Cheap Sci-Fi Movies

Discussion in 'The Arts' started by Frosty, Nov 27, 2007.

Cheap Sci-Fi Movies

Discussion in 'The Arts' started by Frosty, Nov 27, 2007.

  1. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    My review will feature Phantom Force, tagged horror with an age limit of 15 by the local TV channel. Hungarian dubbing.

    Story: 3/5
    Appaling. An elite crew is sent onto a ghost submarine to retrieve an ancient rock that can serve as the gate between the normal world and... I didn't get what, some freaky dimension. They manage to bring it to the surface but local authorities trick them and all hell breaks loose (literally). The authorities are butchered by both the demons and the leftover of our elite crew, and then the stone is destroyed and peace is restored.

    Tools/Effects: 3/5
    Effects were mediocre, not bad but the plastic hatchets the demons used were lame. I liked the laser gun the elite crew had which made things vanish. Explosions were mere sparks but I did get the idea so I'm not complaining.

    Characters: 4/5
    The usual stereotypes of muscleman being responsible for weapons and geeky boy in glasses doing the fancy stuff with his machine, to name a few. However, there were some funny dialogues (note: I watched with a Hungarian dub which might amplify the greatness). Note to self: screaming each other's names over a closed door will not open it.

    Ridiculousness rating: 2/3
    A great amount of contradictions and clichés would hint that this is a keeper yet I get the impression that this was planned to be a serious movie. The blue laser guns were entertaining as I've never seen anything like it in my life.

    Verdict: I want my 90 minutes back. Avoid it if you want to be thrilled, watch it twice if you want some giggles.
  2. longlivefenix

    longlivefenix New Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    i like the general 192-50s (or so)
    i dont remember when tvs were made

    its really cheesy but halarious
    its shot in black and white with piano music and no voices

    o wait... its not scifi *runs away and hides in a corner*
  3. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    My next review will feature American cyborg: steel warrior, rated sci-fi movie with an age limit of 15 by the TV channel RTL Club.
    Hungarian Dubbing.

    Story: 2/5
    The story takes place somewhere in America, 17 years after a nuclear war where the people affected by radioactivity are condemned and watched over by a network controlled by artificial intelligence, knows as “the systemâ€. A group of scientists must escort the only foetus in existence to the nearest ocean where it may be taken to safety in Europe but a cyborg with an elegant moustache is sent to destroy it. A guy called Austin tags along to defend the woman with the foetus but the well-built sidekick is later revealed to be a cyborg, but with emotions. They fight their way to the shore and accomplish their mission soon after the evil cyborg has been destroyed.

    Tools/Effects: 3/5
    Ranging from gas pipes breaking like twigs to plastic guns that require no reloading, the tools are just eye candy without any use. As if that wasn’t enough, they decided to mix a 2 second long beeping sound whenever the container with the foetus was shown. That means twice every minute. Who in their right mind would think that that's cool?

    Characters: 2/5
    They were practically doing a pantomime. And the odd “this way“ and “come on!!11†made it even worse, maybe because they prevented me from dozing off. And the fighting moves were appaling with their effortless procedures but overwhelming outcomes (think flying bodies)

    Ridiculousness Rating: 3/3
    Top of the class. I mean replicating “The Terminator†already calls for trouble but executing a project as bad as this is just unfair with the cast and the crew. And the audience. But human robots and nuclear disasters were a fashion back then so it might have been a hit in those days. But today, they're just a bunch of clowns.

    The title wasn’t enough to discourage me from watching it, nor was the fact that it was made in 1993 so I guess I was asking for it. But man, this was a waste of electricity and time. This isn't funny, not even in a sick twisted way. Stay away from it!
  4. Frosty

    Frosty New Member

    Nov 26, 2007
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    California U.S.
    wow this thread is still going lol cool anyway thanks for posting keep it up
  5. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    I'd like to keep on posting these reviews even if not on a regular basis. Since I did these (or at least the draft of it) right after watching the movie (at 1 am, daziness helps me highlight notable features), they are fairly accurate. They basically serve to let my feelings out and also to evaluate the movie for others.
  6. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    starship troopers? trying hard? lol