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Banelings are op

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Bio0rmech, May 25, 2010.

Banelings are op

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Bio0rmech, May 25, 2010.

  1. Mattbaumann777

    Mattbaumann777 New Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    Yeah, they have low hit points, they are fairly slow. They do less damage than Scourges did. They're the only Zerg unit that costs 1 supply. Zerg have no Lurkers and must depend on units like Banelings for base defense.
  2. Prawn108

    Prawn108 New Member

    Jul 25, 2010
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    don't look up
    the OP is obviously raging after a bad game where he got abused by banelings, perhaps multiple games. That doesn't mean the unit is imbalanced. It means your particular strategy is imbalanced against them. Change your strategy. Scout his base and see if he is going for them. If he is, blow up his slow *** banelings before they reach you with micro marauders. Marauders have a slowing attack if I interpreted that correctly, and if banelings get too close, break one unit off to take the flak. They might use 2 or 3 on that one unit. Every time they use a baneling, they are permanently losing that unit.

    Come on. Banelings suck. They are just easy to abuse vs people who haven't learned how to deal with them. Lets not try to balance the game in favor of unskilled turtlers, and instead balance for every race to be agressive.
  3. Worm Shoes

    Worm Shoes New Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    You see a lot of diamond players use them 1vs1 mostly against terran and protoss.

    You can get an early GG (even though people just rage quit before the GG these days :( ), but only with great micro management....but they are so situational.

    You only really use them in the first 5minutes in the game anyways...or against MMM balls...other then that they aren't really worth it.....in my opinion ;)

    But they are deffinately not over powered.
  4. skullkandy

    skullkandy New Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    I completely disagree. use bainlings and you may rethink them being OP. I try to utilize bainlings quite a bit and I can tell you watching resources, (especially gas) go up in smoke isn't fun, and very rarely returns your investment.

    For example I had a game where i was getting collosi stuffed up my rear. (oh to have a unit that does area effect damage, ignores terrain, and can take a ton of damage....or even a unit that does one of those things) In an epic micro use on my part I stuffed zerglings all around the collosi to trip up their pathing and soak firepower, then rolled a group of 35 banelings into the back of the 4 colossi without them taking a single casualty on the way in.

    ...end result, 2 collosi went down and the 3rd was wounded to about half. thats 875 gas I spent to kill 400 gas worth of units, not to mention the mineral cost as well. This was in the completely optimal situation for me since I didn't lose a single banling to fire on the way in. So after the attack I had spent over half the resources my opponent did on the battle, completely out microed him, and when it was over I had no units left (because mine die in order to deal damage) and he had 2 units left one of which was at half health but easily got back to full shield.

    banelings are certainly not OP, even if you succeed with them and win an engagement, you still lose them instead of winning and having your spent resources still there to fight on.