are more for the zerg/toss, and terrans are all about tactics in the usage of their units (ie specialized).

    Now unless thor has a knock-back shot, then i dunno what to give him. GtA is definately lacking for terrans, as morphing vikings into air units make them vulnerable to AtA of the other races.

    The problem with roles is this :
    -Tanker unit ? Battlecruisers looked to be one of the highest HP units in the game.
    For somethign to block off melee units, a supply depot wall would function as a tank as well.
    And unless they removed defensive matrix, that's an instant make-a-tank right there.

    GtA = marines ... and lots of em. Would fall to high armored capital ships. Dunno how lockdown or the anti-zerg GtA would be like.

    Non siege Aoe ? In SC you had firebats (mediocre) and spider mines. Hopefully there will be changes to the nomad. Siege tank aoe was never as crazy as reavers, but because they were so inexpensive you could get a small squadron which makes up for the lack of individual AoE . Now that tanks are costlier, i can see the terran AoE lacking (they still have the high insta-hit long range high damage firepower)
  11. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Well it seems like the ground AoE and AtA unit is required the most so i guess the thor can take those roads
  12. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    I'd rather it work like Cruise Missles, but generally its a cool concept for an attack. Imagine a barrage of these cruise missles bearing down onto the enemy. Also. giving them the chance to shoot it means your own units can get in more hits.

    Fire a barrage (5-7 missles) with an energy cool down, or continuously fire but it has a recoil cool-down?
  13. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I would actually love the thor to be a like a mobile missle unit.

    Like the Russian katyushas, firing barages of missles at the enemnies both air and ground.
  14. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Whatever happens to the Thor, I hope it gets revamped immediately. This is SC2 we are talking about, not SC1. I would hate to see the Thor acting like a souped up version of the Goliaths. It's just very unimaginative. You create such a kick-ass looking model and then you don't put any effort into its creativity on how it functions on the battlefield.

    I hope Blizzard puts the Thor as a top priority list for must change thing.
  15. AcE_01

    AcE_01 Active Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    after they finish with the zerg =D lolololol
  16. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    *Smacks Ace on the nose with a rolled up newspaper*

    Zerg can wait. Blizzard needs to finish repairing the Terran, with whatever they think needs it.
  17. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Exactly. Terran needs to be polished ASAP before they can work with the damm Zergs.
    First, they become lazy and make the Thor a half assed unit. (Been create from the factory and functioning as a souped up Goliath). Then from the recent rumor from the China build, they removed the fricking Drop-Pods. Are you kidding me Blizzard? You simply removed 2 of the most unique ideas for the Terrans and make them both half-assed. So what is next? Remove the air-form from the Vikings and make them a ground unit only? HORRAY, now we have 2 versions of the Goliaths. Goliath #1 (Viking), and Goliath #2 (Thors).

    I'm extremely disappointed with what Blizzard is doing with the Terrans.
  18. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I agree, even though I never play Terran.

    I think the drop pod is a better idea than EMP, that sounds like something the nomad would have. The zerg and protoss both have ways to quickly get units into the battle (protoss has warpin and the zerg has the nydus worm) but the terrans only have the med-dropship.

    That raises another issue, why get rid of the medic? That was the only thing that made Terran infantry so hard to kill. Sure the dropship can heal, but you now no longer have a strong, early ground force.

    They need to fix the Thor. I think the thor already is high on thier priority list since they keep messing with it.
  19. Wlck742

    Wlck742 New Member

    Jul 15, 2007
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    I agree. The Thor especially needs a lot of work. It looks like they're throwing in every idea they can think of and see how they work out. But this is Blizzard we're talking about, not EA or some other crap company. They're just trying out new things and seeing how they work. They're not going to give us anything short of perfection in the end product. Besides the builds change so often the current one's different from China's or Korea's.
  20. Cerberus

    Cerberus Guest

    The thor instead of the single shot arm guns should have multi-shot lasers so it could deal with taking on large groups of enemies and not be as useless as it is. How is it supposed to kill something without using the gun barrage ability. When you spend a lot of resources you want something that can get the job done not some hunk of metal that just sits there!

    One problem I have with the battle cruiser is that it doesn't look "menacing" The battle cruiser should be bigger (Like an actual capital ship) and do more damage. blizzard could add more super weapons options too something else other than plasma torpedoes

    With the ghost.....
    when infantry of any race is close to the ghost he should pull out a powerful silenced submachine gun similar to the commandos in c&c3 because in some cases when the ghost is outnumbered that sniper rifle is gonna be useless against those odds

    Marines also could have the ability to throw grenades

    Blizzard DEFINITELY redesign the siege tank because it is SOO FUCKING ugly the tank mode should have double barreled guns so it could do some damage instead of always doing siege mode ALL THE TIME

    The dropship could have a gunner position so it could shoot incoming enemies and defend the drop point