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a zergs desire~

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by thitian, Jun 26, 2007.

a zergs desire~

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by thitian, Jun 26, 2007.

  1. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    i think only small units can ride the nydus the worm like the zerglings.. yes the zerg turtle idea would be cool. i mean you could build right a way a new unit if a new larva spawns from it, aside from your hives plus its mobile so you can just hold position it safely near on any battles or in strategic locations.
  2. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    By larva, I mean larva just like the ones you get from hatcheries. You can make drones, casters, mutas, ovies, you name it.

    We don't know exactly how nydus worms work yet, they might move slow. Besides, if it was a prolonged battle, I don't think multiple trips transporting will be the same thing. Loading all your units into ovies just to send to the frontlines wasn't really any faster than just having them run there you know what I mean?
  3. paragon

    paragon Guest

    That sounds like it would imbalance the zerg too much. They're already fast. That would make them just continue their onslaught without pause.
  4. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    You can't really just make a million of em cuz being units they'll take up food/supply count, while not being able to offer any direct offensive capabilities.

    I don't think the "Zerg turtle" can really be abused.  You're basically paying mineral/gas for something that lets you do what you can already do with hatcheries, but these take up food and can be killed much easier than hatches.

    Larva spawn rate will also limit you from pumping out units non-stop after you make the first ones.  It goes without saying that the turtles should only spawn larva at the rate of hatchery at max, not lair/hive rate.
  5. paragon

    paragon Guest

    Well imagine someone having a bunch of these turtle units right by the front and once units die they are replaced right there rather than having to make them at their base and moving them up to the battle.
  6. Ghost

    Ghost New Member

    Jun 12, 2007
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    Story-wise it would be appropiate, but not for the fun of the game =D
  7. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    How many is a bunch? I'm imagining high tech and 2~3 food, not to mention gas cost. If we're talking about say six turtles, that would already be 12 to 18 food just for the turtles who can't even fight. That's 24 to 36 lings or 12 to 18 hydras that you could have had instead. If you get even more turtles, sure you can replace a greater number of units quickly, but it also means that you'll have less units actually fighting in the first place. And after the first batch of replacements, it will slow down as you would have to wait for more larva to spawn.

    I tried to picture as many scenarios as I could, but it still didn't seem very abusable to me. With all things considered, I really believe it could work. Terran could fly production buildings to near the frontlines, and Toss now get warp-in. If Blizz could make near instant production of gateway units work, this could definitely work.
  8. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    yes, i don think it would be imba. maybe the zerg turtle has low hp and slow etc. abusive or not the only thing i care about is the unit itself, the look and feel of it. nice idea remy.
  9. paragon

    paragon Guest

    I guess it would always be possible to just change their larva respawn time or some other attribute to make them balanced.
  10. ShoGun

    ShoGun Guest

    ZERG for life, baby!

    God I love those little guys, it brings me so much joy to watch them scurrying about, massacring and devouring.

  11. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    Oh hell yea, you got that right baby!

    I love Zerg, I really do. It's beauty in motion.
  12. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    wow you really like zerg. 90% of the time i always lose playing zerg.

    care to give me tips in small maps? anyway i can't wait for the zerg in game demo, i wanna know what their units looks like.

    do you think the lurkers will return? if ever they will be back, do you think they can move underground now in starcraft 2? do you think its overpowered? anyone who can give me a good answer about the lurkers will recieve an instant power up from me. how about you remy? since your a zerg enthusiast. 8)
  13. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    You can save the power up, I'll reply anyway.  Cuz hell, I love Zerg.

    On small maps you should really take the offensive stance on things.  Constantly harassing with lings non-stop.  Short distances to enemy bases is a big plus for lings, and just Zerg in general.

