Blizzards 5th Project - Confirmed

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by MeisterX, Mar 27, 2009.

Blizzards 5th Project - Confirmed

Discussion in 'Blizzard Forum' started by MeisterX, Mar 27, 2009.

  1. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    There is a limit to how much lore I can suck into my memory at once. :/
    I will leave this topic alone for a while now and start to think of some more custom missions. -I wish more people would. Meh, I will put a link in my signature. That one has sticky topic potential.-
  2. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    @ Meee. As I've said, all those things can be changed with time. In the following years of peace Warlocks could be exiled due to concerns for them being too closely linked to the Burning Legion, or perhaps no Orc in his or her right mind would actually want to be a Warlock, due to their relation with the Burning Legion. It could have perhaps become such a taboo that the Orcs are scared to think of becoming one as well. Then again, is there any reason why they shouldn't have Warlocks? It's been in the Orc bloodline for years, dating back to the first invasion, the Orcs have already become proficient in the ways of the Warlock and it makes up for their arcane inferiority under the Humans and Alliance.

    As for the Alliances, perhaps they could have drifted apart after all these years. Maybe, now that the common enemy has been vanquished, there could be much dislike and mistrust between the previously allied races. They could have, in the case of the Night Elves, have ventured back to their homeland and lost contact with the rest of the Alliance. Perhaps the Humans', Dwarves' and Gnomes' need for lumber could tear the two races apart. And again, perhaps you're being a bit overly critical of the events of World of WarCraft. For example, all sorts of races have sided with the Horde over the years during the RTS's, such as Goblins, Ogres, Forest Trolls, Darkspear Trolls and Tauren, so who's to say that the Forsaken and Blood Elves could not have? Is it just because it happened for World of WarCraft? Because Tauren and the Darkspear Trolls only happened for WarCraftIII... And there were all sorts of crazy alliances in WarCraftIII as well, like Illidan leading the forces of Blood Elves, Naga and Draenai, so perhaps it isn't an issue simply because it happened in World of WarCraft. But again, it could be said that as the Horde began to settle down, the Blood Elves continued their search for power and magic, leading them away from the Horde. Perhaps now that the Forsaken were not hunted and no longer rely on the Horde for protection, they too could have the freedom to leave and start their own race, perhaps in the recently cleared lands of Northrend. As I said, it's completely open.

    And simply because it can be given as a gift, it doesn't mean it's acquirable. For example, I could have something you want, but that doesn't mean you even have a chance at getting it. On top of that, the Night Elves, themselves, broke the conditions in which their immortality was given by failing to protect the World Tree. I see no reason why they should be made immortal again. And the fact still remains that it's simply lame that they can become immortal 'again'. Not only does it dampen the epicness of immortality itself, but it also seriously dampens the sacrifice they made to defeat Archimonde, as it wasn't actually a sacrifice at all. And again, why do they need to be immortal? What is the problem with a relatively younger race of Night Elves?
  3. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Would you not want to be immortal if you had the chance?

    And I knew I said I would leave this topic alone for now because of my lack in lore knowledge, but I just have to say this: the orcs were FORCED to become warlocks as far as I know. That Pit Lord that was killed by Thral in Warcraft 3 put his blood into some sort of fountain, the orcs drank from it and became more aggresive. That might have caused them to become warlocks in the long run. One more thing: what about the dranedei in the story?
  4. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    I really hope blizzard is creating a brand new franchise. Although the possibility for some original and awesome game-play mechanics is wide open, throwing some new lore on old titles can get dull after awhile of doing it. It would be cool to see a continuation of the warcraft story where it left off from frozen throne, but like someone said earlier it got kind of butchered by WoW. If they must do another add-on to one of their existing titles I think a "starcraft universe" would be cool ... basically, a MMO, RTS style ... just picture in your head how that would be like 0.o
  5. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    So what it could change with time? What I have a problem with is these things happening in the first place. Thrall being so keen on naturalistic ways wouldn't let warlocks operate under his nose like that. I'd understand warlocks being there disguised as shamans (similarly to voodoo trolls appearing as priests), but they just have an official guild.
    It's not far from your view on elves immortality, it just shouldn't have ever happened just like in your opinion elves shouldn't regain their long lives.
  6. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    More importantly is why would you want even a portion of the story centered at the night elves seeking a way to regain their immortality in the first place? It just seems lame to me, and also uncharacteristic of the night elves.
  7. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    @ Forsaken. It's not simply a matter of whether they want to or not. When I was asking those questions, I was asking from a gameplay and storyline point-of-view.

