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A general summation of complaints against starcraft 2

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by asdf, Jul 29, 2010.

A general summation of complaints against starcraft 2

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by asdf, Jul 29, 2010.

  1. teraformer

    teraformer New Member

    Jan 10, 2009
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    kansas city, MO

    So what about the game causing some pc's to run hot? Isnt happening to too many just something I read while browsing.
  2. Bun-Bun

    Bun-Bun New Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    Personally I would chalk that up to inexperienced users not understanding computers.

    Example. user only plays games that are not very CPU or Video intensive and then runs starcraft 2 and wonders why their computer is running hotter....

    Unless you can find some solid proof from someone who knows what they are talking about... but thats just me.
  3. Mattata

    Mattata New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    My only complaint is one im sure you have talked about and alot of people will think is stupid, but here goes. I just wish they had the missions for all 3 races released at launch. Now obviously they have alot of missions for each race, about as many for 1 race as they had with the original SC for all 3. However, this could have been solved by simply releasing all 3 different packs at the same time, and maybe not have to buy all 3. On one hand it makes no sense throw 150$ worth of games to buy out there at once because that will overwhelm many.
  4. avenger

    avenger Guest

    Mulitplayer Complaint(s)

    Post Removed by Author.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2010
  5. Arrowmaker

    Arrowmaker Guest

    Single-player Re-play-ability

    I'm not sure this qualifies as an actual complaint, in the sense of "something wrong". SC2 is simply the most intense, beautifully rendered, full-featured (etc) RTS I have ever played. It (almost) makes the 12-year wait after Broodwar worth it.

    However (don't you hate it when people say that?), the design decision that eliminated the majority of campaign units from the single-player "versus AI" mode is disappointing, to say the least. One of the things that made SC1 so fantastic in the skirmish mode (aka vs AI) was the availability of all the units and tech oh-so-painfully acquired during the campaign. I fully understand and endorse the unit restrictions for multiplayer PvP - makes the game go lots faster, and evens the playing field. However, the single player replay-ability of SC1 seems to have been lost. It sort of feels like a chocolate-addicted kid being shown a bowl full of the world's best, and then told he can't have any. Yes, I know it is theoretically possible to use the map editor to re-add those units to a custom designed map. However, unlike the minute or so it took to add, say, heroes or powerups to SC1, it appears you need to have a PhD in software engineering to do so in SC2. At least I've never been able to figure it out. Nor do I particularly want to learn that type of esoterica.

    Does anyone know if Blizz is even re-considering that particular design decision? Or perhaps what design constraint made them do this? I'm not looking for a PvP training scenario, I just want to play with all the neat toys Blizz put in the campaign.

    Thanks for any response.
  6. Pbk

    Pbk New Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    dude paragraphs are your friend!!!