    At tier 2, you're faced with a choice with going mutas or lurkers, on small maps, opting for mutas will generally pay off better.  Although with careful scouting, if you catch your opponent with his pants down, small maps can be easy to get off lurker tech rush.  A Terran with nothing but one comsat is him with his pants down, having only one or two cannons or turrets at choke and nothing else is close too.  Even with choke blocked up, you can consider teching transport to drop lurks deep.  If they have NOTHING at all, then you know they're just begging to be lurk rushed.

    If you plan on using lings extensively, invest in run speed upgrade early, otherwise tech mutas asap.  Keep producing cheap mineral-only lings to balance out the gas heavy mutas.  Depending on what you scout on your opponent, hydra tech aren't always a necessity when going mutas.

    When going against another Zerg, if your early pressuring with lings is keeping him at bay but not enough to take him out, bring drones to build on his creep on subsequent assault waves.  If you succeed in containing him for even a short while, you've already won yourself the mid-game.

    Hope this helps a little.

    Now to address your lurker questions, lurks will most definitely be back in SC2.  I wouldn't even be surprised if they are exactly as they were before.  Lurks were a key unit to Zerg, in many situations Zerg just can't make it without them.

    As for the underground movement aka tunneling, I would have to say no, as it would be overpowered.  No unit with true cloak(being able to attack and move full time under cloak effect, even if it's limited by energy) has splash damage.  But lurker splash isn't even splash at all, it's AoE melee damage in a straight line.  Lurk splash does full damage to everything it hits within its AoE, no other splash is this way in SC.  Meaning, all splash damage suffers from damage loss the farther away it gets from the point of contact, but not lurks.  All splash damage other than the main hit is very weak against armor upgrades for this reason because they are weaker than the main hit to begin with, but again, not lurks.

    Hope all of this are satisfactory answers to your questions.
  14. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    thanks so much. im very much satisfied and i think i can die now.

    ok im going to try everything you said. mutas? only mutas? no guardian or devourer in small maps? maybe your right, guardian building requires a lot of gas. mass mutualisk! i never thought of that, i always feel that they are useless and should be upgraded to guardians which in most cases i always come up short. ok mass mutas! im going to try this. and mass lurker rush, im going to try it to, my opponent don't build much cannon or turrets in small maps i think im going to own with zerg now. anyway i always use hydralisk (no air units) on small maps with few lurkers doing cheap shots, but its always not enough to win. ok zergling mass too, im going to try all of these options in small maps. rush rush rush in small maps. thanks. i'll keep that in mind.

    im sure lurkers will look and dig cool in starcraft 2. like i said its overpowered. heheh. but it would be cool tho if they can move underground tremors style..

    thanks again but i already powered you up earlier so maybe tommorow. :good:
  15. paragon

    paragon Guest

    when going against zerg I get goliath/tank combo with science vessels as detector/support and a few valks if they really go air. And I usually maintain a small dropship fleet for rapid deployment.
  16. PowerkickasS

    PowerkickasS New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    if you do that then you're begging the zerg player to mass mutalisks. goliaths arent as anti-air towards mutalisks as you may think :p
  17. paragon

    paragon Guest

    Um thats why I said i add some valks. Despite some people saying they suck, they do in fact rape massed mutas.
  18. Hito

    Hito New Member

    Jun 28, 2007
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    I think drones should have small wings, like a fly/bee etc. Would look cooler =)
  19. paragon

    paragon Guest

    drones did move pretty ridiculously. How did they even more anyways? They were hovering like the other workers but... how...
  20. Remy

    Remy New Member

    May 31, 2007
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    Zeratul11, lol buddy old pal, I didn't say "mass" anything. Even early teching mutas, you'd still have to make good use of lings. It's like choosing to box with one arm, "I'm gonna beat your face in with a million jabs, nothing else!"

    If at early mid-game/tier 2, you can't get a GG out of your opponent with ling/muta, you'd still have to go back and ride hydra/lurker tech. Especially against Terran, you can joy ride with mutas all you want, but you'd better have lurks when it's time or you'll be sorry.

    Guardians come later, they're tier 3.