You can't compare Sin City, The Matrix Trilogy, and 300. Thats 3 freaking genres of movies... Thats just ridiculous and head chopping is something thats memorable to anyone I would presume.. Anyways its a movie based off a comic based off of history so please just deal with it. Your taking the qualities most movies repeat and laying them as the grounds for "It sucked" not a good argument. Well, if you expected it to be only fights then it might as well have been a Made for TV Movie. A Story is only as good as the background portrayed in it. Therefore all the talks are their for a reason. It provide a spot of rest and spot of background to a mixture of Fight Fight Fight Speech Fight Fight Fight Speech, ect. Overall it's a good movie imo and you can't disclaim it with those arguments unless you disclaim a large amount of other movies.
300 had a boring plot, the only thing that wouldve compensated for the bad story would be good action. 300 is a MOVIE, thus can be compared to other MOVIEs. I compared it to sin city only because it is also a based on a Frank miller comic, and is similar to 300, yet not as popular and overhyped despite being a better movie. No-one born after 300s release will know about or see 300, it was a bad and forgettable movie.
well... the laws of economics give the final word you can chant, "it sucked, it sucked, it sucked" as much as you like... but the box office said otherwise... and in the end, that's what counts
I know I'm n00b but I just watched it. For the first time. I was annoyed to see all the backgrounds done with computers and thus highlighting the irregularities of lighting between that and the characters, very poor work. But maybe it was meant to be like that, I don't know. I liked the plot regardless of its inaccuracies and I found Xerxes to be like a mean gay overlord. I didn't like the gay bit. Final verdict: not a must-see, more like a nothing-left-to-watch category. ps why are there so many parodies of this movie? Is it to express that it was terrible and should be made fun of?
The only issue I have with the movie is the movie doesn't show the discipline the Spartan army had. It looks more like they are mindless killers. The phalanx would not have dissipated after the first wave of enemies hit. They would also not go into battle and break away from the phalanx to attack by thenselves. Over all, the movie was great and a must see for those who like action films.