I dun think anyone posted this video up before, but it's also pretty hilarious. It's a "pg" trailer of 300. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNqiSkd1M6k
Is that the Caketown one? BTW..... [img width=670 height=999]http://www.vgcats.com/comics/images/070415.jpg[/img]
Ive seen the trailer before, but this is the first time ive seen that comic. haha. BTW Archlimit, your new avatar is amazing :good:
for more of those comics to go vgcats.com. it's great. btw.... http://youtube.com/watch?v=rZBA0SKmQy8
Yeah, I respect that opinion. I was just looking for a movie with a bunch of Spartan kickass, I wasn't really that critical of historical innacuracies at the time or wether the plot was dry or not...I just wanted to have fun with it
yea, I dont think u should have went into that movie looking for an awesome plot. You know? Also, it is actually pretty accurate to the history, but then again, no one really knows what happend in ancient history, because none of it was documented.
Eh, I found quite a few inaccuracies, but I was just focusing on its action....plus I just kept reminding myself this was a graphic novel, so I was just there to have a fantastic time
Me too! I loved the movie! :good: But my point is that the innaccuracies were not so off that it changed the entire story. So, who really knows how innacurate the movie was if none of that history was ever doncumented.
the mario one is priceless... Being Persian, I thought the movie was good, but I couldn't help but feel annoyed every time they demonized the Persians...yeah, I know it's ancient history, but Persian Pride is a big thing amongst us, and we don't take kindly to any sort of criticism of our heritage. I was EXTREMELY disappointed at the portrayal of the Persian higher-ups, with all the piercings and dainty accoutrement. Xerxes was the single gayest king I have ever seen...lip gloss? Eye shadow? He was wearing more makeup than all the members of Kiss put together ffs. I mean granted, he was an idiot (it was under his command that the Persian navy moved into the Bay of Salamis - Xerxes: "Hmmm the Greek navy is hiding in a small bay with cliffs on all sides....what should I do??? I got it! Send in my entire navy all at once!! *sends navy into the bay* Greek catapaults: Hi. I'm a catapault. *ownage ensues* Xerxes" Ohhhh fiddlesticks!), but one thing alone makes that portrayal crazily inaccurate...he had no hair! Have you ever seen a typical Persian guy? We buy shaving cream by the keg!
nikzad the story is told from the perspective of that guy with one eye. so its all out of proportion anyways. He wasnt even around for the end battle
There are many inaccurates in 300, but its hollywood they had to make it entertaining. One thing that annoys me though is when people think they know everything about a event in history after they watched a movie of it. It wasn't 300 that defended against the entire army of the persians on that narrow passage, it started out as a few thousand, can't remember the exact number though, and it was only 300 when they were retreating when the Perisans found a back route, so the army retreated but those 300 stood behind to cover them while they retreated. Most of the battle consisted of thouse thousand+ men, and only toward the end when they retreated was there 300. Also I beleive Leondius actually died in the battle and they displayed his head to decrease morale or something. not sure of the exact details though. Then, the spartans had superior technology compared to the persians, they had wicker shields and their light armor and shields were easily peirced by the superior spartan weaponary that was a more high quality metal,etc.
Actually it wasn't even down to 300 for the final battle, more like 1000. There were the 300 Spartans with Leonidus and 700 Thespians. Just checked the wonderful and most accurate source in the world Wikipedia to double check my numbers and the article there also mentions 900 Helots, Spartan Serfs. Also, the lack of body armor amongst the Spartans was inaccurate. They should have had heavy bronze breastplates. Also the tactics they used in the movie were a bit off. At first they used the famous phalanx but that quickly disolved. The Greek armies were to disciplined to break their protective formation so easily. But it is just a movie and as stated by others was based on a graphic novel. Its best to ignore the inaccuracies and enjoy the bad ass Spartans kicking ass and taking names.
Yea, its just that it annoys me when people that saw the movie think they know everything about that event in history just because they saw the movie, not saying anyone here is like that. Also I agree about Xerxes, the first time I saw him I couldn't stop laughing, he came off as soooo cliche and sterotypical.
i think that that was the point whats the MOST you could do to make a bad guy appear bad. its a hollywood adaption of a very simplfied/exagerated comic by frank miller. the spartans are big men, the essence of macho, whislt the persians indulge in all kinds of decedance, one of them has the head of a goat.
Xerxes broke the rules. Not saying he evil ,but, he broke the Overlord rules. http://www.eviloverlord.com/lists/overlord.html Hilarious. ;D
300 sucked, sin city was way better. 300 is overrated and has too much plot. I thought it was going to be an over the top rediculous movie full of action like Escape from L.A. but it wasnt it took itself seriously, way to seriously. The otherthing is there were no memorable parts of the movie to think about when you leave the theater. Most movies have an exciting part elevated above the rest for example the fight between luke and vader in RotJ or when the felbeast gets its head cut off in LotR. In 300 all the action is at that level so it gets boring. A guy gets its head cut off and your like "holy shit! that guy got his fucking head clean sliced off" by the third time its not special, you dont give a shit anymore you dont leave the film saying "remember when the guy got his head cut off" because it happend so much. The same thing goes for slow-motion action, they over did it. In the Matrix they had a few parts with slow motinon like the lobby-scene, and it worked. 300 didnt have any "scenes" it was one long fight, Oh wait no it wasn't, thats what we were promised, instead a great portion of the movie is self righteous bullshit speeches by Leonidus and his wife.