Yes, I can't figure out how people can up with 'leet' to mean elite or how it got to represent 1337 and became so popular.
Yes and it's been posted a few times I believe It comes from the word élite (-> 'lite -> leet which is expressed in numbers by 1337 and this way of speaking in turn got its name from this number, called leetspeak [13375P34|<]). There are other ways of writing it, mind
well, if you flip it around( about the y- axis) and then turn it upside down( around x -axis) then 7 looks like L, 3 looks like E, and 1 looks like T, in a way. Anyways, isn't this a colossus thread?
Yes it is, I just wanted to know. Either way, people that think the colossus I bad because tanks will own them, good luck trying that. I'll just go up the cliffs and around them.
The colossus is a reaver in another form but I say the colossus' attk should be similar to the Warp ray effect since it continuously shoots at the enemy which cuts through its armor ;D
However, the colossus is much different than the reaver in the sence that you don't need to pay additional amounts of money to attack. Even though they are on the same part of the tech tree, thier roles can be used slightly different from each other. I do like your idea about it acting like the ray, I personally had been thinking along the same idea.
Hmm, I was just thinking about the Colossus being extremely vulnerable to air.. Karune keeps saying that. And with the new damage system in mind, would that mean that air units would do additional damage to the Colossus? It would be killed really easily that way, just as Karune says, because it still has an extreme amount of HP with upgrades AND it's fast, so it can outrun most units. I just can't come up with another explanation for this one.
What do you mean about the additional damage from air units? Even though the colossu sis fast and has a lot of HP, it is late tech, so getting an army of them won't come unlit later in the game. Also, they will be expensive, so most other players will have the advantage of numbers. Also, all defences can target the colossus, meaning that every damage dealing building and unit can hurt the colossus, thus they would take on damage quickly.
Man, now stalkers and phoenixs will be much more important in my colossus raids. I was kind of hoping to be able to build 2-3 colossi and raid enemy towns, but with the additional damage, that would be suicide.
The more powerful a unit is the more weaknesses it has. That's how Blizzard keeps early tier units from becoming obsolete, and honestly it's a beautiful thing.
I know. marines/zerglings/zealots are still useful, even during the end game. Zergling armies can deal massive damage when they become cracklings. Marines are excellent as GTA defences and offences. Zealots are great when they get the speed upgrade.
But colossus are meant for either harassing, or disturbing and side support But they still hav the mind of a reaver it actually is the reaver but in another body havent u heard what it says when u click on it?
I heard that to. It's just the old Reaver sound, but I doubt that isn't going to be changed before the final version of the game will be released. The Colossus isn't a pure robotic unit. I still is being controlled by a crew, which is kind of obvious because it has a cockpit. That's what I meant to say. Since Starcraft now uses a Warcraft like bonus damage system, it is likely that ground to air / air to air attacks gain a bonus when firing at a Colossus. But with that in mind, the Protoss still don't have a reliable raiding unit, since the Colossus will be killed rather quickly when a base has, even when it's at a minimal level, some air units present at the time Colossus units arrive. The only other raider that will stand a chance is the Stalker unit with its Blink ability, but I doubt it will be able to do enough damage to really change the tide of a battle on its own. If you still want to Blink out before the shields run out, you will only have a few seconds to attack, especially in late game when hight tier units are available. (like the Mothership, which will totally own Stalkers)
Just quickly, on the topic of the Colossus being able to be attacked by Anti-Air attacks. WE all know that it can be hit by Anti-Air and the Thor cannot, but is the Colossus actually taller than the Thor in-game? I know that the Thor is wider and longer, but is the Colossus taller? If it isn't then the Thor should also be able to be hit by anti-air. Back on topic. Blizzard are obviously going to change what the Colossus says before they release StarCraft2. It would really detract from the game if it sounded exactly the same as the Reaver. Also, I think that it's good that the Protoss aren't effective raiders. Protoss shoud focus on full frontal assaults, not sneaking around picking off a unit here and there. The Terran should be more reliable base raiders, and from what we've seen, they are. Drop-Pods can be called down by a Ghost, which is invisible to the enemy so there is no sure-fire way of stopping it. Vikings can by-pass bases/outposts and terrain making them good at raiding. Reapers can by-pass cliffs, and their D-8 charges are extremely effective against buildings. Banshees are also able to do a significant amount of damage while cloaked. The Protoss don't have many abilities like this, so they have to rely on brute force, instead of raiding. Protoss will still be able to raid, but not as effective as other teams.
The stalker will be useful for raiding, een if its attack isn't very high. It's AA will keep air units from killing the colossus as well, and it's blink makes it a very effective basr raider and support unit for the colossus. The colossus doesn't need to live very long to do massive damage. It can destroy the entire supply line in only seconds. Also with a compined life and shield equaling about 400 life, the colossus won't die in a few seconds unless attacked by a large force of armored or air units, infantry don't stand a chance. And if there are only some air units, the stalkers will kill them off before any heavy damage is done to the colossus.
I don't really get that post either ijffdrie, maybe you could give us some kind of explanation? I don't get it Eonmaster, are you suggesting that it should just be destroyed when you use it in a way like that? That would be a total loss of minerals and really noobisch. But you are totally right about what you say about the damage. 144 per shot is indeed a lot. You could be right about that, but I think the Colossus is actually taller. Let me explain: If you look at a Immortal and a Siege Tank, you will see they are roughly the same size in height. Now look at the newly released screenshots: You can see that the Immortal unit reaches to about 1/4 of the height of a colossus. The Siege Tank however, reaches higher, to about 1/3 of the Thor. With this in mind, I think we can say that the Colossus is actually higher then the Thor, so no AA fire against the Thor. :thumbup:
I meant that the colossus could do massive damage before it would be destroyed. Sacrificing one colossus to totaly destroy the enemies supply line is definatey not noobish. In fact, they will need to spend more than a colossus costs just to rebuild workers to get the supply flowing again, while you are constantly getting farther ahead of them, and building larger armies to overrun him.