Btw for those asking about if units will use air or ground on the Coloussus, this may help you. [img width=500 height=375][/img] Note the Stalker is using it's air attack.
These numbers seem about right. I specifically remember the Colossus being 200/200 mins/gas at BlizzCon. Of course, as always, these numbers could easily have changed by now, and could easily change by the time the game is released. furrer, I think you might be overestimating the strength of the unit if you are going to give it that kind of mineral price. It is actually pretty close to the Immortal or the Siege Tank in raw strength, it's no superunit.
One thing I've always wondered is when a unit attacks a colossus and it can hit both ground and air targets, how would it decide which attack to use? Also, if a air unit did 6 damage to ground targets, and 20 for air targets, or vice versa, would it always to the attack that would do the most damage, or would it be random?
That's what I figured, but there isn't any word from Blizzard that I know of that talked about how units decided which attack to use.
Why do people keep on saying that the Phoenix is weak? The Phoenix looks like the ultimate Air-to-Air fighter. They've got more health than the Mutalisks, it does more damage, has longer range and is faster. Also, if that isn't enough, it has Overload, that can rip almost anything out of the sky. Why would then need Stalkers? Phoenix are designed to take on lots of air units. That's their purpose. They might not be too good for taking down capital ships, because that's pretty much what the Warp Ray is for, but as we all know Mutalisks aren't capital ships. I wouldn't think that Mutalisks are particularly strong to counter. They are an extremely versatile unit, basically the jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none, so when they come up against a specialized Air-to-Air unit, why would they be stronger? The Phoenix has more health than the Mutalisk, an its Overload ability enables it to attack the six closest targets with a huge attack speed bonus, so when you use this ability, it's basically like having six buffed Phoenixes attacking at once. Also, the Phoenix looks much stronger than the Corsair ever was. The Corsair only had the Disruption Web which is useless against a 20+ swarm of Mutalisks, and a weak but fairly fast attack. How is it not cut out to be an Anti-Air fighter?! It has a decent amount of health for a non-capital ship, and Overload can drastically increase its damage output several times over. Also, why can't this unit be microed as well as any other? It is faster, stronger, tougher and has more range than Mutalisks. If anything, that means that it'd be much easier to micro Phoenixes than Mutalisks. 'Just a scout with an ability and less air attack power'? That's just like saying that the Reaper is just a weak Marine with a few abilities, or the Stalker is just a weak Dragoon with an ability, or the Siege Tank is just a weak tank with an ability. There are two things wrong with all of these statements. First, no-one actually knows how strong they are until the game is finalized, and second, each of those abilities aren't just 'an ability', they are crucial to the unit's success. Imagine a Reaper that couldn't jump cliffs or throw D8 Charges, or a Stalker without Blink or a Siege Tank without Siege Mode. It just wouldn't work at all. So why do you describe Overload just being 'an ability'? In short, I feel that the Phoenix is much more powerful than people think. I would much rather have my Colossus backed up with Phoenixes than Stalkers. Colossus are the ultimate Anti-Ground attackers, and Phoenix are the ultimate Anti-Air attackers. However that's not to say that I wouldn't have anything else, but these two seem to go hand-in-hand.
Do you think Collossi will be able to walk across water/rivers as well as cliffs? It just seems those legs would be good for more then just crossing cliffsides.
I think it even was confirmed in a batch that they cannot cross rivers. If it wasn't, well, most people think they can't. It has been mentioned in a batch that Colossi can step over Nullifier Force Fields.
All inter-tier units are able to cross small rivers, or so I've heard. Gasmaskguy says differently. Reapers could just jet-pack across, and Colossi could probably just be able to step. It might be able to walk across the river bed, but that wouldn't work when it a space-station type map. However they obviously won't be able to jet-pack or walk to other islands in island maps, etc.
Yeah, what I said was also something I've just heard. I am gonna head over to BoP's briefing room and read all the batches, maybe then we will know. EDIT* I found nothing that said a Colossus could step over rivers. They mentioned in an old batch that they like that an enemy has to deal with the defenders base layout, but that they might give the Colossus the ability to step over Supply Depots (and other smaller buildings) just for the sake of it, it can already step over cliffs that are way higher.
I must have missed that batch, I did read the thoughts about being able to step over supply depots though. It could be possible for them to cross small gaps/rivers but I think it would be really hard on the AI.
True. I thought I heard something about the Reaper being able to at one stage, but I must have misinterpreted what I read, and then applied it to the Colossus as well.
Well what we do know about both the Reaper and the Colossus is that they can jump/step over the destructible rocks that strategically blocks chokes and ramps etc.
Marine: Haha, this storage depot will block anything from entering! *colossus approaches* Colossus: Oh ,look, a blockage, how on Aiur will I ever get past it? Marine: You will never get through! *colossus walks over it* Colossus: Wow, that was easy. Marine: Sh*t!
Do you think there will be an animation for the Colossus when it dies? Like it's trying to force itself to get up (Sparks from its legs are sparking everywhere) then it fell back down and blows up. If this is going to happen there should be multiple death animations, but it also depends on what unit or weapon it is being attacked by.
All death animations aren't the same. I'm not sure where they specifically said it, but you can also see it as the Reapers, etc, die in the gameplay videos.
Yeah i think that a big unit like the Colossus will get 2 or more death-animations, and it could be cool if it was attacked by siege-tanks it would do that one with trying to stand up etc. , but if it were attacked by zerglings, lots or M´s, it would do something else
I'm sure they will do something like that. Remeber in the video when a Marine got slashed by a Zealot, if it was that long sweeping slash the Marine would get sliced in two.
they should also maybe make the death a damaging one, lets say it is over the enemy, then it falls on a group of them, it would be cool if the crushed experienced damage