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campaign copying.

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Rex, Feb 22, 2009.

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campaign copying.

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Rex, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. Again, to clarify for Aedus, if you post here again I will only go straight to the moderators. I will not under any circumstances reply to you directly here. So, there's no point in you even posting about this again.

    I've done all I can in explaining these quotes to you. There's nothing left for me to do. If I got back into this with you then it would just be an infinite loop of something that's already been done. People saw what I meant enough to give me two reputation points so that should be the end of it. That speaks loudly of how sure they are of what I said.

    Now, you're just trolling.
  2. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    Jon, I know, but that's not what the argument is about. Tychus is saying that not some, but all, of the BW units will be in the editor, and claims that Blizzard has said this many times. Why does everyone automatically side with Tychus? Why is it ok for him to troll me but not the other way around? Because he's been here longer?

    I don't want to start any trouble, I just want answers to the following questions:

    I want to know where Tychus got this info:
    source post
    He's claiming that all the BW units will be in the editor, unless I'm somehow misunderstanding him. Clearly, if Blizzard has said this "MANY TIMES" then it shouldn't be hard to find.

    Here is the original conversation: link: http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/showthread.php?p=193644
    So why did Tychus disagree with me if he claims to be saying that not all the units will be in the editor?

    I'm a reasonable man. Find me a reasonable explanation and I'll drop the whole thing. :)
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  3. I'm sorry. I know I said I wouldn't respond again but this was too great of an opperunity to miss out on.

    So, you've finally come out in the open to admit that you thought that I said all unit models would be in the editor right? Well, take a look at this:

    Many =\= All

    As for this:

    I'm saying that all Brood War units that got past a certain point in development will be in the editor. These are the units mentioned by Joneagle_X. That's all I am saying. Scrapped units =/= Unannounced units. The fact that you still don't see this after so many posts of clarification is startling. I've explained this to you more times than is possible to count. But, to further clarify, I said that in such a way because of the context of the conversation. That is lost here. It makes much clearer sense when read with the other posts.

    You've ended this argument for me and for that I thank you. This can end now since everyone sees your error ......... again

    Moderators will be contacted .... again
  4. Aedus1160

    Aedus1160 New Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    That's not what you were saying in the context of the conversation.

    Let me clarify this then. Lanceleader said this:
    He is clearly referring to all of the original starcraft & brood war units. there is NOTHING that indicates otherwise, so I disagreed with him:
    This is where you disagreed with me. Tell me what "each of these units" are referring to?
    In the context of the conversation, it's referring to all of the original units.

    And here:
    there is nothing indicating that you're only referring to the units up to that time in development, as you clearly say "all StarCraft: Brood War units".

    Furthermore, I made it starkly clear in the thread that I was referring to only "some" units:
    If you truly were arguing the same thing as me, you'd have broken off the conversation. I couldn't break off the conversation because your posts did not look like they agreed with mine. Personally, I think you changed your argument in the middle of the thread after the stark realization that no such link exists as you claimed. Either you're lying, or your post was indeed misworded.

    I'm holding the flames back, and am not breaking any rules. So unless this board has a corrupt power structure, you contacting the moderators makes no difference.

    And again, all I want is answers to this.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2009
  5. darkone

    darkone Moderator

    Jun 29, 2007
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    You two are going at it like a married couple. Can it.

    This thread should just be locked, cause you two clearly can't stop having a go at the other.
  6. KuraiKozo

    KuraiKozo New Member

    Nov 1, 2007
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    Uranus lol =D
    locked. play nice, children.
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