Concerns over Terran Raven/Nighthawk

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Novacute, Jun 5, 2009.

Concerns over Terran Raven/Nighthawk

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Novacute, Jun 5, 2009.

  1. Ste

    Ste New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    what unit is comparable to the valkeryri (sp?)

    I just saw a match between july zerg and skyhigh and 2-3 valkerris rly pwn zerg air units...
  2. Cotcan

    Cotcan New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    Must be why there is no unit like the valkyrie in sc2. It's too powerful against zerg units. I believe I heard or read that all the units in sc1 would be in the editor. I don't know if it's true or if blizzard changed their minds. I would love to see what the valkyrie looks like using the sc2 engine.
  3. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    The reason the Valkyrie is not in Starcraft II probably has nothing to do with it "being too powerful against Zerg units." Even if it was too powerful in Brood War (which I don't think it was, it was underused if anything), Starcraft II is a new game and Blizzard could totally revamp and/or adjust its damage output, etc. It's much more likely that they wanted Starcraft II to be different from the original by bringing back only a few, more iconic and loved units. I know few Starcraft players who count the Valkyrie among their favorites. It'd also be equally likely that Blizzard simply didn't like it, so they didn't bring it back.

    It's been confirmed that many older units (especially units that were originally in the game but scrapped, like the Firebat) will be in the Starcraft II editor and even the single-player campaign. I would guess though that the Valkyrie would not be among them, since I don't think it ever was in the build, nor have we heard Blizzard talk about it at all.
  4. Cotcan

    Cotcan New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    Your right, ninerman13. I just researched it myself. It said most of the units would be in the editor. One of them being the protoss dragoon. Seeing how they have not said much of the other units, we can guess it will be there. There is a high chance of it being there. But for me, I believe if the Valkyrie will be in the editor, it will look closely to the banshee. I can see the banshee firing at air targets with it's multiple missiles. Seeing how the banshee does the same thing as the Valkyrie, but at ground instead of air. They may leave the Valkyrie out of the editor. But us map makers can easily make the banshee like the Valkyrie. Which is good enough for me.
  5. BoxofGlocks

    BoxofGlocks New Member

    Jul 6, 2009
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    I'm rather sure that many if not all (and I'm sure that it's the latter) units will be featured purely because they'll assist in the "guerrilla" feel of Raynor's troops (being outdated etc) as well as his renegade allies/perhaps outdated enemies. That way we're thinking "Giggity I haz a platoon of firebats ready to roll WHAT THE HELL THOSE ARE NOT VULTURES THOSE ARE HELLIONS, YOU, SIR, HAVE JUST REVOLUTIONIZED WARFARE TIME TO MAKE NEW UNITS" which fits perfectly with the scenario lore. That being, we are standing against a huge threat (whatever govt. is in charge) who possesses the latest technology and we have last gen tech.
  6. Cotcan

    Cotcan New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
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    Your right, BoxofGlocks. But I know for sure not all of the old units that will be in the campaign. The only old units I know for sure that will be in the campaign are ones they tried to bring back but then scrapped. All of the scrapped units will be in the campaign. But what I'm talking about is that the Valkyrie should be in the editor. At least the model. They did say many of the old sc1 units would be in the editor. Hopefully the Valkyrie is in there too. It didn't have a bad old design. We alrighty got the weapon for it on the banshee. A slight adjustment will bring the Valkyrie back. I only care if they are sticking in all the old unit's models at least from sc1 in the editor.