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Concern: Protoss early tier armored counter

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Novacute, Sep 27, 2009.

Concern: Protoss early tier armored counter

Discussion in 'Protoss' started by Novacute, Sep 27, 2009.

  1. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Saying that lore is of no importance is just an opinion. If it isn't, then graphics aren't important too. They might as well replace all units and doodads with differently coloured orbs then, since it doesn't directly affect gameplay.

    There's also such a thing as the game's experience. All elements need to be balanced with each other, not just on their own. It's up to each individual player to decide what element is most important to them.

    For example, I would choose this:
    Gameplay - Lore - Graphics
    45% - 45% - 10%

    Maybe yours would be:
    75% - 5% - 20%

    I wouldn't know. The thing that has always attracted me to playing Starcraft is the lore. If I want to play a well balanced game, then there are more titles to choose from. Starcraft is awesome in balance, but it's gameplay just isn't as ground breaking as it was a decade ago. It looks like the gameplay in Starcraft 2 is now up to date, but that doesn't mean that the game is perfect again. I'll be one of those players who's going to buy all three versions. The storyline and lore are important to me. If you want perfect balance, then go and play ladder for the next decade. I'll be playing custom scenarios, and wait for a Starcraft MMO.

    So just to be very, very clear: gameplay is extremely important, but you have to understand that most people care for the lore just as much. I'm just going to keep my fingers crossed for OMG LAZORZ. In a few campaign scenarios, that is.
  2. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I think this conversation has started to miss its mark, so I'll just say this. Lore being important is completely different to lore being used to balance gameplay. Graphics, on the other hand, are both an integral part of gameplay, and almost completely independent from balancing.
  3. PancakeChef

    PancakeChef New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Not trying to sound like a total nerd here but there is a difference between "lasers" and energy weapons. Just because its a shiny beam of light doesn't necessarily mean it has to be a laser.

    You also do realize lore wise the Protoss are extremely powerful but the other races have been able to hold their own for the most part by numbers and adaptability which the Protoss lack.

    I mean come on in the lore Tassadars carrier was able to take an entire fleet of battle cruisers by himself and the Protoss also had the ability to incinerate entire planets. I mean if that was reflected in gameplay it would be ridiculous.

    If lore is the most important part for you Aurora then why isn't just the story and lore itself good enough? If gameplay isn't your priority and lore is why would the lore have to reflect in gameplay?

    On the other hand I think Blizzard does a good job with reflecting the lore in the gameplay while still keeping it balanced. I mean the Protoss still have the strongest single units and the most advanced technology.

    I mean it seems like you won't be satisfied until 1 stalker can take like 5-10 marauders or something.
  4. Gardian_Defender

    Gardian_Defender New Member

    Nov 30, 2008
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    Who in there right mind uses stalkers to kill marauders? Ifnyou weren't drunk you would know that zealots with speed upgrade kick msrauders ***!

    And a scout taking on a fully amored unit with mini nukes? That is a break through, not for the toss tho they've been able to do that for a long time. You send a zealot and unless there's a huge army the zealot can take it, I mean a zealot in SC1 vs a tank in SC1 is a no brainer, zealot wins especialy with speed, zealot runs up to it tank starts to morph, and then boom! Tank explodes.

    Ok maybe a zealot isn't the best SC1 scout maybe an opserver is a beater scout then zealots due to cloak but w.e, my point is why are we discussing how the stalker can't go up against a unit that mostly pwns them, if you want to kill msrauder use a few zealots, if you want to get owned by maruader then send in some stalkers.
  5. Bthammer45

    Bthammer45 New Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    Yes zealots are a much better counter versus marauders.

    Also ill state this stalkers only lost 3 damage but got their shields boasted back up to 80 (over 40) so in essence there a lot better.

    Although I would like to say this it seems that giving the marauder the stim pack ability is a bit overdue it but their must of been a reason blizz did this and if its still their in beta we will have to see how it works.
  6. alex1

    alex1 New Member

    Sep 2, 2009
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    I agree I would use Zealots vs Marauders, but who said Protoss had "the strongest single units"? You might be mixing up with SC1 or over-generalizing PancakeChef.

    I'll just note down a few remarks:
    strongest ground unit: Thor or Ultra (with GtA and Bombardment ability my money would be on Thor)
    strongest Air Unit: BC (with numerous abilities such as Torpedoes, Yamato or Matrix)
    ...... and .... oooops! these units are not Protoss but Terran (Mothership is not an offensive unit btw).

    You could argue of course that a Zealot has more HP than a Marine but I think this is just ridiculous...
  7. PancakeChef

    PancakeChef New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    It depends on what you mean by "strong" I'm talking about stats like damage and hp etc. I'm pretty sure a single Zealot could take 2 or 3 marines if it was an even match up skill and situational wise.

    So then would you say a zergling is just as strong as a marine or zealot? oh and the argument the marine or zealot has more hp or damage is ridiculous ;).

    Its funny how you havnt even played the game at all, an unfinished one at that and are already naming strongest units and how the outcome of battles would be.
  8. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    Alex I believe you are forgetting a couple of things, Archons and Carriers. Archons could go toe to toe with Ultras in Sc1 consdiering they now both have AoE attacks it is very likely the same is also true in Sc2. Also, in Sc1 Carriers beat BCs with better speed, acceleration, and range. In Sc2 none of that has changed (in fact the Carrier now has a longer range) and the BCs main attack has been changed so it isn't as powerful against Armored units (i.e. the Carrier). Finally, no one is currently sure about the status of the Mothership but it is a unit and it has an attack, I am pretty sure that means it can be an offensive unit and no matter what version you are talking about its attack has been sufficient to kill a BC 1 v. 1.
  9. alex1

    alex1 New Member

    Sep 2, 2009
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    I still see a Thor with 400 HP, BC with 600 hp (+200 if matrix)... yes Pancake this is still ridiculous :)

    I have played the game as many times as you did i.e. 0 time so yeah... so Im basing my points on the information from the Wikia. See it for yourself. I know, it's funny, isn't it? :D
  10. bragesjo

    bragesjo New Member

    Jul 4, 2008
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    Accordning to other stats sites, the BC has 550 hp. Also about the Matrix, if a BC has enough energy it can be casted agian right after its deplition. However I assume that the Matrix works like in SC1 = some damage leeks in anyway and has a fixed duration.
  11. cameliatran

    cameliatran Guest

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  12. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    I think you're world wide website approach of a suicidal note shouldn't be posted on this thread.....

    On topic, I thought that Dark Templars where the answer for such armored units negating all defense and doing its pure damage? But of course, we know that Dark Templars are only as much effective along with their stealth and detection ruins their gameplay. Nonetheless, the protoss firepower seems fine to me as they don't really have that much troubles dealing with most units.. so far..
  13. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    And some other sites which updated due to BlizzCon 2009, like StarCraft Source also say 600. (It'll take beta to get the most accurate stats.)

    There is nothing to indicate that damage "leaks" through Defensive Matrix. I'm pretty sure I've seen unofficial reports (just people who went to BlizzCon 2009 posting on forums) complaining that damage does not leak through the Matrix. IMO, damage leakage wouldn't make sense anyway, at least not unless Blizzard puts how damage leakage works in the tooltip.