    And the blood of Mannoroth, if I remember correctly, is supposed to flow through all Orcs. The ones that drank from the fountain simply got even more, making them even stronger and more chaotic than the other Orcs. The Orcs that are isolated from such demonic energies are actually supposed to be brown.

    @ Meee. You're still assuming that Warlocks would still have to be in the Horde. As I said, it's completely open either way.

    And Thrall already lets them 'operate under his nose'. They're a part of the Horde, and have pledged to use their powers against the Legion, and not succumb to corruption.

    And yes, like it or not, it has happened, just like the Night Elves losing their immortality. That doesn't necessarily mean that they've lost their long lives, as their natural lifespan could still be hundreds of years old, what with their link with nature and extreme physical fitness and well being, it's just that they won't live for tens of thousands of years.
  8. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    No, I don't. I know it would be "long long ago, after the Legion's invasion, there were warlocks allowed in orgrimmar". But as you said it did happen. Which it wouldn't have if we went my way and scrapped WoW off entirely. It's possible that they'd be allowed on the basis of "we'll be good boys now", but to me Thrall seemed pretty keen on removing the taint from Horde and letting warlocks still deal with the art doesn't exactly help the case.
    Anyway, warlocks were just an example, there's more things better or worse that WoW did wrong, but I don't feel like going through that again.

    The elves thing? I was just pointing out that they did "acquire" immortality in the first (or second?) place. I don't think them searching for ways to regain it is such a great idea either. A faction of Night Elves wanting to get it back sounds feasible, but it's a part of their own campaign at most, not a material for whole sequel.
  9. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    And what about the Eredar (Warlocks)? They were with the legion, some of them became god-like, such as Archimode and KilJaden. It would be awesome if we could see how they became like that and how they became leaders of the leaders Legion. I know SarGerras could have done it, but he was defeated somehow, so he is probably not the one who created the Infernals and super Eredar people. They would become normal again after he died, which they did not. And we have not even mentioned the faceless ones yet...
  10. Jshep89

    Jshep89 New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    Maybe this un announced project is the game the new MMO is based off of. Maybe they intend on releasing it before the MMO and then release the MMO a year later. Also didn't blizzard specifically state that they were not going to make another WoW expansion?
  11. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    I'm not the biggest of Warcraft fans, and found WoW to be exceedingly dull, so I will move this back to the topic it is supposed to be.

    I would love for the 5th project to be the revival of Ghost. From what I read when it was in production, it looked very good, they just had troubles with time and cost overruns, and ended up working for consoles that were on their way out (Xbox and PS2 right before the PS3 and 360 came out). I enjoy shooters, and Blizzard doesn't have a showing in that field right now, so it would be a nice change.

    I'm up for anything really, though.
  12. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?

    Blizzard games version.
  13. Jshep89

    Jshep89 New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    I was told by some people at Gameinformer that Starcraft Ghost was cancelled due to a merger. Not the Activision merger but a differant one. In anycase Blizzard would have to much catching up to do in the shooter genre. That plus with a new Halo based game coming from bungie you can sort of bet that anything blizzard could release would get dwarfed in sales. I mean people have been trying to kill the Halo franchise for years but it hasn't happend and I don't think a company like blizzard is up to a challenge like that. Don't get me wrong their a great company and they produce the best games out there. But the Shooter genre isn't their field.
  14. BirdofPrey

    BirdofPrey New Member

    Aug 20, 2007
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    Ghost was being produced by a third party, some company other than Blizzard, when it ceased to exist Ghost was put on hiatus.
  15. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    ...Doesn't stop them from making a shooter game.

    And why would Blizzard try to kill Halo?

    Gears of War 2 is what? Only slightly oversold by Halo 3?

    Doesn't stop Epic Games from doing stuff for the Xbox.
  16. Jshep89

    Jshep89 New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    I'm just saying they should stick to a field they know. And in the end it still comes down to sails. I'm just using halo as kind of an example. Honestly Blizzard wouldn't stand a chance against other companies in the shooter genre.
  17. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    Won't know until they try.
  18. Jshep89

    Jshep89 New Member

    Mar 31, 2009
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    I think they should play it safe. They have a good record so far. Why ruin it?
  19. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    Blizzard's never released a bad game.
  20. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    ^That could change.

    Seriously though, even if ghost is the total failure Blizzard is big enough to recover.