Community Writing Challenge - Terran

Discussion in 'The Arts' started by EatMeReturns, Sep 23, 2007.

Community Writing Challenge - Terran

Discussion in 'The Arts' started by EatMeReturns, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    woah.... maybe once you finished an entire chapter you could make it in one big post... or more
  2. Ensomgrav

    Ensomgrav New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    With the loudest kaboom Sev had ever heard, the door the charges had been set on splintered into so many sharp peices of shrapnel. How ever , what ever the organic growth was, had apparently been vaporized by the charge. Sev and Giles both had their backs pressed up against the wall, one on each side of the now blasted open door. Giles peeked around the corner of the door, and to his surprise, saw that falcon squad wasn't actually dead. Their twisted forms lay sprawled out against the cold concrete floor, but still they writhed with sickening life. Chitinous tentacles now sprouted from where their shoulders were and their eyes glowed red through the darkness of each broken helment visor.
    Giles had seen enough when one of them rose to its feet, and with a gut wrenching scream of agony, began to wake the others from their transformation slumber..... [man im lazy. i'll write more later]
  3. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    He gritted his teeth and let loose. After a moment's hesitation, Sev opened fire, too. The scream was incomparable to the onslaught of noise that erupted in the echoing Hangar. Damned idiot... Giles thought. He dashed in through the door, shredding one of the faster infested as he went. "Move your ***, Sev! GET TO THE TURRETS!" Sev stopped firing and realized he had a job to do. Following Giles through the door, he immediately headed toward the nearest autogun panel and opened up the programming process. Giles continued to fire, spilling gallon after gallon of crimson blood. And yet still more came. What the hell is going on?! Falcon didn't have this many units! He loaded his last clips. They were in for some serious ****.

    Norris heard gunfire directly behind the steel door before him. 'Hangar Entrance' read a sign above. During his brisk jog, the presence had grown every more stronger until it had a voice. The keycode is 7913-QRD, Norris... his mind told him. He punched in the combination, and the door hissed open. Before him was chaos: Several infested terran were assaulting what appeared to be a couple of clean soldiers holding out in the far corner of the chamber. His instinct reached for his gun, while his arms stayed at his sides. His feet moved toward the closest Vulture steadily, now oblivious of the battle around him. Start the engine, Norris...

    "Medic Starr Carly reporting for duty, sir!" The general appraised his newest underling. She appeared slender, despite the medic powersuit she wore, and seemed young. Much too young for war. "Excellent, see to the wounded soldiers immediately." Carly saluted and practically marched off toward the two injured men. Much too young for war...

    The lone, bleeding reaper refocused his gaze. He wouldn't be able to fight the venom much longer. He lazily checked his wrist, which surprisingly indicated the Medic directly below him. Without a single thought, he released the controls and plummeted just as he passed out-straight through the loose forest sand; straight through the weakened installation ceiling-directly in front of Starr.
  4. Ensomgrav

    Ensomgrav New Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    ( i really dont know where this is going any more, but here goes nothing)
    The roar of the vultures ion thrusters firing up amidst the chaos of battle immediately caught Giles off guard, and his head cocked in the direction of the noise. With a flick of his wrist , a small missile darted towards the bike and its pilot, and the computer viruses began to work their way into the vulture's thrust control computer, shutting the vehicle down temporarily. He then refocused his attention on the incoming infested terrans, although his gun had never stopped firing. 3 of the 5 infested terrans were no more then a few yards away, bleeding a sickly green ooze on the floor as they gurgle their last breaths. When Giles looked for the other two, still wary of any surprise attacks, he noticed that they had been dispatched by Sev.
    Giles then turned again to the vulture, the pilot was still trying to start the bike in a desperate fashion.
    "Its not going to work until I give the release command, I suggest you start giving us some answers before i decide you're infested with something also." said Giles.
    The pilot still tried to start the bike.
    "Weapons free." said Giles, as he fired once with a pistol at the pilots head. A clean bullet hole appeared on the mans forehead. and he collapsed , gushing blood all over a cold steel floor.
    Giles then pushed a few buttons on his gauntlet, and the bike powered up once more.
    "Sev , Mount up! We're getting the hell out of here" said Giles.
    "But what about all the men inside here?" said Sev
    " Tell them we're falling back to the rally point" said Giles.
    Sev keyed his comm unit and said " All units! This Sev, this facility has been compromised, Fall back to the rally point!"
    The hangar door faced west and the sun was setting in the distance, Giles mounted one of the vulture bikes, and so did Sev. They revved their engines and the ion thrusters trailed blue as they rode off into the dusk .
    [will write more painfully tired]